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    Sunday, April 25, 2021

    Borderlands Unpopular opinion, BL has too many gimmicks

    Borderlands Unpopular opinion, BL has too many gimmicks

    Unpopular opinion, BL has too many gimmicks

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    I know people see BL2 as the best, but honestly I think 1 is the best. I feel like it's the most well rounded; great guns, good characters, funny dialogue, fun DLC, etc. And I feel like the other games are too focused on one of those aspects at a time. I wish BL2 didn't force you to have slag to actually play the game past a certain point. TPS just has a boring story. And BL3 made some really questionable choices along the way. I still really enjoy playing all the games, and I dont hate any of them by any means, but if we could combine the story of 2, skill trees of TPS, and graphics/gun play of 3 with the "basic-ness" of 1, I think that would be like the ultimate combo

    submitted by /u/YesImHomo
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    Just got this game on sale for switch. This. Game. Is. Awesome.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    I just bought this game on switch for 12 bucks, (Borderlands: GOTY) and Ive been playing it for the past 2 days. I may have barely put any hours into it, but the game is just that good. So far Ive only completed about 15 missions, currently on level 12. Having a blast, and Im definetly getting The Handsome collection on my wishlist as soon as I beat the first one!

    submitted by /u/ToonNinja_
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    New bl3 player and need help with skills

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    I noticed that you can swap in and out your action skills. Do people do that often for different situations?

    Also I'm playing fl4k and using his invis skill, what weapons should I use? It seems like the skill is good with high damage single shot weapons but is just an inferior version of zer0s skill in bl2 as it has no damage amp

    Should I focus on one tree first or go down all at the same time?

    submitted by /u/HowlWater_Brain
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    Should I replay?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    I had borderlands 2 on vita and I played the s*it out of that game, I absolutely loved it. I want to get it on switch but because of how much I played on vita and how long it took me to do some parts it absolutely terrifies me about doing it all over again and starting from scratch. Any input?

    submitted by /u/schrammalama0
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    Need help understanding '....To Pay The Bills'

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    Playing Zer0 right now.
    What I've been doing is going stealth and either:
    - Sniping their head
    - Shotgun blast to the face
    - Simple melee

    But the badass challenge is not showing me the progress. Sometimes it shows a shotgun challenge progress, and sometimes the sniper challenge progress. I tried changing my methods by using a rocket launcher and yet no progress was shown. Is the challenge bugged in any way?

    I want Nihilism so bad.

    submitted by /u/ElMoe_TheFool
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    Returning player

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Haven't picked up BL 3 in 6 months, saw new dlc etc. Scooped it. What's the best build for auto-bear now with this 4th skill tree?

    submitted by /u/Crossblue
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    Maurice's Black Market Vendor

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    The idea of a moving vending machine is really good but I do think that the loot in it is a little bit underwhelming, especially after having played the game for while and having farmed for that loot. My suggestion would be to add at least one Mayhem exclusive each week. That way it would be a bit better.

    submitted by /u/Renown_29
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    Bugged Monarch Spawn?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Has anyone had any issues lately getting the Monarch to spawn? I've farmed Killavolt on Mayhem 6 for easily eight hours at this point and legit haven't gotten it to spawn once. I'm using loaded dice with lootsplosion on top of that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: For anyone who may come across this in the future, get out of True Vault Hunter Mode and just do it in normal mode. Got it on my second try there.

    submitted by /u/Shiny_Hunter23
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    Knox Armour Glitch help

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    I was about to enter the armory after using the colour pass code but had to exit my game. When I went back later, the mission was ready to turn in, but I cannot enter the armory to do that becuase the door is not open. I need to play with someone who has yet to get to this mission. Seems unlikley I'll be able to do that though. I will probably start the Knox DLC on playthrough 1. This is just so I can get the trophies. Has anyone out there not got that far on the Knox DLC on playthrough 2 or is there anything else I can do. I am playing the PS4 version on PS5

    submitted by /u/Leather_Cake
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    Anarchy Drop Location

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    Do you know where i can farm this gun? I tried to farm Kukuwajack, but after 1 hour it only drops the Frozen Devil pistol. After the new hotfix is there a new spot to farm it?

    submitted by /u/alvaro_rm_07
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    Different damage after leaving and trying again

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    I got tired of fighting troy and tried today and now when I nuke him with iron bear it literally does like 10% of the damage it did when I first fought him. He was 66 both times and im 65. Hes just staight up harder to beat like if I beat him that day It wouldn't have changed. Real fun

    submitted by /u/teabagmaniac
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    How is this still not fixed (bl3)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    So I was playing through handsome jackpot to test out a fl4k build I found online when the subtitles glitched out. They keeped showing the dialogue Freddie says after his intro cutscene way past the area it's said, sometimes replacing entire dialogue exchanges with it. Even after I quit playing for the day it showed up when I started up today. This glitch has been around since I got the game around two years ago and it still hasn't been fixed, I mean seriously gearbox? I realize it's not a major game-breaking glitch, but as someone who like the listen to videos while playing it's annoying.

    submitted by /u/Some_Degenerate0
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    Is there an actual story to borderlands 1?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    So far it seems im just running around doing fetch quests and not getting any dialogue other than angel talking to me sometimes.

    submitted by /u/DrogonTarg
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