• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    Borderlands We should have a Collector's "Album" for our legendary gear.

    Borderlands We should have a Collector's "Album" for our legendary gear.

    We should have a Collector's "Album" for our legendary gear.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:28 AM PST

    Give us a specialized bank screen that can hold one of every legendary. Completionists can catch em all, able to have a clear way of visualizing their collection.

    You could be able to swap a higher roll item out from the album, upgrading your collection as you gather better rolls. You could stash stuff without feeling like a hoarder, and still have your bank for putting your more commonly swapped loadouts.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/A_little_quarky
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    Make Zane’s Dome Barrier standard

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:29 AM PST

    Filthy Zane main here, and unashamedly huuuge fan of Borderlands 3. Zane's barrier is such a great skill with a ton of nice augments, but I can't help but feel turning it into a dome is almost required if you want to make barrier builds viable. This leaves barrier feeling like it really only gets one augment, as you have to take a slot up with dome. I want a barrier that heals up me and my teammates and shocks and stuns annoying maniac's and psychos running at us, but to do so would leave all but one side of us exposed. I feel like this change would make barrier such a better skill, and could be a QOL buff for the poor guy. Plus, GBX could figure out another super cool augment to replace dome. Creates a shock nova when dropped? Chance for double projectiles when fired through? Those are just a couple off the top of my head, and I'm sure GBX could come up with something better. But this is just a though I had! What does anyone else think? Is dome barrier fine as an augment and should be left as is, or would this be a nice change?

    submitted by /u/neochase23
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    New Shift Code (11/19/19) - Expires 11/20/19 @10 AM CDT

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:27 PM PST


    submitted by /u/dash95
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    Was anyone else hoping that Claptrap would be stuck to that window for the entire game?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Like, the whole game, he's there, constantly telling you how lucky you are for his ass. Every major accomplishment is ruined by Claptrap being like "And it was all made possible by my ass. Thank you, ass." Maybe there's a side mission where you have to find and bring him gifts, as thank you for blessing us with his lifesaving ass.

    submitted by /u/D3dshotCalamity
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    What happened to Hyperion Pistols?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:52 PM PST

    I've noticed that several weapon types that were staples of BL2 and TPS are simply... gone in BL3. I've been thinking about it and we no longer have Hyperion pistols, Bandit SMGs and Shotguns, Tediore Launchers, or Maliwan Launchers. There might be others that I missed, but that's besides my point.

    My point is, why would these manufacturers just suddenly stop making various kinds of guns? Surely they're profitable, and with all the troubles Hyperion in particular is having, you'd think they would even be looking to diversify their market, not stop manufacturing one of the cheapest/best selling guns available. Personally, I really like some of the gun types that didn't make it in and wish we had a lore explanation for why certain guns are no longer being manufactured.

    submitted by /u/SamCThe5th
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    New update (1.06) is out!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST

    There's a new patch out now on PS4! Just 200+MB. Know what's in it? :D

    submitted by /u/excaliburps
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    Who Needs Conflux Anyway? (Terror Melee Build)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:31 PM PST

    I found a build that allows you to do all five types of elemental damage at the same time with your facepuncher (or 4 with melee)

    You will need a Facepuncher with the terror annointment that gives you cryo damage when you are terrified, as well as a corrosive Shooting Star shield and a Radiation Static Charge shield. Your grenade doesn't matter, but it should have the annointment that melee attacks have a 25% chance to apply terror to yourself.

    Use this skill tree, you can tweak it if you want, but you need to have Illuminated Fist and have your action skill set to fire, also don't use Infusion since Illuminated fist is already converting all your shotgun base damage to fire.

    The Static charge relic is glitched and gives you the bonus shock damage whether or not you slide first, it will also obviously give you the Radiation damage, the cryo damage comes from the terror annointment, the corrosive comes from the Shooting Star shield (hopefully they fix it so it works everywhere), and finally the fire damage comes from Illuminated Fist.

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    SNTNL Damage numbers

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:26 PM PST

    I was wondering just exactly what SNTNL gave me, so I could better compare it to other action skills.

    So I timed it out; it seems to shoot one missile every 3 seconds(~3000 damage), and it shoots its machine guns about four times a second.(585 damage)

    Putting that together, SNTNL as a whole provides about ~3500 DPS.

    For contrast, my Maggie does 3000 damage per shot before my damage boosts, and can shoot 11 times per second, and gets crits pretty consistently, which themselves are boosted by 75% from my class mod and gear.

    So you're looking at 3k * 11(fire rate) * 2.75(crits) * ~2(skills)= about 180k DPS.

    Meaning the Drone's damage is accounting for about 2% of my total DPS. Of course, those are in ideal conditions. More realistically you could probably expect to get maybe half that, or 90k, in which case you'd expect to be getting 4% of your damage from the drone.

    Anyways, just thought people might find this interesting.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    Is it possible to locate a Cryogenic Linoge?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:45 PM PST

    Not asking for a trade, only wondering if I'm not grinding in vain.

    submitted by /u/Shady851
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    This will be cool

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PST

    It will be cool if 'the heavy" have a Easter egg in the game, judging they make a lot of music for the game, I assume that's enough to make them a Easter egg. A side quest where you're helping a band get some music together will be cool. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/BARNBURNER123
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    GAME CRASHING - post re ent updates

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:33 AM PST

    EDIT FOR TITLE - Post RECENT updates. Not sure why the c went missing.

    Hello all,

    After the last couple of small updates (not the Haunt DLC) I am having an absolute nightmare with the game.

    It seems to run ok as solo campaign play but as soon as I attempt to join anything it will crash a few times before seemingly working.

    I also keep getting 'game updates' when I hit Start that I'm assuming never properly install every though I'll leave the game alone for 20 minutes in the hopes that it does.

    Anybody else experiencing anything similar?

    It is literally fine for every other game I've played so RDR2c Gears 5, Quantum Break, DMC5 this very much is a BL3 isolated problem.

    The issue itself sucks but I'm far more concerned about this constant crashing causing prolonged issues for my XBOX ONE X.

    Appreciate any thoughts.


    EDIT 1 (for post): I also have started having real issues actually joining games. I've been searching now for 12 minutes for a proving grounds. But. If I quit a few times and search it takes a second to find x3 others. That's assuming it doesn't crash.

    I'm completely fine playing with friends once the crashes cease and once we're playing we are away.

    I bought this game at launch and have easily put in 100+h and this only started in the last 2 weeks max. No idea what is going off.

    Not sure if it helps but my average internet speed is about 75mbps assuming no issues there either.

    submitted by /u/BarrattsMini
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    Is is possible to play on an earlier patch?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:36 PM PST

    I want to get the "authentic" troy fight for my first playthrough

    submitted by /u/SpaceFire1
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    Struggling Endgame with FL4K

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST

    I finished the campaign for the first time, leveled through proving grounds, Slaughterstar and some bosses on M1-M3 (switched depending on bosses). I'm currently level 49. The Fade Away build is really good at melting bosses, but I die at least 3 times in Proving Grounds. I'm using primarily a Cost-effective Q system, a lvl 47 Conference Call, a Muckamuck, and a few different elemental Dahl SMGs.

    I will probably just go into TVHM with M1 and play normally and will worry about Proving Grounds and Circles of Slaughter later. I'm considering to switching to either a Rakk Attack or Radiation build to make mobbing better.

    Has anyone played TVHM solo with FL4K and if yes with what kind of build?

    Edit: I'm on PS4

    submitted by /u/WTF_Vendrick
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    Upcoming balance changes

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:10 PM PST

    Do we know if we are getting the balance changes with the raid or if it is coming later?

    submitted by /u/S0l1d_Snack
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    Matchmaking completely dead?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:28 PM PST

    I don't get, I can't find anyone - literally anyone - in matchmaking for proving grounds.

    How come _NONE_ of players looking for it at the moment?

    Did Randy lied and there's actually not so many people playing BL3 already?

    I mean, out of the whole world there can't be that I'm literally only one looking for a party match.

    P.S. Atm changed search to Slaughterhouse, still 0 people on all servers. LoL wtf Randy, did you even test your matchmaking..

    submitted by /u/Bra1nssssssssssss
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    Leveling Opinion

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

    I just finished normal with FL4K and ended up at level 38, my Amara main is already 50, so i know how to level BUT I was curious what people felt was the faster method to reaching 50. Do you kick on Mayhem and go farm bosses/routes to bosses or do you hit up TVHM immediately?

    As I already have a 50 I'm not concerned so much with leveled drops that I could miss out on through story missions, I'm more trying to get some feedback to see what people prefer.

    Thanks in advance if anyone answers!

    submitted by /u/B0dyByCake
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    Getting all the trophy’s? BL2

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:10 AM PST

    Hello I know this is probably a long shot but wondering if anybody out there down to just chill and try get all the trophy's in currently level 21 but don't mind starting fresh

    submitted by /u/JackChalmers1x
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    Vladof Zane - are players still doing allegiance runs?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    I feel like I need to do a Vladoff Zane.

    Are people still doing allegiance runs on the game? Especially on Borderlands 3?

    submitted by /u/Attempted_Username
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    Bank Storage Idea #6238982: Give or let us buy TURBO MANSIONS!!!!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Here me out! I've posted this idea as a response in a couple threads, but I think it could work. Since we've mostly all beaten the story mode by now, why not be the most badass Vault Hunter there is by being either rewarded with, or be able to purchase (with Eridium) a TURBO MANSION!!! Not only is this a great callback to Borderlands:TPS, but it would allow us Vault Hunters to have something else to farm for and upgrade.
    You'd start off with a basic Turbo Mansion, and by spending Eridium, you can upgrade the size of your Banks (done by character instead of shared) and Vault (shareable between your characters, like in BL2). You could also upgrade the size of the Turbo Mansion by adding on and upgrading various rooms where you could display your best loot!! Want a room of nothing but shotguns on display? Go for it! This would also give you options for displaying all those cool Room Decorations as well!


    submitted by /u/Synaschizm
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    Question about the raid and leveling scaling.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Not too sure where I can find the info.

    My friends and I are getting ready for the raid. However, while 3 of us have beaten the game and are level 50. One hasn't and is level 14. Would the scaling be fine if were still on the cooperation mode (I think that's what it's called.) And if so, could we still at least do some mayhem modes? Or are we restricted?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Bamboozle007
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