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    Friday, September 27, 2019

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hot fix - September 27

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hot fix - September 27

    Borderlands 3 Hot fix - September 27

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:03 AM PDT


    Edit: In text format

    This week's Borderlands 3 hot fixes, which will be live by or before 3:00 PM PDT today, target weapon & enemy balance, player characters, and adjusting chances of specific unique drops. Billions of guns were fired and after collecting some data, we wanted to balance some weapon types and weapon manufacturers. These adjustments are intended to even the playing field and increase build diversity for all Vault Hunters. Speaking of build diversity, Zane has received a gadget upgrade and we're excited to see players create more unique builds with him! Many Crew Challenge enemies have specific loot drops but we received reports that some were not dropping them. We have made some modifications so they now have an increased chance of dropping their unique gear in addition to any other gear that may drop!


    Sniper Rifles

    Sniper rifles deal high damage but felt a little cumbersome to use in certain scenarios. This change will increase their overall damage and increase usability in more combat engagements.

    • Critical Damage increased by 20%
    • Fire Rate increased by 15%
    • Time to Aim Down Sights (ADS) reduced by 15%
    • Time to Equip reduced by 20%


    Jakobs and Torgue Pistols were outperforming other manufacturers, dealing damage to groups of enemies at a much higher rate than other pistols. This change keeps their identity intact but reduces overall group control. TEDIORE, DAHL, and Children of the Vault Pistols have manufacturer penalties that affected their overall damage. Increasing their overall damage will overcome some of the penalties while retaining their unique gameplay style and feel.

    • Increased damage on all TEDIORE Pistols by 15%
    • Increased damage on all DAHL Pistols by 15%
    • Increased damage on all Children of the Vault Pistols by 20%
    • Reduced damage on Jakobs Pistols by 15%
    • Reduced damage on Torgue Pistols by 10%

    Maliwan Manufacturer

    Maliwan weapons had reduced overall damage because they applied elemental DoTs at a rate and damage greatly above other manufacturers. This effect was toned down before launch, but the overall damage was not sufficiently adjusted to compensate for the reduction in elemental DoTs. We're adding back some of the overall damage and making the weapons faster so elemental builds can really take advantage of Maliwan weaponry.

    • All Maliwan Weapon Damage increased by 25%
    • All Maliwan Weapon Fire Rate increased by 20%

    Atlas Manufacturer

    Atlas weapons relied on a game loop that we felt gave players a greater advantage when used correctly. Turns out the loop is not used if the damage doesn't compensate for the time to set up. So now damage on Atlas weapons should facilitate players using them in general on top of feeling badass when they take advantage of Atlas technology.

    • All Atlas Weapon Damage increased by 25%

    Miscellaneous Adjustments

    The Jakobs Assault Rifle change was to differentiate the Assault Rifle from the pistol as more of a mid to long range powerhouse. Since the Assault Rifles have low mag sizes compared to other Assault Rifles, they're getting a slight increase to overall damage to compensate. DAHL SMGs had their Fire Rates adjusted down before launch but their damage was never sufficiently increased so they should feel more appropriate compared to other SMGs. And the Vladof Heavy Weapon damage has been increased to share in the full Heavy Weapon treatment.

    • Jakobs Assault Rifles Damage increased by 20%
    • DAHL SMG Damage increased by 10%
    • Vladof Heavy Weapon Damage increased by 25%
    • E-Tech TEDIORE Shotgun Damage increased by 50%

    Legendary Modifications

    We're going to be making a larger, comprehensive Legendary gear pass but we have included the following changes. King's and Queen's Call were modified to lower the fire rate. The weapon has a limited burst shot count so overall feel of the gun isn't dramatically affected.

    • King's and Queen's Call Fire Rate reduced by 50%
    • Firestorm and Storm base Charge Times were reduced to 1 second (down from 2)


    Graveward's beam attacks did not properly scale based on level so at higher levels, the two beam attacks hardly phased players. Players will find his attacks to be more lethal now. In addition, Graveward is a very large enemy and is too easily susceptible to elemental damage unlike the other large bosses. Elemental damage on Graveward is now greatly reduced but to compensate, Graveward's overall health was reduced.

    • Attacks of Graveward now scale based on level
    • Reduced overall health by 20%
    • Increased resistances to Elemental Damage
      - Elemental Chance Resistance increased by 70%
      - Elemental Resistances increased by 30%
      - Elemental DoT Duration taken reduced by 30%


    • Hollow Point Guardian Rank has been temporarily disabled. We plan on addressing this further in a future patch.
    • Vault Hunters should no longer scream when affected by a DoT while shields are active.
    • Vending Machines will now be restocked with higher quality "Items of the Day".
    • Adjusted a visual concern on Maliwan Shotguns with Cryo Element.
    • Legendary loot drops have been balanced throughout the game. Crew Challenge enemies will drop their intended specific loot, and some enemies like Troy and Rampager will be a bit more stingy and no longer drop Legendaries every kill.



    Zane's gadgets were great at providing additional utility but lacked impact as players leveled up. We increased the Digi-Clone damage with all equipped weapon so the skill can scale better with players as they get to higher levels and harder content. The Drone requires a lot of player involvement to take full advantage of its damage output and increasing the base damage as well as the augments will greatly increase the Drone's versatility and reward players even more for using it effectively.

    • Digi-Clone Damage Increased by 38%
    • Drone Damage increased by 50%
      - Cryo Bullets damage penalty removed
      - Drone Rocket damage increased by 50%
      - Almighty Ordnance Rockets damage increased by 75%


    • Guardian Angel health restoration reduced from 100% to 50%
    • Glamour damage penalty reduced from -30% to -10%


    Guerillas in the Mist's bonuses greatly outweighed its penalty to the base skill. We don't want to remove the playstyle completely, but the overall damage output had to be slightly adjusted because it was outperforming other builds. We're monitoring the changes and may make another change to the ammo return in a future patch.

    • Guerillas in the Mist duration reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
    • Guerillas in the Mist Critical Damage Bonus reduced from 50% to 25%
    submitted by /u/InvincibiIity
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    Mayhem mode should never directly nerf the player, only add mechanics to enemies.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Directly nerfing the player doesn't make the game more interesting or difficult, but adding special mechanics to enemies would add more depth to combat and possibly make the game harder but fun instead of tedious and annoying. Here are some examples I came up with.

    Enemies spawn with higher quality weapons

    Enemies explode on death dealing damage within a radius around their bodies

    Enemies now use grenades more frequently and deal less gun damage

    Enemies are now more aggressive

    Badass enemies spawn more frequently

    Badass enemies are now accompanied by a group of weaker enemies

    Enemies now have armor instead of health

    Enemies now have extra health instead of shields

    Enemies have less health but more powerful shields

    Enemies are now healed for a portion of the damage they deal to you

    submitted by /u/Bruno97z
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    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    Okay you want to build something different FINE ask for that build to be BUFFED.

    It's a PvE GAME

    You want your guns to do more damage than the "Top of the line" FINE ask for buffs so that way that gun may be at or near the level of power youre looking for

    It's a PvE GAME



    There is no Competition.


    Edit 1: Hey all, honestly glad this post stroked a bit of good conversation between both sides. I understand that nerfs are going to happen to balance the game. But I would much rather have buffs to other aspects of the characters alongside the nerfs if they are going against a certain build.

    I still think that after you've grinded to be the best you can be on a certain character o would love the satisfaction of obliterating a boss that was once a tough challenge? Would it not be? Curious to know what y'all think

    submitted by /u/GodofBoye
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    Please let us skip cut scenes on multiple play through

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Title. I don't feel like slogging through the lacklustre story AND have to sit through all the cut scenes again. This isn't pre-Destiny, it should be an option on second,third,and fourth play through.

    submitted by /u/Jaremaru
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    The Main Story is laughably bad.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:43 PM PDT

    I nearly gave myself a hernia cringing so hard at most of the main story scenes. Seriously, it's really, really bad. The villains are pathetic and not intimidating whatsoever, the heroes are flat and boring, and Ava is an unimaginable devil creature spawned in the same black abyss that birthed the Destroyer.

    I'm being serious when I say, whoever came up with the idea of Ava needs to be fired. Out of an airlock. She is probably the definition of a Mary Sue. Lets see: Tragic Backstory? Check. Morally lectures all the main characters without rebuke? Check. Inexplicably given vast power and skills for no reason? Check. Warp the rules of the universe to justify her own existence? Check.

    Just make her beautiful and have all the guys lusting over her and you might as well change the name of the Tvtropes page.

    Lets take a moment to consider what any realistic person would do when faced with a 13-year old apprentice of your dead friend you hadn't seen for years. Do you:

    A: Take the powerless girl on your death quest across the universe, risking her life at every turn? OR,

    B: Send her back to her home planet, since she's only been on board for approximately six hours.

    If you picked A, you should never be a parent. The instant Maya died, she should have been back home chilling out in that library. But instead, she gets to come along and intrude on conversations with the CEOs of entire planets! Not to mention coming along for death battles despite having no usable skills. At least TINA was actually necessary for her bombmaking experience! Ava is literally useless!

    Okay, lets talk about the Calypso Twins. They want to become Gods. Okay, cool. Why? Because their Dad...told them how great it was to explore the universe and be a Vault Hunter? O...kay? But...why?

    At what point did they transition from Vault Hunter wannabes into ruthless vampiric monsters? Oh...what's that? You're not gonna talk about it other than vague resentment of an admittedly mediocre father? OKAY! Apparently the lesson we learn today is, "Don't be a mediocre yet loving father, because your kids will start a galaxy-wide cult and try to eat the universe." That sure is applicable elsewhere in life!

    Seriously, straight-talk time, the Calypsos are the flattest villains I've ever seen. They barely even exist as people, they're just plot devices that prod the plot onwards. Every time one of the miniplots got interrupted by them, it instantly took it from decent to garbage, because again, they are not people. They have no reason for their actions! They want to become Gods, because they want to become Gods. They're so blandly, stupidly, unimaginatively evil it beggars belief that anyone could possibly think they could compare to Handsome Jack. It's not even apples and oranges, it's like comparing a Brown 1968 Ford Pinto to the Notre Dame!

    So the main villains are garbage. How about the heroes? Lets start with LILITH!

    Oh, Lilith. How the mighty have fallen. And I don't mean in power. Remember the BL2 Lilith? The one that was constantly awkwardly flirting with Roland and failing at it? The one that proudly demonstrated her flaws by going against Roland's direct orders and possibly getting the Warrior awakened?

    Well, she's dead. She was killed in her sleep and replaced with COMMANDER Lilith, a bland cardboard cutout of a character that gives boring, meaningless speeches, stares vapidly('nobly') into the camera at any passing opportunity, and takes 100% of her philosophical advice from a 13 year old. She has, over the past seven years, gotten Sanctuary destroyed, lost every single one of her Vault Hunters, and killed off about 95% of the Crimson Raiders.

    Despite these actions, she is still followed with blind loyalty by the remaining survivors. One can only presume that they're all too terrified to leave, but frankly, at this point, their survival chances don't seem that much different either way.

    Over the course of the story, Lilith loses her powers, and learns the hard way how the powerless members of the Raiders have been forced to live while she joyrides around the sky killing bandits. She grows as a character and realizes that raw elemental power doesn't make for a good leader, and she comes to accept her shortcomings, and voluntarily gives up leadership - Huh? What's that? Oh, instead all her terrible decisions are praised, other than by the aforementioned 13 year old, and she makes a noble sacrifice, sealing her legacy as a hero and overall perfect person with no flaws ever?

    Ah, my mistake.

    Run towards the fire my ass.

    I could go on. I could talk about Rhys and Vaughn never interacting, or the fact the Vault Hunters apparently don't exist in the cutscene reality so we might as well just watch the youtube videos and not actually play the game, or the fact that the lore is now so unimaginably jumbled that making a sequel will be virtually impossible.

    But I'm not going to. Frankly, I'm probably just going to wait for the patch that lets us skip cutscenes, mute the dialogue, and pretend the story never existed. I certainly don't think my life will be diminished in any way by doing so.

    And to the borderlands 3 main storyline writers? You can kiss my vercuvian ham.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    Can we all agree?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    Nobody likes the 'Enemies have a 30% chance to reflect projectiles' mayhem modifier?

    submitted by /u/MerkyMouse
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    I found easy class mod farm for those in need!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    Keep in mind, maybe it was just a luck streak but after farming Graveward and all the other farm spots, I almost never get Legendary Class Mods. I was beginning to think it just wasnt in the cards for me.

    Then I did this quest in Konrads Hold called 'The Demon In The Dark'

    After beating this quest I simply quit saved and restarted and I decided to farm the Boss from the end of this quest. Almost every time I got a class mod, a couple guns, but atleast 8/10 times i ran it, If I got a legendary, it was a class mod. Maybe it was just my luck that day but it's worth you trying it.

    Edit: thanks to people in the comments, it could just be luck. Please keep in mind that if you're offline you will not get any Legendary class mods. Some people in the comments are getting mods, many are not so I cant 100% confirm it will give you class mods. I can only confirm that it gave me quite a bit of them.

    submitted by /u/MerkyMouse
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    PSA: The Mind-Killer legendary shotgun just went from good to amazing.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    Mouthpiece drops it, and it's a non-elemental Maliwan shotgun (no charge time). It got both the damage and fire rate buffs that all maliwan guns did, and since it already did good damage because it had no DOT, it now does amazing damage.

    On top of that, it's Shockwave hitbox is so big it can hit enemies around cover and Shields if aimed right, which is easy because it's very accurate. I also think it can penetrate targets? Or maybe hit multiple times? That parts hard to tell.

    All the same this thing shreds now. I don't even bother shocking Shields anymore on TVHM now.

    submitted by /u/RolandTheJabberwocky
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    Can these people kindly fuck off, please?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    How Do I Spend All Of This Money?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    Jokes aside, my post yesterday brought in a LOT of comments about players having no idea what to do with their oodles and oodles of cash. I guess it's inevitable that players will get rich the more they play (and us /r/borderlands players probably play the most) so I thought it would be fun to discuss ways to spend all this money in a useful/fun way! One of the ideas I had was this:

    How about a "high-roller" machine which can be purchased from Moxxi to add to Sanctuary III for $1,000,000! The machine would then cost $1,000,000 per roll, and the machine rolls something like:

    • 9.99% chance for grenade fail
    • 20% for a money payout (rarely for more than what you paid in)
    • 5% for an eridium payout (in the 50-200 range)
    • 35% for 5 random blue items (1 guaranteed anointed)
    • 20% for 4 random purple items (1 guaranteed anointed)
    • 8% for 3 random legendaries
    • 2% for 2 random anointed legendaries
    • 0.01% chance that Randy Pitchford provides your character with a voice-over about the risks of gambling addiction. Then the machine explodes, dropping 20 legendaries and becoming unusable. The machine was one-of-a-kind and it costs $10,000,000 for Moxxi to hire a technician to fix it. Maybe one of the legendary drops can be a gun called "Randy's Pitchforker" which shoots pitchforks that pierce through enemies. At an average cost of $10,000,000,000 to get the Pitchforker drop, everyone will know who the richest and hardest gamblers are in Borderlands 3 :)

    Edit: Also you could say that the pitchfork relates to the sin of greed

    Edit 2: The Pitchforker red text could quote the movie The Social Network and say "I'm CEO, bitch."

    submitted by /u/Zenith_X1
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    Is it just me who misses being able to see your equipped shield on your character?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    Small detail I know but I like seeing visually the things I'm using.

    submitted by /u/Amarules
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    Borderlands 3 is precisely what I need in my life right now. (BL3 ending spoiler kinda)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    A little context: much of the past year I've been in nearly constant pain. I have degenerative disc disease. On a good day I get around with only a cane and not a wheelchair. I'm only 34. I now have other nervous system issues that severely inhibit my speech and my memory. Lots of torturous tests and trying drugs. The doctors haven't yet ruled out MS or Lyme disease. It's all so scary and I feel like I'm fading away. I'm only 34 years old. Suffice to say this has done a proverbial number on my psychological health, which was not stellar to begin with. It's likely that the rest of my life will be filled with lots of pain.

    So in the middle of the second day of playing Borderlands 3, I reached the end of the story. When Lilith, strong as she ever was, smiled and told Ava to be ready before leaping towards Elpis, I fucking lost it.

    I'm not going to be scared of the pain or dying anymore. That's coming regardless. I'm not going to fade away. I'm going to fight. I'm going to love. I'm going to shine as brightly as fucking possible. And I'm going to be ready.

    submitted by /u/Emilyroad
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    Anointed enemies completely ruin TVHM Mayhem 3

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    I really want to explore this mode, since it's "the highest" difficulty we have (Even though sometimes it's not hard at all and sometimes it's literally impossible based on the modifiers you roll...), but literally every mission has me facing off against 4 or 5 anointed enemies at a time, which is essentially impossible, unless someone knows a trick that I don't.

    They're already annoying enough with the invulnerable shields, elemental immunities and insane teleporting/shrinking shit, add in the horrible Mayhem multipliers and suddenly I do 50% LESS damage, they do 50% MORE, and have 40% MORE health and are now taking reduced elemental damage from literally all sources. (I play Elemental Amara, btw)

    I understand wanting to make a challenging enemy, and they might even be fun to fight every now and then, but seriously? Every group of enemies has one it seems, and sometimes more than that. I was doing the Killavolt mission and when I went to kill one of the mini-bosses I literally 2-shotted her, then 4 Anointed Aggro Tinks spawned at once. 4. Why? Why would you think that it's fun? It's extremely frustrating to just see "Immune. Resist." pop up every single time I try to fight them, so I just turn tail and fucking run instead.

    In a game designed around fighting enemies and getting loot to make me feel strong, it's an extremely bad idea to ever design an enemy in a way that makes me feel completely powerless and elect to run for my life instead of confronting them.

    submitted by /u/ClosedCircuitChris
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    Maya is a better warrior than the entirety of the Atlas military.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    When we show up to Promethea, there is a "Maliwan fleet" laying siege to the planet. This consists of three massive Maliwan ships orbiting the planet. These three ships fielded enough soldiers to nearly take over the entire planet, and Atlas was only to just barely not be completely run over. Then the CoV joined and Atlas was being destroyed at every turn.

    Meanwhile, on Athenas, three of the exact same ships are orbiting the planet and sending down their troops to invade the planet and the monestary where they already know the vault piece is located. They just don't have the ability to get inside. However, Maya is fighting a one-woman resistance against the Atlas soldiers and doing a damned respectable job of it.... With some minor help from Ava. It is through her efforts alone Maliwan hasn't taken the planet as she bulldozes her way through worthless Maliwan troops.

    Man, just wait until the Twins get in a fight with this unstoppable juggernaut of telekinetic fury. They're going to get creamed so hard...

    • currently living on a river in Egypt.
    submitted by /u/Tels315
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    "enemies have a 30% chance to reflect projectiles back at player"

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 08:08 PM PDT

    This is the dumbest modifier. I'm quite literally killing myself

    submitted by /u/PostMaloy
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    FL4K fade away Nerf

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    Honestly FL4Ks fade away Nerf is understandable but also not, reducing it by half is a bit much and the time reduction I would say is not needed. The real problem is his other builds are completely based around survival on a DPS character and your pets end up dying after getting hit only a couple times by most bosses or can't even attack them. The damage on rakk attack is mediocre on TVHMM3 I wouldn't want to see it on UVH.

    (Sorry about any grammar errors dyslexic AF lol)

    submitted by /u/ShutDownHeart
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    Zane Buff notes

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:40 AM PDT

    Cryo Augment no longer have reduced bullet damage. (i believe this a 20-25% buff)

    Drone Base damage increased by 50%

    Rockets have 50% increased damage

    Ordance have 75% increaed damage

    Clone has 38% increased damage

    how do you all think this recent patch will benefit zane? what buffs are we still looking for? or do you think this is enough?

    submitted by /u/AT_Tatara
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    So uh, anyone remember that vault from the Torgue Dlc?..

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    I feel like this vault is forgotten by everyone. Essentially, the premise of the Torgue dlc was to open up a vault, which could only open if the number one badass spilled the blood of a coward on the vault. Isn't this kinda lorebreaking? It had no monster, no actual lore, no nothing. Just a hole in the ground practically.

    submitted by /u/potatosallad_235
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    New Shift code for Borderlands 3 rom 12-6 am pst

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:18 PM PDT


    Its a golden key:


    Edit* code is only active when this post is about 3 hours old

    submitted by /u/Kaldoro
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    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    I don't have any of the dlc for the 360 version, and I was planning on buying all the games for Xbox One and, if I had enough left, buy a new copy of BL2 for the 360, so I can't enjoy the dlc just yet. BUT all I have to do now is take the key back to Tannis, maybe wrap up missions in New Haven and The Rust Commons for the Made in New Haven Achievement, and I should be ready to check out Endgame!!!

    submitted by /u/YuseiFudoGamer
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    Fl4k's pet is goddamn useless in THVM

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    he's ok at killing small ratches but thats it , i'm tired of reviving him all the time / during the mission with Maya she's spent more time reviving that thing than actually killing stuff!

    submitted by /u/djidane57
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    Warframe just added a Vault Key ship decoration

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:03 PM PDT

    Neat little nod to Borderlands with a fancy, Pandora-Vault-Key shaped ship decoration

    There's also one that looks like a Destiny engram, so that makes these being nods to the other looter-shooter giants much more likely

    submitted by /u/El_Barto_227
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    You should be able to tag a piece of gear you want to share and everyone else should be able to see and loot it

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    What the title said. If you and your friends are playing together, and an item drops you think one of your buddies might like, you should simply tag it and then they should see it pop up in their game as then they can inspect and loot it.

    Saves the trouble of reading out what it is, or having to pick it up and drop it for your pals. Plus it gives another use for the tagging system.

    I don't know the limitations of the game engine, it might be possible, might not be. Just thought it was a cool idea.

    This is obviously for the cooperation mode by the way.

    submitted by /u/Wawus
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    If new skill trees are gonna be a thing I hope FL4K gets a varkid pet

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    I mean, come on, how fkkn cool would it be to evolve it up to a badass that charges across the map on attack command and sends idiots flying?

    submitted by /u/godoflemmings
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    When the fuck did Lilith get so powerful

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:05 PM PDT


    So at the end.... can someone give me a logical explanation as to how Lilith was able to prevent the entirety of fucking Elpis from ending Pandora, but unable to survive an attack from Tyreen at her weakest point within the story? The first time this happened I was just in awe of all cool the cutscenes were, but on my 2nd character this occurred to me. She didn't even consume eridium or ANYTHING. Did she consume more powers than she had previously had or was she just at a more powerful state in general here?

    submitted by /u/haxzlmao
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