• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Borderlands Pearls not returning in BL3 confirmed on the Borderlands Show.

    Borderlands Pearls not returning in BL3 confirmed on the Borderlands Show.

    Pearls not returning in BL3 confirmed on the Borderlands Show.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:22 PM PST

    Anthony Nicholson on the Borderlands Show said that Gearbox has no plans on bringing Pearls or Effervescents to BL3. :(

    submitted by /u/Hahn1995
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    Crazy Earls Vending machine should provide legendary weapons every 24 hours

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:59 PM PST

    So, I have 2 main characters Zane and Moze. On one of them I have 5000+ eridium and on the other I have 2500+. I have not bought every cosmetic, but I do not want to buy all the cosmetics either. I sometimes check earls vending machine but no gun in there is good enough for me to want to waste eridium.

    I suggest that Crazy Earls vending machine needs to have at least one legendary anointed gear and the price should be somewhere between 2000-6000 eridium. Getting this amount of eridium is no easy task and some players will feel that eridium is useful again.

    My idea would be to have 3 legendary guns in the vending machine. One should cost 2000 another 4000 and the last one 6000 or just have the price always be 4000 eridium and for there to be 3 legendary weapons be changing every 24 hours.

    What do you think?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/HELLSKING115
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    New Shift Code from Borderlands show.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST


    submitted by /u/Emachine98
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    Does the DLC come out at 12 tonight or will it be somewhere mid day on the 19th?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:55 AM PST

    I wanna play.

    submitted by /u/ZettaSlow
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    If Any Major Character Were to Return For A DLC Who Should It Be?/What Should The DLC Be About?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:39 AM PST

    If any major character were to return for a Borderlands 3 DLC who do you think it should be? It can be anyone from the Borderlands Universe past. And what would that DLC be about? It can be about literally anything but, can only revolve around that major character.

    submitted by /u/Celticknight388
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    LUCK STAT CHALLENGE! Calling all Vault Hunters! Let’s figure this out together!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:12 AM PST

    I'm trying to rally the community together to figure out the LUCK STAT without having to depend on some gaming website hoping they got it right, and lord knows Gearbox has been pretty quiet on the subject. Ugh.


    Second to trying to figure out the Luck Stat and whether or not it's detrimental, it will also help get more information on the Drop Rates of DEDICATED items. You know, "I've killed the Rampager 25 times! Where is my JUJU!?"

    More accurate stats to take the stress out of farming for that item you need!

    I'm asking all you blood thirsty Vault Hunters out there to help mow down bosses in the name of SCIENCE!!! (Insert evil laugh and lightning flash)

    Here is what we need:

    -Platform: PC, XBOX, PS4, Stadia


    -Boss: any boss, Rare hunt, Point of Interest, or Rare Enemy. (Please note if you farm a rare Enemy, it only counts as a run if they spawn)

    -If Farming a Rare Enemy, how many times did it spawn out of how many attempts?

    -Playthrough: Normal or TVHM

    -Mayhem Mode: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

    -Guardian rank Luck modifier: what %

    -Any ADDITIONAL Luck Modifiers, only if you plan to use them. (Artifacts and such)

    -# of runs

    -TOTAL Legendary drops

    -How many were Anointed

    -How Many L.Drops were: Guns, Grenade Mods, Shields, Artifacts, Other (Skins, Themes, Decor, Trinkets)

    -How many of those were DEDICATED drops, and which ones were they? (If you don't know what the dedicated drops are for your boss, OR you want to take the opportunity to farm for a specific item, comment and I will tell you how best to proceed)

    -How many Boss kills dropped L.Loot and how many didn't

    I think that about sums it up...

    Let's figure out this damn stat, and do it as a community. Instead of waiting for a patch or an explanation, let's do it our damn selves!!


    submitted by /u/SqueekyClean801
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    Did they say anything about the loot drops/fixes for it during the borderlands show?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:31 AM PST

    Just would like a recap

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Why does matchmaking take ages to find a proving grounds or circle of slaughter game?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:04 PM PST

    I wait an average of 10-30 minutes for a match on PC and usually only end up with one other person. I heard about these issues when the game first came out how is this still a issue? Or am I doing something wrong? Im level 18 and just made it to athenas. Is it because itll only match me with people in my play through number (NVHM) and my mayhem mode (Off)?

    Sorry to get ranty but it's already bad enough that a AAA game was released in the state it was with all the bugs and performance issues but having a utterly broken matchmaking system on a game that so heavily emphasizes coop is just egregious. And having these issues persist 3 months after release is just incompetence.

    submitted by /u/RecoveredAshes
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    Notifications TO friends question

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:36 PM PST

    So.... I have friends whom I love to game with. Sometimes, I don't want to game with anybody. I'm the guy that levels up quickly and understands the builds.... my friends are not. When I want to play alone, my friends get notifications that I got X gun, or completed X challenge. Is there a way to turn this off? I can't hide when I want to and that is the point of invisible mode on ps4

    submitted by /u/chonkypot
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    BL3 - Length Question

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:06 PM PST

    Hi all. First let me say I'm new to Reddit posts and new to how communities work so please tell me if I'm not formatting this right and I'll adjust to make sure I'm within guidelines.

    Now onto my question. I'm a second year old college student studying in the Northeast. I'm about to leave this Saturday for my hometown in the Deep South for the holiday break. I won't be back in the Northeast until January 18th. Now as someone who tries to emit some sort of self control, I don't keep my PS4 Pro up here with me at school. Mostly because I knew at the start of the fall semester BL3 was coming out, on my birthday no less, and I would've gotten nothing done. I'll be honest I had forgotten about this game until I saw this community a little while ago. Now the fever has set in and I'm absolutely drooling to get my hands on it. However, I wanted to ask the community a really basic question. Given that I have a little less than four-ish weeks back home, is it even worth picking up and attempting to beat? This is coming from someone who played the heck out of BL2 on both generations. I can blow through that campaign in a couple of days if I really try. Is BL3 longer or shorter in comparison to 2?

    Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. I know it seems a bit silly to ask but I'm a huge fan of the community and I figured y'all were the experts. If I do end up picking it up I have absolutely no friends to play with. If you'd be interested in possibly starting a new campaign please PM me and I'd be glad to link up.


    submitted by /u/jacksonulmer
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    Anyone lose legendaries they dropped in sanctuary?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:43 PM PST

    I dropped all my guns to clear out space in my bank and when I went to grab my guns they where gone. I lost all the new legendaries and pretty much every other gun worth using on mayhem 4 to this and it crippled my character. I was in multiplayer with a guy I trust not to take my shit and when I dropped my guns he was in a menu and it caused lag which I think is what caused them to phase into the floor.

    submitted by /u/dawndragonclaw
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    Invert ADS but not camera?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:39 PM PST

    Not sure if anybody else has the same preference, but i like having my scope inverted but non-scope normal, is there a way to do this?

    submitted by /u/squirrelyfoxx
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    A question about builds and Mayhem 4.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:01 PM PST

    I use Amara and am currently running the Gunmara build. I have everything I need to make this work, and it does work. However, the best I can do on Mayhem mode with it is Mayhem 2 or 3. And, that's on normal difficulty. So, I started looking up Mayhem 4 builds. The build I keep looking at says I need a Cutsman,(really 3 cutsmans) Spiritual Driver, and Elemental Projector. I have plenty of Elemental Projectors. The problems I'm coming across is the Cutsman, and Spiritual Driver. The Cutsman is supposed to From from Borman Nates, but I can't even get him to drop anything higher than an epic. I'm also reading that the Spiritual Driver only drops in Mayhem 4, and is a 3% chance. So, my question is. How on earth do I go about getting these two? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    TL;DR: My build can't run Mayhem 4, but apparently has to be able to run Mayhem 4 in order to get gear I need for a different build.

    submitted by /u/EvilRyan
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    I Killed GraveWard 100 Times and Charted Everything

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST

    After being inspired by u/SqueekyClean801 I decided to kill Graveward 100 times and chart all the data that I could think of. Including Legendary drops, anointed legendaries, cash, cash per kill, and even every purple blue and green that dropped.

    In total it took about 8 hours, including over an hour creating a spreadsheet with macros that allowed me to type in a number and then have it added to a specific cell and then deleted so I could do it again in the next run with no issues. Having little experience with excel, I am really quite proud of this spreadsheet which can be used by anyone and edited to search for whatever data you like, and also has a little instruction section on how to use it and a second fully functional sheet which I plan to use to collect and compare date with for Mayhem 3, but can be used to compare drop rates of two different bosses or whichever modes you like. I have seen claims that docs does not mess with formulas and such when converting an excel document, but if the macros do not work and you wish to use the sheet just PM me.

    I was killing Graveward on Mayhem 4 with my Amara and a Lyuda. Something to note is on average it took 3 full clips to kill him, so I bought about $1500 of ammo each run, which will affect the total cash earned. I also died once early on, from my experience there are just these random times where those corrosive balls do way more damage than they should on tick. I adjusted for this death money by noting how much cash was lost on respawn and added it back at the end. Also I have Guardian Rank 188 with a 7.96% luck bonus. I was also using loaded dice the entire time.

    Something to note is, although the workbook made it much easier to keep track of what was goin on, I still very likely made some mistakes in data collection. I am almost certain I missed recording a Lob under the Lob row and most likely miscounted the lower quality items more than once. I attempted to collect as much useful data as accurately as I could so we could have a more detailed image of what mayhem 4 loot is really like while maintaining some sanity.

    Assuming my mind remains alive through it, I would like to do this again for other bosses as well, let me know which ones you would like to see and I can try to get another sheet out asap.


    submitted by /u/Austehn
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    dedicated loot drop rate and rare enemy spawn rate

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:16 AM PST

    what's the % again on the dedicated loot drop rate?

    and also for rare enemy spawn rate?

    cuz i find it unbelievable how hard and long it took me to get a rare enemy spawn and then gives you nothing, plus exiting and re-entering from the game on a console (PS4 Pro) just to add insult for it.

    was farming El Dragon Jr. for the Stop-Gap shield, TVHM + Mayhem 4 + Guardian Rank Luck +15% + Lucky Loaded Dice (+Luck Item Drop), 1~2/10 spawn rate, and out of the 15 spawn encounters, 2 legendary artifact, 1 stop-gap, this is fucking ridiculous!

    it's either GB need to fix the re-spawn rate of rare enemies, or increase the drop rate of rare enemies.

    and at least give TVHM a meaning at all, even M4, increase the damn drop rate or even just annointed, we don't even know if Loaded Dice is actually working or not at all.

    bullshit like this tempts you for an item/save editor.

    submitted by /u/ecchisoba
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    Can Xbox game pass users play with steam users.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:39 PM PST

    If my friend uses the Xbox game pass and has the handsome jack collection can I play with him using my steam account?

    submitted by /u/Live_cucumber
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    Is anyone else dealing with a vending machine bug with the item pictures being displayed incorrectly?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:10 PM PST

    Is anyone else experiencing this? I keep selling the wrong items because the item picture is wrong.

    submitted by /u/Vannysh
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    Question about starting over on TVHM.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:47 PM PST

    Doing the side quests again does it reward you with better loot? Some of them seem like a total drag doing them lol

    submitted by /u/12_moon
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    Random idea for anointments.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:09 PM PST

    We already have to deal the the rng on the drop rates for a specific item. The chances for the right parts, then the right element... Some way to get specific annoited ledgenaries would be awesome. what if we could do something inspired by Tps grinder. Sac an annoited item to transfer that annointment onto another item and the cost will be based on the rarity of the destination item.

    submitted by /u/no_one46
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    Purple weapon farming

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:55 AM PST

    Looking for purple guns, specially quickie and everblast, and was wondering if there was a good method. I know there no dedicated drops or anything for purples but is there a census on the best way to get purples- mayhem level and locations?

    submitted by /u/dparkjoe
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    Etech Guns use too much ammo. Reducing their ammo consumption by 1 would really help them not suck.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:03 PM PST

    Virtually every single etech gun is hot garbage because they all use way too much ammo to sustain, and yet do pretty much average damage.

    There's a really easy solution though. Just reduce all their ammo consumptions by 1.

    Alien Barrel SMGs and Pistols would go from 2 to 1, making them a reasonable choice compared to other options.

    Antimatter Rifles would go from 3 to 2, leaving them powerful but not overpowered.

    And Carbunkles would go from 9 to 8, and Lumps would go from 5 to 4, still ammo heavy but more balanced so people without effectively infinite ammo can actually use them.

    It would give a lot more fun options with a really simple change!

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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