• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 1, 2019




    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:23 AM PDT


    You've come a long way, Vault Hunter. This month, it will have been 10 years since the original Borderlands made its debut on October 20, 2009; we've been shooting and looting across Pandora and the galaxy beyond ever since. Whether you're a longtime fan or a series newcomer, we're so glad you're here with us for Borderlands 3, and we're showing our appreciation with a five-week Borderlands Anniversary Celebration. For the entire month of October (and a little bit of November), Borderlands 3 Vault Hunters of all levels can score in-game loot and bonuses just by playing.

    Starting today, the next five weeks will all have their very own theme in Borderlands 3, encouraging different in-game activities to maximize your rewards. As of now, Boss Week is live, which will be active until October 8, 2019 at 8:59 AM PDT when the following week's theme begins. During Boss Week, some bosses will have an increased chance to drop a unique Legendary item. Here's a full breakdown of Legendary loot drops by boss:

    • Mouthpiece has an increased chance to drop Gatling Gun
    • KillaVolt has an increased chance to drop Brainstormer
    • Gigamind has an increased chance to drop Nagata
    • Katagawa Ball has an increased chance to drop Rectifier
    • Katagawa has an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
    • Rampager has an increased chance to drop Kill-o'-the-Wisp
    • Warden has an increased chance to drop Echo
    • GenIVIV has an increased chance to drop Ten Gallon
    • Aurelia has an increased chance to drop Creeping Death
    • Graveward has an increased chance to drop Earworm
    • Pain and Terror have an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
    • Troy has an increased chance to drop Nova Berner
    • Tyreen has an increased chance to drop Bitch

    If you're looking to expand your collection of unique Legendary loot, make sure to drop in on all those bosses and make them wish they had never messed with you and your Vault Hunter pals. Keep in mind that this is just the beginning of the Borderlands Anniversary Celebration, and while we're saving some surprises for later, we thought we'd give you an early look at the calendar:

    • Week 1 (October 1-7): Bonus Boss Loot!
    • Week 2 (October 8-14): Rare Spawn Hunt!
    • Week 3 (October 15-21): Show Me the Eridium!
    • Week 4 (October 22-28): Mayhem on Twitch!
    • Week 5 (October 29 - November 4): Spooky Surprise!

    So what are you waiting for? Jump into Borderlands 3 and start beating down bosses across the galaxy to earn even more loot. We'll be unveiling the full bonuses for each week's theme every Monday this month, so be sure to check back to see what's in store for the Borderlands Anniversary Celebration. In the meantime, we'd like to extend our deepest thanks to the entire Borderlands community for your dedication, passion, and support. Here's to many more years of mayhem.

    submitted by /u/MathTheUsername
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    The worst thing about rocket launcher badasses isn't their damage or accuracy. It's the fact that you can't see shit once they start chaining hits off of you.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of people complain about launcher enemies with regards to their damage and pinpoint accuracy, which certainly presents a challenge. However, enemy damage for me is just part of the difficulty curve that requires the player to play around.

    What completely drives me insane about launcher mobs is the number of times they start hitting me rapidly with elemental launchers (biggest offender being cryo), and I can't even fight back because I can't see where the mob is shooting from (much less anything at all really).

    Complaint aside, can anyone give me some advice on how to 'git gud' on dealing with multiple launcher mobs? (Slaughter Shaft often spawns 3~4 launcher badasses at once shooting from multiple angles...)

    submitted by /u/j258d
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    Put Brick, Mord, and Tina on Sanctuary

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    We didn't get nearly enough of them in the game and Sanctuary feels rather devoid of life. We spent 7 years with these three around while grinding out BL2, it'd be nice to have them at our home base.

    submitted by /u/transactionexpress
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    I didn't realize that Borderlands 3 was a horror game...

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    ...until I was playing in the middle of the night, in an empty house, and a Goliath THREATENED ME BY NAME! Then, to top it off, not one minute after I stopped panicking, my roommate, who was supposed to be gone for the weekend, barged in the front door.

    That experience was more unnerving than most actual horror games.

    submitted by /u/sodapop7272
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    Did Borderlands 3 just brick my console?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:27 PM PDT

    So I started to play Borderlands on my PlayStation 4 and for whatever reason a prompt continued to come on my screen to inform me that my settings were unable to save. I looked up the issue and only found PC answers that involved Windows 7, which obviously meant nothing to a PlayStation user. I decided to close Borderlands and turn the PlayStation off completely and try again. I turned the PlayStation off and I turned it back on but I have a black screen. I checked the cords to make sure everything is plugged in and I made sure I was on the right source. But everything is fine except the PlayStation won't show on the television. Now I can't even turn the PlayStation off. I don't want to unplug it if I don't have to because I have a hard drive plugged into it.

    If anyone knows anything about what is going on please comment if you don't know what is going on please upvote so that more people see this.

    submitted by /u/Hymedall
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    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:01 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/criscothediscoman
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    Has anyone here went to Borderlands 2 and DIDN'T try to slide like an idiot?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:15 AM PDT

    seriously BL2 is unplayable now without climbing all over all the place and sliding

    submitted by /u/GreasyFreeboater
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    Allow rotation of character in character screen.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    I know there are more important bugs to crush than something as trivial as this aesthetically minded request but it's a simple addition that would allow us to have a clear look at our character from the character screen.

    submitted by /u/mcsniper66
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    Just got the best New-U line ever

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    I died, respawned and the machine says "Your finally awake, you were trying to cross the border huh?" That is easily the best joke this game has.

    submitted by /u/dicklover1000
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    The Mayhem Modifier Where Enemies Reflect Bullets Needs To Be Removed

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Mayhem modes are supposed to make the game more difficult I get that, but when enemies reflect bullets it renders the game unplayable... or at the very least unenjoyable.

    submitted by /u/ChocolateFalafel
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    Vault Hunter, you magnificent bastard!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 10:28 PM PDT

    I just really like Wainwright Jakobs.

    submitted by /u/HulkSmashingHoes
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    PSA: There are gear displays in your room.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    I know this isnt new to most of you guys but, everytime I see it mentioned there's always comments from people confused on what they're talking about. There's a slot for each weapon and gear type on the wall opposite of the bank.

    As an added bonus you can store the (late game spoiler) Eridian fabricator, or Gungun to remove it from your inventory as it can't be dropped.

    submitted by /u/Red-Controller
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    Badass Armory

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    I would love to see a Badass Armory that allows you to save loadouts for your Vault Hunter. Being able to easily switch skill points and inventory equipment by a single selection would be a huge time saver. I have seen some ideas about this in the respec menu (definitely a solid idea) but I would prefer to have this more accessible like in each Fast Travel station. Diablo does this with the Armory in each town, Division did it, and even Anthem has it. With the amount of awesome loot we have available and so many different build options I really hope this feature makes it into the game.

    If this isn't something they will add to the game, it would be great to see a third party developer use the API to build it out. There is so much power available it would be great to see something similar to the Destiny Item Manager that was created by Goose. Since he is involved with Echocast I have to assume there will be a chance for this in the future.

    It should allow you to save the equipped guns, shield, class mod, grenade, and artifact as well as skill trees. As a "nice to have" it would be cool to save weapon trinkets, head, skin, and if they ever allow you to toggle Guardian Rank and perks those should be saved as well. Anyone else have some good ideas for saved loadout features?

    submitted by /u/BadKarmaLucky
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    I’m pretty sure the [spoiler] was originally going to be a much bigger plot point

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    The [spoiler] being Troy and Tyreen's sibling rivalry.

    After meeting Aurelia and while on my way to meet Clay for the "The Guns of Reliance" mission, Tyreen popped in and said something to the effect of, "so you met Aurelia, the ice cold bitch. She even tried killing her own brother, I mean who would do that? Heheheheheh... heheh..."

    That combined with all the other bits of sibling rivalry sprinkled throughout make it seem pretty likely that they were originally planning to have Troy and Tyreen turn on each other, but scrapped the idea without scrapping all the foreshadowing alluding to it.

    submitted by /u/SgtMcMuffin0
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    the thing i dread doing the most in this game

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    going into menu.

    seriously. especially on amara when i have to change the element with each move it feels like the game is gonna break.

    submitted by /u/ab2dii
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    Anyone else feel like their characters a badass, until a cutscene? [Spoilers]

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    After defeating the Rampager, and coming back through the vault, I was literally 2 feet from Maya and Ava, then during cutscenes, my vault hunter just... what? Takes a nap? Reminds me of the classic (but stupidly irritating) video game trope, where you're kicking ass, but are then forced to lose in a cutscene. Idk, maybe it's just me, but it just completely takes me out of the game.

    submitted by /u/Connorkara
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    The Butcher

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:08 PM PDT

    I thoroughly enjoy absolutely spreading vault monster cheeks with this weapon. That's it. That's the post.

    submitted by /u/DrRiver69
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    Looks like Weekly Challenges/Events starts today. Bonus Boss Loot Oct 1-7.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Could we maybe get a more advanced matchmaking system?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:08 PM PDT

    It would be nice to be able to add filters for the search, such as mayhem level or circle of slaughter/proving grounds location

    submitted by /u/morphum
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    Pro-tip Tuesday! - Your one stop shop for all those tips and tricks you can use on your adventures!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Post your helpful tips and tricks that makes your slaughter hard-on that much harder!

    I want to make semi-frequent threads that help and educate all types of players. If you have any of these pro-tips please feel free to share!

    Here are some I have picked up myself and or have read on the subreddit...

    • Class Mods no longer require the skills they boost to have a point allocated to them. ITS FREE F****N SKILLS!

    • When fighting a group of mobs focus on clearing out weaker ones so you are able to focus on the big baddies by themselves.

    • Legendaries won't always be your best weapons. Legendary guns have unique properties that can make them super useful or super mediocre depending on your build.

    • Launchers and Snipers usually have higher value to vendors so prioritize them if you are looting for that sweet sweet green stuff.

    • Lost and Found is shared across all your characters. Farming on a high level character and leaving loot for your lower level to collect and sell is an easy way to avoid the SDU money sink early on.

    submitted by /u/MikeSouthPaw
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    Hit level 50 in a very special way... (spoilers)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    By watching Claptrap help a young girl triumph over adversity.

    My last side mission that gave me enough xp to hit level 50 upon its completion was Baby Dancer. And it couldn't have been more perfect. No battle to death(s). No unceremonious mini boss. Didn't even have to bring a gun.

    Short. Sweet. Satisfying. Somewhat like this post.

    submitted by /u/CoopShooter
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    Are the increased loot drops actually working for this week?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    Farmed Graveward 82 times now and I still haven't seen an "EarWorm"

    Friends farmed him too (separately) and one farmed him 52 times and the other 97.

    Also katagawa Jr. dropped one legendary class mod out of 84 runs.

    So ive come to the conclusion that our luck is either horrendous or that the loot drop rates are unchanged.

    submitted by /u/Nickeii
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    Thank you for Pippie

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    I know it's not something most care about in this game but after the witch mission I absolutely fell in love with Pippie and when I saw him bouncing around on Sanctuary I screamed "WE GET TO KEEP HIM!" in such a high pitch my husband actually got mad. We were in a party so I understand his pain.

    I play as Amara and my husband's main is FL4K. Kind of made me jealous watching him and his many pets pal around. Pippie has made it all better.

    It makes me so thankful for whomever during Borderlands 3 development thought, why don't we let them keep him? It's so tiny and doesn't add any playability to the game but is one of the many cherries on top of this game.

    Thanks again.

    submitted by /u/M0n5tr0
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