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    Thursday, December 16, 2021

    Borderlands So, Amara is constantly harshly critiquing her enemies, is super famous, and very arrogant...

    Borderlands So, Amara is constantly harshly critiquing her enemies, is super famous, and very arrogant...

    So, Amara is constantly harshly critiquing her enemies, is super famous, and very arrogant...

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Does that make her Siren Cowell

    submitted by /u/DeanTurner12
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    Where did slag go lore-wise?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 06:26 PM PST

    It's gotta still be on Pandora in some capacity, right? The Calypso Twins couldn't have consumed any of it since it isn't technically Eridium (if they did, that makes even less sense). I don't see how Hyperion could've even gotten all of it off-planet.

    The slag mutated and slag-infused animal and human population are nowhere to be found despite there being a lot of them pretty much all over Pandora. The Anointed don't count since they don't give slag effects after damaging anything.

    And slag weapons, too. It seemed like a lot of the bandit population and Hyperion soldiers used them frequently. But those are also all gone. They ceased to exist and are nowhere to be found.

    So where did it all go?

    submitted by /u/blindwanderer23
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    Wanna give BL3 another chance

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 08:58 AM PST

    Hey gamers! I wanna get back into BL3 and try out some of the new content but I'm not sure what DLC's to buy. What are your favorite DLC's so far? Was also wondering if it's worth switching to Steam now that BL3 is 75% of there or if it is pretty much the same on Epic. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/garpen_
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    Handsome Jack

    Posted: 16 Dec 2021 03:39 AM PST

    I absolutely love him! He's so cute, funny, psychotic in a fun way, and I love his interactions with Rhys

    submitted by /u/Service_United
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    Does NVHM get harder each time you create a new character ?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 11:51 PM PST

    After taking Gaige to UVHM, I decided I had to relax a bit and started a Sal playthrough (fucking hell the game is just super easy with him)

    However, I noticed more badasses than in my first NVHM playthrough with Gaige. Like, when you enter the Firehawk's den, I remember seeing a simple bandit getting burned from the traps. This time, I had 2 badass bandits running straight to me, completely ignoring the traps.

    Is it all RNG or does NVHM actually get "harder" ?

    submitted by /u/MyNamesRMG
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    Is there an XP nerf in BL3 after beating the game?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 09:32 PM PST

    Just a quick question - I'm at level 48 right now for reference. Before I beat the game I was getting around 400-100+xp on each kill but after I beat the game, I was getting >40xp for each kill.

    I don't know if this is usual or not or if I'm misremembering, I was even playing on Mayhem 2, so I feel like I should be getting a little more, but I don't know. I just want to know if it's usual or not to get that amount of xp per kill

    Appreciate any answer!

    submitted by /u/SneakingBanana
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    LFG Borderlands, and Borderlands2

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 10:25 AM PST

    I'm coming out of a nasty breakup and could use some new gaming friends. I'd like to play these amazing games with some people on PS4

    submitted by /u/JuanSolo400
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    3 player Trophy.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 07:25 PM PST

    Im on my 2nd playthrough(Solo Mordi) and I've gotten most of the base game trophies. Only really missing bout 4. One of which is the infamous "And They'll Tell Two Friends" trophy. If anyone is willing to help, that'd be great.

    PSN - Vendred

    submitted by /u/No_Gas31
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    Hedges on Helios station

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 06:43 PM PST

    In the hub of heroism, the vault key shaped plants and hedges. Are they real? Or are they plastic plants?? Most business storefronts have plastic plants, because it's cheaper and water is expensive. But Borderlands is set in the 2800's so it's the future and keeping plants might be cheaper, maybe the robots do it?? But when I shoot the hedges with a fire gun they don't burn, so they have to be plastic?? How cheap of Hyperion?

    submitted by /u/Tavian_Tyrell
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    Not getting any xp from enemies in TVHM + M3??

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 05:24 PM PST

    Can't quite find an explanation from Google as to what's happening here.

    I finished Normal at level 45 and went into TVHM and activated Mayhem 2 (I've since gone to M3 hoping it'd fix this issue).

    All the enemies scaled up to my level, but they give almost no XP.

    For example, a level 47 bandit psycho gives me 6 xp, but it gives me over 1000 guardian token xp.

    I'll never level up at this rate. What is going on??

    submitted by /u/orewhisk
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    What about the shields?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 06:45 PM PST

    After playing through BL3 for the second time, I finally noticed that the only manufacturer making relics was eridians. Now, this then lead me to checking out the people behind making the shields. Pangolin making both grenades and shields, Hyperion making those and guns, while Anshin only makes sheilds. Having the other manufacturers play a major role in the story makes me feel as if theres been a missed opportunity with Anshin or Pangolin. Possibly some giant shielded city(cough BL2 Sanctuary cough) that's available in some DLC? Or maybe just some echo logs hinting at possible inclusion in future games?

    submitted by /u/Motr_Boatr69
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    I'm having some difficulty beating Krom, are there any places where I can grind lvls?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 09:03 AM PST

    As the title says I'm having some trouble beating Krom, mainly that whenever I try to get to him either his minions kill me or his machine gun thing does, currently lvl 28 soldier and this is my first playthrough. I'd also like to note that I'm fighting him by myself, but I don't want to group up with randoms. I've done most of the sidequests that I had available to me other than the ones in krom's canyon. I'm play the game of the year addition (not the enhanced one) if that helps.

    submitted by /u/samsational2003
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    Should I beat the BL3 story before starting the DLC

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 04:16 PM PST

    I've just started the game and was wondering with should I play the DLC

    submitted by /u/IfollowWWE
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    Softlocked (or stuck) near beginning of Borderlands 2?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 05:20 AM PST

    On one of the first real missions, where you have to attack this fire-breathing dragon pirate ship. I made it to this area on top of the ship that is obviously a boss battle zone. I say obviously because there's almost no loot and it's just this wide open boring-ass area... Seems to me like the boss didn't spawn? I found ways to jump over the wall to get to the front (firebreathing) side, and found some loot and a lever that did nothing(?), but had this uncanny feeling the whole time that I "wasn't supposed to be there...".

    Am I an idiot? I got here normally by fighting my way through waves that progressively spawned as I climbed the ship. Hit the spawn checkpoint just below that plateau (top deck of ship). Walked up a ramp to the only obvious "next" part of the level, only to find it gated off. I look to my right and there's an easy way to jump down past the gate. Seems intentionally left open to jump down, allowing you to bypass the gate, so I do. But then after that nothing spawns, nothing happens... I even tried learning how to track quests to turn on some sort of indicator for what I missed but I didn't get anything. No obvious way to "normally" get past the gate, either...

    Pretty frustrating. I've heard this is a good game from trusted sources, so I wanted to give it a go, but pretty much my least favorite experience in single player games is sitting there with no idea what I'm "supposed" to do. Posting here because I'm probably not gonna play it again unless someone knows how to solve this issue (or can tell me what obvious thing I stupidly missed!). Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Meebsie
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    Is True vault hunter mode worth it

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 08:37 AM PST

    Is it worth doing true vault hunter mode as i want to start it but i don't know what it changes apart from harder enemies

    submitted by /u/cjescottt
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    Is this a safe place to absolutely rant about BL?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 02:56 PM PST

    I just got the GOTY collection for Switch, and I'm trying to trudge through it.

    I love FPS, grew up on classic Goldenye and Perfect Dark, but this game feels like a chore and I want to rant, but don't want to upset anyone.

    submitted by /u/MrchntMariner86
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    Any mods for Jack's voice to be permanent

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 10:57 AM PST

    I really liked the special voice line when Salvador had the Jack's voice modulator on temporary so, is there any way I can make it permanent?

    submitted by /u/Decent-Turnover
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    Borderlands 1: What missions should i watch out for? I'm reaching endgame

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 10:07 PM PST

    I know that there is a glitch to farm the secret armory and i'm wondering if theres any other missions that have a mechanic like that where if you complete them you miss out on something. thank you!

    submitted by /u/missionlake2
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    Farming without resetting save

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 11:02 PM PST

    Hey, right now I'm on my level 62 zer0 and I wanna farm the lady fist before taking on warrior, but when I get to op10 I want to get an op10 one for Haderax but I can't get the quest again without restarting the story.

    Any way to bypass that? I saw Joltz talking about 'backing up your save' a few times but couldn't find anything about it online.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/imreallytobey
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