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    Monday, September 28, 2020

    Borderlands Do weapons canonically have different weapon parts from different manufacturers?

    Borderlands Do weapons canonically have different weapon parts from different manufacturers?

    Do weapons canonically have different weapon parts from different manufacturers?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Since all the corporations are at war it wouldn't really make sense for weapons to have different parts from other manufacturers unless they were stolen.

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    Bought Legendary Collection on Switch, got an extra download code!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I never finished any of the Borderlands games, despite starting 2 and pre-sequel, so I decided to pick it up on Switch. Upon opening the game case (which is different from older switch games for some reason), I was surprised to find two download codes! I already used one and it gave me both games, so it's not like they're one per game.

    I think I'll give the extra one to my sister, she only has a few Switch games and was expressed that she wants to get more into gaming.

    submitted by /u/piercepotato
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    Sooooooo——Is borderlands 2.5 still alive?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I recently came across this modpack, looks fun, it really changes some basic mechanics of the skills.But the last update was back in March and I can't find any news since then,is it like, still alive?

    submitted by /u/MasonNotFree
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    Thoughts on the new gamemode/s?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Got any ideas on what the new gamemode/s in bl3 is gonna be?

    submitted by /u/paycolt2000
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    [BL1] Brick choices for Class Mod, Shield for survival in Berserk

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Hey guys.

    So I have played Brick for awhile in the past and have found him disappointing in most respects. Berserking is fun, but is relatively limited some factors I've noticed (could be playing it wrong):

    • Berserk time is limited. This means you have to estimate if you can knock out all the whackos in the room before you run out of Berserk time. (I would suggest a game change where Berserk time is gained upon killing an enemy.)

    • While in Berserk, you end up tanking in Health, not in Shield. Siren's Girl Power skilll (Gain shield upon killing), combined with Diva (increase to shield capacity) allow her to tank in shield. Roland has a similar thing with Quick Charge (same as Girl Power), combined with Defense (decreases shield recharge time), Grit (bullet resistance) allows him stay on field longer. Combine that with Stat (healing upon killing) and Defense (maximum health increase) working together with a good Quick Health Regeneration shield allows him to stay on grid fighting longer. Mordecai has just Riotous Remedy (heal upon kill) and the bird to steal health, but that's it. Brick has just a bunch of tank, with nothing to actively restore it unless he goes into Berserk. Which, when you are in Berserk, if you run out of health, you die.

    • Reduced vision FOV reduces situational awareness, although I think it's good for immersion.

    So, to help him tank better in health, while in Berserk, we have a couple of options:

    • Shields: Shields that increase Hit Points, shields that provide health regeneration.

    • Class Mods: You can pick Bullet Damage Resistance or Maximum Health. Berserker class mod is for solo play, Skirmisher is for team play and is not as strong IMO.

    So my question then, what combo of shield and class mod has been proven (or preferred) to provide the most suitability in Berserk so you're not taking a knee every other time you smash your fists? Let me see if I can list the options:


    1.) Muscleman shield, +60% health bonus with Berserker Class Mod (mat3) with +56% Maximum Health


    2.) Muscleman shield, +60% health bonus with Berserker Class Mod (mat2) with -39% Bullet Damage Resistance


    3.) Panacea shield, +(2.4hp/s + (1.02x Shield Level)) with Berserker Class Mod (mat3) with +56% Maximum Health


    4.) Panacea shield, +(2.4hp/s + (1.02x Shield Level)) with Berserker Class Mod (mat2) with -39% Bullet Damage Resistance


    I will ignore the Skirmisher line for now as I don't want things to get too complicated. You could also consider Titan and Centurion Class Mods, I'd rather not go down that line as they don't help you with Berserking. When I do regular gun stuff I just use a Warmonger mod.

    I'm not sure which combo yields the greatest survival odds, as you also ideally won't be stuck with 400 health and 0 shields when you come out of Berserk, because then you can also simply take a knee again.

    Edit: Forgot about Wee Wee's Super Booster. It's a good shield, but I don't like the low shield capacity compared to a Tediore Panacea shield.

    submitted by /u/K716
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    Why was this cut

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Bl3 was gonna have a tank called the emperor the drake from destiny 2 was fun to use plus Maliwan could use some more units to make em more than 2nd fiddle I mean bl2 got a 5th dlc so can gearbox add this for dlc 5 plus bounty of blood proved that dlc vehicle's are a thing

    submitted by /u/Xavier200708
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    Since I can't do a poll I'll have to do it this way what would make a great borderlands crossover fanfiction going through borderlands 1 2 3 the pre sequel tales from the borderlands all the DLCs the comics even though it said they are not canon leave your thoughts in the comments below.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    The doom crossover takes place after Doom eternal or the Jak and Daxter crossover after Jak 3 and Jak X combat racing.

    submitted by /u/Ndean192
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    Borderlands 2 not working on epic games (Handsome Jack Collection)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    I installed Borderlands two from the handsome jack collection, but when I tried playing it, a error message came up. I uninstalled and reinstalled it, but the same error message came up. I tried finding out what the error meant, but the help menu didn't have anything to help either. Can you help me of what to do? the error message was


    submitted by /u/DeadMemeZelot
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    PS4 to PS5

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    If I own the physical copy of borderlands 3, will I get the free upgrade for PS5 or will I have to rebuy it?

    submitted by /u/Rxckless92
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    Borderlands 3 causing Processor Issues?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, just trying to see if it's my rig or the game that's causing horrible stuttering to the point of eventually freezing and crashing... I know the game's not super well optimized still but before I go down the road of spending lots of money on new components I want to make sure I rule out everything else first, especially because the game's been working this whole time until just recently.

    Rig specs below - please note that I've run the game since Epic Store launch and never had this issue, but in the past week or two it's been prohibitively stuttering especially when lots of explosions or particle effects. I put up a CPU monitor and it's been maxing out at 100% pretty frequently (especially during the aforementioned splosions) while the GPU and RAM don't get above 60-70%.

    i5-4670k, 3.4ghz processor
    GTX 1060, 6gb RAM
    16gb DDR3 RAM

    E: I'm already playing at Low graphics settings, and fiddled with textures and whatnot. Also turned off what I could in GE Force Experience and tried to prioritize the game as much as I could there.

    submitted by /u/goldenpanda22
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    Why are tediore weapons so “bad”? Don’t even bother to pick them up

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I think I tried out every legendary tediore weapon but I am always disappointed in them. Or am I missing something? (Beginner)

    submitted by /u/agentperalta
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    Is Amara's "Vigor" skill broken?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    When I read the skill, it says it only triggers whenever you get a kill with her action skill, but I'm just blasting away with normal guns and stacking up to 4-5 stacks at a time based on the visual in the HUD

    submitted by /u/Wingman5150
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    Max possible stats for Lucky 7?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    What are the max possible stats for the Lucky 7 or the theoretical best possible one you can get? I'm at lv 65 and mayham 10 and ~10k is the best I can seem to get. Still rolling for good anointing stats but definitely curious as to what I should be rolling to per the meta. Rolling flak with fade.

    submitted by /u/pwaves13
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    Radiation Reflector Amara

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Im at an impase on a Radiation Phasezerk Amara should i go Frontloader/Deathless and a U-rad anoint or the Red suit and OASE bonus Rad dmg?

    submitted by /u/Cursingsiamang9
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    What are your favorite/least favorite enemies in BL3 and why?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Preface: This is just my taste. I like movement shooters, so I'll be biased in favor of those. If you don't like games such as DOOM, Quake, and DUSK, you probably won't agree with me.

    Personally, I'd say that the Arbalest is by far my favorite enemy in the entire game. Why? Because it plays like a fucking DOOM enemy. Unlike most enemies whose projectiles you can't dodge and they still fuck you up quickly if you aren't behind cover, even if you strafe back and forth like crazy, Arbalests actually rely on your dodging skill in a fair way. Their projectiles are slow enough to see coming and dodge, but if you make a wrong move they're still fast enough to hit and numerous enough to make you stay on your toes during a volley. The missile attack has a huge windup to it that you can see coming from a mile away and lack a good enough tracking to hit you if you just sprint to the side. 90% of them can be dodged that way. If you don't dodge, you get blown to pieces. Again, it's fair. Then, after it fires that, it opens up its weak spot as a massive glowing chest cavity and stays put for a while. If you dodge the missiles correctly, you can just jump right back in and start filling it with crits. Or, if you know you can tank the missiles and survive, you can just keep shooting it for the entire duration of its weak spot being exposed instead of the window after the missiles land. And you can even mitigate that by just running up to it and firing at point blank because the missiles only hit some ways in front of it. It's also not a pain in the ass to hit and just wants you to focus on dodging its attacks, which will eventually result in a victory. It really plays up a fast-paced gameplay style that I wanted to see more of from BL3, and I just wish more enemies acted like it, because it feels like its combat mechanics were ripped straight from either DOOM or Dark Souls.

    I'm glad that some bosses like Katagawa Ball and Traunt also have this sort of thing going for them. As long as you can read their attacks and move around accordingly, it's possible to beat them without taking much damage at all. Katagawa ball's only bullshit attack I feel is in its first phase when it fires those shootable rockets. They're too fast and numerous for some weapon classes to deal with, and you can't really dodge them without cover. Troy and the Rampager also have some clear bullet hell inspiration.

    On the other hand, my LEAST favorite enemy is the badasses. No, not even annointed enemies or goliaths. Badasses. Why? Because they take the hitscan-type enemy (basically COV mooks) and just pump them full of an absolutely stupid amount of HP. For the vast majority of them, their attacks are impossible to dodge and you HAVE to use cover. If you're playing on normal, they also shred your health. Both of these things together make them grind combat to a halt. It goes from a fun shoot-em-up style combat flow to just another cover shooter. The only ones that are even mildly excusable are the badass maliwan heavies and the rocket launcher badasses --- but only when the rockets aren't so fast that they might as well be nuclear bullets. (That's probably the vladof launchers, now that I think about it.) Both of these because the heavies themselves are short-ranged and can be easily beaten by just keeping your distance and pelting their generator until it explodes. The rocket launcher badasses are less excusable because how difficult they are depends on what random rocket launcher they're using. Some are good because you can clearly see when they attack, how quickly their attack moves, and can dodge by strafing while keeping up damage. Other times it seems like they pull the trigger and you explode no matter how far away you get. They also don't mesh well with the chaos of combat. That is to say that they completely fuck it up. If you don't know that they're there, one opening shot is all they need to quickly down you while you're busy with another enemy.

    Of course, none of that measures up to how much I completely and absolutely DESPISE those dual-wielding maliwan troopers. Oftentimes, two of them spawn at once, and while maliwan weapons are normally easy to dodge, these guys seem like they have homing bullets. They move and fire quickly, they stay on your tail like nothing else matters, never let up, and have the typical badass health pool. It'd be fine if they had a normal amount of health and were just really deadly, or if they didn't lead their shots, but nooooooooo, they have to be a complete pain in the ass. I can never avoid getting downed at least once by these monstrosities. I almost always have to just take cover and cheese their AI if I don't deal enough damage to kill them before they kill me.

    Honestly, the only good thing about most of the non-maliwan gun toting enemies in this game is that they lead their shots so much that you can make them miss half of the shots just by fidgeting side to side. They'd be much more tolerable if the game had a usable hit indicator. That's mostly the HUD's fault, though. Seriously, trying to figure out what direction I'm actually taking damage from is like playing charades.

    submitted by /u/Darkbeetlebot
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    Borderlands 1 Pearl, Hybrid, good Legendary farming

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Currently I am the most active BL1 streamer on Twitch. I know there's not a lot of endgame content so we just chill and farm for Pearlescents mostly. Occasionally we look for perfect unique weapons (spent 38 hours looking for AR Body Barrel 5 Chopper) as well as hybrids. Occasionally I do playthroughs, but I much prefer farming the endgame. To give you an idea, I have 650+ hours in the past 3 months, mostly of farming.

    If you're looking to see how to maximize a character in endgame, how to farm efficiently for rare weapons, or you just want to watch some Borderlands 1, I am live 6 days a week at https://www.twitch.tv/wretchedowo . Usually I stream from 1pm-4pm and 8pm-10pm eastern for Borderlands. (Disclaimer: been streaming Among Us outside of those windows so I am sorry if you come in and I am playing that)

    submitted by /u/BenevolentPG
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    What's the best way to get a good shield?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    I am currently 61 on BL1 with Mordecai. My biggest issue is finding a good shield. I wanted to know what are you guys using in BL1 for a good shield. I was thinking of farming King Wee Wee for that shield but didn't know if it drops in playthrough 2.5 as anything higher than green. As is king Wee wee farmable?

    submitted by /u/Mansome_reddit
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    Need help with font replacement!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Henlo all! Quite nervous since this is my first post since I've been lurking in reddit's dankest deepest, but anyways!

    I need help with editing the Borderlands 2 Compacta Bold font. As in, can someone tell/help me how to replace the fonts the game is using? And where can I replace them? I'm 200% sure it's not getting the fonts from the game's "Fonts" folder, but found some .ttf files stored in .dlls. Cannot save them as .dll after replacing the font package in them though.

    I am willing to tear the whole game apart just to fix some letters this version of Compacta Bold cannot support. I even made a version that has the special characters I need!

    Second question, in the same vein: Willow Body actually does support the weird funky characters my native language is using, but for some reason, the subtitles.int file seem to "convert them" into squares. The menu and all is recognizing the letters, just not that particular file. Weird huh?

    Last question, less about fonts, and more about coding and stuff: I am stealing files from the German localization, since the international folder lacks certain... lines. I found out that "Mind's Eye Skill" (for Siren class mods) cannot be re-written. It just does not recognize the attribute description! -- and this is the part when I note, that I cannot code. Excuses.

    Edit for video of my progress, and issues - not all is shown, sorry: https://youtu.be/VcqCEHuKEtw

    If anyone, I mean ANYONE knows an answer to any of these, you'll have my eternal thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ermadily
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    Commander Lilith DLC Max level 38 TVHM?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Hello everyone !

    I saw that at the launch of the DLC, the max level for TVHM was fixed at 38. Is that a bug? Has it been fixed since?

    I finished the normal mode, then jumped straight to TVHM to do all DLCs in order, so I should be close to level 50 when I reach the Lilith DLC...

    submitted by /u/Stygian2a
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