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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 and my experience

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 and my experience

    Borderlands 3 and my experience

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:32 PM PST

    As a borderlands fan for 5 years, I have to say... I fucking love this game! I chose Zane as my character, then embarked on a goddamn memorable adventure and boy, was I really blown away and fascinated. I love everything about this game and the graphics? Whew! They got a major improvement since Borderlands: The Handsome Collecton. My favorite part about this game was the fact that you got to travel to different planets. Sure, it may have been for 36 hours, but boy I'm so glad I spent the time to play through it that long. (I played this past weekend because they had a trial going on) I thought I wasnt going to finish the game and the main story missions but I finished last night and damn. I've always been a sucker for a good story, so of course I'd play this game. What's your guy's opinion on my favorite game of all time? (Also, I ship Hammerlock and "Winny" Best pairing of all time)

    submitted by /u/legendofz12
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    Lilith withheld a crucial piece of information from Maya

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:04 PM PST

    Maya: So... your tattoos. You wanna talk about them?

    Lilith: Honestly, no. Not much to talk about.

    If Lilith told Maya how she lost her powers, Maya might've known not to get too close to the Calypsos.

    submitted by /u/jamener
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    I’m just so jealous of the other vault hunters now.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:21 PM PST

    Zane: Yo I'm really quick at killing stuff. Flak: Yall hear summin ? Zane:Well I mean I'm good with grenades? Moze:HAH. Zane: YO BUT I RUN SUPER FAST AND CAN DAMAGE AS FAST AS I RUN.INFACT YOU CAN SPEND TEN SKILL POINTS ON THE FIRST TWO SKILLS IM THE BLUE TREE WHICH DO EXACTLY THAT! SO HOW ABOUT THAT HUH?. Amara: what's this? spiritual driver???

    What's the point? Like Zane just feels obsolete at this point, ESPECIALLY in the raid. The reliance on cryo is really stupid as well.

    submitted by /u/TheHeavenlySpoof
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    Borderlands 3 credits song

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:45 PM PST

    SPOILERS . . . . . . . . . . . Is anyone else kinda upset with the credits song. I mean, "Girl on Fire?" Seriously? I mean, sure, Firehawk and what not, but really? A game that opened with "Ain't no Rest for the Wicked" then followed up with "Short Change Hero", "What Makes a Good Man", "Busy Earnin", and a bunch of other songs really cool, badass songs ends with a pop song from 2012? Not even a cover to at least match the tone of Borderlands, just the straight up Alica Keys version. Gotta say, completely took me out of the moment and had me going "Seriously?!" when I should be focusing on what just happened. Just wanted to see if anyone else felt this way.

    Edit: Well this blew up way more than I thought. I guess one last point I want to say is, if the attack on the Cathedral had been the end of the game, and then they did this, I would probably get it. Like "great joke", but then we went to Nekratafeyo and the writing took a nose dive. It wasnt the best leading up, but I was fine with it up to that point. But that act, combined with the song was too much. Still loved the game though, a blast to play.

    submitted by /u/Confussledabit
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    Anyone have a clue as to when in game text in splitscreen on console gonna be fixed or if it's been acknowledged?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:49 PM PST

    I know a lot of us console players are having the same issue. Tiny text in game that can't be read when playing splitscreen even if you have a big TV. I play on PS4 and have a 50 inch TV and the tiny text honestly makes the game unplayable for my wife and i which sucks cuz we were really looking forward to the game! We haven't played since launch night for that reason. Has gearbox even acknowledged the issue?? Every patch that comes out I'm hopeful they fix it but they don't :(

    submitted by /u/undershotriku
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    Spawn rate for rare spawns

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:36 AM PST

    Do we know the spawn rate for rare spawns?

    I'm trying to farm a night hawkin and i'm 0/6 for demoskagons. Seems like farming something more consistent will be better?

    Edit: 2/10 or 1/5. Both times one demoskaggon dropped a night hawkin.

    Edit: 3/20, 2 night hawkins. This is miserable. Tried to dashboard to home on ps4 but that didn't work on locking in the spawn.

    Edit: u/myhouseboy showed me the light for the demoskaggons in particular. "Best way to do it; is to get one of your friends to kill them so it shows up on your bounty board, accept the mission go there but only kill one skaggon and leave the other alive if no drop, save and quit and come back, they will always spawn that way. But remember kill only ONE!"

    submitted by /u/TheRealBigBurlyBear
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    How many patches in are we and they still haven't fixed Barbaric Yawp

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:37 AM PST

    I just want to run around with a goddamn Jabber and have its bonuses doubled, Gearbox. Please?

    submitted by /u/RefinedBean
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    Hardest Boss Fight?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:58 PM PST

    I'm just curious and I'm sure this question has already been asked, but in all 3 games and the pre-sequel What do you think the hardest boss is?

    submitted by /u/sarge112233
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    Class mods not working as they should when joining another game.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:29 PM PST

    I'm running Amara with a purple class mod that doubles my reload speed and handling. Can't remember the exact name, but when I'm in someone else's game, (not hosting) every time I switch to another weapon, I have to unequip and equip my class mod again to get my reload speed from the mod to work again. As soon as I switch to another weapon again, I have to repeat the process. Is anyone else having this problem? It's really aggravating.

    submitted by /u/DrrtyDeeds
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    The recent patch fucked up more than just Guardian Perks and Megavore. Now Head Count interferes with Rakk Attack! cooldowns causing bugged charges.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:44 AM PST

    Due to the on-going problem of having no Guardian Perks, I have become increasingly frustrated with my FL4K terror crit build. So I decided to experiment with some non-Fade-Away FL4K builds. I have some great anointed gear, including a grenade and shield both with +50% element buffs, so naturally a Rakk Attack build seemed like the go-to.

    Well, Gearbox has fucked up again. Apparently Head Count (30% chance to reduce action skill cooldown by 2 seconds) interferes with Rakk Attack!.


    As you can see, if you allow the cooldown to refresh naturally, there is no problem. If you use Head Count to get the cooldown reduced to just a few seconds and allow it to refresh naturally, there is no problem.

    But you can't overshoot the cooldown. If you get it down to a few seconds and you procc Head Count, your next Rakk Attack charge doesn't register.

    Is this a new thing? Or did Gearbox fuck up more than Megavore in the recent patch?

    FL4K doesn't have much survivability. I would rely heavily on the Rakks to heal me. I can't exactly afford to miss just one activation in the heat of the battle.


    Apparently this has been a known bug for quite some time.

    submitted by /u/_Mellex_
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    Moze needs better healing

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Moze only has one reliable method for combat healing.

    Vampyr + Bloodletter + Ghost's Call/Hex

    The major problem is that her Shield won't recharge while taking damage and Iron Bear doesn't have a fast enough cooldown to provide a reliable escape plan. I love playing as Moze. But unless I'm using a very specific build I end up in situations where I'm lettings grunts kill me just so I can refill my Shield on the Second Wind or using the exploit to keep my Shield full so long as I have a Ghost's Call to throw out.

    What's a solution to this? I feel like a few simple changes work best.

    1. Add a skill to the Shield of Retribution Skill Tree. Next to "Experimental Munitions" on the 3rd row. Call it "DIY Pacemaker" and give it the Bloodletter's perk, which is; "If Moze would be healed, she gains shields instead. If she would regenerate health, she also gains shield regeneration." The entire skill tree revolves around reducing health and maximizing shield capacity. Making the Bloodletter a staple for builds focused on that skill tree if you hope to have any endurance.

    2. Change the Bloodletter class mod perk to give uninterruptible shield recharge for a few seconds. It would work like this, once your shield starts to recharge it won't stop just because you take damage. Effect only lasts for about 3 seconds. After the effect ends your shield recharge stops and you've gotta wait for it to restart to get the effect again. This would work great with the "Force Feedback" skill or "Shield Reboot" perk to help give Moze better combat healing. And if it's too strong you can just keep the reduced Shield Recharge Rate on the COM to balance it out.

    3. "Tenacious Defense", right now this skill doesn't really work. The entire idea behind the Shield of Retribution skill tree is to reduce health as much as possible and increase shield as much as possible. But at 1% health this skill will never activate. Because any hit that breaks your shield will also kill you. My suggestion is to give this baby a Krieg-themed upgrade and rename the skill "Don't Touch my Moze", make the effect be that if Moze uses her Action Skill while her combined health/shield value is at >33% then Iron Bear is given a boost to damage, defense, and movement speed for its duration.

    4. "Rushin' Offensive", for the love of Tyreen give this skill to Zane. Replace it with "Muscle Memory" (0/1) and add "Cartridge Diet" (0/3) to the Bottomless Mags skill tree. "Muscle Memory" lets Moze fire semi-auto/burst-fire guns in full-auto. Meaning that instead of destroying the trigger button you can just click and hold. Just put a finger-squeezing gaps worth of time between shots. And "Cartridge Diet" gives Moze scaled health regeneration based on how long she keeps her finger on the trigger.

    5. "Vampyr", Moze hurts bad guy with grenade = Moze gets, up to, +5% health regen for 4 seconds. Doesn't stack. Works the same with any grenade she uses and doesn't let Moze just instantly go from 10% health to 100% with a couple of grenades.

    These changes would open up a lot more variety on Moze builds. Throw a bone Zane's way. And really help improve the overall quality of the game (in my humble opinion).

    Suggestions, I also have a few suggestions. These of course have nothing to with the above mentioned alterations and are purely for the benefit of putting them out there.

    1. "Selfless Vengeance", would work 100x better as a kill skill.

    2. "Behind the Iron Curtain", cut the Recharge Delay and double down on Recharge Rate. It's more valuable to the skill tree design.

    3. "Torgue Cross-Promotion", why not just increase splash damage radius by a smaller set amount?

    4. "Pull the Holy Pin", instead just give a +11% (up to +33%) chance for any thrown grenade to detonate twice after a short delay.

    5. "Scrappy", again, please, just give this one to Zane. Replace it with something like "Hot Mags" that increases Moze's handling and movement speed as her magazine empties.

    6. "Some for the Road", extend the duration to about 8 seconds. As it stands by the time you exit Iron Bear and lock onto the target you get maybe two seconds of the effect.

    And I also had an idea for a new class mod for Moze. I've been calling it "Cherrybomb" in my head. Basically it changes the effects of the skills "Cloud of Lead", "Stoke the Embers", "Fire in the Skag Den", "Selfless Vengeance", and "Experimental Munitions" to change the bonus Incendiary Damage to Radiation Damage instead. Incendiary Damage is nice but Radiation Damage has better coverage and fits with the mech vibes.


    I appreciate all of the comments telling me which legendary items to exploit for healing, despite the fact I'm already aware of each and every one of them. It seems the point of my post has been missed entirely.

    submitted by /u/bystander007
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    Just how much bigger is Borderlands 3 content wise in comparison to it’s predecessors?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:48 PM PST

    I don't care about the size of the game in terms of storage needed, I'm only talking about the campaign's length, are there a lot of new unique legendaries, and how is the endgame/after story (content and length wise)? I want to know how much more playtime in hours I can get out of this game in comparison to, say, BL2. I'm looking to buy it, but I've heard mixed reviews about its story, so this will be the selling point for in the story's stead.

    Edit: I'm asking which game has more, on launch vanilla content. Sorry if unclear.

    submitted by /u/FuckingTyndallEffect
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    I killed Skrak 55 times and Mouthpiece 50x on m3 so you don't have to (okay, maybe you do)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:32 PM PST

    Raw Data For Skrakk

    Raw Data for Mouthpiece

    For Skrakk, This farm was soul sucking and I still didn't get what I want from him so I'm going to have to go back.

    5 Skeksil (3 corrosive, 2 shock),1 Barrage, 1 class mod, 1 recursion

    For Mouthpiece occasionally an anointed zealot would spawn, which really spiced up the fight for me. "Why am I in ffyl and why is there a glowing purple orb sitting next to me. That's not the mechanics for this fight." He dropped less items than Gigamind, but a heck of a lot more than Skrakk.

    31 unique legendary items over 50 fights, 39 legendaries total.


    Baby Maker x2, Echo x2, Devastator, Breeder

    Assault Rifles

    Lucians Call, Rowan's Call, Gatling Gun, Star Helix

    Shotguns Mind Killer x5, Polybius, Face Puncher, Conference Call, Hellwalker


    Jackhammer, Destructo Spinner, Vanquisher, Ten Gallon, Long Musket


    Transformer, Black Hole, Front Loader


    Cosmic Crater, Moxxi's Endowment, Rocket Boots, Pull Out Method

    Grenade Mods

    Quasar, Hex

    Class Mods

    Nimbus , Elementalist (both siren)

    Condensed list of Mouthpiece Drops

    Edit: Activated link sharing for the Skrakk file. Oops.

    submitted by /u/Smeggywulff
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    What is your favorite Legendary to use?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    I like using the Flakker on Fl4k cuz why not dawg?

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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    Got a Raging Bear for my Moze last night. Surprisingly easy. Need help with a good build

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I saw that a bunch of people are having issues killing Billy on M4 but he actually is quite easy. May I recommend that when you enter the theatre where Billy is, run straight up the stairs and to the balcony. Once you are up there, Billy stops trying to attack you and just walks around in the theatre. At this point its just shooting fish in a barrel. One of the easiest weapons that shreds Billy is an incendiary cutsman. So it took me maybe an hour to get the drop, and there is a respawn point right outside the theatre so its pretty quick to farm this guy. Some of you may know all this, and I didnt look through the entire subreddit, but thought to put that out there for other Moze players that may have problems.

    Now to the real question... what kind of build should I use for Raging bear and has it been pretty viable for others? I saw a video showing off a raging bear type build fighting the Takedown of Maliwan on M4, and it seems super strong using the railguns. I have also read some posts of people making blast master builds and been successful with that. I really like the mech and very happy they finally made it viable. Makes me feel like I'm playing Titanfall again, or I'm Ripley in the power loader. The 'chucker' builds I have seen are pretty neat but getting some of those weapons (tediore everblasts and/or shock jackhammers) have been a real pain, and just seem like nonsense spam builds. Plus, I assume that those may get 'fixed' in the near future. Any thoughts or help from folks is much appreciated.

    Side note, I'm on PC.

    submitted by /u/Brentoxor
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    I love this game, but legendary farming has been an insane burnout for me

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:32 PM PST

    I'm not new to this franchise and like many others I find the best part of these games to be finding the perfect weapons to make your vault hunter the most fun it can be. But for me it is very hard to do in BL3. I've spent the last 3 days trying to get a corrosive cutsman from borman nates and I haven't even gotten a single version of the cutsman until I started farming the agonizer for a loaded dice. This is insane for dedicated loot drops.

    Either I'm the unluckiest player out there or the system is a little wonky. Although I completely trust the devs in their decisions on how to make this game last, but this just feels too mind numbing. It should feel like I am going for something that I know is possible to get.

    To put the best perspective that I can for a "perfect" farming system is trying to get a depo unkept Harold through Savage Lee. The grind could still take a long time but you would get the other versions of it consistently enough that it not only felt possible, but it felt like it was gonna drop any second now.

    As I said, I love this game to death and it has been far worth the wait and I believe gearbox is trying 100% to make this as much as an enjoyable experience as they can but for now I think I'm done with farming legendaries for a while. Or at least until it feels possible again.

    TLDR: Great game, but the chances of getting a specific legendary from dedicated loot drops is way too rare (In my opinion). I feel it would be better if it would be easier to get a specific item, but way harder to get the right variable of it.

    submitted by /u/That-is-Succ
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    3d Printed Clap Trap with removable LED EYE & Voice box.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:14 AM PST

    I give you Claptrap from the Borderlands Series. "We've really come a long way, haven't we, minion? And you're still just as loyal as ever! Who's a good minion? You are! Yes you are!"

    In Progress Photos : https://photos.app.goo.gl/ts7mZVFH7s8JKJxF7

    submitted by /u/evanquinnalaska
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    [BL3] [Spoilers] Request for a PC mod to triple SPOILER’s Movement Speed.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:40 PM PST

    Seriously please. Someone. I love murdering Eridians and running through Nekrotafeyo. But I don't love waiting for Typhon DeLeon to scurry his way across a massive battlefield.

    Why don't you have a jetpack? Or speed boots? Can anyone in the community get into the game and speed him up?

    Bonus points if you reduce his weapon damage to 0, so he's just a Peter Dinklage Ghost.

    submitted by /u/Deathmon44
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    Any good Zane builds

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:27 AM PST

    I noticed he got buffed in the new update, but I don't see any new YouTube videos for any better builds, any suggestion or links to new good build

    submitted by /u/colin-foxx
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    Can we just revert the old Fl4k nerfs to his GitM now? And the King/Queens call nerfs?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:06 AM PST

    With the difficulty in content ramped up, Fl4k needs some of those nerfs back. Just my opinion. I havent touched that build since going rakk fl4k. Fadeaway feels so weak now.

    submitted by /u/Kimura1986
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    Powerful non-unique/non-legendary weapons (bl3 specifically)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:04 PM PST

    Scouring the internet I could not find a good list of this.

    Some of you may know that in bl2 there is a good non-unique non-legendary sniper rifle that has "muckamuck" as part of it's title. In bl3 there is an Atlas weapon that is fairly powerful yet is not a legendary or unique weapon called the "cost-effective optimized Q-system" according to this video: https://youtu.be/cBen3ws8148 and my time in offline BL3, it is pretty good. There are also the Jacob mashers that are a good replacement for the Maggie at least until you find one, and Tediore homing mirv.

    Do you guys have any common guns you think are good?

    So, to list all the recommendations.


    -Atlas rifles. Puck/dart tracker version for aiming at crits. (Q system with X2 multiplier)


    -Torgue Weapons switched to Sticky with a X2 projectile multiplier

    -Torgue shotgun with "Bangstick" in the name. 16 explosive pellets per shot.


    -Jakobs shotguns with the name "Scattergun" or "Sagecoat" preferably with a per bullet reload.


    -Dhal SMG with "Wolfhound" in their name are good jack of all trades gunaltfire


    -a Vladof luncher with an alt fire named, "Big boy rocket"

    -Alien barrel weapons. They work differently from normal guns of their type. Usually blue rarity and up. Bellow are guns with alien barrels.

    --Torgue RPG alien barrel with "Lump" in its title. Uhh... EXPLOSIONS WITH MORE EXPLOSIONS AFTERWORDS!

    --Torgue shotgun with "protuberance" in the name. A sort of granage launcher.

    --Torgue Assault rifle with "Blister" in the name. A sort of flamethrower.

    --Dhal AR with the ability to increase damage as it fires. Shoots a laser.

    --Hyperion Shotgun with "Host" in it's name. Shoots a granade that explode and bounces several times.

    -- Any Maliwan weapon with an alien barrel. No charge up time.

    All information gathered here are credited to the people in the comments. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Mann_Workers
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    Iron Bear bugs

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:09 PM PST

    Moze has a chance to instantly exit IB upon entering, thus making the action skill use pretty much completely useless, unless you have the Auto Bear skill. But it makes it worse when you realize this bug has a chance to also activate another bug that causes Moze to get completely glued to the ground. Can't move an inch. Got downed? Still can't move. Spam jump/crouch? Don't care. You're stuck.

    This game is honestly ridiculous. What should've been an easy 10/10, as well as one of the best games of the decade, is a bug-ridden fucking mess, which is at most a 6-7/10. Story's pretty shit. Way too much unnecessary dialogue/cutscenes in a game that should be about fast-paced combat and farming for gear (which wasn't even a fucking thing you could do until recently), and a large portion of the gear is still trash. And then there are the bugs, lag issues, frame rate problems, and then the gameplay problems. Mayhem mode is trash. It's a pitiful excuse for an endgame. The increased loot chance was just an excuse for them to not have to give bosses dedicated drops at launch, and then they just decided to make like 90% of the modifiers negative and the rest positive, even though all enemies get a flat-out buff, regardless of modifiers.

    I honestly have no idea how this game turned out to be the way it is. It was completely set up to be the game of the year, if not the whole decade. Yet it is completely, utterly inferior to its predecessor in nearly every way. The game went gold like 2 months before launch, and instead of testing the game and weaving out any issues it had, the devs just twiddled their thumbs, knowing that, since it's a Borderlands game, it was gonna get amazing reviews and probably still end up being the game of the year.

    submitted by /u/youremomgay420
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    Improved version 0.m

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:02 PM PST

    Just got the new shield but can't figure out wtf it does can someone help ?

    submitted by /u/bswestfall
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    Where's the best place to farm tediore weapons?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:00 PM PST

    Is it just a vending machine? I assume there are no dedicated drops for non-legendary weapons.

    submitted by /u/PlayableRidley
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