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    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    Borderlands DLC GLAT Boss fight is shit..

    Borderlands DLC GLAT Boss fight is shit..

    DLC GLAT Boss fight is shit..

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    I don't get it. How did they manage to mess the endfight up like this. It had so much potential.

    They had interessting characters and a fucking giant monster. But no.. they thought: lets do a bossfight with a heart that has cristals in it with 100000000 Hp.. so that the players will be busy for some time so that the time feels like a boss fight but in reality it is just shooting cristals and doging tentacles..

    I like the idea of two bosses in one fight. but why.. WHY had it to be like this. Eleanor is so weak.. idk what to say. and then she goes into cover while you have to fight the cristal heart with endless hp. Then when they say they finally fight together, you basically just need to kill eleanor to end the fight wich is a shame, because if they fight together, you should kill them together. Not one and the other one dies because of "heartbreak"?

    There was no challange at all. I expected way more than that..

    If I was wrong and there is more to that Bossfight that I didnt know please tell me. I will link a YouTube Video where I was fighting the Boss in timelaps. I could only save the last 5 min. so I already took a lot of health from the boss but still.. you can watch it and tell me if i did something wrong.

    Here's the YT Video


    So there is a way to kill the heart faster. (Watch the Video in the answers of thearcanewolf)
    Thanks for doing that :)
    (sadly I cant change the title of this post, or i dont know how to. I would add in captions "[...] if you do it like me")

    submitted by /u/SonnyTheUpdog
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    Please make a Borderlands Sience App

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    The game would be perfect to play a few games during the communte or on the toilet and still earn some nice stuff for the main game

    submitted by /u/marpf
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    Amalgam Dahl/Vladof AR idea

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    So I think that the concept of amalgam weapons in Borderlands 3 are a bit underutilized, and I thought of one that would work well not only as a weapon on it's own, but also serve as a neat call back to a previous Vault Hunter.

    The weapon I'm thinking of is called "The Sabre", a reference to the Sabre Turret used by Axton in Borderlands 2. An auto-fire Dahl assault rifle that, instead of having an alternate firing mode, possesses a modified Vladof zip-rocket barrel, where the rockets are a bit stronger and faster, but have a slower fire rate, making similiar to the "Scorched Earth" skill for the Sabre Turret.

    Just a little idea I had.

    submitted by /u/pey8523
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    Question about science

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    So I love puzzles and honestly this is really fun to me. If I'm being honest I couldnt care less about the in game stuff I'm doing it because I like it and especially because its helping actual science. So my question is: is this endless or does it just stop after I beat everyone's score? I would love for it to be endless because I would go way past what the game says.

    submitted by /u/greatvaluesadboy
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    My Favorite Part of BL3

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    The boss fights. In previous games it felt more like a fight with your skills than your actual game skill where every META build involved outhealing all damage through exclusively damage skills & Moxxie weapons rather than avoiding it like other games. Basically every non-starting boss has a nova attack that makes avoiding getting hit almost impossible (sometimes actually impossible depending on the boss) so all skills that didn't involve massive DPS to outheal the damage became instantly useless.

    Not BL3, though. While there are nova attacks and massive damage hits that bosses throw out, there aren't any one-shots and all attacks are heavily choreographed and avoidable, meaning builds based exclusively on DPS are no longer required (especially since Moxxie weapons don't heal anymore as far as I can tell).

    This one change of giving bosses easily readable and avoidable attacks has made the viability of almost every build soar, and I'm glad to see it. I love Borderlands 2 to death, but some of the boss fights felt unbeatable without the perfect setup. But not Borderlands 3, they definitely got this part right

    submitted by /u/WrongTime01
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    Here's a code for 10 keys ����

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:07 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/thekipling
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    Is there a way to stop dialogue during Borderlands Science?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    I figured I'd try it out, and it seems nice and relaxing, while also mentally engaging. I just beat the tutorial and now I'm on Brick's puzzles.

    And the dude won't shut up! Every minute or two he just keeps popping up and repeating stuff! It's really distracting and frustrating.

    Other than turning off dialogue altogether, is there a way to disable this? I'm certain even if I turned down voice volume and removed subtitles, that portrait pop-up would still be really distracting.

    submitted by /u/oneguiltymonkey
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    Anything in real life resembles borderland bandits?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Like any person out there, or gang, etc that look like borderland bandits in real life and even act like them?

    submitted by /u/verizonbear8
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    Two streamers start a new playthrough of borderlands 2 with dlc. Pretty interesting

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    So two streamers who play the game a bit differently from each other have decided to do a playthrough together on twitch of BL2. I found it interesting.


    submitted by /u/MyGfLooksAtMyPosts
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    Question: Is there any new event currently taking place?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Last one I knew about was Moxxi's slot machines having extra chance of dropping legendaries, but did they add any new events after that? Just got like 8 legendaries in the same 30 min span, that's not normal (at least for that character's current level).

    EDIT: Got them during combat in solo play.

    submitted by /u/AngieLovesSayori
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    Songs during guns and tentacles credits

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    What is the song during the credits of the new dlc? This game has some of the best soundtracks. Both songs would be nice.

    submitted by /u/LuciferThayne
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    Does Seein' Dead make taking Seeing Red pointless?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I've been a hardcore Moze player since launch and have finally started to branch out to other characters. I've got a Seein' Dead com, of course, and was looking at playing Zane. Is there a point to taking Seein' Red with that com, like to start the ball rolling on Kill Skills or should I just save the points for other skills?

    submitted by /u/KLGChaos
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    Is there a working save editor for Borderlands GotY Enhanced yet?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    WillowTree crashes each time I try to load up a save file. So was wondering if there's anything else.

    submitted by /u/ChayanDas19
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    Wiping The Slate

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Was there ever a follow-up to this TPS mission in BL3? During TPS you launch a rocket at the "butthole" of Pandora with the head from the Meriff's statue. Always felt like it would be something they'd plant as an easter egg in BL3 (like just a random crash site somewhere with the head showing)

    submitted by /u/Prospect_3
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    Is matchmaking broken for Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    I had some luck while leveling finding teammates through matchmaking but now that I'm at 57 I literally will sit for hours with nothing. Im on PSN in NA.

    submitted by /u/dahComrad
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    Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite - BL3

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Me and my friend are trying to beat the last boss and we've had a few tries but we can't seem to beat it. Can anyone jump on to Borderlands 3 (Xbox Live) to help out quickly?

    We're levels 57 and 55 and both Beastmasters.

    submitted by /u/GamerMW4
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    [Spoiler] Questions about the newest DLC

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    So i played through the DLC and i have to say i am amazed that it was done so damn well.

    However i seem to have missed echo logs and whatnot so a couple of things are not clear to me.

    So basically the two villians bonded themselfs with the Heart (which may or not have been a vault monster) and Vincent needs a new host body every now and then. They have Control over the village and "cursed" them all.

    What is the curse thing (i seem to have missed passages of that) and how does it come that the lodge exists if the two villians where the first ones on the planet?

    Also who the hell is the mancubus? I mean i get most of the Horror Genre remarks (like army of darkness) yet i fail to seem to get this straight.

    Thanks for all your answers

    submitted by /u/Shinjigami
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    Borderlands 3 eridian fabricator dropped guns levels?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    When using the gungun, does it drop guns at my level or random levels? When I get it I want to help a friend find the type of guns he wants, but I don't want to waste eridium by dropping level 50 guns when he's a level 10.

    submitted by /u/IceboundEarth2
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    Wtf Happened to my Lob?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    I know that in the last hotfix they changed The Lobs projectiles and fire rate, but for some reason while playing today, my Lob went from 600 something damage to 73. Is this planned? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    Edit: I just quit game and entered back in. The damage is now back at 654. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I'm playing as a level 29 Moze if anyone can think of why that would affect it.

    submitted by /u/saseko4saseko
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    Running the borderlands day 7

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    (Later than usual update but here it is) my roland is currently lvl 44 and I'm 26 hours and 30 minutes into my playthrough, I'm currently doing the Circle of Duty side missions I completed the main story at around hour 25 and plan to complete all the side missions soon.

    submitted by /u/longerboardjr
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    Borderlands 1 nostalgia playthrough

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Looking for some other vault hunters to play the original borderlands with. On ps4, my psn is mellowmcaree.

    submitted by /u/mellowmcaree18
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    help with voracidous the invincible

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Hi, does anyone wanna quickly team up and help me beat this annoying asshole? I have been trying for the last 1 hour killing him, and realise that i should team up with someone to beat the living shit out of this boss.

    I play on steam and my username is VES, my profile picture is that wheelchair emoji. If that dosen't help i think my URL is vessy

    Thanks in advance :D

    Edit: Forgot to say that it's borderlands 2 :D

    Edit 2: 4 hours later, still haven't cancelled the bastard

    edit 3: 7 hours has gone by, stil no progress in killing that idiot

    submitted by /u/fagmaster4200
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