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    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    Borderlands Krieg Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Grog, Norfleet, Harold, Bee, etc. required)

    Borderlands Krieg Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Grog, Norfleet, Harold, Bee, etc. required)

    Krieg Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Grog, Norfleet, Harold, Bee, etc. required)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Hello there, I hope you are all doing well today! I am here to present a Krieg guide for taking down Digistruct peak (through OP 10) that requires no Norfleet, Sham, Grog, Bee-Hawk, DPUH, and so on. Important to note that I used this build on the Unofficial Community Patch but the advice, gear, and build translate seamlessly to the vanilla game for Krieg.

    Gameplay + Commentary for those of you uninterested in reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70qsmcuqik

    Note: As a quick note, I do understand that this build isn't exactly "groundbreaking" for Krieg and there are multiple videos of people speedrunning the Peak with this build or at least a similar one. The intent isn't to showcase some new original build but rather to explain it. I've seen people run through with a similar build but I have yet to see any commentary or explanation of their gear, skill build, playstyle, etc. so I thought this might be helpful!

    Section 1: Build

    Green/Bloodlust Tree:

    • Blood Filled Guns (5/5): 2.5% Mag size per stack of our bloodlust is really nice. There are very easy ways to stack bloodlust (which I will cover) and a 250% magazine size increase at 100 stacks is substantial. This allows us to fire our guns pretty much endlessly, dramatically increasing the DPS of Krieg.

    • Blood Twitch (5/5): 1.5% weapon swap speed per stack of bloodlust = 150% weapon swap speed at max. Those of you that have read my guides before know that I am a bit of a sucker for weapon swap speed. It dramatically increases your DPS guys! This means you can instantly swap away from your slag weapon and go back to DPSing. Also, you may need to swap to a Moxxi weapon or a launcher in a tight situation and the speed will save you.

    • Blood Bath (5/5): This skill is honestly just stupid how strong it is. This is an absolute must-have on any Krieg build. 2.5% weapon damage per stack after we get a kill with a grenade or explosion and also gives a 75% chance of dropping a grenade. 250% weapon damage at max stacks and it is doubled to 500% weapon damage with the COM we will be using (Leg. Reaper). Absolutely insane damage and we can spam grenades rather liberally. Easy for Krieg to activate this skill as well because many of his best weapons are grenade/explosive weapons.

    • Boiling Blood (5/5): Increases the time before bloodlust starts to decay by 2.5 seconds. Having high bloodlust stacks is a massive increase to our DPS. The longer we have high stacks the better.

    • Nervous Blood (5/5): Kill skill that gives us 1.5% reload speed per stack. 150% reload speed at max bloodlust is phenomenal. Another massive increase to our DPS. Take it!

    • Bloodsplosion (1/1): Everybody knows of bloodsplosion and its shenanigans. We aren't really reliant on the bloodsplosion overkill damage chains but there isn't really a good reason to skip it. There will be multiple instances where the nova damage deals significant damage to nearby enemies or flat out kills them. Worth the point!

    Blue/Mania Tree:

    • Feed the Meat (5/5): 50% max health is pretty substantial for a character that relies on face-tanking enemies. The shield delay isn't super important since we will primarily use the Rough Rider. Helpful for scenarios where we use the Easy Mode shield.

    • Embrace the Pain (5/5): Really nice skill that gives substantial fire rate and shield recharge delay. In this case, we really just want it for the fire rate DPS boost.

    • Thrill of the Kill (1/5): Our com boosts this skill to 6 but even if it didn't a value point is worth it for this skill. With 1 point (no boost from com) we get 50% of our health back from overkill damage... something Krieg excels at. Dramatic survivability increase, no reason to skip this.

    • Strip the Flesh (5/5): 15% flat explosive damage and boosted to 30% in FFYL. This is great for Krieg, we will be using explosive weapons plenty. That extra 15% boost is no joke in FFYL and will likely save you more than once.

    • Redeem the Soul (1/1): Pretty cool co-op skill that allows you to instantly revive teammates. However, the 50% FFYL time increase is what we really care about. It's really significant and basically guarantees you will get up.

    Red/Hellborn Tree:

    • Fuel the Fire (5/5): Kill skill. 35% chance to set yourself from a fire attack is cool and all but really the 200% elemental effect chance is what we are after. Makes it very easy to apply slag, DoTs, and the more DoT and elemental effects we have going the higher likelihood of catching ourselves on fire (which means more damage and survivability).

    • Numbed Nerves (5/5): 50% damage reduction (+ Rough Rider's 20%) while you are on fire is massive. Fuel the Fire and our gear choices will make it very easy to set ourselves on fire so it is certainly worth the point.

    • Pain is Power (5/5): Flat 25% Weapon and Melee damage buff (except snipers, doesn't matter though) that gets doubled when we are on fire. It does lower our crit damage by 25% but that really doesn't matter. We don't need crits anyway, we blow stuff up. Huge DPS increase and is absolutely worth it.

    • Elemental Elation (5/5): When we are dealing elemental status effects to enemies (fuel the fire makes this easy), we gain stacks (up to 20) that increase our fire rate by 3% and mag size by 5%. It is very easy to apply elemental effects and we will often be at max stacks with this skill. Dramatically increases our DPS.

    • Delusional Damage (1/1): All elemental status effects can catch us on fire with this skill and the chance is determined by our Fuel the Fire skill (and Burn, Baby, Burn). This is fantastic! We don't have to rely on fire weapons (which do not work properly in the peak) to get the awesome benefits from our hellborn tree.

    • Fire Fiend (5/5): 50% Weapon accuracy and 35% reload speed when we are on fire. Another great boost to our DPS and that accuracy actually helps more than you would think. You can level Flame Flare instead of this skill if you prefer (or whatever) but I don't have any issues staying on fire. Therefore, Flame Flare is a bit redundant.

    • Elemental Empathy (5/5): Burn status effects heal you for 25% of the damage dealt. Honestly, we won't be using a ton of fire weapons but the capstone of this tree naturally produces fire DoTs for us. Raving Retribution plus this skill gives you some nice sustain. Can skip if you feel that the survivability doesn't help.

    • Raving Retribution (1/1): When Krieg is on fire and damaged homing fireballs will seek out the enemies and explode on them. It deals pretty solid damage and gives us nice sustain with Elemental Empathy.

    • Skill Tree Link: https://bl2skills.com/psycho.html#55000500055100550105100005555150051

    Section 2: Gear

    • Weapon 1 (slag): Slagga is one of the premier slagging options on any character. Krieg is no exception here! Florentine is not too bad on Krieg either because of his very high elemental chances but I prefer the Slagga. Whatever works best for you though.

    • Weapon 2 (DPS): We have multiple options here but the highest DPS option is easily the Peak Opener. If you don't want to farm for one, the alternatives I would consider are as follows: Kerblaster, Ogre, DPUH, Swordsplosion/Unicornsplosion, Carnage, Hail, Kitten, and many more of course. Every single weapon here can proc blood bath very consistently (except the Kitten) and we really need a weapon that can do that. Blood Bath is the bread and butter of this build and having a weapon like the Peak Opener, that can not only proc blood bath but it also takes significant advantage of the skill. You can pretty much run through the entire peak with this thing in your hand.

    • Weapon 3 (Surveyor/Loader Weapon): I pretty much just leave the conference call in my inventory the entire time in this slot. It can deal with loaders, shreds Saturn, helps with Surveyors, and is just a generally strong weapon. You could roll a corrosive Pimpernel (still good despite Pain is Power), Butcher, or Interfacer here as well. This slot just gives us some extra versatility and high DPS for loaders and surveyors.

    • Weapon 4 (Utility/FFYL): This is the slot that you could tinker with the most. I typically hold onto the Hive, Flakker, Badaboom, or any other strong launcher for this slot. Launchers, in general, are amazing with Strip the Flesh and all the reload speed, mag size, fire rate, etc. that Krieg receives. I like the Hive because it can proc all our elemental skills, deal significant damage, and is also amazing for Surveyors. Pop a shot or two into the air and it will do the rest. The Flakker can be weapon swapped rapidly back and forth while firing (hard to explain but demonstrated on Dukino's mom and OMGWTH) to deal massive DPS. I use it to deal with Dukino's mom and the Binary Boss. Not necessary but very powerful and pretty funny.

    • Shield: Rough Rider and the Easy Mode. We will pretty much always stick with the RR because of Krieg's benefits of not having a shield plus the awesome tankiness it gives us. Krieg can stack a ton of health and DR with this shield active. The Easy Mode is not at all necessary but helps speed up kills of certain mini-bosses. I really only use it for Scorch and the Queens. You'll notice I used it on Saturn but it did nothing, RR would have been better.

    • Class Mod: Legendary Reaper. Extra kill skill duration and a +5 to Blood Bath. That is literally all we care about. Gives us more uptime and more damage from Blood Bath. It is insane how much this COM will boost your DPS. This is the only piece of gear that I would say is absolutely required.

    • Grenade: For this build, we will be using the Pandemic. This is debatably the best bloodlust stacking grenade in the game and that's really all we need. It is also deals a ton of DoT which procs our hellborn skill tree. Perfect! Alternatively, the Storm Front/Electric Chair, a low-level Crossfire/Bouncing Bonny, the Leech, are all good stacking options as well. Whatever you feel is best suited to your playstyle.

    • Relic: Blood of the Ancients. Specifically, we want the one that boosts Assualt Rifle and Shotgun max ammo. The Peak Opener and Conference call absolutely churn through ammo so it is a needed addition. If you can't get one that has both prioritize ones that give you AR ammo because we will be using that the most. The max health from the relic is of course welcome as well.

    Section 3: General Tips

    • Generally, I advise caution and calculated approaches to the Peak. You still want to think about how you will approach certain mini-bosses but you can't really be cautious with Krieg. Embrace the chaos and get in the fray. As soon as you have Blood Bath going you're going to churn through everything. Activate it with your weapon of choice and then go to town. This is super important for mini-bosses!! For example, If you get the Dukino's Mom spawn where the midgets spawn with her, use this to your advantage. Kill the midgets with the peak opener to proc BB and then switch to the Flakker, Harold, Conference Call, whatever. The same thing applies to Saturn! Kill his turrets with grenade/explosive damage and then pull out the Conference Call, Butcher, Interfacer, etc. This will seriously make the run a lot easier. Another tip, you can proc BB on the Binary Boss by blowing up his head first. Prioritize this and then let BB do the work.

    • Prioritize corrosive weapons (when not using explosive). For some reason, in the Peak flesh enemies do not actually take bonus damage from fire. They are considered "non-flesh" and take neutral damage. This means that fire is not totally useless but no longer retains a distinct advantage to flesh enemies. However, corrosive is not resisted by anything (other than some weird interactions with spider ants, use shock for them) and still deals bonus damage to loaders. Corrosive DoT also tends to do more and stick longer on enemies. Making it the more versatile choice for the peak. Link to the thread explaining this more in-depth: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/digistruct-peak-enemy-typing-issue-and-why-your-fire-guns-suck-there/1119745

    • Thanks for checking the post out! Please let me know if you have any questions. I will link the UCP changelog below if anyone is interested in the differences.

    UCP Changelog: https://github.com/BLCM/BLCMods/blob/master/Borderlands%202%20mods/Community%20Patch%20Team/Full%20UCP%20Changelog.txt

    submitted by /u/meizinsane
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    Searching to know the voice cast of Borderlands 3's French dub

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    Hello! I've been a huge fan of the Borderlands franchise for years and as a French speaking person, I've always prefered playing those games in that language because of how great the dialogue and voice performances are. The disappointing thing however is that the voice cast in them are all left uncredited and were only found out by fans who recognized their voices. BL1 and2's French dubs have both got their French voice cast almost fully searched up and documented but it's not the case for BL3.

    As of now I'm trying to find all the actors who voiced characters in that game and so far, here are the ones found: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderlands_3#Voix_fran%C3%A7aises

    If you can help me find which actors voiced what character in the dub (so far I want to find who voiced Ava, who voiced Vaughn etc...) that would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/IsraThePlayer
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    Why are there so many legendary items?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I stayed playing again after not playing since probably the first month after release (computer broke, lost data, very demoralised) and I've already filled my pack with gold items multiple times.

    Is there currently a special event going on?

    submitted by /u/Bazurke
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    Any tips for completing the circles of slaughter?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Any tips for finishing these?

    I keep trying to finish the slaughter shaft but I'm struggling. I can barely get past the second round.

    I'm using Moze and the Iron Bear has been great but other than that I'm not doing too good.

    Maybe I just need a better shield or something. I've been playing solo so maybe if I did co-op I might have better success.

    I was honestly having more fun with the game on my first play through. Now it's gotten so much harder. Plus dying frustrates me. I hate how they take so much money from you. Most of the time I try and quit before I die. If I didn't I'd probably be down to pennies.

    submitted by /u/nashcameronn
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    Secret raid boss arena?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

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    I wanna blow up the ocean

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:48 PM PDT

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    Switch Co-op not working

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I'm trying to play borderlands co-op on my switch. People have said to make a child account to connect it to your switch and it still doesn't work, please help.

    submitted by /u/LIMB0789
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    Borderlands Underdome DLC - low lvl trick still possible?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Hi reddit,

    just a quick question, can I still use a low lvl character, like lvl 5 to start the DLC and use than my main, lvl 60 for the Underdome DLC? I'm taking about the Remastered BL1 for Xbox One, maybe the changed it, idk. I want to get all the achievements, so I have to get those annoying one's too.

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/RedditAppSlowAF
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    Quick question

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Can someone give me the link to the weapon parts for the first three games please?

    submitted by /u/Footlover1987
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    TIL that BorderCast hinted it's next show will discuss dlc 4 in depth.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Really looking forward to hearing about it and what's to come in the future. HeadHunter packs, 2nd season pass, etc. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/moland714
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    how the heck do OP levels work?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    i wanna start op level runs but its really confusing to me how do i do it?

    submitted by /u/Suckupthepp999
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    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    How can you get past the eridian door in ascension bluff?

    submitted by /u/Hvonne-The-VII
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    Community Patch on old character

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Can I use the community patch on a character I have already made? I have a level 20 Athena and I want to use the community patch but I'm worried that it can mess up the game.

    submitted by /u/bluerocksrtg
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    It hits like a truck loaded with TNT

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I just finished all the DLCs and got back to the main story, and the orbital plummet in dialog and character quality has staggered me. I wanna know two things:

    1- Am I the only person who thinks the base games story, characters and dialog where fished out of a septic tank?

    2 - What humid rice sack wrote the base game?

    submitted by /u/Hvonne-The-VII
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