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    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfixes 9/19/19

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfixes 9/19/19

    Borderlands 3 Hotfixes 9/19/19

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:05 AM PDT


    Just went out for me now on PC. Thoughts?

    For those at work or something:

    A hot fix is automatically applied at the Main Menu when Borderlands 3 is connected to the internet. In general, hot fixes are used to temporarily address issues between major updates. Hot fixes are not permanent – they are temporarily stored in memory during the game session and lost upon exiting Borderlands 3. To ensure that you receive hot fixes, make sure that your system is connected to the internet when Borderlands 3 boots up and hang out on the Menu screen for a minute.

    Hot Fixes

    September 19,2019

    We are aware that the below list does not include issues that the community is immediately concerned with. We are hard at work evaluating performance problems and potential solutions for them. In the meantime, these are some balance updates that we can do quickly–


    Yellow paint has been added to the Marsh Fields to mark a more obvious path to complete the Sabotage Crew Challenge.

    The New-U Station in front of the Halcyon Suborbital Spaceport (used during the "Space-Laser Tag" Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.

    The New-U Station in front of Titian's Gate (used during the "Atlas, At Last" Mission) in the Meridian Metroplex now has a larger activation range.

    The first Guardian a player runs into during the "Beneath the Meridian" mission is no longer over-leveled.

    The Eridian chest by the Grotto in the Jakob's Estate is no longer invisible.


    Eridium crystals in Voracious Canopy grow less frequently.

    Scaled down the amount of loot drops in Mayhem Mode.

    Torgue shotgun sticky damage has been reduced.

    Reduced E-Tech shotgun elemental damage from "flesh off your bones" to "a lot".

    Chupacabratch dropped too much of his hard-earned loot.

    Adjusted spawn rate of Loot Tinks in Mansion. They're special again.

    Removed pain-sounds from Troy for his boss fight.

    Hotfixes are applied at the Game Menu when you start the game. To ensure that the hotfix has been applied, go to the in-game menu and see if "updates are available" showing.

    submitted by /u/tttony2x
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    Borderlands 3 QoL Megathread

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    This is a megathread we'll use for a few days regarding Quality of Life (QoL) improvements you all could suggest for the developers. QoL improvements aren't necessarily always bugs. QoL improvements are things they could change to make the gameplay smoother and keep you interested in playing. For instance, you know how you can just run over money and ammo and it will auto-pickup? That's a QoL improvement.

    So for this megathread we would like the players to list some examples of good QoL improvements for Borderlands 3.

    Don't just list a bunch of bugs. We still have the previous threads for those.

    Bug thread 1

    Bug thread 2

    Bug thread 3

    EDIT: Remember our spoiler policy. If what you're about to post contains spoilers, use >!spoiler!< and it will show up like spoiler.

    submitted by /u/smoothmann
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    They really should have had the three non-player controlled VHs wandering around the ship.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    It would have been so cool to see your other three pals just walking around, and it would make it feel like they actually were there helping too, like every Borderlands game implies.

    A simple "hey" line, and tada.

    submitted by /u/VoltageHero
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    Rocket Launchers feel severely underpowered compared to everything else.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    I have not found a single RL in this game that I haven't tried for about 3 minutes before immediately switching back to whatever weapon I had in that slot before and continuing on. I want to use one, but every one I've found struggles to even kill basic enemies in M3 mode. What gives?

    EDIT; I finally have found a RL that's worth a damn! The Freeman is super good, as it works just like the rocket launcher from Half Life. Great for FFYL

    submitted by /u/Elite0087
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    FL4K's pets are better at rezzing me than my friends are

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:42 AM PDT

    I play with two other people and both have mentioned that it's near impossible for them to get to me when I die before my skag/jabber does. Plus they don't look as cute as a skag making a bee line over to help me up. I know everyone loves FL4K's dps skills but getting a rez from the pet has got to be one of my favorite parts of playing him so far.

    *Since so many people are saying they didn't know pets could rez... it's a skill in the Jabber tree. Spend 1 point and your pet will rez you, simple as that.

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    Add a Psycho to the shooting range

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    I don't know why this feature was removed in place of the moving targets that don't really serve a purpose since they don't show damage numbers.

    There needs to be some way to test damage. Preferably with an invincible target as well as a killable one in order to proc kill skills. Even better would be to add buttons to swap out the target for something with shields or armor.

    So many QOL additions to this game but I don't know why the shooting range took a step backwards.

    submitted by /u/SolidStone1993
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    You should be able to see Zane's grenade count even if you have 2 action skills equipped.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Skills like "Boom. Enhance." rely on you having 3 or more grenades at a time otherwise the skill is underwhelming. Not being able to know how many grenades I have currently causes me to just hope I have enough when I send out a clone. I know you can look at your inventory but that just kills the pacing in fights. Just some quality of life improvements.

    submitted by /u/ShamBoozler
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    I made a short, 90 second easy xp farming guide for those who don’t want to watch a 10 minute video about it (Ambermire)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    Please stop begging for the game to be less fun, you just might get it.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of snide, sulking posts about how the legendary drop rate is way too high, how loot just explodes out of everywhere, how it's just too easy to get really powerful guns.

    I want to ask the collected people to cast their minds back through the ages. Back when Diablo 3 had JUST come out, and it was exposed that doing a full playthrough on the hardest difficulty would, at most, if you were VERY lucky, provide a single legendary drop, often not even for the class you were playing as. Oh yes, the drop rates were SO low, only a REAL hardcore gamer would actually be able to gather together a full set of legendary equipment! Truly an achievement!

    Except nobody liked it. Because, funny thing about loot based games, people like getting loot. Strong loot. Good loot. Meaningful loot, not just various stat sticks with ever larger numbers. They finally completely overhauled the loot system, starting with the consoles to test how it would be received, making single enemies drop several legendaries at higher levels, just to keep the joy of finding new, cool gear going. People liked it. Turns out the game is a lot more fun when there's fun stuff to find, when your gameplay is all about finding fun stuff.

    Now cast your gaze to the other looter shooters that have popped up over the years. Destiny. Anthem. The Division. One of the most common complaints in a lot of these games is that you just... don't get loot. If you do, it's so insanely rare that it can take a week of grinding to get even a single legendary drop. The two blues and an emblem debacle. The revelation that it could take the better part of a month to successfully acquire even a single masterwork item.

    Generally, however, these companies are more than happy to sell you a "time saving" solution.

    Now. "These are extreme examples here!" You could rebut. "We don't want NO legendaries, just FEWER so it's harder to get what we want!" I would politely seek to remind you that these changes are being asked of publisher 2K games. You know. These fine people. Well known for their high opinion of their player base, and careful, gentile, restrained hand when it comes to balancing.

    The sad fact of the matter is that, as much as I DESPISE having to say it, we're SUPER lucky that this game hasn't been cast into microtransaction and lootbox hell. And I am positive that 2K is EAGERLY watching how the player base is reacting to the game, watching everything said so they can take our words and twist them into something monstrous. So they can completely destroy the game, sell us everything we liked about it back, one microtransaction at a time, and innocently smile at us and say "Oh, but, you said this is what you wanted? Didn't you want a lower drop rate for legendaries? We just gave you what you asked for. A 0.00000000000001% chance is MUCH lower, just like you all said you wanted! And for those who claim not to have the time for such an undertaking, we just happen to have these handy dandy drop rate enhancers that quintuple that chance! That way EVERYONE is happy, right?!"

    I've always been of the group that firmly believes in criticizing something even if you love it. How can it ever improve if you don't, you know? But we are dealing with a company, with a lead dev, with a publisher, who are actively liars, actively contemptuous of us, actively looking for every possible excuse to milk us for every single last possible penny. I don't trust them, and neither should any of you.

    TL;DR: 2K is actively predatory, and will sieze any and every possible excuse to ruin this game with micro transactions post launch. By complaining about legendary drop rates being too high, you are taking the very real risk that the publisher will intentionally misinterpret that to plummet the drop rates into nothingness, and then sell us the solution to the system they just broke.

    Also, getting legendaries is fun. Most loot games with low legendary drop rates just really suck. Why do you want to have less fun and have to grind more to get the things you actually want, I don't understand.

    EDIT: Me dumb at formatting

    submitted by /u/marzgamingmaster
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    Vault Hunter, I need you to take care of something for me. I’ve marked it on your map for you.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    Gearbox should add a "competitor offer" to the mail system.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    You get a bonus weapon through the mail system from manufacturers when you kill a certain number of enemies with weapons from said manufacturer. This is awesome and has saved my ass almost every time I've gotten something however it can tend to keep me locked in to that specific manufacturer rather than experimenting with other types of guns.

    If the game could recognize which manufacturers I've been avoiding for the last several levels and send me a gun from one I haven't used I think it would encourage more experimentation and hopefully more enjoyment of the game overall. I think all of the manufacturers are great in this one but I feel like theres a similar feedback loop as there was in 1 where the more you used a weapon type, the more likely you were to continue using that same weapon type. Competitor offers would be super realistic too as these corporations want you're allegiance and would definitely throw freebies at you to try and get you to switch to them.

    submitted by /u/blaxative
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    People need to stop complaining about legendary drop rates!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    End game isn't even about legendaries. It's about finding the anointed legendaries that fit your build. If legendary drop rates are decreased it'll be even harder to find anointed weapons which are already very hard to find that fit your build.

    submitted by /u/ZanikOG
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    Gearbox says vertical splitscreen is "really high up on the list of things we want to improve." Hoping to share timeline for larger patches next week.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    I can tell you it's really high up on the list of things we want to improve. The changes needed for that are more involved and are going to take a bit more time for us to get out. We're hoping to have a timeline for larger patch updates available for everyone soon.

    Source: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/borderlands-3-hot-fixes-updated-9-19-2019/3437730/47

    submitted by /u/BuddhaRockstar
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    One of the best things about Borderlands 3

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    No microtransactions.

    It took me a bit to realize there weren't any and I honestly think it deserves praise. Most things cosmetic are through Eridium and I think it's pretty great.

    submitted by /u/FatChocobro
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    Shout-out to the best romance done in borderlands yet <3

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    Hammerlock and Wainwright had such a great relationship in this game! thx gearbox <3

    submitted by /u/MeAndMyRedditName
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    Borderlands 3 composers confirm the soundtrack is releasing soon, including Spotify!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:02 AM PDT

    Just got a reply from both Jesper Kyd and Finishing Move, it's coming soon!

    submitted by /u/CragtheLAD_
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    Zane should be able to shoot while sprinting.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:18 PM PDT

    Title. Personally I've been really struggling on Zane, seems his damage output is just minuscule compared to the other VHs. His cryo skills aren't great against anointed enemies or bosses that are cryo immune. He has several skills that increase movespeed and damage based on speed, seems like shooting while sprinting would be a cool skill for him. If someone disagrees and has a very strong build for Zane, or weapon recommendations, please let me know as I don't want to give up on him but the other characters just play so much stronger (also his clone, which can be very strong... doesn't do anything against Graveward).

    submitted by /u/jmsgrime
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    I miss the...

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:56 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/hellomountains
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    POLL: What Vault Hunter are you playing?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:30 AM PDT


    I'm curious to see who are the most popular characters about a week into the game. If you're already onto multiple characters, select who your favorite is so far. Thanks for participating!

    submitted by /u/ThirdRamon
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    Where is the Vault Hunter during cutscenes??

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    I just finished my first play through last night and I noticed that every single really important cutscene just completely ignored your player even though you just did everything. All the characters get together and do their dialogue and what not and it's like you aren't even there.

    Kinda takes you out of the moment when the characters don't include you on any dialogue at all...

    submitted by /u/I_Am_Fynn
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    I found Axton in Bl3, and his turret

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    It would be nice to have a Diablo esque adventure mode

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    Like the title says, once you have beaten the story once there should be a mode where everywhere is open to you and you can level doing what ever you want. Some people like replaying the story on different characters and some don't, this would please everyone and make creating new characters less dull

    submitted by /u/-lordofthepings-
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    Despite the issues with not getting some voice actors, can I just say that their replacements completely nailed their roles?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    First to get it out of the way: The replacements should not be taking any blame for Randy blowing off the original claptrap VA David Eddings and for not bringing back Troy Baker as Rhys. They were not in any position to influence those changes and I hope they have not gotten any hate for it despite the fact that fans in general can get pretty hostile over these things.

    Now onto the topic:

    Jim Foranda as Claptrap and Ray Chase as Rhys.

    Both roles were on point and more: They captured the likenesses and more just 100%. I knew Claptrap's VA got replaced but not one moment had me pause during his lines that made me feel it wasn't Claptrap.

    As for Rhys? I heard before the game that Troy was replaced and yet I kept wondering if I was wrong on that given how uncanny Ray's acting was for Rhys.

    They just were both uncanny and in a great way.

    Maybe I'm wrong but if there were any off-moments then they were way too subtle for me to notice and that is very rare for me when a character gets a VA change.


    submitted by /u/Wilwheatonfan87
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    To the guy or gal who told me to respec fl4k

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    JESUS CHRIST. I literally smash every boss with a green shotgun. This is i n s a n e. So much fun. Thank you haha

    submitted by /u/JoeyBox1293
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    I made $60 million in 20 minutes with Zane using a build I call "Moneybags Zane"

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    This is the most effective way to make money in the game, period. I don't think theres a single other way to make this much money in existence.

    I have maxed out all of my low level VH's SDUs by just farming money with Zane for a mere hour and transferring the money to a friend to have them transfer it to my new VH.

    Half the video is just sped up gameplay to show the money making in action, only a couple minutes of spouting exposition (sorry hammylocks)

    TL;DW: This requires an extremely rare type of basic grenade mod that needs the modifiers of Homing, Mirv, and Money. This is best used with Zane using every grenade skill he has, and throw frags dozens of times a minute for millions of dollars per fight. Best place to get a grenade like this is to check Marcus ammo machines for one. I've only discovered four in my 60+ hours of gameplay, and three were from Marcus machines. Loot expanding relic makes this money farm more than twice as effective.


    submitted by /u/Viroking
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    Missing Characters

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    There are so many notable characters missing... I'm sure we'll see some (hopefully most/all) of them in DLCs or events or whatnot.

    • Zed - Seriously?! Why would Zed not be in here at all? He's the fourth character you meet in the whole series.
    • Krieg - Has some Echo stuff but no interaction with the VHs. Plus he sorta had a thing for Maya. So there could have bee some story there
    • Axton and Salvador - Could you imagine if Brick and Mordecai had just been absent from BL2?
    • Gaige - Apparently with Axton. So there's some story to be told there.
    • The Watcher - Seemed very important especially with this game being about the history of Vaults sorta weird to not even acknowledge them.
    • Fiona - The second lead of Tales and a now Vault Hunter doesn't show up for a globetrotting hunt for vaults.
    • Sasha - Apparently canonically important to Rhys but doesn't warrant a visit or line or anything (Is it possible for her to die in Tales?)
    • Athena and Janey - Athena was super important for Presequel and Tales and then is just not there.
    • Loader Bot and Gortys - More that were super important to Tales and then not even mentioned. Also Gortys is adorable and I need more of her.
    • Timothy - Could have been a great reason to get more Dameon Clarke (in addition to the Angel Echos).
    • Blake - It's just weird to me that he was apparently a prominent Hyperion figure and then doesn't appear in Presequel or Tales.
    • Pickle - A key part of Presequel that's just absent. He was a bit annoying in Presequel but he would've aged up a bit and maybe not been so bad (also... did anything happen with his sister?)
    • Captain Scarlett - She was a cool character. Plus at the end of her DLC she dipped out, so she's still alive.
    • Shade - Notable enough to come back for Tales... plus he's a fun character.
    • August - He was important to Tales (is it possible for him to die?) and he's voiced by Nolan North... so that's cool.
    • T.K. Baha - I'm sure we'll see him for some Halloween thing... he doesn't really seem to fit main game anymore... now that's kinda a zombie.

    I dunno. Let me know if I missed any other notable people.

    submitted by /u/ImpatientAndy
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    Jakobs pistols were my favorite weapons in BL2... and that has not changed.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    With the addition of three different types of Jakobs pistols in Borderlands 3, there's even more to love. Mashers make it hard to use any other weapon.

    submitted by /u/WolfKnightArty
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