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    Sunday, June 20, 2021

    Borderlands A Very Lucky Ajax Ogre Drop!

    Borderlands A Very Lucky Ajax Ogre Drop!

    A Very Lucky Ajax Ogre Drop!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    After three or four days of fairly casual farming for the Ajax Ogre, I got one to drop; not only is it the first one I've gotten on PC, but its also a fantastic variant!

    About a year back, I was farming for the Ajax Ogre as well on Xbox; I managed to get three of them, although all of them were HVY variants. This is probably the best drop I have ever gotten, and it is quite exciting to have such fantastic luck!

    This thing is actually so insane, especially on my Roland. Too bad it doesn't have a sight, but honestly I love this thing and its insane fire rate, it is so fun lmao

    Wowee, look at this!

    submitted by /u/GreenSumner
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    Xp farm for first play bl2

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    I'm playing through the game for the first time, and currently I'm level 15. I want to level up fast, so I can get to the endgame faster. What would you recommend to be the best 1-72 farm solo?

    submitted by /u/retarded-Username
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    Modded guns for Borderlands 1?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    Is this a thing? Can you edit save files without homebrewing your switch?

    submitted by /u/Outside-Natural-5997
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    Is it just me or is bl2 for switch harder

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    I just got the switch version for myself for Father's day and I feel like I'm having a harder time adjusting and the enemies seem higher leveled am I just imagining it?

    submitted by /u/JazzDaSpood
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    Looking for people to play with, BL3 on PC

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    18+ preferred but not necessarily required, just no immaturity please

    message me or reply with your shift names and I'll add you :)

    submitted by /u/iqnite
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    UVHM on Gaige

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    Hello. I just got all of my BL3 characters up to max and now I have gone back to playing some of my toons I haven't played in a while. I am currently running Gaige and Aurelia up to max level in UVHM. I am having a heck of a time with Gaige. I don't think it is her build, but due to her nature it takes quite a bit of time to build up enough anarchy to really do any damage on mobs. The problem is, especially where I am at, is that the only way I can really take out enemies is to send out Death Trap, wail on the mob with ten clips of ammo while he tanks, then pick mobs off one by one by repeating this ad nauseum. I don't really have this problem with Aurelia and I haven't noticed it on other characters that I am not as far along with. But at this level, my main problem is I can spend 15 minutes killing off a bunch of mobs, then they will just respawn after the timer runs out. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if I knew that there would only be so many enemies in an area but that does not appear to be the case. At this point it doesn't really make sense to just wait until I am at a higher level either, as mobs will level with me in UVHM.

    Farming for extra good weapons doesn't make a lot of sense either, as I am still leveling. I still can't use the gun captain Flynt dropped as I haven't leveled yet and it is one level over me. I am currently doing a Dam Fine Rescue and this time I was not able to rescue Roland and I need to kill W4RD3N. I can make my way over to him but the robots air dropping in are just endless.

    Any advice would be appreciated. I don't really need help just in this part, I just need a better strategy going forward. I know Gaige isn't the easiest to play but it should be doable and it just seems ridiculous at the pace I am going. If I can build up 100+ stacks of anarchy I can start making real dents in things but building up to that and maintaining it takes forever.

    submitted by /u/josefgabriel
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    What to do after the story?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I beat the story and got to level 50 pretty quickly and dropped the game after that. I picked it back up recently and I have no clue what is worth doing or what is available really?

    Everything I see online is from early 2020 and I don't know how accurate that info is for the game anymore. So, what is considered the next step after finishing the story?

    (Edit) I'm referring to BL3

    submitted by /u/Sinisterslushy
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    Question about starting level 30 in borderlands 2

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    I'm playing bl2 and I have a level 13 gunzerker and just started A Train to catch mission and I'm not sure if I should just go ahead and start at level 30 and get straight to TVHM to get ahead and stuff what do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/mega-gx-5
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    How good is the baby maker on axton?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    I got it by a world drop off of bunk3r. So far it seems great alongside the unkempt herold. I do have the grenade damage perk upgraded to max and then add that with my turret wich has slag shots and im buffed when i deploy it. So i guess im op? In lvl 51

    submitted by /u/themememgod3
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    Need help with DLCs on TVHM

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm level 50 right now on TVHM, doing all DLCs after i finished the main story. All i have left now is Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, is it too late now? I heard DLCs scale only until level 50 on TVHM, will I be too overleveled? Should I just create a level 30 character?

    submitted by /u/gustavosqez
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    Old player returning to the roots, damage feels very low

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    Hey, I played the first borderlands religiously on xbox 360 and maxed every character but mordecai. Recently, seing everyone talking about how fun and good damage mordecai was, I figured I'd download the game again on steam. Damage was decent at first, but now at level 10-12 the damage is pretty bad. Bruisers can take up to 6-8 hits with level appropriate guns, and I don't remeber it being this bad playing 10 years ago.

    Just fought the roid rage psycho, which took me 15 minutes of hiding in the safe area and going back up and down to hit few shots and avoid getting 1shotted by the grenades. The weapons are level appropriate, even used some gold keys to get some good weapons. Am using sniper and revolver, each with what I'd assume is close to cap damage at that level. Yet the damage barely scratched that boss.

    Now I am a bit offput at keep playing, but I am obviously doing anything wrong. Anyone know what? Critical hits dealt no damage to him almost, and normal mobbing takes a few crits too even close range with top rolled revolvers.

    submitted by /u/TommieSjukskriven
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    Is the beskar shield over powered?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    It seems way too good to be true

    submitted by /u/Just_A_Calzone
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    Eli Roth’s Borderlands movie

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    I've been doing film/gaming/comic journalism for awhile and have been following all the news around the Borderlands movie pretty closely. I love the games. I keep waiting for the red flag that says this movie isn't going to kick ass. I thought it was raised with Kevin Hart cast as Roland but his passion for the project has turned me around. At this point I'm pretty convinced this movie is going to be a lot of fun. What do you guys think? Anything excite you about seeing Borderlands on the big screen? What are your hopes?

    submitted by /u/shumama813
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