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    Saturday, September 28, 2019

    Borderlands After seven years...

    Borderlands After seven years...

    After seven years...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:02 AM PDT


    Claptrap's Claplist is FINALLY fulfilled!

    submitted by /u/Spare15
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    Woah, has anyone seen an artifact like this before? Can't see myself ever unequipping this!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Was farming some bosses when I stumbled upon this legendary artifact.

    Looks pretty unique to me, and very powerful. Why would I not wear it??

    submitted by /u/CharityDiary
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    Appreciation post for no microtransactions.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    I see a lot of people complaining about the bad things but not a lot of feedback on the positive aspects of the game, my favorite being that there are zero microtransactions! And even a funny sidequests making fun of microtransactions. Hats off to you gearbox.

    submitted by /u/LickaBitaPus
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    Legendaries need dedicated loot drop locations like BL2

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    BL2 was great for many reasons, one of the biggest reasons being that trying to get most gear for certain builds was as simple as farming a specific loot source depending on the loot. BL2 did have a few world drops such as the Fire Bee and Bouncing Bonny but most legendaries were tied to bosses or unique enemies as well. With the nerfing of legendary drops in Mayhem mode, it becomes even more of a priority to preserve the replayability of the game and the lifespan of it.

    Having most legendaries world drop adds a level of RNG that makes it almost impossible to consistently farm for good parts, let alone the specific gun you want.

    Sure, BL1 had a similar world drop loot system but it wasn't as bad because of the two chest farms in the Claptrap and Knoxx DLCs respectively and BL1 wasn't as gear dependent as later entries in the series. TPS also had guns that were mostly world drops/grinder drops and we know how much of a bust that game was as far as support after its launch.

    I know this is just my opinion though, I'd love to see if others in the community agree with me or if you prefer the world drop system?

    (BTW, I'm not trying to shit on Gearbox, I absolutely LOVE BL3, I just want this game to be as good as it can be :) )

    submitted by /u/DarkGospel
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    Invincibility Is Not Fun [RANT]

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:28 PM PDT

    So I've been fighting this Anointed Militant for about fifteen minutes. It's just me, my pet Greg, and my shotgun. I'm standing in a pool of fire, my pet is dying repeatedly, and the Anointed is just standing there being invincible for 10-15 seconds at a time. He has about two seconds where I can actually Shoot Him In The God Damn Face, and then it's back to shitting out fire and being invincible again.

    When he's not standing perfectly still gently crapping out fire pools, he's holding up a (you guessed it, invincible) purple shield that perfectly covers his whole body. For the two seconds that he is vulnerable I'm forced to run in circles until he FINALLY gives me an opportunity to Shoot Him In The God Damn Face, and by the time my sticky shotgun starts exploding he is back to being Invincible.

    There are no other enemies around. He's standing in the doorway that I want to go through. Yes I could just run around him, but this is not the game where you run around enemies, this is the game where you blast your way through enemies with loads of bullets and explosions and mayhem.

    How is this fun? It's not engaging, it's certainly not hard to run around a corner while an invincibility phase wears off. It's just me. Purple dude. Greg. Shooting my shotgun.


    Fuck you.

    submitted by /u/jrs_sunblood
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    For all the complaining about the writing in BL3, Typhon DeLeon is one of my favorite characters in the series.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    I know overall the characterization and writing wasn't as strong, but goddamn every zone I just looked forward to hearing about him.

    submitted by /u/v3rk
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    I'm upset

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    I just realized Rhys Strongfork is a play on Reese Witherspoon

    submitted by /u/Yeet_Boi_69
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    Skagzilla needs to make a return as Mecha-Skagzilla.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    Have it be built by Marcus. He took GenIVIV and put her into a drone that controls Mecha-Skagzilla from a distance and now she has run amok on [Insert Planet Here]. You have to destroy both the Drone and the Mecha but depending on who you destroy first changes the battle.

    Destroy the Drone and the Mecha goes berserk blowing up the battlefield with atomic breath beams, random micro missiles, and pounces around the arena with such force it knocks all of the Vault Hunter's into the air for a couple seconds.

    Destroy the Mecha and the Drone's weapons and shields become super charged as the power it was using to control the Mecha is rerouted. The drone could be like the Katagawa-ball, only amplified. If it gets supercharged, it can constantly spam out the random lazers beams, while it's shields constantly recharge, making it difficult to just chip away at the Orb.

    submitted by /u/Tels315
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    Zane should be able to equip his shield without throwing it down

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    I know many Zane players and myself would love to be able to instantly equip his shield by holding the appropriate action skill button. I'm not sure if Gearbox are already working on this, but if not; having a post like this go big would really help to let them know this is something the fans want and would greatly appreciate.

    submitted by /u/LeGuyMan
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    Clay: “Follow me”

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:01 PM PDT

    teleports away

    submitted by /u/Mr_Robot_Overlord
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    Just wanna throw a shoutout at Ice-T

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Just wanna thank Ice-T for giving me a sigh of relief, after playing through most of Borderlands 3 I realized the comedy in the main storyline is just as bad as the writing. I honestly didn't crack a single laugh for the entire game up until we were introduced to Balex. Hearing Ice-T bitch about how all he can do is navigate and getting his ass stuck in a Teddy Bear I couldn't help but laugh.

    It was a moment of bliss in a game of audible sighs and jokes missing their landing. Don't get me wrong though I fucking love this game and have so many hours dumped into it from the moment it dropped. But honestly the writers of this game did such a terrible job i'm not even sure they were trying to top Borderlands 2 and Handsome Jack. I feel like they were trying to crash this series so Gearbox can make Battleborn 2.

    submitted by /u/BluAlchemist
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    Amara needs to be able to switch elements using a button

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    It's a straight disadvantage to play Amara in multiplayer, as you can't switch elements on the fly. You can switch them on the fly in solo, but it's laggy as hecc. Please add a button you can do mid combat to cycle through them, PC definitely has enough keys, PS4 has the whole ass touchpad, and Xbox... I don't know, but I'm sure it has something.

    submitted by /u/Jack11803
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    Wainwright and Hammerlock are relationship goals

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    That is all

    submitted by /u/Jason_Whorehees
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    Anyone else tired of seeing people shit on the game here?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    It's a good game. I and many others are thoroughly enjoying it. OK, the game isn't everything you built up in your head the last decade, but at least acknowledge the fun you have had on the game.

    The best thing coming out of this subreddit right now is shift keys, and ya'll are shitting on the people posting those too. Sorry you entered a previously used key code for the 3rd time. Maybe just be happy you have an easy way to find the shift codes in the first place.

    End rant

    Edit: To clarify, posts on bugs, cut scene discontinuities, broken skills/weapons, etc... are posts which help towards the betterment of the game and I don't consider them to be a bad thing or shitting on the game.

    submitted by /u/Mad_Hatter_92
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    Not using Tiny Tina in Ava’s place was a HUGE missed opportunity by Gearbox

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:29 AM PDT

    So I was reading through the subreddit the other day and saw someone mention that tiny Tina could have taken Ava's place in the story and it would have made prefect sense.

    The more I think about it the more I am sad about gearbox's decision of not using tiny Tina but instead decided to create a shitty character such as Ava.

    The plot progression from BL2 to BL3 could be easily explained since Tina has such a random and impulsive personality she could have decided to follow maya back to her home planet after BL2. There we can see some funny interactions between the monks (which are supposed to be calm and peaceful) and Tina (who is obviously crazy). There could even be side missions where the monks ask you to disarm the bombs which Tina randomly plants on the planet.

    Maya could have been annoyed by Tina in the beginning but later they become really good friends (since Maya has a tendency in becoming friends with psychos..). And because of that Maya secretly decides to pass on her siren powers to Tina if one day she dies in a fight.

    By the time our character reaches Athenas we could see them as BFFs and also a super badass duos being able to fight with the powers of Tina's explosives plus maya's siren abilities. Maya's death could be the result of an epic duel between the calypso twins and Maya + Tina (potentially Maya trying to save Tina), it would be a bit of a cliche but still much better than the current version of the story that we have.

    And then we can see the character development in Tina, which has SOOOOO much potential. A completely carefree, bomb-loving psycho starting to mature as her best friend dies. Pretending to be cheerful like usual while being extremely sad in the inside. Maya continuing to live within her as a siren force... Not mention her new powers, siren Abilities + explosions?!! It would make prefect sense for her to be involved in the fights as she'll probably become the strongest character amongst the crimson raiders.

    And if gearbox somehow decides to make her a playable character in BL4... I cant even imagine the hype. An explosion skilltree, a siren skilltree or they could be intertwined... Imagine in the BL4 trailer, as the fourth vault hunter is introduced, a phaselocked bunny-shaped bomb suddenly appears amongst a group of bandits? Just take my money.

    submitted by /u/kitttsiu
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    New Swift Code till 10pm CST

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:38 PM PDT



    submitted by /u/JDuB5529KY
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    FL4K is still very good. Stop overreacting.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:43 AM PDT

    So many people are acting like FL4K is somehow unusable after the hot fix. He got a nerf that was needed. With the right weapons, he melted through any enemy in the game with ease. Stop acting like your build is ruined, it's not.

    submitted by /u/TexMavKights99
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    [Suggestion] Petition to change "Anointed" to "Annoying" in the Enemies' name.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    With the change the name of the enemy would represent better our feelings toward those types of enemy, ex.:

    - "Annoying Militant"

    - "Annoying Fanatic"

    The Devs could DYNAMICALLY add an aggravating name at the front of the Enemy's name based on your build, for example if you are playing ZANE with a Cryo Build the names would be:

    - "Massively Annoying Militant"

    - "Run Zane, I's a Annoying Goliath"

    I pretty sure if we come together we can sail this Boat to the de Devs really easy.

    submitted by /u/HeliaXDemoN
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    Jakob’s estate reference

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    I think the jakobs estate is a huge nod to the Winchester mystery house, too many similarities between the two to not be a nod to it . one both are huge with doors and stairs that lead nowhere both are well known weapons manufacturers very similar architectural styles. the Jakob's and Winchester families were both plagued by death so I think it may be more than coincidental.

    Sorry if this has been said or confirmed before I just noticed the similarities and though I'd say something Incase it hadn't

    submitted by /u/he-was-an-Xbox_Hero
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    Beat Slaughterstar on Mayhem, got greens from the reward chest. This is what's wrong with the game.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    The guaranteed rewards are guaranteed to suck. I basically never even open weapons chests anymore. It's just a waste of time.

    Got green drops from the bosses, too -- all level 49, by the way, when I'm level 50. Completed all the optional objectives as well, and from what I could tell, I didn't get anything for doing them.

    And now they're trying to nerf boss drop rates, and wondering why people are farming them to get loot? Hard to believe that they're so disconnected from what's actually happening with the game: I spent a couple hours beating endgame content and only got garbage loot as a "reward".

    This stuff fundamentally needs to be dealt with before doing all these other nerfs. People are going to gravitate toward the best burst DPS builds because there is no other way to get loot besides boss farming, which is honestly boring af.

    submitted by /u/CharityDiary
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    Wainwright and Hammerlock [Spoilers]

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    I just want to say that I personally love the relationship between Hammerlock and Wainwright Jacobs. It feels so wholesome and based on mutual interests and love for each other coming from a mutual respect. It's so sweet and when you exit the Warden boss fight and hear Hammerlock's last recording for Wainwright it's so bittersweet.

    submitted by /u/BobisaSquirtle
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    Did people not play borderlands 1 & 2?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    Asking for nerfs and guaranteed drops or better drops is just hilarious to me. You're basically asking this to not be borderlands. Can you imagine these people trying to get a norfleet without cheesing in some capacity? This game just pisses legendaries compared to the others. I only recently got into mayhem 3 and couldnt believe that I got multiple legendaries in one session only a couple hours long. This game can be utterly frustrating and grindy to farm bosses but that's just how it is with borderlands and it's part of the fun and experience. It should be rewarding and special to the point when something drops. God I remember hundreds of times going for "Flying Sandhawks" and a lot of people did it longer! Welcome to borderlands people, lay back and enjoy the insanity.

    submitted by /u/Enter_My_Fryhole
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    Opinion: The story of Bl3 isn't horrible, or "laughably bad". It's just...pretty okay

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    When compared to the story of bl2, it's fair to call this game's story much worse, but compared to the stories of most other games, I would say the story of Borderlands 3 is actually a bit above average.

    Don't get me wrong, it's definitely not a fantastic story. The villians arn't fantastic, some characters were annoying, and the major character death was done poorly. But Jesus, people need to cut it out with the hyperbole. Truly, this game's story is nothing more or less than average. It had some good characters, villians that had actual unique personalities, gave us an overall goal to fight for as we explored and went to new areas, and served it's purpose. While there are a lot of games with story's better than it, there are just as many, if not more, that are much, much worse.

    Some people are acting like it's a binary thing, where a story can either be fantastic or horrid, with no in-between, but sometimes, you just need to recognize when something is just okay, and "okay" is probably the best term you could use to describe the overarching story of Borderlands 3.

    submitted by /u/NepowGlungusIII
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    I hate that almost every Legendary is a World Drop

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    In Borderlands 2 almost every legendary was bound to a specific enemy that was respawnable after you completed a Main story mission or a Side Quest, like Doc Mercy always dropped the Infinity and KnuckleDragger always dropped the Hornet.

    Now in BL3 almost every legendary is a world drop and this boggles my mind so much, like there is so many special enemies you encounter in the Main/Side mission that don't drop legendaries and are not even respawnable after you complete them. You want to farm the Laser-Sploder? Lyuda? Crossroad? Bitch? Well good luck trying to get it from Loot Tinks or the Graveward, like c'mon gearbox..

    What used to motivate me to do Side missions in BL2 is that there's always a enemy that drops a specific Legendary and I would do the mission to farm it, now I don't even want to do them because I know the enemy I need to kill won't drop a Legendary so why bother doing it? I can always farm Graveward again and again..

    submitted by /u/TheAlmightyChanka
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