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    Borderlands Questions about Level Scaling in BL2

    Borderlands Questions about Level Scaling in BL2

    Questions about Level Scaling in BL2

    Posted: 07 Jun 2022 06:44 AM PDT

    I just beat BL2 TVHM (True vault hunter mode). And officially unlocked UVHM. And im curious about scaling, ik in uvhm enemies scale to your level. But is this hard capped at 61? I have the bumping dlc that allows you to 72 then 80 through op levels and such. So im curious what is the level cap for enemies in uvhm. And do they scale with me? And also in dlcs in uvhm do they scale to my level as well? I haven't played any of then yet in my playthroigh bc I wanted them max level when I get the grog nozzle and etc.

    submitted by /u/SpareHorror9685
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    Trying to decide between character for BL2

    Posted: 07 Jun 2022 11:18 AM PDT

    I'm finishing up the last DLC for BL1 and trying to decide on which character I want to play. I played Mordecai in the first one and it wasn't too bad. I've tried BL2 before and went with Krieg but want to change things up this time. I'm thinking about either trying Maya or Gaige but not sure which. I'm leaning more towards Maya since I didn't mess with elemental effects at all in the first one so looking forward to giving them a try in 2. Who has been your favorite character to use in BL2 so far?

    Edit: Forgot to say that I'll be playing strictly solo in case that matters.

    submitted by /u/SJ548
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    [No Spoilers] I'm playing through the Borderlands series, and Tales has to be the best so far (writing wise)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 03:09 PM PDT

    Honestly? Tales From The Borderlands is a masterpiece in story. I've never felt so engaged by quicktime events, like, ever. I came into this game thinking it would make the fun and quick-paced action of the Borderlands Franchise into a boring point-and-click game with QTEs, which are always bad and lazy gameplay, apparently. I was so, so wrong.

    Seriously, this game made me happy as fuck over finger gun battles. The pacing and story were just that cool. It felt like I was playing a TV show (which is the point, isn't it?) and by the time it ended, I wanted to go back and do every choice differently.

    Without getting in the spoilers, the characters are awesome. Loader-bot is funny and heartwarming. Gortis is cute and not annoying. The switching between main characters thing was neat, and the way the story retelling plot comes together at the end was sick. And in chapter 5, where you can choose who you pick as your fellow vault hunters might be the coolest thing, like, ever. Especially considering it's based on how you help them, what info you bring up, etc.

    I've yet to play Borderlands 3 (it's installing right now, hopefully my laptop's integrated graphics don't take too much of a toll, lol) but with the way the past three games excelled on their story and characterization, it has to be one of, if not the best of Borderlands, story-wise, right? Right? RIGHT?

    submitted by /u/ShitbullsThrowaway
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    Can't connect to one friend from main steam account

    Posted: 07 Jun 2022 03:18 PM PDT

    So I'm having a problem on BL:2/TPS, where I can't connect to a friend, and they can't connect to me. I am not having this problem with anyone else. In fact, if I play with them from my alt - it works! I can connect just fine! So it's a steam account issue and not a network issue. But when I switch back to my main, it just gives me a timeout. They can play just fine with me if the host is someone else. But if it's either one of us trying to connect to each other, it doesn't work.

    Anyone else had this issue?

    submitted by /u/evsey9
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    Lore question: Was Dr Benedict responsible for Pandoran psychosis?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 07:57 PM PDT

    During Fustercluck, there were voiceovers that sounded like Dr Benedict and his research being used to introduce an agent into local water supply and making the population kill each other with the idea being that it would soften the area for easy takeovers.

    Am I remembering this correctly?

    submitted by /u/Stratoraptor
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    The Respawn rate in The Pre Sequel

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 09:58 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or does The Pre Sequel have a much higher respawn rate than BL2? Like, ridiculously high.

    submitted by /u/ether_rogue
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    Is the Carnage Jakobs shotgun in BL1 rare?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2022 10:45 AM PDT

    I wanted to post an image of it but cant so I'll just describe it. I was doing some chest farming in BL1 and found a purple Jakobs shotgun called the "ZPR1200 XX Terrible Carnage". It has the same effect as the Bulldog and fires rockets and it says "Holy crap! It shoots rockets!" On the item card but the text is white instead of red. Is this a hybrid or some kind of glitched weapon?

    submitted by /u/RedSlothGaming3
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    Never had an easier reward choice

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 06:16 AM PDT

    Give the light reactor to Janey for a laser weapon? Or destroy it for the Torgue guy for a Torgue weapon?

    I HATE Torgue weapons, I despise them. So that was easy.

    Does anyone like them? Do you guys like them? The explosion damage is NOT worth the bullets going through the air as if it were jello, IMO.

    submitted by /u/ether_rogue
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    Do you think Borderlands 3's plot will be any relevant in the future?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2022 01:17 PM PDT

    Just curious, so I can justify skipping it. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/ShitbullsThrowaway
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    Which games of the series are MUST play before Borderlands 3

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 04:55 PM PDT

    I recently started borderlands 3 with a friend on PS5. And I started as Amara coz her gameplay looks cool.

    I know most of you will recommend playing all the bl games before starting. But I don't know if I'm interested in playing the old ones coz

    1. I think the gameplay and graphics might be outdated.

    2. Idk if my friend will be interested in playing the previous games with me. A decade ago, i wasn't into multiplayers and i tried BL1 and i hated it as a single player game. I didn't get very far. So idk if i wanna go back to play them by myself.

    3. So far, based on bl3, i love the game coz of the gameplay and not so much for the story (Keep in mind, I'm still early in game (5 hours), so things might pick up story-wise and I might change my mind, but so far, it's not something I care too much for).

    So don't have the drive to put in a lot of time to play the previous games.

    However, I like to at least have a vague idea of who the characters are and the lore of borderlands. Like, I've no idea what siren, vaults Hunter mean, etc., or who Lilith is or any of the characters are. I watched some story recaps on YT but I'd like to get more into it. I like playing than watching YT videos anyways. I find Watching YT playthroughs on any game boring (even if it's story). I'd rather be playing.

    So, I was thinking of playing Tales from the Borderlands as it's just a visual novel and it might fill me up on what i need to know in a few hours. But just wanted to know if TftB is related to BL3. If so, would just playing this help me get into borderlands characters and lore which will let me enjoy bl3 better. Or is playing this irrelevant without playing BL1, pre-sequel and BL2?

    If there are MUST plays, what would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/MossMellow
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    Help with BLCMM

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 05:17 PM PDT

    When I try to launch BLCMM it tells me to press the key sequence T I N S and I have no idea what that means if anybody knows please tell me what to do

    submitted by /u/Trick_Killx69
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    I'm at my wit's end with the Community Patch.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 08:58 AM PDT

    (Yes, I could have posted this at the TPS reddit, but I need answers, and hopefully I can get them here.)

    I'm aware of the fact that yes, this is yet another Community Patch post, but I legitimately don't know what else to do at this point.

    I used to have the patch installed on TPS, but it's been years since I've played and I tried going back into it, only to have a giant fatal error message to pop up when I activate it. So I uninstalled and reinstalled, downloaded everything I needed to (including BLCMM and the Multi-Tool) and thought I did everything right.

    Then I went into the game, hit the console key to enact the patch...and it doesn't work. It pops up in the chat.

    Yes, I have the patches in the right spots. Yes, I have hit "set up game files for mods" and hit the "Hexedit executable" to install it and the console keys to Tilde.

    It still doesn't work.

    I literally have no idea what to do now, and I am very frustrated. I need help to figure out what to do. And not to sound like a douche, but I really don't want a link to the MentalMars or NexusMods pages as an answer. I tried those already. They don't work.

    submitted by /u/Arctimon
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    Would I like the borderlands handsome collection w/o nostalgia

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 08:35 PM PDT

    I'm thinking of getting the borderlands handsome collection but I've never played a borderlands game. Do y'all think I would like it even if 2 and prequel were my first games. Do they look super dated in 2022?

    submitted by /u/Right_Advertising_61
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    borderlands 1 help

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 02:37 PM PDT

    everytime i start up my original copy of borderlands goty not the enhanced version i get this error can anyone help me figure out how i can get my original copy to work again picture of the error

    submitted by /u/No_Movie4316
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    I think they’ve gotten too complicated.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 01:05 PM PDT

    I think the complexity of Borderlands should have ended at BL2 when it comes to weapons. I don't want to have to calculate the frequency of effect chances relative to my shields proc rate when holding a specific pistol under a full moon. Especially when its required to get better loot at higher levels. Maybe I'm just not playing it right?

    submitted by /u/Popular_Pen_1364
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    Borderlands Character all out fight

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 01:21 PM PDT

    So I have a idea for a death battle with every playable characters in the borderlands series but the problem is I don't know who would win and I would love help with this


    Because if it was gameplay Salvador would win

    submitted by /u/Cat_Noodle-99
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    Borderlands 3 my semi-review

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 04:11 PM PDT

    So I finally played borderlands 3 after avoiding it from all the bad reviews (plus it was free on epic).

    Gotta say it wasn't as bad as expecting. (Only played the base game and that's more or less all I want to after my experience with borderlands 3)

    The bad first of all is that the the story was pretty.. garbage to put it politely. Poorly written in nearly every way possible, cringey characters>! (e.g. AVA)!< and character assassination left and right. I honestly really can't say I enjoyed any of the plot, I read someone said it was basically a depression cycle, I agree with that. You climb a few steps and then get kicked in the nuts on each floor, not a great experience for the story. Plus these characters and even the major villains sucked in comparison to 2. (I miss handsome Jack)

    The good, upgrade on graphics, audio, special effects and gameplay. Simply "better" than in borderlands 2. (Pre-sequel as well)

    It's unfortunate they screwed the pooch on the other half of the game since I always played borderlands not for the grind but for that initial playthrough, so I just kinda feel bummed. At least the people who like the loot and gameplay grind got a good experience?

    Score: 6/10.

    p.s. ava sucks

    submitted by /u/BitterStrife
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    How to enable Dolby Atmos and what sound option should i choose?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 01:27 AM PDT

    I dont if its true but someone said dolby atmos is automatically enabled when you launched the game but what sound option should i choose? Headphone, Small Speaker Or HIFI(im headphone user btw)

    submitted by /u/Event_HorizonPH
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    Do bosses respawn in TPS?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2022 04:50 AM PDT

    Someone told me they don't, but I also read somewhere that a patch was coming out to change that, but it was old as hell, so I don't know if the patch ever came out.

    Also: I bought the game quite a while ago but just now got around to playing it. Did they make the extra classes free? Cause I don't remember ever buying any DLC but I have access to all 6 classes.

    submitted by /u/ether_rogue
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    Melee Krieg Viability?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 07:56 PM PDT

    What's your opinion on the viability of melee krieg throughout the game from lvl 1 to op 10

    submitted by /u/Vengefulcat85
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