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    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Borderlands What's your controversial Borderlands opinion?

    Borderlands What's your controversial Borderlands opinion?

    What's your controversial Borderlands opinion?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Mine is that the pre-sequel is a good game. It has some really interesting mechanics, amazing PCs, good story, decent bosses, amazing gear and don't get me started on Claptastic Voyage. It sadly was very rushed so it made the game falter, making the Darksiders the only viable farm for example. What's your Borderlands unpopular opinion?

    submitted by /u/assaultthesault
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    Triple Threat RETURNS! Level 65 Mayhem 10 Moze Build breakdown

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone!

    It's your friendly neighbourhood Moze main Nootmad, and I am back with another build breakdown. This time going over my newly updated Triple Threat Moze build which in my opinion is one of the best hybrid builds you can use for Moze in Mayhem 10 at Level 65! But before we go straight to the discussion, I also want to let you quickly know that i have made a video breakdown on this build over on my YouTube channel right here! so feel free to check it out there if text posts aren't your thing. But if you don't like videos, I gotchu!

    Time for the Build!

    So... The build.. Right.. Its a Hybrid setup as a mentioned before and can utilise 3 of Mozes best Class Mods incredibly well, and is something we will touch on soon.

    The Weapons!

    For the weapons, you can realistically use whatever you want. (as long as the weapons arent complete garbage). So meta selections like the Flipper, Beacon, Plaguebearer, Backburner, etc.. Are all synergised picks and you can find where to get them in this spreadsheet! However, if I may, I would like to recommend a few weapons that aren't considered best in slot, but that people should absolutely give a try. These weapons are"

    1. Unkempt Harold. This is a DLC 3 pistol you can get from Caber Dawd in Bloodsun Canyon and can roll in any element. However for this build, i recommend the kinetic variant and the radiation variant with both in the consecutive hits annoint.
    2. The Contained Blast. Another DLC 3 gun that drops from Abadoxis in Ashfall Peaks. Its a torgue assault rifle that is semi automatic. But, despite its firing mode, you can still fire it incredibly fast as long as you have a quick trigger finger ;) The Consecutive Hits annoint is once again the best in slot for this although you can get away with a next 2 mag elemental annoint if you want to constantly cycle iron bear for maximum annoint uptime.
    3. The Kaos assault rifle is a base game weapon and drops from the Psychobilies in Ambermire. Since its recent buff in the September 3rd hotfix, its become a very solid rifle alternative. It fires fast, hits hard, and can roll in any element. What's not to love?

    Class Mod

    As far as class mods go, i recommend 3. The Rocketeer, Mindsweeper or Blastmaster. And i recommend these 3 for a few reasons.

    1. Rocketeer COM gives moze an extra source of DPS through constant auto bear uptime dealing damage through hard hitting hardpoints like hammerdown protocol/capacitive armatures, or by "slagging" enemies through target softening (the vanquisher augment)
    2. Mindsweeper COM gives moze an incredibly high damage potential through the high damage micro nades that spawn on crits. These micro nades scale with grenade damage, crit damage and splash damage. And considering moze can boost all 3, you can see where this is going
    3. Next up, we have the Blastmaster. This COM gives moze sustained DPS as opposed to the burst damage potential of mindsweeper. The blastmaster also buffs up the damage of Iron Bear too and this is where the hybrid playstyle with iron bear comes into play.

    The sub stats i recommend are weapon type damage (assault rifle, pistol, shotgun, etc..), weapon crit damage and splash damage. All these stats are universally applicable and also come together to buff mindsweeper micro nade damage.


    The best in slot relic for this build is the Snowdrift Victory Rush (drops from Azalea in Jakobs Estate) and the reasons why are:

    1. Snowdrift gives Moze lots of mobility as without it (and without the speed demon mayhem modifier) moze is basically a snail that somehow got herself a 10 tonne mech.
    2. Victory Rush prefix gives us a nice little multiplicative damage boost as the victory rush damage bonus is calculated separately to the gun damage bonuses (that things like the pearl relic gives us), and the extra movement speed upon killing a badass is nice too because moze is slower than a god damn snail!

    The sub stats i recommend are once again similar to that of the Class Mod, basically being stats that boost your damage overall. Mag size isnt as required as it is for typical moze builds since we arent using things like blastmaster or green monster.


    Moving on from those focal gear pieces, we can touch on the shield

    1. Plus Ultra Shield (drops from Dr Benedict in Benediction of Pain - DLC 4) to boost our survivability and get a nice CDR bonus too (CDR meaning Cooldown Reduction for our Action Skill)

    The annoint i recommend is the gunner cooldown annoint to help get Iron Bear of cooldown faster. The Bonus Element annoints arent as recommended as once again, extra elements dont provide much benefit when skag den alone gives us so much.

    Skill Tree

    And now we can finally get to the skill tree. Now, instead of just talking about each skill, im just going to link the skill tree and just go over a few things that i think are out of the ordinary for standard moze builds. So. Here's the tree!

    Now, as far as skill tree uniqueness. There really isnt much. Just a few points though

    1. If you want to maximise your mindsweeper damage potential, take 2 points out of Vladof Ingenuity in red tree and max out pull the holy pin. The downside of that is you lose access to corrosive sabot, but in all honesty, capacitive armatures is more than capable of killing anything.

    And honestly, thats about it. If you have any questions about the skill tree, just let me know down below (in the comments...) and ill be sure to answer them!


    So yeah, that rounds out my build explanation. If you made it this far, i just want to thank you guys for reading the whole thing, and i hope you found it useful. I also want to let you know that i actually do a lot of video breakdowns just like on my own YouTube Channel here ( <---- click click pls ) so feel free to check that out if you're after some level 65 builds and general information to improve your game knowledge! Like always, if you have any questions or thoughts, let me know in the comments! I hope you guys found this quick discussion useful and I'll see you guys next post! o/

    submitted by /u/nivman1410
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    Legendary Collection Co-op (on the Switch)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Question, because I'm getting conflicting information online: Is 4-player local co-op possible on the Switch for the Legendary Collection?

    Has anyone tried it out? And, if not, how does the 4-player online co-op fare?

    submitted by /u/Vegetable_Elk
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    What's your favorite Easter egg fight IN BL3?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I ran into the BL3 versions of a Rick and Morty randomly a while ago and it was so cool to have a random and decently strong mini-boss pop out of nowhere and present a fun challenge.

    What's your favorite of these?

    (Mine is either Rick and Morty or The Power Troopers)

    submitted by /u/YoungPotatoSpeaks
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    Custom Notification sound?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Yeah so I was searching everywhere to find a clip of those doorways everytime Timothy opens a door in the Handsome Jackpot where it says "Hey there Handsome" and that's all I needed for a notification sound. So if anybody doesn't mind getting that thanks a bunch!

    submitted by /u/MelonHolmes
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    Borderlands Gods

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I wanted to try and draw some fanart featuring all of the gods from the games. So, I just want to check here if these are all of the worshipped:

    • The vaults in general
    • Slither
    • Marcus
    • Lilith
    • Scorch
    • The Calypso Twins

    I haven't played any of the DLC from the first game, the Pre-Sequel and Tales from the Borderlands, so I have probably missed some

    submitted by /u/myknifesarehands
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    Possible candidates for the next generation of Vault Hunters?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Although I believe it is highly unlikely due to the history of introductions of new VHs, I was speculating the possibility of certain NPCs to become playable.

    Back in BL:TPS, 5 of the 6 playable VHs were NPCs from BL1 (Athena and Claptrap) & BL2 (Jack's Double, Nisha, and Wilhelm).

    However, every generation (1, 2, & 3) has had entirely new VHs with (mostly) unrelated backgrounds that tend to introduce never-before mentioned topics (prior factions, planets, associations, etc.) This is why my idea is very unlikely.

    So you may be wondering why I brought that up and why is it relevant to the next possible games? Well, suppose for a moment the devs come up with another TPS and make some familiar characters playable...

    Who would you like to see made into a Vault Hunter?

    Based on the events of BL3, it's almost unanimous that Ava will be the next Siren. I believe Tina will be a Demolitionist.

    Besides those two, I can maybe think of a grown-up Pickle as a Tactician or something like that.

    As for a fourth? I am a bit stumped...

    Any other ideas for a young character growing up to become a VH?

    submitted by /u/RastaDaMasta
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    Plaything through all the DLC and just did the Cold Case questline.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck man.

    submitted by /u/kdebones
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    !!!PS4 Mayhem 2 and rising!!!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Looking for people to play with on PS4 no handsome jacks(assholes). I have all dlc but waiting until I have all base game stuff complete. Trying to do the Guardian takedown. Seems to be about the only thing I can't solo.

    submitted by /u/n00b1shx3
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    Borderlands 3 Zane Barrier Drone Build, Melt Mayhem 10

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    So Boyo's

    This is a rework of a build I used to run before guardian takedown. This build is for all the people that don't want to use clone but love zane!, if reading isn't your thing (I hate it) then click herefor my video breakdown on this build, feel free to watch that if you like videos better, now. Onto the build!

    Class Mod:

    The class mod you want to be using for this build is the seein dead (drops from jackbot in the vip tower DLC 1) This class mod is just absurd. Having a chance to keep Zanes' kill skills up whenever he hits an enemy. Come on guys what class mod did you expect!

    As for the stats on the Class Mod, I would recommend pistol damage, smg damage and anything else. These will help your redistributor/light shows. And for points try and get 5 into Donnybrook for a major increase in damage!!


    For the shield I would recommend a Cryo Old God (drops from empowered grawn DLC 2) this shield is used for boosting cryo damage overall.

    The annoint you want to get on this shield is the increase zanes movement speed by 15%, this goes hand in hand with Violent Speed and Violent momentum.


    The best relic to use on this build is a Snow Drift Victory Rush (drops from sloth in Konrads Hold) This relic is great for increasing your movement speed and slide speed to build up damage through Zanes kill skills. For the stats I would go for mag size just so you can output more bullets.

    Guns and Grenade:

    For the guns I would go for a redistributor and reflux, these two guns are amazing for chaining onto enemies and getting a lot of damage out. Some other options are the blood starved beast smg, Sand Hawk, and kaosons.

    You want to get the anoint while sntnl is active deal 100% cryo damage this works really well with this build. For the grenade you want to use a it's piss to occasionally de buff the enemies.

    Skill Tree!! And now for the skill tree, I'm going to be talking about all the skills. Now, here's the skill tree , if you don't want to read why everything works, skip to the bottom :).

    Blue Tree:

    Violent Speed and Violent Momentum work together to get you more speed and more damage, Cool Hand is nice so you can reload faster to get bullets out quicker, but if you don't care about this you can put the points somewhere else. Drone Delivery is great if you are using a pee nade, just to occasionally debuff the enemies. Salvation helps keep you alive, if you are mobbing you will never go down with two points into this. Death follows close buffs all of your kill skills to be 25 percent more effective. And it gives them more duration too. Violent Violence and Playing Dirty are just going to stack up even more bullets onto enemies, and get you shooting quicker. Good Misfortune will keep your action skills going all the time, you can finish the whole maliwan takedown without them resetting. Now I put one point into Seein Red but you don't overly need this so you can put the point somewhere else.

    Red Tree:

    Synchronicity will increase your gun damage for each active action skill, and since you are always going to have them both active this will always be giving you extra damage. Borrowed time will keep your action skills active for a longer time. Donnybrook is amazing. This gives you health regen and 45 percent extra damage for 15 seconds after killing an enemy, and with the seein dead class mod your kill skills will always be active so you will always be getting that buff. If you have 5 on donnybrook on your seein dead class mod this will double the effect to 90 percent more damage. So i would really suggest going for points into donnybrook (referred to this earlier). Supersonic man increases your speed when an action skills up, since both are going to be active all the time you will always be getting 24 percent extra speed, which is going to go with Violent Speed and Violent Momentum to get you more damage.

    Green Tree:

    Brain Freeze will give you a chance to freeze enemies when you hit their crits, this helps keep enemies slowed and makes them easier to target. Confident Competence will give you 35 percent extra gun damage when you have your shields up, and you are always going to have them up with the barrier protecting you.

    Mayhem Modifiers:

    Rogue Light is good because with this build you will never go down so it's an easy way to get the very hard modifier out of the way. Drone Ranger can help get you more damage with guns like the redistributor and reflux so that helps. I would also recommend going for speed demon just to get even more running speed.

    The end!!

    That finishes off the build explanation. If you have made it this far I just want to thank you for reading and I hope this has helped :) I have been doing a lot of video breakdowns on builds on my YouTube Channel if you want to check those out!! Hopefully this was useful, if there's anything I can do better or any feedback you can give me I would love to hear it. Have a great day guys :)

    submitted by /u/NapkinFinger
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    Cleared vanilla game, now what?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Morning Vault Hunters,
    So I played and finished the game on launch a few times and now a year later I picked it and all the DLCs up on Steam. Just wanna know what I should be doing first after beating the game? DLCs? Farm on Mayhem mode? Start a new char? New game plus?
    Vet of the series just wanna make the most of my time on this one.


    submitted by /u/theShyFry256
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    Claptrap why are they dead ?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    I was just asking me is there a deeper reason why handsome Jack killed all claptrap's ? Or did he just do it for fun ?


    submitted by /u/PointShots
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    Playthough 2.5 : Enemies are 2 levels higher than me.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hi folks 😃 So I'm level 61 and am encountering enemies of level 63 and I keep dying. And this isn't the story missions. These are optional side missions also. Any tips ? I'm itching to finish the game and kill Crawmerax before I start the other Borderlands games. Thanks for any feedback

    submitted by /u/Egghead1968
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    How do you find crawmerax?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I just got 61 and was wondering if it's possible to take him on yet or should I wait for max level? Online it was saying a quest You will die but I don't see this anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Elemental Resistance + Zane's Futility Belt

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    I have a strange question that I think I know the answer to, but I was hoping to get some clarification/confirmation on.

    How does elemental resistance on an artifact and Zane's "Futility Belt" synergize, if at all? From what I was reading, Futility Belt would activate after the damage has been calculated and taken away from that. So, with that in mind, if you have some type of elemental resistance on an artifact, and I get hit with some type of element damage, that damage is reduced by the artifact, then it's converted to NE damage and reduced because of Futility Belt. Does that round right?

    submitted by /u/wholelottabob
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    Borderlands 1 2nd play through

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Hi guys.

    After being recommended borderlands from people. I'm loving it! Can't believe I've missed this series!

    I've started my 2nd play through. After playing all the DLC. So I know I'm over powered, currently level 49. Will I not got as much exp because of this? Also what level will I finish up on after completing it a second time? I want to complete you. Will. Die. Mission.


    submitted by /u/samoxford
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    Ps4 to Pc

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Is there any way I can transfer my ps4 characters to pc? I've tried using a USB and it just says the files are corrupted. Thanks

    submitted by /u/NeneDaGangsta
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    Do we have a confirmed date for when the new skill trees are dropping for Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    I've been searching for about an hour and all I've been able to find is "maybe November, but probably December" - anyone got an actual date?

    I ask because my partner and I like to play multiplayer together but she's "burnt out" on Borderlands and says she'll come back when the skill trees drop (so I just wanna l ow how long I gotta wait lol)

    submitted by /u/Action-a-go-go-baby
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