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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Borderlands The Best Mayhem Modifiers in the History of Gaming was Halos Skulls.

    Borderlands The Best Mayhem Modifiers in the History of Gaming was Halos Skulls.

    The Best Mayhem Modifiers in the History of Gaming was Halos Skulls.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:40 AM PST

    I started thinking about potential "Mayhem 2.0" and then I went to a buddies house where we played some Firefight on Halo Reach.

    That's when I realized that Mayhem and Skulls are practically the same except implemented differently. In Halo, once you unlocked a skull, you could turn it on and it would add different difficulties and quirks to the game. Cloud turns off radar, Iron increased health/shields of enemies, grunt birthday party... Well you get the idea.

    I feel like if Mayhem was implemented like this it would be so much easier/better and give us a more customizable experience. If Halo could do it in the last decade, why can't Borderlands do it this decade?

    submitted by /u/Wraithgar
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    Gearbox should reconsider their balancing choices for the Maliwan Takedown

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:05 PM PST

    I wanted to wait a day and try more matchmaking before I made this post, thinking that I might have better luck, but my frustrations are exactly the same. I'm going to try to make my points as objectively and well though out as I can and not rant in a paragraph long sentence. I'm also going to add ideas for what can be done to alleviate my grievances. So if your comment is going to boil down to "git gud scrub" or "iTs meAnT FoR 4 PeOPle", please go back to posting elf on the shelf memes on r/Borderlands3.

    For reference, I was eager for difficult content in this game. I played the majority of my time in BL2 on OP8. The character I've been running the Takedown on can easily solo everything in the game on M3, and even M4 is not that bad.

    That said the design decisions Gearbox made for the Maliwan Takedown are making it difficult for me to have fun in it. The majority of my gripe comes with the "made for 4 players" tag. Yes I know people have soloed it, but throwing a shotgun at your feet and saying its balanced is, in my opinion, the same as saying Voracidous is fine because you Pimerhabbed him with Salvador. Now, I've had runs where my teammates were good and it felt pretty fair, but that's few and far between. I don't have 3 friends who are willing to hard grind the Takedown over and over whenever I want, which is to be expected. So I'm forced to use the matchmaking system, which leads to a list of problems;

    1. I have no idea how good or well equipped my teammates are. Like I said, I've had runs where we get to Wotan without too much trouble. But the vast majority of runs, my teammates either are unequipped, underskilled, or both. And in these instances I've had people die before we even get to Kraken, or think they can facetank the entire Maliwan army.

    2. The game has pretty bad performance and connections to randoms can be awful. It's been an issue plaguing the game since release. But when you have 4 people throwing Hex's/Ghast Call's, the performance can and will severely tank. I've dropped to around 10 fps during the Valkyries fight from all the particle effects. I've also had games be nearly unplayable because the hosts internet was crap, and it took half a second to do anything.

    3. If someone dies they leave. This means that even if you manage to push through to the respawn with subpar numbers, it doesn't matter, because you'll probably fail anyway. And if you completely teamwipe, you might as well leave because now it will just be even harder. So you've just wasted all that time.

    4. It doesn't even match you with 3 other people every time. I've had it match me with 1 other person. What are 2 people supposed to do to a 4 man raid?

    5. What happens in 3 years when there is no one searching in matchmaking? Do I just hope that the characters and weapons become so op in the future, that soloing it will be viable?

    6. There are people who can't even use the matchmaking. Whether it be due to bugs, internet problems, or lack of regional support, these players don't even get the option to do the Takedown, unless they actually want to use the most overpowered build at the time, if they can manage to even get that gear.

    So all these factors combine to an incredibly frustrating experience, even as someone who is trying to do the raid the way Gearbox intended. When I get good groups the raid is genuinely fun, but that happens so few times that it's almost not worth doing at all. Out of 20 or so attempts, I've managed to kill Wotan twice. The rest my teammates struggle to even get halfaway. Could some of this be bugs introduced in the patch (looking at you Guardian Ranks), sure. Could it be inexperience and the newness of the event? Sure. But I expect some of these issues will never go away.

    So what do I suggest to help these issues?

    1. Make the Takedown scale with player number. Yes it's "meant for 4 people", but that simply causes more frustration for a large number of players. Instead of punishing those who go solo, reward those who do it with 4. For instance, make Wotan drop 2-5 legendaries if you're solo, but up to 15 if you have a full group. Even then separating agro and having people to revive you will still make it optimal to do with others.

    2. Reduce the number of mobs in some of the areas, at least for solo play. The areas to me that seem over the top are the Valkyrie fight, the lead up to Wotan, and Wotan himself. With Wotan being by far the worst. A boss fight is one thing, but a boss fight where you spend more time killing mobs than the boss is annoying. It would be one thing if it was only cannon fodder for second winds and kill skills, but on the later stages of the Wotan fight he starts spawning mini bosses. With teammates it isn't too bad, dividing up agro. But solo is absurd with 8+ badass and higher enemies, plus a boss hitting you.

      A good consolidation for the Wotan fight would be to have a way to stop him form spawning them, like Constructors in BL2. Say if you shot at one of the 2 balls on the sides of his head he'd stop the animation and not spawn as many mobs.

    3. Add 2 more spawn points, one before the Valkyrie fight, and one before the Wotan fight. It feels like shit dying to a boss, only to have to fight through half the entire map to get back there. It's probably the number 1 reason why people quit after dying. If these spawns were added, it would relieve some of the stress of having to get a perfect run every time, and would allow teammates to respawn more often so they're not forced into half an hour of spectator. It would incentivize both solo and group players to keep trying instead of just leaving in anger.

    If you've read to this point, thank you. Hopefully you can help add to the conversation and not just make snarky remarks like most posts devolve into. Like I said, the Takedown is fun when it works, but the majority of the time just causes a ton of frustration due to the near requirement of 4 players, and some of its other mechanics.

    TL;DR read the post. I do more than just rant in a run on sentence and actually offer solutions to the problems I, and I assume many others are having.

    submitted by /u/Tamed_Trumpet
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    Thank you Gearbox

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST

    For paying attention to the little details. One in particular that i find absolutely great is that Tina's eye still twitches. In borderlands 2 this was a bug shortly after launch but the fans and gearbox loved it so much that they never patched it. This made Tina seem even more unstable and added character to.... well the character. It is now officially canon in BL3 and i love it.

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:02 AM PST

    Due to the Moze's Iron Bear being buffed in the most recent patch I believe it's time to take a serious look into builds that center completely around Iron bear's power. I would like assistance crafting and perfecting a build that will allow Moze Players to make a viable Iron Bear build. Let us be the architects of our own strength my fellow Moze Mains and together we will craft ingenuity unseen before in this sub.

    To begin I would like to point to the newly added Mayhem 4 mode, in no way do I believe an Iron Bear centered build has any chance of clearing many enemies, so I will reference the standard of Mayhem 3 when I refer to difficultly.


    This is definitely going to be the main tree you go down in order to make this build viable. It adds many enhancements to Iron Bear and allows Iron Bear to get Hammerdown Protocol, one her best attachments for Iron Bear.

    Deadlines: Seems like an absolute necessity in order to use this build properly, more fuel = more dps output and tanking while keeping you safely inside.

    Grizzled: I'm unsure about Grizzled, due to the fact it emphasizes that it has diminishing returns I feel like those points could be better spent on Explosive Punctuation instead due to it not having said problem of diminishing returns.

    Fire in the Skag Den: Adds Extra DPS to every explosion you produce including Iron Bear's, just a good source of incendiary damage.

    Torgue Cross-Promotion: I honestly don't know how to feel about this one 15% isn't bad but isn't too great and applies both to Moze and Iron Bear, there is no increase in damage but purely radius. However, if you get the rare 15% on a Hammerdown protocol it feels oh so good.

    Stainless Steel Bear: Absolutely Necessary for this build, there are only positives for this skill and should absolutely get points shoveled into it.

    Auto Bear: Only requires one point and is quite useful, the 15 second duration is quite useful if there is ever a need to exit Iron Bear and do something else. Iron Bear can give useful cover fire along with protection when taken with Security Bear

    Vampyr: Now that this skill applies to both Moze and Iron Bear it is a necessity to take, it can come in extremely clutch and keep you topped off in situations where you've taken too much damage. Would highly recommend all 5 points into this one.

    Explosive Punctuation: I believe this skill outclasses Grizzled do to its lack of negatives, the only requirement is to do splash damage which is not something difficult to do. You want to get back in Iron Bear as soon as possible and this will help do that.

    Short Fuse: Will help you meet your Explosive Punctuation requirement along with some extra damage on top.


    I believe this tree will be a guaranteed secondary choice due to its support in Iron Bear and Base Moze allowing her not to completely rely on Iron Bear.

    Security Bear: This skill seems way too free honestly, requires one point and is at the beginning of the tree, there should never be a reason you're not taking this skill in a Iron Bear Build.

    Armored Infantry: Helps keep Moze alive while separated from Iron Bear, would highly recommend.

    Vladof Ingenuity: Same reason as Armored Infantry

    Thin Red Line: I'm unsure about this skill honestly, seems like preference but I'm not going to speak against it. Definitely take it if you're going into Desperate Measures.

    Full Can I'd Whoop-Ass: Always take this, if you are low shields before getting into Iron Bear this can easily be remedied by this singular point skill. Would always take this skill.

    Desperate Measures: Buffs up both Moze and Iron Bear when low on Health, Desperate Measures along with Vampyr can allow one Hammerdown Protocol hitting 5 people to get you almost back to full. Quite useful.


    I don't think much of this tree is to be used however it does have a couple of positives.

    Dakka Bear: Never take this, the gun does no damage and takes DPS away from the team.

    Stake the Embers: Can be quite useful with Fire in the Skag Den, all explosions gain from this combo.

    Scorching RPM's: I'm gonna be real with you, I don't know what the hell Hard Point Damage is but umm... it boosts Iron Bears Damage I suppose? Take it? Maybe? I dunno.

    Specialist Bear: Can absolutely put Iron Bear's DPS over the top. 25% increase to all damage is a godsend. However getting to this skill can be quite rough.


    With this build you should find weapons that do damage with good AOE, for this I highly recommend the Flakker, even after its nerfs it has decent output and couldn't hurt.

    I'm quite unsure what else to put here other than the Devil's Foursum, Scourge and MAYBE the Redline.


    You're going to want a class mode the boosts the power of Demolition Woman's Iron Bear boosting skills above all else. That skill tree is key.

    Bear Trooper: Nothing but positives, it keeps you in Iron Bear longer which is exactly what we want.

    There is a class mod who's name evades me which makes Auto Bear last much longer. I wouldn't use it personally but I mean sure, why not.


    I've got no clue honestly, i need some help to discern what make a Relic good for this build. All I can think of is maybe some boosts or Splash Damage Radius or Action Skill Cooldown but let's find out together.


    There are currently some bugs that will kind of effect the Iron Bear experience.

    Left arm not working after first use: This only happens online but sometimes after the first use of Hammerdown Protocol the arm refuses to reload the next shot and does not reload until Iron Bear I called again.

    The Left Arm does more damage than the right: Recently it was discovered that the left arm of iron does almost double the damage of the right. Not sure if A, The Damage hotfix only applied to the left arm and not the right or B, The Damage is buffed on both arms but Left is just even more buffed due to a miscalculation. Either way, keep it in mind.

    Immediately exiting Iron Bear: Sometimes the game says,"Fuck you" and kicks you out of Iron Bear as soon as you get in. It's now a rarity but still exists.

    Wavedashing: You can spam jump in Iron Bear to wavedash, it's quite useful for kiting out enemies. Get used to the movement and you'll be untouchable.


    Let us Discuss how to increase the power of Iron Bear and create a build never before seen. Let us be the dawn of a new Meta, together with your help we will scar our names onto the flesh of the Meta!

    submitted by /u/StandsAreCool
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    Til COV uses beer bottles as AR scopes.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:08 AM PST

    It would be sweet if I didn't have to drag Zane's ghoulies across the forehead of the poor soul I'm attempting to resurrect.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:44 AM PST

    Instead they get a sweet view of his musty codpiece while I try in vain to smash the square button and not act a maggot myself. Thankfully I haven't bound crouch to square or I would be adding insult to injury.

    Seriously tho Gearbox plz extend the range of resurrecting a teammate beyond our grundle.

    submitted by /u/arkillion13
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    How to improve Maliwan Takedown

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    • Red chest at the end for streamers and casuals alike
    • First few attempts at Wotan Lorali should give some slight audio cue as to what Wotan is doing and what you should do to counter it
    • Give a bigger indicator on your comrades being downed, its so much more important in this Raid than the rest of the game
    • Some sort of reward for completing it with someone who has never completed it before

    Feel free to post your own improvements you would like to see!

    submitted by /u/MikeSouthPaw
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    Matchmaking is getting pretty annoying now

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:50 AM PST

    It seems like matchmaking has been a problem from day 1 of borderlands 3's release. With Maliwan takedown, an activity I would say is designed for more than 1, to spend ages in matchmaking to find 1 or 2 people is quite annoying. I love the changes and things added to the game recently, but I would like to see this being fixed

    submitted by /u/Montymonkey
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    Does it bother anyone else that Zane's Hitman capstone has anti-synergy with SNTNL

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

    Under Cover capstone upgrades barrier based on your shield.

    Double Agent capstone upgrades clone based on your weapon.

    Not only does Hitman capstone not have any synergy with drone, there's actually anti-synergy. Drone has the longest duration and longest cooldown of all his action skills which means Seein' Red gets triggered less. I would like to see something like "While SNTNL is active, Zane's Kill Skills last indefinitely" appended to the skill.

    submitted by /u/itsTheArmor
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    Where can I find Maggie?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:55 PM PST

    If somebody knows where the Maggie drops, I would also like to know.

    The answer is Tremendous Rex. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNOdHJN_ozI

    submitted by /u/GodlessAtom
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    Is there any good way to get xp quick

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:25 PM PST

    I'm level 48 and I just want to do the Maliwan takedown but I keep dieing to fast so is there a good way to get to level 50

    submitted by /u/Ifunny_gay
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    Please add a tediore sniper rifle

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:48 PM PST

    I like running a tediore moze and I want the full benefits of all tediore equipment. Sadly, this makes it hard to pick off people at significant ranges.

    Therefore, can we get a tediore sniper legendary? The reload animation would be chucking it like a spear or harpoon rather than a lob with the flavor text favoring direct hits to have much higher damage than the splash. Can be something like:

    The White Harpoon:

    "Hardly makes a splash"

    -33% splash radius

    +50% stuck damage

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    Mayhem 4 Ammo Drops

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:02 AM PST

    I like the higher difficulty because you have to play a bit smarter to survive. However, I tend to run out of ammo since the enemies have more health and shields. This is especially true when soloing.

    Can we get more ammo from drops in Mayhem 4?

    submitted by /u/l0stb0i
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    Fl4k Shock Build

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:51 PM PST

    I'm sure a lot of Fl4k players are aware of the radiation build. I'm curious if anyone has experimented with a similar build but with the Transformer shield and the Alchemist, an assault rifle that deals shock damage to the user on every shot.

    submitted by /u/Wado-225
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    Am I the only one that can’t go to Athenas?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:49 PM PST

    After the update I noticed I can no longer go to Athenas on my lvl 27 Fl4k. It doesn't show up under planets in orbital view but I can still see the planet itself and the crosshairs lock on when I hover over it? Haven't checked my other characters yet, XB1.

    Edit: It is in fact only with Fl4k.

    submitted by /u/oneFnef
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    Has the Flakker farm location been found yet?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:34 PM PST

    Pretty much the title. Accidentally threw my really good one away a while back and now I NEED it.

    submitted by /u/StandsAreCool
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    I killed Gigamind 50x on m4, here are my drops

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:25 AM PST

    Of note: I have +14.73% luck with Guardian Ranks. With ranks "broken" I'm not sure if that is actually in effect. Also, while he does drop class mods the drop rate I reported the other day was obviously a fluke. The smart gun XXL drop rate (none?) was surprising to me.

    Gigamind spreadsheet

    Hopefully this works, this is literally my first time using Google Sheets.

    Onward to Mouthpiece! (But not on m4, I don't hate myself that much)

    submitted by /u/Smeggywulff
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    Menus show wrong icons

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    So I downloaded the free weekend trial, and so far I'm really enjoying the game. I put a lot of time into borderlands 2 but decided to hold off on 3 for a while. So I've noticed that the menus seem very buggy on ps4. For instance, it very commonly shows the wrong icon over items, especially when I switch to shields or grenades and it still shows gun icons. Occasionally it will try to display 2 icons on top of each other. I'm assuming this happens to other people. Is this a new bug/glitch or has it been there for a while?

    submitted by /u/tipsy_engineer
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    Text size accessibility

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:40 AM PST

    My gf and I couldn't play b3 at launch due to constant headaches from trying to read the text on guns and menus so we returned the game and waited for a issue a lot of people were reporting at the time to be resolved. We tried the free trial today and within ten minutes, same problem... I appreciate gearboxes diligence to fixing the many performance problems on all systems but I can't help but feel that this issue is easily fixed with just a universal text size slider for solo/co-op and it's making this game unplayable for a lot of people that just want to enjoy the game without a migraine.

    submitted by /u/Pilbaraladdy
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    Borderlands 3 gaming buddy or buddies [xbox]

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:20 PM PST

    Need to find someone to play with. Currently a level 5 Siren. Playing on the Xbox One. Looking to play with others within my age range. I'm 29. Thaaannkkkss. Send me a PM if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/iamthebella
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    Does the fasior drop from atomic?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:30 PM PST

    Can anybody confirm this because i want a fire one for my moze

    submitted by /u/generalpablo
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