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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Borderlands Maya Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Grog, Norfleet, Harold, Bee-Hawk, etc. required)

    Borderlands Maya Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Grog, Norfleet, Harold, Bee-Hawk, etc. required)

    Maya Digistruct Peak Guide (OP 10, No Grog, Norfleet, Harold, Bee-Hawk, etc. required)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Hello there, I hope you are all doing well today! I am here to present a classic Blurred Trickster Maya guide for taking down Digistruct peak (through OP 10) that requires no Norfleet, Sham, Grog, Bee-Hawk, DPUH, and so on. Important to note that I used this build on the Unofficial Community Patch but the advice, gear, and build translate seamlessly to the vanilla game for Maya.

    Gameplay + Commentary for those of you uninterested in reading it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XxwwKwkZaI

    Section 1: Build

    Green/Motion Tree:

    • Ward (5/5): +25% Shield Capacity and -40% Shield Recharge Delay is a really nice buff to our survivability. We have some other shield buffs coming that synergize nicely with this skill.

    • Suspension (5/5): + 2.5s to our Phaselock duration. Phaselock is an incredible action skill and having more duration for it is fantastic. As we progress we will receive multiple buffs from having phaselock active so the longer the better. Plus, holding an enemy completely still for longer for more free shots to the head/crit spot is always great.

    • Kinetic Reflection (1/5): This skill has fantastic value for just 1 point, giving you a 100% chance of deflecting bullets upon achieving a kill. It also reduces your damage by 10% and deals 20% damage back to the enemy. Furthermore, the com we will use (Blurred Trickster) boosts this to 5 points so it makes sense to grab the point.

    • Converge (1/1): This skill pulls enemies together like a singularity grenade upon activation of our Phaselock. This is really nice for blanketing enemies with grenades and splash damage weapons. It also synergizes incredibly well with Chain Reaction, which we will explain more in detail later.

    • Inertia (5/5): Kill skill that gives you 50% reload speed increase and regenerates 4% of your shield per second. Survivability and damage packed into one skill, yes, please!

    • Quicken (5/5): Action skill cooldown rate increased by 30%. Maya is super reliant on Phaselock to reach her maximum potential. This is fantastic for keeping the up-time of Phaselock to a maximum. UCP also gives you some weapon swap speed which is really cool.

    • Note: Some of you may be confused as to why we skip Accelerate. Put simply, we will do plenty of damage without it. More importantly, Accelerate is counter-intuitive to many of the guns used in this build. The added bullet speed makes it harder to use guns like the Pimpernel, Bekah, Hail, and basically anything with unlisted projectiles or a weapon with a "sweet spot". Accelerate will change how you use weapons that require hitting a "sweet spot" (Sawbar, Interfacer, and Pimpernel are good examples). The bullet speed changes where you aim and where you need to position for certain weapons. Since we will be using some of those listed weapons, I prefer not to mess with Accelerate.

    Blue/Harmony Tree:

    • Mind's Eye (5/5): +25% Crit damage is really nice, especially considering how easy it is to crit with Maya. On the UCP it also gives accuracy which is great since the melee damage is useless. You can skip this one in favor of sustenance further down the tree if you prefer.

    • Sweet Release (5/5): Killing a Phaselocked enemy creates 5 orbs that will seek us out and heal us based on our health. This is awesome for our sustain and overall survivability.

    • Wreck (5/5): +50% Fire Rate and +30% Damage while we have an enemy Phaselocked is a massive increase to our DPS. This is one of Maya's best DPS buffs and continues to pile on to the buffs we get from Phaselock (hence, why we want as much up-time as possible).

    • Elated (5/5): 5% Health regeneration, while we have an enemy Phaselocked, is really awesome. Especially when you consider all the other healing options Maya has from this tree. It really starts to add up and makes you quite tanky! Don't forget our Shield skills from the green tree either! Maya is deceptively tanky.

    • Res (UCP ONLY!) (1/1): In the UCP Res gives you 35% extra FFYL time. I quite like that. Take 1 point from Elated and allocate it here if you are on the UCP. Otherwise, ignore this...unless playing co-op of course. You should also put 1 point into restoration if you are on co-op. Shooting allies heals them for 6% of their health (that is a lot on high OP levels). Furthermore, with Chain Reaction your bullets will occasionally ricochet on your allies and heal them without you even bothering.

    • Life Tap (5/5): Upon getting a kill we get 6% life steal for a short time. The COM we are using also boosts this skill making it even more potent. TBH 5 points here are not necessary but I like to get scorn, so I do it to progress the tree. Huge increase to survivability even with 1/2 points.

    • Scorn (1/1): I think a lot of people don't really like this skill because Maya has ruin, which slags a good bit. However, there are going to be instances where it doesn't slag something and I don't think running a slag weapon or waiting for another Phaselock is really worth it. Throw it above the enemies and it will slag a whole bunch of stuff for you. It's really nice! It can also destroy the drones that Saturn shoots out which is incredibly useful for taking the Saturn(s) down. You can see me use this in the video for that!

    Red/Cataclysm Tree

    • Flicker (5/5): Increases our Elemental Effect Chance by 30%. This is pretty solid but isn't anything crazy. It is just better than the other options, (Helios, Backdraft, and Blight Phoenix are pretty underwhelming) and we do need to progress this tree.

    • Foresight (5/5): 20% Mag and 25% Reload Speed is a really nice increase to our DPS. This is definitely a worthwhile investment.

    • Immolate (5/5): 50% Damage as Fire Damage to all shots fired when in FFYL can come in really clutch in a bad situation. It is also just better than the rather poor alternatives.

    • Chain Reaction (5/5): Ah finally, the bread and butter of this build. Our COM will boost this to 10 points which gives us about an 84%ish chance to ricochet and hit another enemy while we have an enemy Phaselocked. Notice that these ricocheted bullets are not reduced damage like Gaige's Close Enough. This skill in conjunction with Reaper, Converge, and Wreck makes us destroy everything in a tight area. The guns we will be using take serious advantage of Chain Reaction and it allows for massive amounts of ricocheting bullets that hit hard. This skill can actually allow Maya to "Bore" occasionally. For instance, you can use this skill to "Bore" the Bunk3r as Zer0 does. This can work on a smaller scale as well, doing massive damage when it happens.

    • Cloud Kill (1/1): This skill just does a stupid amount of DoT. It can basically fully heal you with a Moxxi weapon out or with Life Tap active. Worth the point.

    • Reaper (5/5): 40% Increased Gun Damage to enemies above 50% health. This allows us to get a really nice burst onto enemies and sometimes just flat out kill them before they can even get below 50% health. Great skill.

    • Ruin (1/1): Phaselock will now apply Slag, Corrosion, and Electrocution. Those are all great, especially in conjunction with Converge. You'll be applying DoT left and right. This is the Maya capstone skill that I never ignore. It is just really good.

    • Skill Tree: https://bl2skills.com/siren.html#505101550055055000515550510501

    Section 2: Gear

    • Weapon 1 (Generalist): This is usually my slag slot for every other character but Maya really doesn't need it. Scorn and Ruin will take care of that for you. Therefore, I like to choose a weapon that can excel in any situation. The Bekah pretty much never leaves this slot for me. It does fantastic damage, especially when landing crits (easy to do with Phaselock). Furthermore, the initial bullet will split into two more after a set distance. When you find that sweet spot, this thing really shreds. Having multiple projectiles means it also has fantastic synergy with Chain Reaction. It will do a ton of single target DPS and multi-target DPS when Phaselock is active. Some other options include the Hail, Bitch, Sandhawk (if you must), Lyuda, Harold, Stinger, and the Kitten. Just try to use something that has few weaknesses.

    • Weapon 2&3 (DPS): The Pimpernel is my go-to DPS weapon for Maya on pretty much any build but especially with this one. A Corrosive and Shock Pimpernel in both slots will do the trick. You'll notice I had a fire one equipped but that was a mistake. Fire is less effective in the peak because no enemies count as flesh enemies. Anyway, these two weapons can singlehandedly carry you through the peak. The Pimpernel's initial projectile splits into a second one that shoots straight upwards upon contact and then there are 5-6 extra projectiles that emerge in a flower pattern. You can probably already see why this is going to be good with Chain Reaction... bullets and projectiles everywhere for massive DPS. The Pimpernel is a complicated weapon and I could do a write up on it alone. However, the most important thing to know is that you should generally aim for the crotch/belt area for human enemies so the second bullet will go into the head. For loaders, aim for their joints below the eye. I'll leave a Pimpernel guide linked here for those that want to know more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE7Yo1nwk_o

    • Weapon 4 (FFYL Weapon): For this slot, I generally run the Badaboom. It is a great weapon in case we get into a sticky situation and need a second win (It saves me in this run, in fact). Alternatively, any strong launcher or high DPS weapon will work. For example, the Interfacer, Norfleet, Topneaa, PBFG Launcher, Nukem, Creamer, etc.

    • Shield: We will primarily rely upon the Blockade/Antagonist with occasional use of the Bee to speed up mini-boss kills. You don't have to run the Bee but I didn't want my video to be over an hour long. It is useful for Dukino's Mom and Saturn primarily. They take forever to kill otherwise. Blockade/Antagonist are just fantastic generalist shields that will keep you alive in numerous different scenarios. Neogenator and Evolution could work as well if you can't get those two.

    • Class Mod: Purple Blurred Trickster COM. This COM boosts Fire Rate, Chain reaction +5, Kinetic Reflection +4, and Life Tap +4. All of those skills are really nice but what we really want is Chain Reaction. Alternatively, you can use a Blue Trickster that boosts Chain Reaction to +6 for even more DPS. I just like the three skills from the purple. Overall, we take this because of Chain Reaction. It is a huge DPS buff. Legendary Siren is great too and works perfectly fine with this build, just not as high DPS.

    • Grenade: Slag O-Negative, Slag Purple Transfusion, Storm Front/Electric Chair, Quasar, and Chain Lightning are some of my favorites. I primarily use the Slag O-Negative for extra sustain, but whatever tickles your fancy. Storm Front/Electric Chair can be great for bursting Scorch, Black Queens, Assasins, and just generally high damage.

    • Relic: Bone of the Ancients. Cooldown rate and extra elemental damage are absolutely fantastic. Use the Bone that matches the element you are currently using.

    Section 3: General Tips

    • Play the Peak cautiously and safely with Maya. Rely on your Phaselock as much as possible but also take care to Phaselock high priority targets (surveyors, enemies that can deal DoT, and of course mini-bosses where applicable). Phaselock is your primary source of damage and sustain, so don't feel bad for playing a bit passive while you wait to use the next one. This is a super useful ability for the Peak and it will really help you get through. Rely on it!

    • With that being said, be very wary of enemies that you cannot Phaselock. Dukino's Mom, Saturn(s), and OMGWTH are going to give you some trouble. For Dukino's Mom, if you get the midget spawns make sure to Phaselock them and then shoot Dukino's mom so you get the bonus damage, sustain, etc. for longer. This applies more generally as well. It is okay to Phaselock an enemy and then shoot different enemies to retain all your buffs and allow Chain Reaction to proc. Don't get too greedy with it though! For Saturn(s) and OMGWTH, you will need to kite and make sure to use proper cover. Have a Moxxi weapon (Hail is my favorite) on hand and some Transfusion grenades, it will help you a lot.

    • Prioritize corrosive weapons. For some reason, in the Peak flesh enemies do not actually take bonus damage from fire. They are considered "non-flesh" and take neutral damage. This means that fire is not totally useless but no longer retains a distinct advantage to flesh enemies. However, corrosive is not resisted by anything (other than some weird interactions with spider ants, use shock for them) and still deals bonus damage to loaders. Corrosive DoT also tends to do more and stick longer on enemies. Making it the more versatile choice for the peak. Link to the thread explaining this more in-depth: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/digistruct-peak-enemy-typing-issue-and-why-your-fire-guns-suck-there/1119745

    • Thanks for checking the post out! Please let me know if you have any questions/feedback. I will link the UCP changelog and my other guides below if anyone is interested!

    UCP Changelog: https://github.com/BLCM/BLCMods/blob/master/Borderlands%202%20mods/Community%20Patch%20Team/Full%20UCP%20Changelog.txt

    Axton Digi Peak Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/i6w8mq/axton_digistruct_peak_guide_op_10_no_grog_sham/

    Gaige Digi Peak Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/huwpro/gaige_deathtrap_digistruck_peak_guide_no_grog/

    Krieg Digi Peak Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/iczrdn/krieg_digistruct_peak_guide_op_10_no_grog/

    submitted by /u/meizinsane
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - August 21, 2020

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Is there any way to get myself excited for BL3 again?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    I felt my hype for BL3 die off after the second DLC. More accurately, after they introduced Mayhem 2.0

    I already had a difficult time adjusting to Mayhem 4. Seriously, the boss fight at the end of DLC 2 was so long and ridiculous, that I just gave up and switched off Mayhem entirely to beat it. I played a little of the 3rd DLC but I got bored pretty fast.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is how do I have fun with the introduction of Mayhem 2.0? That honestly killed the game for me.

    submitted by /u/danieltargaryean
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    What kind of new weapons do you want to see in DLC 4?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I would love to see bloodsplosion come back as a shotgun!

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    Marcus Mission: It’s like Christmas

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Just wanted to check and see if any Nintendo Switch players who would be willing to do this mission with me.

    I messed up and have been locked out by an inaccessible door that is locked to me, due to my mess up.

    Referring to BorderLands 1

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Ohfishcakes
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    What are some "must have" weapons/gear after the recent DLCs/Updates? (In general)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Reached lv60 on my Moze, might bring my others to 60 aswell.

    I Want to farm good gear for my lv60 Moze now and I'm wondering what's the must have gear for BL3 in general after all the new stuff?

    For all characters if possible to have a nice list of what to keep and what not


    submitted by /u/Mind_Infection
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    Video tutorial on how to crossplay Steam and Epic in Borderlands 2?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    I can't figure out how to play with friends from different launchers and there isn't any tutorial on YouTube on how to do it! I've created a Shift account as well as my friend but we don't know how to friend each other so we can invite to our lobbies! Please help!

    submitted by /u/AwesomeYears
    [link] [comments]

    Do I need to be on mayhem 10 to get the Linc?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    I know it's not the best legendary out there, I know there are better pistols and what not but I love Atlas guns.

    submitted by /u/AncapNomad
    [link] [comments]

    Borderlands 1 level cap mod?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Is there any mods to increase the max level cap to lets say... 90 or 100? or maybe even a play through 3 mod?

    submitted by /u/Dyleon69
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    shift code redeemer

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    since the bl3_auto_vip app has stopped working and seems to have stopped development. here's a new cross-platform app for automatic shift code redemptions, blshift.

    • runs on Windows, MacOS, Linux, or anything with python3
    • automatically pulls active codes from shift.orcicorn.com
    • codes can also be manually redeemed
    • works for all Borderlands (3, 2, the pre-sequel), and all platforms (Xbox, PSN, Steam, Nintendo)
    • runs on command line so can be easily scripted or put in a cron job to run on a schedule
    • supports multiple shift accounts on different platforms
    • open-source so you can be assured your logins are safe and secure
    • provides a reusable package to use in your own python scripts
    submitted by /u/eldereko
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    [BL1] Then They'll Tell Two Friends Help

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Any wandering badass that would happen to have this trophy care to help out? Everytime I try and go into a public game I haven't had any luck. Figured I would ask for help on here until I get some kind of response.

    Any help is appreciated as always.

    submitted by /u/O-s-l-o
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    Highest damage on an infinity?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    I've just hit level 60 and am now in mayhem 10 gear, and I'm just wondering what the highest damage an infinity pistol can do dropped from the alpha in the anvil (borderlands 3 btw)

    submitted by /u/wicksypickle
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    What songs/playlists to listen to whilst playing the original borderlands.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    I got BL1 through the quakecon sale on steam, and I played borderlands 2 before the first one, and it may be because I have barely gone outside if the starter area, but I find the soundtrack, a the moment, kind of lackluster, but I love the game so far?

    submitted by /u/Guiltymorgan12
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    Should i start tvhm once i hit level 50 or can i just start it now?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    So i just finished playing through normal mode woth all my characters, but i dont know if i should start tvhm right now or wait until im max level can someone help me?

    submitted by /u/isuckatnames06
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    What are the best maliwan weapons?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Planning on doing a maliwan allegiance as maya and wanted to know the best weapons for maliwan. So far I know about the pimpernel, hellfire, and the flame of the firehawk

    submitted by /u/Periachi
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    [Speculation] What if Phaseshift became a player-characters Siren Ability? How would that Work

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Curious about this because as of all the Siren powers we've seen performed, Phaseshift is the only one that hasn't been in control of a player character and before-they-graduate to becoming NPC's and getting much more powerful that wouldn't make sense for it to be a player-character ability. (Like Lillith's abilities).

    However, I'm curious how Phase Shift would work.. what can you hack? What would that do? Does Borderlands just become Watch Dogs with Looting? If you can hack a lot of machines couldn't you just steal from ALL of the Vendors? Couldn't you make every enemy Tediore gun explode?

    It's really weird and I don't really think this specific Siren ability could ever become a player ability..

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Islarf
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    Constant Healing Indicators

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    My friend and I just picked up BL3. Having a blast coming from BL2/TPS high.

    I'm having a hard time finding the "source" or reason for the constant, non-stop, "healing" (medical/cross symbols popping up around and out) indicators on my friend.

    I'm running a "green" Flak build, and have all the group healing stuff. Is it that? We can't find anything on the legendaries or elsewhere as a cause for it, and it's been going on through 10 levels or so of gear changes I think.

    Only reason I can't gain confidence in my own passives "showing" on my friend, is that they "should" or "would" show on the pets that are also affected, no? Edit: going to chalk it up to the game prioritizing/emphasizing showing this kind of information for other players, and not for pets, as a combination of "because player" and perhaps the sources for pets getting healed are too numerous to be worth/viable rendering.

    tl;dr any common reasons to see constant healing in and out of combat in coop?

    submitted by /u/somegamerthatgames
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    New player and never played Borderlands before, just got Borderlands GOTY, Handsome Collection and Borderland 3 and I have few questions

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    So as title said I never played Borderlands even tho I know about the game for long time but now I have questions since I am about to start to play it

    So do I play game in order of release or play Pre-equal then followed by GOTY, 1 and 2, also is story of all games like the same or does story evolve from first game till Borderlands 3

    submitted by /u/RickV6
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    Is it possible to transfer save files between Borderlands 1 and GOTY Enhanced?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    EDIT: Forgot to add that I am on PC.

    I just got Borderlands GOTYE on sale, and went ahead and played it.

    Its just that, I only realized it just now, I've actually been playing the original Borderlands, not the Game of the Year Enhanced one.

    Is it possible to use or transfer the old save to the GOTYE one? I did a quick search and there was one that said to upload the save in the old one and download it in GOTYE, but no upload option is available in the old one.

    I'm not too far in the game yet, I only just exited the First area, but I don't really feel like starting from scratch again. Many thanks, guys!

    EDIT #2: EDIT Boogaloo: I should learn to search a little deeper. Found out from 2K's own site that I can just import the save when I run GOTYE.

    submitted by /u/doodwhatsrsly
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