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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Borderlands November 26 Hotfix

    Borderlands November 26 Hotfix

    November 26 Hotfix

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Looks like just a fix for the Butcher in today's hotfix. Interesting that they couldn't get the Guardian Rank issue tracked down.

    Link Here

    submitted by /u/MaxWrestlingWA
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    Iron as a Vladof Weapon

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Can we have Iron Bear as a Vladof weapon as the Title says. I dont think it would over buff him even with recent buffs and i think it would be a fun and fitting addition and get some bonuses from passiv gear.

    Vladof Moze for Ever

    submitted by /u/MetaPentagon
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    Bought the game after the free trial only to find out it crashes all of the time...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:41 PM PST

    During the free trial weekend I didnt have a single issue, now I cant even get into a game with a friend, it shuts down my console completely. Xbox One, is there a fix?

    submitted by /u/SaintArtorias
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    Popular Opinion: Drops/Spawn rates for bosses need improvement

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:31 AM PST

    1. Rare Spawn Bosses... shouldn't be a thing. Unless they're dropping that designated legendary every kill. Even then just make them a 100% spawn instead.

    2. Some bosses take more time to farm than others. Specifically, trial bosses. Gigamind shits out 3 to 4 legendary drops per kill but fuck me if Skag of Survival gives anything better than a purple and some blues every run.

    Trials would be more enjoyable if there was a pot of gold at then end of that painbow. Especially since it seems GB hates it when we get good class mods and restricted their designated drops to all the trials bosses. Fuck me for wanting a Bear Trooper mod now that Iron Bear doesn't suck. Spent a day grinding Tyrant of Instinct and walked away with nothing but resounding regret at having wasted such an extensive portion of my life.

    And FFS. I get it. You who are about to comment "I got Bear Trooper on first run." Good for you. I'm so proud of you. Everybody loves you and you're the best that ever was. You win the award for coolest most important person. Now clean up that wet spot on your trousers and go away.

    ... If it's not obvious I'm rather irritated. I expect this kind of grinding for a god roll. Not just for getting the drop.

    submitted by /u/bystander007
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    We need more ammo

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:52 AM PST

    I've been playing a lot of slaughterstar 3000 recently on my second character. Lvl 50 amara playing MH3. Whether it's the Lyuda, Butcher, Trevonator, Crossroads, or any of my maliwan or Dahl pistols I'm running out of ammo. I re-up in between rounds and even still it's not enough to clear the last round. I have Rowans and Lucians call but the damage is so small it's just a never ending process to kill the final boss robots. I've finished the challenge several times by just killing all the adds and trying my best to kill the robots (usually not succeeding). I end up with no shotgun ammo, no grenades (ghost call is great btw), no submachine gun ammo, and little or no pistol ammo. I don't have the best AR's that can kill those armor only robots.

    I think we just need more ammo overall. If BL3 is about variety then don't pigeonhole people into low or med firerate weapons that hit harder. It's nice to one shot stuff sure, but if someone wants to make it rain bullets then GIVE US BULLETS DAMNIT. Not sure if I can find accuracy stats but I'm not a bot, I've played fps for 15 years and I'd guess my accuracy is probably 70% at the lowest (depending on weapon type etc). So please gearbox, let us carry more ammo and expand our gun options for the circles of slaughter!

    submitted by /u/thepants1337
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    Is anyone else having horrible loot drops lately.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:05 PM PST

    I've been playing a lot the last few days and every legendary that drops is the same three guns everytime I haven't gotten anything else is anybody else having this problem.

    submitted by /u/officialgermysquad
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:01 AM PST

    My son's BL3 Legendary Pistol

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:42 PM PST

    My son's (7y/o) take on a Borderlands Legendary Pistol. He says it shoots dual lasers that explode 🤣. My boy has loves customizing his toys but this really impressed me.


    submitted by /u/JediGodA3
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    The side missions in Borderlands 3 are actually very enjoyable to play through!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:49 AM PST

    To me the main story was a very big miss,so much so that i just don't want to replay it. The dialogue is either very blunt or very cringeworthy,the jokes don't land 9 times out of 10,there are plot points that simply don't make any sense and the characters can be downright unlikable sometimes.

    Most of the side missions on the other hand can be a blast to go through. They have great little stories to tell and benefit from the fact that we don't have to spend hours upon hours to finish them or to get to the crucial details,so the dialogue is minimal and oftentimes quite good. It's cringey but charming at the same time...so Borderlands!

    They have great side characters as well as funny and even endearing plot lines. (Spoilers: To me the one side mission where this janitor who saves his best friend's life by turning him into a ratch and then we have to do the same for the janitor,so he can survive and both friends live happily without caring about their condition pulled my heartstrings more than anything in the main story...and that's a shame considering what happened.)

    We also have:

    • Buff Film Buff
    • Chadd
    • "...the Pact"
    • Another endearing mission with an Atlas spy
    • Port-a-potty shenanigans
    • A great King Kong vs Godzilla spoof
    • Killing Killavolt
    • BALEX
    • And more time to experience beloved side characters like Ellie,Mad Moxxi,Claptrap,Tina,Brick and Mordecai,since their involvement in the main story was very limited. (All the focus went to Lillith,Tannis and goddamn Ava).

    There were some obvious missfires of course and the amount of poop jokes could rivals the Minions movie,plus i just want the quest givers to just shut their mouths while i'm doing the job...But overall i had great fun!

    All in all...I think the humor and storytelling really shines in the side missions and i would gladly pay an extra 10 bucks if it meant that i can skip the dialogue in the story and just replay the side quests.

    submitted by /u/Bluesasaurus
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    Weird question but, what's your most satisfying gun sound in BL3?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:25 PM PST

    It's a small thing but I really appreciate the sounds of the weapons fire in BL3.

    My current favorite is this legendary Dahl SMG. Cant remember the name though, it has a chance to proc like an insanely fast fire rate, has shot damage currently. Dont remember. Either way the sound of this gun is just so pleasing to listen to.

    Some other favorites are Jacob's assault rifles. The loud pop crack of the shots going off and the reload sound is great.

    Some Tedior (or however you spell it) guns sound okay. More futuristic sounding. Or silenced sometimes.

    Maliwan Shotguns have a nice whoosh sound that's nice too. The scatter shot ones not those lame big shot ones.

    Anyway, what's your favorite sounding guns?

    And a side question, that gun from BL2, the one that screamed as you fire it, did that make it to BL3?

    submitted by /u/The_Fallen_Star
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    This game has some serious replay value

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:19 AM PST

    I have placed around 6 days worth of time into this game, over 3 lvl 50 characters. I was enjoying my Amara build, when I realized how cheap the PS4 pro is on Black Friday. I decided 4K is a better way too enjoy Amara, so I traded in my old launch console and upgraded to the PS4 Pro. I went ahead and popped in BL3, loaded up and realized, they're all gone... All of that time just disappeared into a cloud somewhere. Typically I would be extremely upset about losing days of progress, but for some reason it doesn't feel the same as progress lost in past games. I'm actually mildly excited to start all over.

    I guess it's just time to roll a Zane build, hop back in the saddle and hope to complete the Captain Haunt runs before they're gone.

    Anyways, end of boring story. Happy Holidays and Goodnight!

    submitted by /u/BeerBoyJoey
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    Opinion on Borderlands 3 ?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:08 PM PST

    Always been a hugeee fan of borderlands but was left kind of disappointed with the pre sequel , so what's everyone's take on 3? It's going on the Black Friday sale for like 33% off I think so thinking of buying it , thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/Stone-Oddity
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    Can anyone point me towards a viable mayhem 4 fl4k build

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:01 PM PST

    My old one is unusable, and I don't know what to farm for

    submitted by /u/koolkidspec
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    A new roguelite gamemode I thought of

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:12 AM PST

    A new arcade cabinet can be found in Moxxi's bar called "Vault Raider IV!!!", once you interact with it, you get prompted if you want to play it.

    during the start screen, you choose from any of the 4 vault hunters to play as, regard less of what VH you are using when you interacted with the arcade machine. There is also a difficultly slider, the only things it effects is how quickly the difficulty scales, and how much better the loot gets after every zone. Choosing a higher difficulty also effects a score multiplier.

    Difficulty primary scales based off time spent in the run, Multiplied by how high the difficulty slider was set too, and also goes up by a little bit when you clear a zone. Difficulty determines how much health a enemy haves, and too a lesser degree their weapon damage and speed. Difficulty itself does not effect score or in run rewards.

    Zones are the levels you run and gun thru, each zone has 2 shops, a reward room, an optional mini-boss, a mandatory boss, and corridors/areas to connect them. I will cover shops later. Reward rooms are areas with chests full of cash and 2 red chests. Optional mini-bosses will reward you with loot drops with a higher chance of better drops, 2 additional red chests with better chances of loot drop, and more chests full of money. The mandatory boss is who you need to defeat to get to the next zone, when defeated they give 2 red chests, some chests full of money, a 100% legendary drop chance, and the way to get to the next zone.

    Every 3 zones, you get a chance to keep going or Cash out. If you Cash out, you keep the loot and money you collected during the run (they will be farted out of the machine when you return to the main game). if you keep going but die, you don't keep anything you collected, but this won't effect your score. cashing out or dying will end your run. If you die during a Coop Run, you drop all of your gear and money, your team mates can buy you back with money(the costs increases based off difficulty, and how many times you already bought back teammates). if all players are dead, the run ends. A player cashing out does not end the run for the party, but removes them from the run. Zones give better and better loot the farther you go. there is no limit to how many zones are in a run.

    During the beginning of the run you start with one random white weapon but no other gear, no money, or no skills. you can find gear much like you can in the main game, by killing baddies for there stuff! or finding chests around the level.

    Money is extremely Important, as you need it to buy gear and more importantly, skills from the shop. You can find money mostly in money chests, but can find it in random containers and by killing baddies.

    Shops are stocked with 10 random blue rarity+ weapons, 5 shields, 5 class COMs for your class, and 5 Grenade mods, 10 random skills for your VH, a area to buy back your dead friends (who will keep the skills they collected but nothing else when brought back) and a alter. when you buy skills for your character, they do not need to be in order (it is possible to buy a cap stone skill as your first), but skills later in a skill tree are rarer and costs more. there is no limit to how many skills you can buy, but you can still max out a skill by buy all of it's ranks, maxed out skills no longer show up in shops. You can put money into the alter to get additional score at the end of the run, but this will also raise the difficulty.

    The main game play loop would be the player trying to get loot, money, skills, and clearing zone as fast as possible to try to get the best stuff possible and get as far as possible before the difficulty gets so high that they die. A big part of this would be quick decision making, is fighting the mini boss worth it? is checking out what the second shop worth the time? Am I strong enough for the boss and the next zone? what can I do to increase my chances of making it as far as possible? that sort of thing.

    When a player finally ends the run, they get a score. The score is based off how many enemies they have killed, how much money they got, how many bosses and mini bosses they killed, and most importantly how many zones they cleared. then this is multiplied by how high the difficulty slider was set to and how much money was put in the alters. then your score will be converted into credits which can be spent on in game modifiers, new unlocks in game, and possible prizes for the main game.

    I have more ideas, such as a trinket system to further augment a character during a run and such, but I already made this Ted talk far longer then any right it once had. If you have any Ideas or other suggestions, I'm all ears.

    submitted by /u/minnowz
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    [BL3] Fl4k Solo Wotan M4 - Non cheese bargain bin build

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:39 PM PST


    Posted a video of a solo kill using crit swap and people found it cheesy so I did it without and with arguable one of the hardest enemy m4 mods, not too much slower just a little more sketchy.

    90% of the reason this is hard is because all the adds missiles track you even when your invis. Also nfi what happened to the better half, does it just die if you kill the brain?

    submitted by /u/bobobfak
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    How rare is the Ward shield?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:27 PM PST

    I've been farming Gravewarden for hours now and have gotten tons of Graves and other world drops, but not one Ward. Does anyone know if the shield is an exceptionally rare job or if this may just be a glitch? Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/GodlemoreHD
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    Claptrap keeps mentioning Echocast!? Super Annoying

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:56 PM PST

    So I'm playing and streaming on Xbox One and I have Echocast enabled. BUT Claptrap keeps popping up and mentioning it's on "welcoming" the stream etc. He does it every minute or so and it's Super Annoying! Is this some kinda bug?! Anyone else notice this?

    submitted by /u/VVeBeR
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    Do you ever.....

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:42 PM PST

    just make sure you are on mayhem 4 because no one dropped any legendaries all through the raid? like what...

    submitted by /u/MarceloGuy
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    Question about new class mods

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:54 PM PST

    Just wondering if they can drop on any character. For example, if I'm farming Billy (dedicated source for new Moze mod) can the Moze mod drop while I'm playing as Fl4k? I know you can get the old legendary Class mods while on different characters, but not if the new m4 exclusive ones work the same. This stems mostly from me farming Billy since the update drop using my boss killing fl4k and not having seen one drop yet.

    submitted by /u/chaosking243
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    The inaccessible area in Ascension Bluff?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:40 AM PST

    Anybody ever try messing with the placement of the statues of Vaughn for Golden Calves? It does talk about pissing off gods and there are a lot of places where you can place the statues.

    submitted by /u/shamus4mwcrew
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    Prime queue times for the Takedown?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Basically when are the most people on each of the servers, every time I queue it seems like I can't get more than one other person and they leave if I try to wait for a third.

    submitted by /u/RolandTheJabberwocky
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    Iron Bear Cooldown inconsistency (bug?)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:38 PM PST

    I was playing tonight and I noticed weird cooldown issues with Iron Bear. As we were playing, I timed my IB cooldown and it was 20! seconds. I was certain it was bugged. I kept trying it and it still was 20 seconds. Later that night I reloaded my game and timed the cooldown and it was 30? seconds. Then I restarted and tested it again and the cooldown was 35 seconds, and then I did it again in the SAME game and now its 40 seconds.

    this was all tested with the same gear by the way, in sanctuary with nothing else influencing the cooldown.

    This game is so damn buggy ugh.

    submitted by /u/R-con
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