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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    Borderlands Gotta hand it to the developers.

    Borderlands Gotta hand it to the developers.

    Gotta hand it to the developers.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I've taken a hiatus since the release of Mayhem 2.0. The balancing really put a bad taste in my mouth and I knew it was matter of time before the developers scale chests, grenades, etc. The game is much more enjoyable now with Moze IB build. I know a lot of hardcore players will probably say M10 is now too easy but I prefer it to be this way than what it was before. The only criticism I can say is to buff grenades and some other legendaries. Some purple weapons are now viable albeit not as good as some legendaries but this is a plus in my book. More variety. All and all good work.

    submitted by /u/Reddit___User
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    The ultimate BL3 optimization, performance, and tuning guide for PC!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    I have done a ton of investigation and typed out an optimization guide.

    1. Resolution. The higher, the better, as you would expect.
    2. Resolution scaling: If the game is running like crap, crank down the resolution and turn on UE4's dynamic resolution upscaling (a console command).
    3. HUD scaling. For some unknown reason, this slider is completely dead. Several users have asked for it to work, and it will probably be fixed in the next patch. I have ran the game at tons of resolutions, and the scaling is basically nonexistent/
    4. Ultrawide scaling: it works now.
    5. On-the-fly shader cooking/compiling: this game compiles shaders ahead of time (the optimizing shaders loading bar) and requires a full rebuild of the shader cache every time you update your DX12 driver or there is a major patch. While this would seriously impede performance and make new areas lag when you walk into them like you wouldn't believe, it's better than a loading screen.
    6. Graphics APIs. If you have Nvidia, the consensus is to use DX11 but DX12 has taken huge gains in performance lately, so use it instead. If on AMD, use DX12 for sure. Suggestion: UE4 is more than capable of supporting Vulkan. The engine version the game runs on (4.24 I think) deprecated out OpenGL a long time ago, and UE has never really been good with OpenGL. Vulkan support would not only be higher performance but would open the door to native Linux ports, removing the dependency on API/ABI wrappers like Wine, Proton, and the sort. Please note that the OS X version of the game uses the Metal API.
    7. FidelityFX. This is an AMD-only feature, and running it on an Nvidia card will result in a bit of lag. While it's a cool feature to add to a game, whether or not it is needed for Borderlands is anybody's guess.
    8. Camera motion blur. Takes a bit of performance, mainly a visual thing though. Good setting, works as intended. It's one of the post-processing shaders, so turn it down if your game runs slow.
    9. Object motion blur. Works when it works, doesn't hit performance too much.
    10. Texture streaming. Having this as a "low, medium, high" setting is kind of strange, because it should be "as fast and as soon as possible." Unless you've got some other program hitting the disk where BL3 is stored, this should be always high regardless of your PC. It really doesn't have that much impact on loading times though.
    11. Anisotropic filtering: this is for mipmaps (textures) and should be on if you can handle it. Turning it off makes edges look worse though.
    12. Material complexity: a strange name for this setting, but lower settings lower the quality of normal maps and specular maps. Keep it high if you can or the game will look like BL2.
    13. Shadows: generic slider for all shadow shaders (UE4 makes shadows their own category, and we don't have control over the other category... yet). If you can keep it high, please do so. However, this slider contributes to a HUGE amount of lag.
    14. Draw distance. Turn it down to save on hitting the disk, memory usage, and lag. Things out of distance will be covered by fog.
    15. Environment detail. Refers to the quality of terrain meshes. This setting carries more weight than the one below it.
    16. Terrain detail. Controls the quality of the ground and the heightmap that renders it. Not that important considering most of the maps are made up of fancy environments full of static meshes.
    17. Foliage. The lower, the less grass and plants. UE4 draws foliage in a special mode, and they are omit from collision checking. As such, you can completely turn it off. Makes Promethea and Athenas look kinda bad through, but this will really un-lag you on Eden-6 and Nekrotafeyo.
    18. Character detail. Selects the LOD (level of detail) for your player model and everyone else's.
    19. Ambient occlusion. This setting greatly increases the quality of lighting. However, you can turn it off, and because it's Borderlands, it won't look that bad. Takes quite a bit of CPU to grind AO though, so this is a heavyweight setting in the performance arena.
    20. Volumetric fog. Turn it off to get a better framerate, not much will change.
    21. Screen space reflections. This is what determines the quality of reflections off of metal surfaces, puddles, etc. It also has some weight in determining the quality of emissive shaders (glowing stuff). For the most part, this is a VERY difficult setting to turn up to the max, so keep it low if your framerate is low.

    A note on those (removed) audio settings. This game uses Wwise, and for better or for worse, it will automatically detect your sound hardware and use it. If you are an old-fashioned sound card person and have an EAX card, it'll (supposedly) get used. If you have Atmos, yep, it's in use. If you have any other sound card that supports DirectSound surround, that'll work too. Also, if you disable Windows Sonic, it is reported that these settings come back. Either way, you can edit these settings by editing the GameUserSettings.ini file in the game's save directory.

    It's also important to note what this game was built on and optimized for. This game is NOT optimized for Nvidia! It should also be noted that you should be on the latest driver possible. Not the latest WQHL driver, the latest one there is. It will make a BIG difference. You should update at least a day after an update (not hotfix).

    If you want to skip the startup videos, add "-NoStartupMovies" to the commandline/launch options.

    What about integrated graphics, you ask? Well, run the game at a low resolution and you should be fine. What about Linux? Stick to the standard Linux way, and the game should run OK.

    What about console commands? Well, this is where the real meat sits. Here's some good ones:

    sg.PostProcessQuality x: Where x is 0-3, this controls the quality of shaders stacked on your screen. Set it to 0 and things won't look that good, but the game will speed up.

    sg.ShadowQuality x: Made redundant with a slider on settings, but 0-3 is the range for this one.

    sg.TextureQuality x: 0-3 as well, but this one controls texture anisotropy and increases the VRAM texture buffer.

    sg.EffectsQuality x: 0-3, this one controls the quality of effects like fire, particles, and the sort.

    r.DetailMode x: 0-2, controls the quality of decals, lights, and highquality particles. Has a good say in performance.

    r.SkeletalMeshLODBias x: 0-3, controls the quality of players and characters. Made redundant by a slider.

    r.BloomQuality 0 or 4, 0 turns off the glowing reflections/glare and 4 turns it back on.

    You can create a file, located at C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 3\Intermediate\Config\Scalability.ini, and put stuff like this in it:

    [FoliageQuality@0] foliage.DensityScale=.25 grass.DensityScale=.25 [FoliageQuality@1] foliage.DensityScale=0.50 grass.DensityScale=0.50 [FoliageQuality@2] foliage.DensityScale=0.75 grass.DensityScale=0.75 [FoliageQuality@3] foliage.DensityScale=1.0 grass.DensityScale=1.0 

    That will allow you to finely tune those commands.

    Settings Files

    Here's the heavy hitters:

    1. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini - Controls where pak files are loaded from. If you ever make a mod file, make sure it is discoverable in one of these listed directories, or load it in like you a mod for Unreal Tournament 4 (Paks\~MODS\somename\someothername\whatever.pak)
    2. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini - All the settings as listed in the options menu, and then some. If your game is running slow, play with these settings some and you should be able to achieve better results.
    3. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\GameUserSettings.ini - allows you to override more settings manually, although this one might get ignored.
    4. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Scalability.ini - For fine-tuning performance. You can place entries in this file and adjust your performance "by hand" - https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Performance/Scalability/ScalabilityReference/index.html
    5. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini - (somewhat) allows you to override inputactions i.e. controls, but just use the in-game UI for that instead. Might be useful for adding jerry-rigged VR controller support, but I wouldn't recommend it at all.

    Now for some empty files, some of which you can put standard UE4 stuff in (look up the base UE4 config files and what goes in them to make your edits):

    1. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GbxTelemetry.ini - Blank.
    2. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameplayTags.ini - For UE4 object grouping.
    3. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GbxUI.ini - Blank.
    4. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GbxPerfAnalytics.ini - Blank.
    5. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\DeviceProfiles.ini - For UE4 device profiles/settings groups. Useless to us.
    6. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Spark.ini - Blank.
    7. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\PhysXVehicles.ini - For a UE4 physics simulation plugin.
    8. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GbxTimeOfDay.ini - Blank.
    9. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Paper2D.ini - For UE4 2D physics simulation. Useless.
    10. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\ApexDestruction.ini - A leftover from the UE3 days, useless.
    11. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Hardware.ini - Somewhat used in scalability settings, but not much.
    12. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Compat.ini - Used in UE4 device profiles, but hardly.
    13. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Game.ini - Not really useful, this is a holdover from the UE2 days.
    14. Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini - Allows you to tune game engine settings, but this game uses it to hold the configuration for the crash dump sender thing.
    15. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini - useless.
    16. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Hardware.ini - made redundant by the other hardware.ini.
    17. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Lightmass.ini - useful only to the UE4 editor.
    18. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Scalability.ini - not worth editing.
    19. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Compat.ini - not worth editing.
    20. Saved\Config\Windows\Game.ini - ignored.
    21. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Input.ini - made redundant by the other input.ini.
    22. Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\Game.ini - in this case, it specifies the localization content directory.

    Now, what can you actually do with those files? Here's an example of some custom versions of these files (merge them into your default files)


    [SystemSettings] r.LensFlareQuality=0 r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare=0 r.DefaultFeature.Bloom=0 r.BloomQuality=0 r.Shadow.MaxResolution=700 r.MotionBlur.Max=0 r.MotionBlurQuality=0 r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.PostProcessAAQuality=0 r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=0 r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0 r.Tonemapper.Quality=0 [/Script/Engine.Engine] bSmoothFrameRate=false 


    [/Script/OakGame.OakGameUserSettings] bUseVSync=True bUseDynamicResolution=False ResolutionSizeX=1920 ResolutionSizeY=1080 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=1152 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=648 WindowPosX=-1 WindowPosY=-1 FullscreenMode=1 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=0 FrameRateLimit=0.000000 DesiredScreenWidth=3840 bUseDesiredScreenHeight=True DesiredScreenHeight=2160 PreferredGraphicsAPI=DX12 <-- manually disable DX12 if your game keeps crashing [ScalabilityGroups] sg.ResolutionQuality=100.000000 sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 sg.AntiAliasingQuality=3 sg.ShadowQuality=3 sg.PostProcessQuality=3 sg.TextureQuality=3 sg.EffectsQuality=3 sg.FoliageQuality=3 

    Now, I am going to pitch in some of my test results on various machines lying around the house.

    Machine 1: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, AMD Radeon VII, 32GB RAM: Runs quite well on the highest possible settings. This game consumes up to 9GB of VRAM, and up to 10GB of system RAM. This machine could be considered "reference hardware" and is very similar to the machines the game was made on.

    Machine 2: AMD Ryzen 2800X, AMD Radeon Vega 56, 16GB RAM: Runs quite well on high/customized ultra. The Vega architecture is NOT the RX 5700 architecture, so your mileage with a 5700XT will vary from me.

    Machine 3: Intel i7 10700, Nvidia RTX 2080 Super, 32GB RAM: Runs pretty good on top settings, BUT it stutters every now and then. Not too sure what's going on there, there are no known "bottlenecks" on this machine.

    Machine 4: Intel i7 6800, Nvidia GTX 1060, 16GB RAM: Runs like garbage. Had to put it on Medium and it still ran kinda bad, but after tweaking settings I got it to run quite well. Even though this hardware is considered obsolete, you can definitely run the game on it.

    Anyway, that's all folks. If you have any questions, please ask away.

    submitted by /u/hackersmacker
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    Borderlands on the switch

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    Just recently ordered it on Amazon for my switch and man am I pumped. Borderlands 2 is easily my favourite game ever, with something like 40-50 days game time. Unfortunately 3 didn't quite hit the mark with me and nor did the pre sequel... however I am willing to give it another chance! So for the people on here who do have the collection on the switch, I'm just wondering, how does it hold up?

    submitted by /u/JackWachterrr
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    Machine Guns Only Spawn at level 4

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I started a new play through with Roland and noticed a weird glitch where no matter where I am, all automatic combat rifles (machine guns, glorious havoks) only spawn at level 4. My character is about level 20 right now I've noticed all other weapons spawning/dropping at the levels they should be at. Other non automatic combat rifles like cobras spawn at their proper level. Has anyone experienced this and know a fix?


    submitted by /u/krang-f-c
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    Two Pearl Hydra. One with the standard 5 shot spread and the other that shoots a rocket defeating the purpose of a Hydra.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Your standard Hydra will shoot a spread in 5 distinct horizontal groupings. This spread is quite wide and really good for specific situations. I wasn't looking for this gun but it popped up on a run through Knoxxatrap and Sanders Gorge in the DLC. I came back a couple days later collecting more parts for Tannis and another Pearl Hydra drops but this time it shoots rockets. I was honestly very surprised it could drop with that specific barrel but here we are.


    submitted by /u/relatedtothesimpsons
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    What gear should I use?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    Hey reddit, I'm starting a new kreig build and was wondering what guns/class mods/relics/ anything I should go for. For note, I'm going down the middle tree so what skills should I grab too?

    submitted by /u/High_Wollf975
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    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Question I read the patch notes I didn't see any nerf to the 50/150 anointed but I was told it was. so was it?

    submitted by /u/Eddiedurant17
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    What is the Recipe for legendary weapons from the dlc

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    What is the recipe for dlc legendary weapons in the pre-sequel

    submitted by /u/giggles190
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    moxxi's jackpot

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    i only bought this dlc because the reviews on steam for it were all good ik it sounds dumb but id like to hear other peoples opinions on what dlc is the best for BL3

    submitted by /u/elatedgiratina
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    WOTAN quest boss glitch fix.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    I've found a resolution that MAY not always work, but has for me every time here so far!

    Bring someone as a Moze. Moze has bear, and bear still registers the glitched out boss, and continues to attack it. Just summon bear, and let him do his thing. Throw grenades and stuff if you feel like it, but bear has fixed this for me and a friend a few times. I hope this helps you! We only did it a few times to test, so not sure if it's a 100% fix, but for the first three- and ONLY times we've run through it, it worked.

    Have fun, Guardians!

    submitted by /u/DinaDearest
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    TIL You can slide down ladders by holding B

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    I was just screwing around a ladder testing stuff with random buttons and found that out.

    submitted by /u/HA64e
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    Looking to play through BL1 with a group of people. Would prefer 3-4.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    I'm in EST but I can work with basically whatever timewise. I would prefer to not play with super little kids but as long as you're mature enough it wouldn't be a problem.

    submitted by /u/bossmodeballer3
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    Good M10 weapons

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I've only recently gotten back to playing, but when I got to the point that I could manage mayhem mode without too much difficulty it became clear that weapons feel pretty lackluster sometimes, even with my Chains that Bind build for Amara. Even guns I see in top 10 guns videos feel terrible, and videos I watch all say to use a consecutive hits anointment.

    What can I use that I don't need to grind for countless hours just to get the world's most perfect roll?

    submitted by /u/Samurai_Puppy
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    Is BDL 3 worth getting back into?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I stopped playing BDL 3 after around October of last year. I didnt like the constant nerfing and I just thought the story was kinda trash compared to bdl 1 and 2.

    Has the game improved since then? Or is it not even worth getting the dlc and playing?

    submitted by /u/josshhay
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    So, who’s the best character to play as in 3?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I might be getting the game soon, and I'm just wondering which character plays the best?

    submitted by /u/TheGAM3RR
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    [BL2] Is there a way to mute player voice lines?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Replaying BL2 with community patch and thought I'd try krieg. While I'm really enjoying the gameplay I can't help but get annoyed that his several minute voice lines tend to talk over everyone else. They were funny the first few times but I'm sick of missing npc dialogue at this point and just want him to stop talking. I did find one player muting mod but the nexusmods page mentioned that it would be broken without hex editing (not BLCMM).

    submitted by /u/Elber1
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    Graveward Off Map Drops?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    I've taken a rather long break from the game but came back to check on how the adjusted balancing feels.

    I've noticed when farming Graveward that he drops between 1 and 3 legendaries from his head that fall straight off the map.

    Has he always done this? I don't seem to remember it from before. I also noticed that the rest of his drops spawn in differently, falling straight out of the sky from a much higher point that before.

    submitted by /u/Itsa2319
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    Quick question

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    If the punching artifact can break a crystal deposit in one hit than why not hit enemies with it? Borderlands 3

    submitted by /u/almightyelk46
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    Havent played since launch, hows the game nowadays?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I played through it once, but couldnt bring myself to play through it again because of unskippable cutscenes and the cringy dialogue, The inventory UI being laggy as shit, lack of a real endgame goal, ect.. With 3 DLC's out, are they worth playing? In BL2, the main campaign was a bit of a slog with the DLC's really shining. With BL3, the campaign wouldn't be that bad if you could skip cutscenes. Huge environments, badass bosses, fun weapons.

    Also, any raid bosses? I dont remember there being any when I played. There was that arena-like area on Pandora but that was kind of a mystery at the time.

    submitted by /u/NinjaRun09
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    What’s a good sniper for levels 10-15?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Just starting out another playthrough and I'm looking for a decent sniper, straight up physical damage is preferred but not integral of course

    submitted by /u/efficientininvisible
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