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    Friday, September 20, 2019

    Borderlands Found a secret line of dialogue!

    Borderlands Found a secret line of dialogue!

    Found a secret line of dialogue!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    In the mission "Hostile Takeover" if you go down and zer0 revives you he has a chance to say "Don't die now or we won't have any NPCs for the next game"

    submitted by /u/-lordofthepings-
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    Did you know that Mordecai, Claptrap, Brick, Tina and Zero all play Bunkers and Badasses in Borderlands 3 and you can listen to their game?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    Now you might not think to do this (I mean, who's gonna sit at a radio tower listening to broadcasts for an hour except this guy) but those towers actually let you listen to a whole bunch of stuff from Zed, Ellie, Torgue, Marcus, An announcer that can do some mad beatboxing and Claptrap who has both a full on rap song and dubstep song but the most important here, is TINA'S PODCAST.

    If you've ever wanted to hear Zer0 loose his shit than this is the place. https://youtu.be/Vl1JlRou7p8

    submitted by /u/xTGE_Youtube2019
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    Hey Gearbox, you want to get one of the Badass Fanatics to drop next weeks lotto number since they’re so damn accurate?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:07 AM PDT

    My goodness those rocket launcher badasses don't miss a shot do they

    submitted by /u/supervondilla
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    For the love of GOD, please let me skip cutscenes on new characters..

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    I decided to level a new character for some variety. I'm typing this while watching the unskippable intro cinematic, just fuming. Please god just let me skip these on my THIRD FREAKING PLAYTHROUGH

    submitted by /u/madmike883
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    Shift Code for 1 Golden Key for BL3 from the Borderlands Show on Twitch

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Watched it so you don't have to:



    edit: Code needs to be entered in-game
    edit 2: no it doesn't

    Also, here's the show in case you want to watch it (sorry u/GameOverGreggy!)

    submitted by /u/Neurotic_Marauder
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    CONFIRMED: No DLC Vault Hunters

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    What's everybody's thoughts on this? Will this increase or decrease game longevity?

    Edit: Confirmed via The Borderlands Show today 9/20

    submitted by /u/ThePerfectApple
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    [SPOILERS] This game really should’ve given the player more credit.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    You're tasked with rescuing Tannis, and spend more than an hour going to Carnivora, fighting through hordes of COV, then battling Pain and Terror.

    Only for Tannis to break herself out and easily defeat them with her conveniently-timed siren plot powers.

    You engage in combat with Troy, who's gone mad with power, taken his own sister captive, and is using the abilities he stole from your dead friend to open the Great Vault.

    Then, Ava swoops in and Swiper-No-Swipings Maya's powers back, while you stand... nowhere in sight. Oh, and Tyreen absorbs Troy's power and is just gonna go through with opening the Vault anyway, rendering the preceding fight completely pointless.

    You fight Tyreen, now merged with the Destroyer, with the fate of Pandora – maybe even the whole universe – in the balance. Heroically, you overcome the odds and defeat her, saving countless lives.

    Just kidding; the planet is still gonna break apart. Lilith, not content with ending a Borderlands game in any role other than the hero, regains her powers and sacrifices herself to ACTUALLY save the day.

    Exactly who on the dev team thought that these plot points were rewarding and made sense?

    submitted by /u/Decetop
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    The problem is not drop rates.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:15 AM PDT

    [Opinion] Legendary drop rates are fine, both in normal and Mayhem modes. Post hotfix rates feel a bit more fair even.

    The issue is that there isn't a way to farm specific legendaries. A lower droprate would be fine if all the bosses had their own specific loot pools with unique gear. But as it stands, 90% of legendary loot just exists in a massive pool that seems to be dropped from all bosses.

    300+ grave kills later on Mayhem 3 and I still haven't found a specific relic I'm looking for, despite the fact that I'm seeing 2-9 legendaries a kill. That's nuts. The problem isn't the # of legendaries dropping, but that the pool is too large and not specific to each boss.

    submitted by /u/haiku-gure
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    During the Holidays, NOGs should be renamed to EggNOG

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    Adding new skill trees instead of new Vault Hunters is a good idea and I hope people give it a chance.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Like I stated above. And as a disclaimer, I love the idea of new Vault Hunters but don't mind something new and different. To elaborate: New VHs are something we're used to and it gives us an opportunity to experience the game with a new playstyle and explore what broken things they at capable of. However, expanding on one of the four already existing characters gives us the opportunity to fill in gaps that those characters have, deepen the amount of combinations we can make in them, and adds loads of time we can spend on those characters without it feeling stale and old. With more skill trees we don't have to spend the next few years playing the one viable build like we did with Sal in BL2. We can instead see (Amara for example) gain two new skill trees covering radiation and cryo damage, giving her new skills that could explore other areas she hasn't had the opportunity to expand into. And we don't know what the game will be like when we reach the final level cap. So let's keep an open mind and see what Gearbox can do.

    submitted by /u/TyrerWatson
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    "Enemies have a 30% chance to reflect projectiles back to the player" - who at Gearbox thought at any point during development that this is fun in any shape or form?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    There is nothing challenging in a good way about this. The entire mayhem system needs a rework. Are you supposed to just not shoot the enemy now? Because guns are pretty strong in late game, such a projectile hurts.

    submitted by /u/xGundhi
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    PSA: Move your banked items to a "mule" character to avoid them being deleted. There is currently a bug which wipes the entirety of the bank.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:44 PM PDT

    Had 40+ banked legendary items and they're all gone as of today. Never thought this would happen so I have no pictures or videos of what was in there. I've submitted a ticket but I doubt Gearbox can restore the items.

    From my searches around reddit and google, this glitch has hit quite a few people. So if you really care about your banked items, the safest thing to do right now is make a new character and store your items on them.

    Time to get hunting again!

    submitted by /u/MisterBreeze
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    FL4K’s pets need some help on TVHM/Mayhem.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    FL4K's pets desperately need an "Avoidance" feature to prevent them from just dying constantly in boss fights.

    For those unfamiliar, World of Warcraft used to have an issue where Hunter pets would just die constantly to AoE damage since their AI was not smart enough to avoid the AoE. Blizzard's solution was simply to give all pets a permanent passive buff that reduced all AoE damage by 90% called Avoidance. The buff had no effect on direct damage attacks however.

    Also their pets need some kind of melee damage reduction, 'cuz on TVHM there are a large number of mobs who can just one-tap the pet with a melee attack.

    submitted by /u/Northwind_Wolf
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    Zane's Wanderer head isn't purely a reference to the Masked Kidnapper from Tales. I believe it's a reference to a book I found in my Grandpa's study, and thus attached to Zane not FL4K.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Anyone bothered by the fact that Marcus doesn’t have his Gun Range anymore?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    It sucks how they gave us this new gun range, whilst removing the old one which was genuinely helpful and thoughtful. You could use the gun range in BL2 to test out damage and stats on the bandit. It would be amazing if it was in this game as well, because we'd be able to test our damage and etc on a target that isn't moving, but more importantly, results and statistics would be much more consistent. This'll make testing out weapons much better.

    submitted by /u/AdamCrocHunter
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    Annointed militants are the opposite of fun enemy design.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:46 AM PDT

    Multiple instances of immunity which seem to have no cooldown is such a bore to fight against, especially solo. You'd think the trick is to stay a nice medium distance away and land headshots but they'll pull up their shield every 10 seconds which you just sit through so you aren't wasting ammo. If you decide to run up on them and land some nice shotgun crits... Oh no another immunity stance as he calls down the devil's syphilitic fires to track you anywhere within 50 feet.

    These guys aren't tough per se, but their time to kill is so ridiculous when playing solo because of their immunity. Takes longer to kill one of these ugly fucks than to 100% the map you find them on.

    If there is a trick to these purple bastards then let me know what you've found.

    submitted by /u/Shidd-an-Fard-d
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    So I've finished the campaign, and I have some criticisms I'd like to discuss/vent in regards to the plot and the holes associated with it.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    So obviously this will be full of spoilers, so consider this your big ol' warning. turn away if you haven't finished the story.

    So first off - Maya. This scene felt so forced for dramatic effect, mostly because maya made no attempt to break way from troy or anything. But also because we are clearly in the room as this is happening and make NO attempt to fight them off. Nothing. We're just meant to sit and watch as one of the more important characters to the lore of the game just fucking dies.

    secondly, coat-tailing that last point, the cutscenes make no sense in general. Our character is clearly there for some, such as Troy phaselocking us in the Jakobs estate and the final confrontation with Tyreen, but then we just disappear for the rest of them as if we don't exist unless the characters feel like we need to.

    And the calypsos... How the hell did they get to Lilith the first time? They don't have teleportation powers yet. And how did they lock the door? And why didn't lilith teleport away from them? There were SO many opportunities for lil to get away with her powers in tact and it just never happened for the convince of plot.

    3rd - The "B-Team". They didn't contribute to the main plot. At. All. You meet them during the mission to rescue Alistair, but after that they are never seen in the main storyline again. They're just there for side missions. Tina doesn't even build you a bomb for the boss or anything. There's NOTHING. Why hasn't Lilith called on her old crew for help to you know, save the fucking galaxy? They should be on the ship with you, not off in their own 3-person party world the whole time. Feels like they were completely wasted.

    Now I love the game. It's fun as heck to play, a lot of the humor meshed well with me, but gearbox does not know how to utilize their characters right... Like Hammerlock and Zer0 are apparently on the ship with you, but in all the cutscenes their still on their base planets when the final instance plays. It's never said that "I'll be joining you on your ship" or anything, and they never get involved in the story after you finish their associated planet. The contributed nothing.

    Now why am I complaining about all of this in Borderlands? This game's about the guns and loot and endgame grind, right? Well not to me. I saw great potential with this setup they pulled, with this huge intense final battle involving everyone we've grown to love over the years and titles... and that payoff never comes. They're just there. They don't come in at different points of the assault on the calypso's stronghold or anything, they don't even call over the intercom. Rhyse and the Jakobs guy (I'm so sorry I can't remember his name, I want to say Whitburg but I don't remember) call you but Zer0 and Hammerlock don't... it just feels weird. it feels unfulfilled. especially with them showing up in the promotional material all aboard the ship, I was under the impression they would all be joining us on the journey and that there would be some big all-inclusive-payoff at the end. Gathering all these allies for a big battle before the final boss fight. But that never comes to pass.

    I don't know I just really wanted to get this off my chest as it really urks me as someone who loves the characters and lore around Borderlands. was hoping for a more satisfying conclusion to them. But hey, at least Hammerlock and his boyfriend are engaged! And with a Jakobs pistol, no less. That was very sweet to see.

    submitted by /u/SkySweeper656
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    Question about Zer0 quote in Borderlands 3

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    When standing by Zer0 he will say "Damn Katagawa. / How did he copy my suit? / Did she... No. Never"

    Who is he referring to her? What girl could have access to his suit while also being connected with Katagawa in some way

    The only person I could think of is Lorelei but that doesn't make sense to me

    Here is the video he says it in at 2:20: https://youtu.be/Xnsg6s9_jt0

    submitted by /u/Spyer2k
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    Pain and Terror should've been the main bandit-streamer theme antagonists instead of Calypsos

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    The title says it all. Pain and Terror duo actually seemed a lot more interesting even though they've showed up for about an hour or so. They'd be great as episodic bandit-streamer villains. Just like Calypsos but even cooler and more stylish.

    Calypso twins on the other hand had so much potential and it physically hurts to see it all going down the chute throughout the entire campaign. Like, come on Gearbox, no matter how hard you try, you can't make a war (if you can even call this cellar fight we've had a "war") against a swarm of cultist hobos feel grand and awesome after our fight against Handsome Jack and Hyperion. It just doesn't feel all that significant you know.

    One day you fight a professional corporate army supported by a freaking giant H-shaped moonbase raining down chaos upon the surface of Pandora. The next day you're like beating the shit out of a bunch of unwashed idiots who don't even know which side of a gun should be pointed towards an enemy.

    submitted by /u/Diablogolic
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    Why are there so many pistols in this game?? [minor spoilers]

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    Every vault gave me almost entirely pistols and Lilith's red chest gave me 4 legendary pistols.

    submitted by /u/SneezyHydra
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    New shift code from the borderlands show!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:16 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/JacksomeHand
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    I hate you Gearbox *SPOILERS*

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    Alright so I was playing borderlands 3 fighting Troy thinking to myself wow is the game really about to end. Troy and Tyrenne were on the floor then it showed Tyrenne getting back up and squashing Tennis,Ava,and Lilith and these bastards cut to scene where it said "To be continued in 4". My heart dropped down to my balls and bounced. I thought these fucks were really about to end it there then my balls bounced back when it started counting down. I'm sewing Gearbox and 2k for emotional trauma

    submitted by /u/CoSmIc_SpAcE_TiTs
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    [SPOILER] What is up with this community?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    I've been browsing here now that I've beat bl3 and I never remember the community being so harsh and negative. I know this is going to upset some people but this isn't directed at people who have complaints and honest comments. This is more about the people who are saying everyone on gearbox needs to be fired because of Mayas death and whoever created Ava is dumb. Like what's with the hostility? For me, I do wish bl3 had more VHs and more Tina, Brick and Mordi, but Jesus I'm not going to go attack the devs and claim I could do better. I still love the game and it's beyond what I expected in every way, but I can also have a few wishes and wants while not saying "BL3 is a failure! This is worst than Destiny! Fuck Randy!" I just hate seeing this sub go from sharing Easter eggs and guns to just hating every aspect they can. It reminds me of the GoT finale where it was a witch hunt for D&D.

    submitted by /u/Ghostface908
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    Math on the new/nerfed drop rate plus opinions on the drop rate as well as the current insignificance of true vault hunter mode

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    This is gonna be a bit lengthy so TL;DR: Mayhem 3 drop rate took a massive cut but major bosses like Graveward should still drop an average of 1 or more legendary per kill even without boosting your luck stat. This is compared to the previous amount that I experienced of about 3 or 4 per kill; non-boss kill rates were probably cut by a similar percentage.

    So a new hotfix has launched with the very vague statement: "Scaled down the amount of loot drops in Mayhem Mode." I hate vague statements from the developers when they are specifically referencing the numbers in a game that is all about numbers. So I did a short, B-grade experiment for better perspective.

    So first, I had to choose a test. As far as I know, most people were loot farming using Graveward, Chupacabra, or the guaranteed Jakob's Loot Tink. The patch further nerfed Chupacabra loot rates and removed the 100% spawn rate for the Jakob's Loot Tink so the only 1 of the 3 who was changed by a single variable was Graveward. Meaning if we know how Graveward changed, then we know how over 90% of the game changed in regards to loot drops.

    Now, before patch, Graveward would consistently drop an average of about 3 or 4 legendaries each run on mayhem 3 when I killed him. There were extreme highs up to 7 or 8 legendaries from 1 kill and lows as bad as 0 but both sides were rare. Now on to the experiment.


    Graveward was fought 50 times under the following conditions:

    -Normal mode (True mode does NOT affect cash, eridium, exp, or loot rates at all so no point in checking)

    -Mayhem 3

    -None of my gear boosted luck/drop rate

    -Guardian Rank boosted my luck by exactly 10.01%. I feel this doesn't change results much as the guardian rank required is an incredibly easily attainable goal for anyone strong enough to farm Graveward on mayhem 3 as long as they are not actively avoiding upgrading luck. Also, even if I adjust for the 10% boost, the tl;dr of 1 or more legendary per average run should still be accurate.

    -Single Player (no multiplayer boosts or luck boosts on teammate builds)


    -Over 50 runs I received a total of 66 legends

    -The least I received in a single run is 0 while the most is 4

    -I received 0 on 15 of the runs (30%)

    -I received 1 on 12 of the runs (24%)

    -I received 2 on 17 of the runs (34%)

    -I received 3 on 4 of the runs (8%)

    -I received 4 on 2 of the runs (4%)

    -The chance to get at least 1 legendary item from a single kill is 70%

    -The average number received per kill across multiple runs is about 1.32

    -Out of 66 drops, 62 of them were equipment meaning guns, mods, shields, etc (~94%)

    -Out of 66 drops, 4 of them were cosmetic meaning gun skins, character skins, etc (~6%)

    THE OPINIONS (feel free to completely ignore this section or discuss it, just keep it respectful)

    While loot is significantly lower than it was before, I don't think it's horrible when compared to how efficiently this game can be farmed. And you can make mayhem 3 really easy with a really good build (you don't even need an optimized or min/maxed build). So farming is far easier/more profitable now compared to any other Borderlands.

    The rates were nerfed to a level that should still allow hardcore players to put together a fully optimized/best in slot build ready for endgame content without putting in an unreasonable amount of grind. Only difference is now it won't be completed in 1 or 2 days by the more hardcore players.

    At the same time the new rates should still be high enough that a casual player should be able to outfit themselves entirely with orange items by simply playing for fun and with minimal/no grind. And good builds should still be possible for casual players. Only difference is now a casual player might not be able to achieve an optimized or min/maxed build until the development of the game begins to stall because of new content constantly coming in.

    And that's how it should be in my opinion. Hardcore players shouldn't be able to 100% a looter game plus all it's add-ons in 1-5 days after each release and casual players should not be able to get the items necessary for the same performance that hardcore players are able to put out. Otherwise, in regards to both types of players: what's the point?

    Earlier I mentioned that true vault hunter mode does not affect cash, eridium, exp, or loot rates in any way and if you thought that was nonsensical then I would argue that you are 100% correct. You get the exact same cash, eridium, exp, and loot amounts when comparing normal mayhem 3 to true mayhem 3. Considering how much objectionably harder true mode is: I think this is just wrong and I honestly have to believe it is a bug because I cannot begin to understand how that decision made it to launch with approval. You should be able to get the strongest items in the game on normal mode BUT the you should have a higher chance of getting the strongest stuff on true mode.

    I propose we buff the drop rate of true mayhem 3 to what normal mayhem 3 was just 24 hours ago. About 3 to 4 legendary drops from a major story boss on a difficulty like true mayhem 3 doesn't sound unreasonable to me. There should also be an increase on the rates for cash, eridium, or exp. How much? I don't know, but it needs to be more. Currently every mission/item is available in normal. All stat potentials are the same across both modes. All loot and exp rates are the same. There are no SDU upgrades, cosmetics, cut scenes, or other exclusive to true mode. There is no difference in story. As far as I can tell, there are only 2 differences: you can repeat missions at will to farm the rewards (which really only matters to a fraction of the more hardcore players) and the game is straight up harder (which is really only necessary for the hardcore players but, without incentive, is not worth the effort to most). As it stands, true mode is so far absolutely worthless in Borderlands 3 and I'm not sure the existence is even justified.

    To be clear to any dev that may be reading: there needs to be an actual incentive and clear separation between the normal and true modes but please do NOT further nerf normal mode. We need to buff the rewards of true mode. True mode would be less ridiculous if I could at least skip the incredibly long and unnecessarily common cut scenes/mission dialogue that forces you to wait and that I've already experienced numerous times (don't get me wrong, I like the story but I've already done it to completion more than once. And as fun as the story is, the game is even MORE fun so please just let me play). It would also be nice if I could just simply toggle the difficulty modes from the menu at will so that I don't have to play through the story again at all if I don't want to. Or if I could enable story completion on all new characters after story completion so that free-roam and mayhem are unlocked from the start.

    But currently none of the incentives or quality of life conditions are present and I just simply cannot recommend true vault hunter mode to anyone at this time.

    P.S. - Please release detailed patch notes. Like I said higher up: this game is all about numbers and so I'd like to know how the numbers work/change without having to do experiments. If you say things like "Scaled down the amount of loot drops in Mayhem Mode." or " Torgue shotgun sticky damage has been reduced." then please just say how much. And finally, despite the current performance/QoL issues that people keep mentioning and despite my opinions on things like the current state of true vault hunter mode, I still think this game is fantastic and I think that most players feel the same. Thank you for the game.

    submitted by /u/IAmA_CisGenderedScum
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