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    Monday, September 30, 2019

    Borderlands [BL3] The Player Character Doing Nothing in Cutscenes Isn't Unique to BL3 and it's Disingenuous to Pretend it is.

    Borderlands [BL3] The Player Character Doing Nothing in Cutscenes Isn't Unique to BL3 and it's Disingenuous to Pretend it is.

    [BL3] The Player Character Doing Nothing in Cutscenes Isn't Unique to BL3 and it's Disingenuous to Pretend it is.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Title basically says it all. In every cutscene in every Borderlands game, the player character does nothing. You just need to look at the cutscenes from those games. [I won't be talking about DLC cutscenes to try and keep this brief]

    In Borderlands 1, the only cutscene is right at the end. The Destroyer appears and Steele gets murdered. You can briefly see your character walking up to the vault but that's it. They do nothing. [Not that they'd want to stop Steele getting killed tbf]

    Borderlands 2 only has 3 cutscenes and they're all late in the game. In the first one, Jack murders Roland and kidnaps Lilith. What do the BL2 Vault Hunters do to stop him? Nothing. In the second one, Lilith finishes charging the key and Jack uses it to open the vault. Vault Hunters do nothing. Final cutscene Lilith says we'd all be dead if it wasn't for the Vault Hunters and that's the closest they ever get to appearing in a cutscene during the base game.

    In TPS there's a few more cutscenes in previous games. At the start, the Vault Hunters do nothing to help Jack when he's attacked by Zarpedon despite that literally being their job. They don't appear in the cutscene where Jack kills Zarpedon. They don't stop help in anyway when Lilith arrives in the Vault and disfigures Jack. Although I will say Athena gets the privilege of being the only Vault Hunter to properly appear in a cutscene of the game she's playable in. But Athena's role in TPS was unique. It's the only game where, although you can play as any of the Vault Hunter's, it is uniquely from the perspective of 1 of them. Athena being the definitive "main character" makes her appearance in the opening and closing cutscenes of the game make sense.

    TL:DR: The character you play as never does anything in any Borderlands game. Criticising this aspect of the series is fine and a valid complaint, but people on this sub are making it out to be a flaw in only BL3, which is disingenuous and feels like people trying to make up reasons to criticise the new game. BL3 has plenty of flaws (I still love it though), but this isn't one of them.

    submitted by /u/TheEmeraldOil
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    [SPOILER] Rhys and Zero

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:58 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who was weirdly touched by how well Rhys and Zero get along? In Tales From The Borderlands Zero seemed to look down at Rhys, even at the end. But in Borderlands 3 he called him his bro, and it feels like he was finally able to proof himself to Zero.

    submitted by /u/jawibad
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    Traunt Appreciation Thread

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    Attention MUUUUNKSSS of Athenas this is a fan of Captain Traunt oppression is his profession.

    Anyways, I love Traunt, I'd say I prefer Captain Traunt to General Traunt, but to be honest they are both blessings to this game.

    When I first heard Captain Traunt I was like, 'I kind of liked that rhyme' then he mentioned his inferiority complex and I lost my shit. Finally I made it to the Boss and heard TRAUUUUUUNTT, then the that's Traunt arrow appeared, I started laughing.

    Then on Nekrotafeyo, I heard General Traunt and I just started grinning because it's just TRAUUNTT And his lines about 'you taught my brother how to die, now I'm going to teach you.... How to did., Just to be clear.' they were just so we'll executed.

    submitted by /u/dead1ass
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    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    I just want to sort by rarity.

    submitted by /u/MuffinForMen
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    [QoL Upgrade] Can we get a “Pick Up and Mark as Junk” button when we’re picking up loot?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    The more I play, the more I start seeing loot on the ground where I can tell right off the bat that the stats are crap. Not that it would save that much time, but I'd love if you could hold down a button to pick an item up and mark it as trash just like you can hold down a button to immediately equip an item.

    It's a small quality of life thing but the quality of life changes between the games (like how you auto loot ammo and money now) make the tedious tasks more bearable.

    submitted by /u/Revenant221
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    Change my mind - (SPOILER)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    They should have killed Lilith in place of Maya, the story could have branched out much further than two dead sirens and an emo 13 year old taking control of Sanctuary.

    Lilith's death would have had far more emotional impact, by the end of the game I forgot they killed off the dusty blue girl.

    submitted by /u/Abra2889
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    Troy Baker says he didn’t reprise Rhys because Gearbox wouldn’t go union

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    According to an interview with VG24/7.

    "So they came to me, and they were like, 'Do you want to do this?'," Baker explained. "Which I said, 'Absolutely.' And then they made it impossible for me to do the role. It had nothing to do with money, it had nothing to do with money. They just simply would not go about doing it the way that we needed it to be done. So then it was like, I never said no."

    We asked Baker to clarify what he meant by this, be it scheduling conflicts or something else.

    "No, it was simply a matter of they wouldn't go union," he replied. "And I can't do a non-union gig. And without getting too deep into the weeds of that, we had long conversations about this. We always knew going into it, that this was going to be the thing. They were going to take these characters, and put them from the Tales from the Borderlands series from Telltale, into Borderlands proper. I've been waiting for this call. They were like, 'Do you want to do this?' And I said, 'Yes'. They never, because they would never move from that position. I'm not mad. It's invariably a completely different character, but it still stings."

    submitted by /u/NikCatNight
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    Just Played the Claptrap Birthday Mission

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    I just got into the series since the recent release of the 3rd one and so far has found claptrap to be rather cute and adorable, despite his tweaked personality from the first one to the second one.

    Claptrap hate is now unacceptable. I will fight anybody I see needlessly hating on the little guy. That mission broke my heart. I had legit tears in my eyes (pick on me if you want). The poor dude is the last of his kind, hated by everyone, and can't even really Express his sadness due to his cheery voice. Not to mention how so many people get their kicks out of torturing him.

    submitted by /u/Kiki242
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    Slaughterstar 3000 is a honestly a mess.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Loved everything about this game apart from this one circle of slaughter. I've spent so much time trying to get it done, tried matchmaking with people (which just made it so much harder having to keep running over to revive people) made better progress solo, however, it's like the game doesn't want me to complete it. Mobs glitching through walls at the end of waves, forcing a restart of the whole round, multiple waves coming at once for no reason whatsoever. I honestly just want to get it done for the platinum trophy and I'll never look at the circles again.

    submitted by /u/kendallmonkey
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    A lot of critical Zane and Amara skills do not work

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    In the bl3 subreddit 2 posts about Zane and Amara came up. Each describes the skills that are bugged or simply do not work at all or it is extremely misleading.

    For Zanes: https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/dbfy07/i_tested_every_single_one_of_zanes_skills_and/

    For Amaras: https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/dbci4r/the_number_of_skills_that_do_literally_nothing_is/

    submitted by /u/benkai3
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    Having Rakks in Cistern of Slaughter is so damn annoying.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    They're so hard to shoot and kill and even harder when they're badasses.

    submitted by /u/SneezyHydra
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    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 07:43 AM PDT

    >! I finished the game last night. (I like to take my time and the game was pretty crashy) I'll preface my complaint by saying I did enjoy the game. It kept me coming back for more and I found the characters engaging and funny as usual and at times heartwarming. Sometimes heartbreaking.

    My complaint is with your agency as a player and how it is removed from you for the sake of the story. You are very obviously not the main character of this game, despite everyone calling you 'hero' and Lilith saying 'you flaming badass'. The Sirens are the protagonists and the main characters. You are just a vehicle for the plot.

    Nowhere is this more apparent than in the cutscenes. Shit goes down - right in front of you - and for reasons unknown, you are POWERLESS to do anything about it. Troy has the good sense to phaselock you once, so there is an excuse in that one scene. But in the majority of these scenes you're a statue for no reason. I was constantly yelling at the game, "Shoot them!! Why am I not shooting them!? Why is NOBODY shooting!? I'M supposed to be the badass here!!" I finally said "THANK YOU." When Lilith takes one shot at Tyreen near the end. But I'm still not shooting. WHY?? It burns me up when the ability to act is just taken away from you in games for no reason.

    And BL2 does this well, I think. Jack is constantly at a distance and the only time he's right in front of you before the end, is when he kills Roland. It makes sense that you're not acting then, because he surprises you, he says a few words and then he's gone with Lilith. Its plausible that you're too shocked to do anything before Jack gets away. And, of course, at the end you can CHOOSE to either shoot Jack, or let him monologue. It's really freeing to have a choice.

    So, Sirens. You either have crazy powers, or you have guns. Kinda like Jedi in Star Wars. You're either a space wizard, or you're someone with just a blaster and your wits. No matter what, the stories of the Borderlands are going to keep coming back to these Sirens. Especially since there's now a seventh Siren you're not supposed to find. Guess what we're doing next? BL3 spent the whole story telling you that you're powerless in the face of these beings, until the story says you're not. Why did Tyreen ever meld with the Destroyer when she always, always, always had the upper hand in terms of her intelligence and the uselessness of the protagonists while she stayed ' human'. She was winning until she decided to eat the galaxy. Everything you do in these games from here on, is done in the shadows of the Sirens. All this game taught me was that when they do, or don't do something, lives and worlds change. If you're not a Siren, you're a pawn. You spend half the game dancing on Troy and Tyreen's strings, without even a simple "Would you kindly..." to explain it.

    So that's it. In summary, I felt like I was reading a book more than being a 'badass' by the end of the game. Borderlands has sold you on this point for three games now, but it failed here. Time after time, the actions you do as a player don't matter, since the antagonists are one step ahead of you. You could skip straight to the fight with the Destroyer from the beginning and it wouldn't change anything. Even in your victory over Tyreen, you still need a Siren for your victory to actually mean anything. I walk away from the game, thinking that it's a pretty good action game, but the plot was on the lazy side. I enjoyed the little side quests much more than the main story. Loading up and breaking Hammerlock out, felt good. CL4P-TP dancing with Baby, incredibly heartwarming. Hearing the backstory of Jack and Angel, heartbreaking. Buff Film Buff, I was laughing! The main story just pissed me off. !<

    submitted by /u/CliffRacer17
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    Just finished my initial story playthrough; My personal "Good/Bad/Ugly" for Borderlands 3

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    To preface this post, my roommate and I just completed our initial story playthrough of Borderlands 3. During the lead-in, we played through and completed for the umpteenth time BL1, BL2, and TPS because we wanted those fresh in our minds going into this game that we were both extremely excited to play. After about 50 hours of playing pretty casually, here are my personal thoughts - CAREFUL, THERE BE SPOILERS AHEAD. YE BE WARNED:

    The Good:

    • The gunplay in BL3 might be the most fun I've had in the series so far. Firefights are just so much fun and the overwhelming majority of the guns are just a joy to play with. I am especially a fan of the changes to Dahl and Torgue weapons.
    • Enemy variety. Maliwan enemies felt high-tech, bandits/COV/critters felt like they always have on Pandora, the Eridians felt weird with their damage bars swapped around. Combinations of armor, shields, and health really helped to spice things up and I found myself monitoring what kinds of weapons I was using far more often than I used to in BL2 and TPS.
    • The sheer scale of the game was perfect for my roommate and I who played through the whole thing in split-screen coop. We're both completionists and there's just so much to check out, explore, collect, and do that we just had a blast searching for new crew challenges and side quests to do.
    • The quality of life updates. Being able to refill health and ammo at the press of a button. Fast travel from anywhere. Changing active quests on the fly. SDUs costing money rather than Eridium. So many small things here and there that felt so good having just played through the other 3 Borderlands games again prior to BL3's launch. Things I didn't know I wanted but, now that I have them, I wouldn't want to see a game in the series without them.
    • I personally enjoyed the story and the humor quite a bit. Yeah, it was, as many folks have said, "just more Borderlands" but that's kinda what I wanted out of BL3 so I'm left pretty happy all said.
    • I adore Wainright Jakobs. Hands-down my favorite new character and I want more of him in future DLC.

    The Bad:

    • While it's a matter of personal taste, I'm not a huge fan of some of the weapon changes. I miss Maliwan guns being the sort of "go-to" for strong elemental weapons, the charge delay just doesn't feel fun to me, and the gun balance isn't quite there yet. I also felt like, if this was going to be the time to sort of re-define the Tediore weapon "character", it was now and the Tediore weapons felt like a completely missed opportunity. The additional grenade effects doesn't feel strong enough to warrant giving up on Torgue weapons if I'm looking to do splash damage and they chew through ammo like crazy.
    • While I enjoyed the story, one thing really irked me: Unlike in previous installments, I felt really detached from the events of the game. In BL2 and TPS especially, the characters in cutscenes would interact with your character often with many of those cutscenes being from your character's POV so you had some emotional investment and attachment to what was going on. Not even so much as, "if the new characters were there, we could have prevented X, Y, and Z" and more, "I would've liked the fact that our characters exist be acknowledged in the cutscenes."
    • Loot specifically from huge bosses and, especially, from inside vaults is extremely underwhelming a lot of the time. IMO, chests inside of a vault, something people all over the universe go in search of for riches and treasure, should never contain anything less than a blue weapon and the overwhelming majority of them should be purple with a chance at a legendary. The loot inside of something like a vault should feel absolutely epic and they were disappointing every single time. The ultimate insult to injury in my mind was defeating Tyreen, having her drop a bunch of blue, green, and white weapons, a single purple skin we already unlocked, and then getting nothing but green and white guns from the chests inside of the vault of the destroyer.

    The Ugly:

    • I've worked in QA for ~16-17 years. I've literally worked on more console games than I can remember in that time. I normally am super willing to give games, especially on launch week with the size BL3 is, the benefit of the doubt. However, after playing through the whole game in split-screen coop, I cannot fathom how the game possibly shipped in that state outside of their QA department never actually testing split-screen coop or only doing it on an XBox One X and a PS4 Pro. During the 50 hours it took us to clear our first playthrough we experienced (I will only be going over the bugs we encountered that have not been addressed yet):

    - Constant, jarring, visual lag when one player opened either the Echo UI or any of the shop UIs. This was so bad, we had a gentlemen's agreement that no one would open those UIs during combat or when the other person tried to open the UI.

    - Icons changing to what the other player was selling if both players were in a shop UI. This caused a lot of confusion and was part of the aforementioned gentlemen's agreement.

    - No less than 4 crashes due to someone opening a UI or teleporting somewhere or something changing visually while the other user was performing an action that caused the UI to change (for example: last night, we crashed when I fast travelled to my vehicle and my roomie opened the Echo UI at the same time on accident).

    - The "piece de resistance" of the whole split screen debacle was after the final cutscene played, the credits only played on the top screen, allowing me to run around and do whatever I wanted. I feared opening my UI or otherwise fast traveling elsewhere would have broken something with our playthrough so I didn't do that (I would if I was working on this game, mind you).

    Keep in mind, there are several other bugs we ran into over the course of our playthrough but they're all pretty understandable. I have absolutely no idea who signed off on the state of split-screen local coop and someone, somewhere dropped the ball whether it was QA not doing their due diligence or someone above them not giving them the ability to test on low-end skus.


    All said, I adore this game. I'm chomping at the bit to play more tonight when I get home and I'm eagerly anticipating the upcoming DLC. I don't like giving scores but I will say that the good heavily outweighed the bad and the ugly, especially because Gearbox and 2K can easily address those things in hotfixes and patches down the line.

    submitted by /u/HigherCalibur
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    Moze’s Iron Bear...doesn’t feel suited for late game

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    I'm only on first play through right now and it's with Moze. I wanted to pick Fl4K but it seemed he was one that everyone else was picking so Moze was my second go-to.

    Currently, I'm level 30 and while I haven't gotten to max level with her yet, I feel Iron Bear seems kind of underwhelming. It was fun in the beginning levels but after I started fighting tougher enemies and gaining more levels it started to seem impractical to use it over my weapons and grenades.

    What I've basically done with her now is focus on a splash damage build and it's been really fun actually but it's still disappointing not feeling like I ever need to activate my ability. When I looked up builds online it was pretty much either ones similar to what I'm going for now or the crazy Amp damage build. None of which really utilize Iron Bear.

    I'm having a blast with this game so far (other than some of the laggy menus and what not) so I'm not trying to come off as angry. Just wanted to know if others felt similar about Moze. Or if maybe you've got a build recommendation in mind for late game that would make Iron Bear more fun/ practical to use.

    One last thing...if no one else does feel this way about Moze..please don't eat me alive. This is just my opinion on her so far and is (hopefully) subject to change.

    Anyways, I appreciate the time anyone took reading this and would just like to say I hope you all have a good day/ night!

    submitted by /u/Broots-Waymb92
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    Just realized we’ve fought at least half the gun manufacturers.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    We've fought (and beat) Atlas, Hyperion, Dhal and now Maliwan (Bandit/Scav/CoV too technically). All that's left is Vladof, Tediore, Jakobs and Torgue.

    submitted by /u/kdebones
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    Fl4k’s pets and Moze’s Mech need a buff

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    On Mayhem 3 both Fl4k's pets and Moze's mech can't survive. They don't do enough damage or survive long enough to actually warrant using them.

    For Fl4k, fade away was his only true viable build for mayhem 3. I'd love to use his pets but they just don't do enough.

    Moze has insane damage without using her mech so I have to question what the point of her action skill is.

    submitted by /u/AmbidextrousWaffle
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    Who else is guilty of slaughtering these fellows?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 06:16 PM PDT


    every time I see this I have to stop and plink a bit haha

    submitted by /u/streakinghellfire
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    Anyone else miss swapping weapons with the d pad?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    I love swapping quests with the d pad especially with how lag ridden split screen is but I'm mot sure i like it more than having a dedicated button for each weapon as opposed to pressing y a bunch.

    submitted by /u/Lokimonmaster
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    Babymaker++? More like...Where the fuck is all my ammo

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    So the Babymaker returns from BL2 with a similar gimmick as the original: The discarded gun MIRVs into 4 baby guns that will hop onto an enemy and explode. Pretty cool. HOWEVER:

    • It's now a pistol instead of an SMG, with a pretty slow firing rate by comparison
    • Reloading when on a filled magazine will pull ammo for EACH baby it makes plus the original thrown gun, so if you reload at 18/19 magazine, you'll use a whopping 90 (18x5) ammo per toss. And since it's a pistol instead of an SMG you have less ammo, not that it would help much because a couple reloads and wow I'm at 0 ammo thanks so much

    I'm sure it's powerful but that much ammo eating feels like absolute overkill in adjusting to what the BL2 version was and I can't do really good experimentation on it because of how costly it is to use.

    edit: Yes I know I can probably just fire the whole magazine and reload without it using all my ammo but the whole point of tediore guns is to throw a mostly full gun to increase its damage substantially

    submitted by /u/Chemical-Cat
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    Moze: Mayhem Mode Moze [Hybrid build guide]

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    Moze: Mayhem Mode Moze

    Game version: [Hotfix] September 27, 2019.

    Category: Multi-purpose

    Level: 50.

    Summary: This build is built around flexibility. You can do all content in the game and any boss just fine with this build, so you won't have to constantly respect all the time! You can either be completely immortal while mobbing, shred bosses in seconds, or forget about which button you bound the reload button to!

    Videos: [ VS Graveward ] [ VS Tyreen ] [ VS The Slaughter Shaft ]

    Skills: Gearbox - bl3skills

    Bottomless Mags

    • Cloud of led over Matched set because Cloud of led effectively increases mag size by 25% and increased dps a little while Matched set only increases mag size usually around 20-30%

    • Stoke the embers because this build uses a lot of fire damage.

    • Redistribution will be active like 99% of the time due to grenade criticals.

    Demolition Woman

    • Fire in the Skag den for MORE fire damage, also most mech skills are useless, sadly.

    • Means of Destruction is probably Moze's strongest skill right now, ammo regen AND grenade regen. The Flakker will NEVER need to reload with this skill!

    • 3/3 In either Torgue Cross-Promotion or Stainless Steel Bear, both are pretty useless imo. 9% chance to double explosion size's won't do much but randomly cause your rockets to damage you as well as the enemy while Iron bear is useless soooo pick your poison!

    • Pull the holy pin not only increases your grenades damage but also keeps your ammo regen active. It also synergizes with like 5 different skills.

    • Vampyr because ... because being immortal is fun? Means of destruction will keep your grenades topped off so you can spam grenades at anything that moves.

    • To the Last will make it really hard for you to die. Hex grenades are REALLY good for 2nd winds.

    Shield of Retribution

    • Armored Infantry is a permanent 15% gun damage increase and 13% damage reduction using deathless and blood letter. Selfless Vengeance would be nice for party buffs but this build cuts reloading down to "once in a blue moon".

    • Drowning in Brass is an AMAZING party buff as well as self buff. If you like to play with other people this is basically mandatory.

    • Experimental Munitions is mainly just so your grenades hit harder. I only put 2 in thin red line because putting 3 in will put you below health gate if you ever decide to use Blast master instead of blood letter. Remaining 2 points can be put where you like.

    • Last 3 points for Desperate Measures. With a class mod giving this 3 more points you'll have a permanent 100% damage increase when deathless in on.



    • Flakker
    • Lyuda
    • Hex or Storm front greande
    • Deathless Artifact
    • Bloodletter or Blaster Master class mod

    Note: The Flakker works amazing with Moze due to Means of Destruction. You see As long as it has one bullet in the chamber the full burst can be fired. With 15 explosions and a 10% chance to gain ammo on each one, you'll never need to reload! Lyuda for Boss killing Hex or Storm front for spamming so you never die.


    • A quickie rocket launcher and a class mod that gives the "some for the road" skill

    • Many different hex grenade elements

    • Re-Router Shield

    • The Transformer Shield

    • Rain Firestorm grenade

    All gear above can be found as a world drop; try farming Graveward for it!


    Throw grenades at everything that moves and shoot the Flakker at everything that doesn't ..... unless its dead. If you get bored of that than you can simply switch class mods and use something like the Butcher, the core of this build is to be flexible in play style.

    Leveling guide:

    Moze is very simple to level. Just focus on the demolition woman tree and spec into iron bear skills like Deadlines. iron bear can easily carry you until you reach mayhem 3 and then he becomes useless! Yay?

    Thanks for reading! NOW GET OUT THERE AND BLOW SOME SH*T UP!

    submitted by /u/Zenjion
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    [BL3] Anyone else have trouble seeing enemies at times?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 03:54 AM PDT

    I otherwise love the game's visuals and more dynamic lighting compared to previous titles, but for some reason I have often trouble seeing enemies like, at all. I'm playing as Zane and had to stop using the shield because it made this even worse for me. Hell, I'm quite often just shooting at whatever SNTL is de-buffing at the time because at least that I can see.

    I guess it comes down to combination of two things (for me at least):

    • We have more naturally/realistically coloured environments this time and more dimly-lit caves, which is fine but then the enemies seem to be in those same or similar colours. F.ex. dark green/brown forest at night and then the enemies are also dark green/brown.

    • It also seems like we have more/bigger information texts and explosions/effects going on at the same time on the screen, covering pretty much, well, everything else.

    Note: my screen brightness is at default value and the game looks damn good otherwise.

    submitted by /u/Tylymiez
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    I wish there was more of Traunt...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:30 PM PDT

    Feel like he would have been a better antagonist than the twins.

    Traunt is just so amazingly blunt and over the top. His lines were hilarious, and the holotapes where he talks about his childhood were pure gold. Imo it was close to that feeling I got from Handsome Jack.

    His voice acting is amazing, I dont get why he got such a small part. Of all the bosses he was the only memorable personality to me. I really wish they used him more, maybe as a recurring antagonist across multiple areas.

    submitted by /u/Edgar133760
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    Just lost an entire vaults worth of anointed legendaries

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    I knew this was a bug that's been happening but come on? Still?

    submitted by /u/YasminIsGay
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