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    Sunday, September 22, 2019

    Borderlands I just realised (Spoilers)

    Borderlands I just realised (Spoilers)

    I just realised (Spoilers)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    The reason Zarpedon wanted to destroy Elpis wasn't to stop Jack waking the Warrior. It was to destroy the key to the great vault which will in turn save Pandora.

    She saw the future from the vault on Elpis and it had a domino effect. Her blowing up the moon would stop Everything. In one of the Eridian slabs I believe it says something like they couldn't destroy the moon because the Eridians had already gone. She was trying to finish the job the Eridians couldn't.

    TPS Vault hunters killed Zarpedon which prevented her from destroying Elpis. So Jack got the the vault and discovered about the warrior but nothing more because it was cut off by Lilith. Jack summoning the warrior led to Lilith getting the key. Which led to Hector trying to retrieve it Which caused the key to be lost until the Calypso twins learned about it.

    Zarpedon really was going to save everyone

    Sorry about format. On mobile

    submitted by /u/Runningonempty98
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    This game just gave me the biggest smile (Spoiler)...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Just finished saving Rhys in the ATLAS HQ; the dialogue choice it gives for your opinion on his mustache and his subsequent 'Rhys will remember that' was just wonderful!

    This is why you should have played TFTB first.

    submitted by /u/staffell
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    Borderlands 3 All Current Shift Codes (SPOILERS?)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 05:55 AM PDT


    ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36 (1 Golden Key)

    Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6 (1 Golden Key)

    9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z (3 Golden Keys)

    ZRWBJ-ST6XR-CBFKT-JT3J3-FRXJ5 (1 Golden Key)

    ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H (3 Golden Keys)

    CHKB3-FJT9J-SK3K5-T33JJ-95J56 (1 Golden Key)

    submitted by /u/TheZipperDragon
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    Fun Borderlands drinking game: as FL4K, take a sip every time your pet gets in the way of loot or an objective

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Alcohol poisoning is a guarantee

    submitted by /u/thegreattober
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    Possibly unpopular opinion: world drops should be assigned to bosses again. Further explanation inside.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    I am all for grinding, but there is a certain threshold where it just becomes a grind without fun.

    I am fine with the loot drop nerf, but please make legendaries assigned to bosses again.

    Imagine this:

    you are looking for, let's say, a Night Hawkin. Back in BL2 it would've probably been "farm boss x until it drops" and when it drops, examine it for it's parts to see if it'll be really usable.

    The same scenario in BL3 now:

    Just farm something and pray to god that when it drops something it will somehow be the gun you need out of over a hundred legendaries now. However it doesn't stop there. You STILL need to check if it has the right parts and to top it all off you gotta check if it's anointed.

    Is it anointed?

    No -> repeat search

    Yes -> is it for your class? If yes, is it the bonus you want/need? If no -> repeat search

    For all the hardcore fans it would still be the right amount of frustrating to get the perfect weapon from a certain boss while simultanously giving all players a sense of direction and, to some extent at least, dampen the burnout because at least you don't need to fight one boss for ALL the gear and get some variety.

    submitted by /u/xGundhi
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    (SPOILERS) Reminder: People live on Elpis.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    Imagine what it would have been like for the people living there when their home-moon suddenly started getting pulled towards Pandora by a siren right before being completely engulfed in flames and getting branded by another siren. Must have been harsh for those poor moon aussies.

    submitted by /u/Kinderverslinder
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    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:24 PM PDT




    submitted by /u/TheLordOfTheTubas
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    I would LOVE a way to “Loot as Junk”

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    Sometimes when there's a pile of loot after a boss, I like to pick my way through the higher-tier stuff one at a time. I'm looking for anything that might replace my current equipment. After looking at many individual items, I then have to mark each individual item as Junk in my inventory, or spam sell them and risk selling an equipped item in the laggy menu.

    I think automatically marking something as Junk upon picking it up would save a bit of time. Maybe it won't be such a big deal once the menu lag is fixed, though. I still think it couldn't hurt to add this in at some point after the current major issues are addressed.

    submitted by /u/LiftedRetina
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    Hey Gearbox! Can you please bring back undsicovered side quests?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to leave a stone unturned and BL2 practically displayed all undiscovered sidequests. Would it be possible to bring this feature back to BL3, please?

    submitted by /u/mgtube
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    The B-Team (kind of spoiler)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    The glaring absence of Brick and Mordecai in this campaign was kind of a let down. Really hoping for a B-Team expansion once they start getting released

    submitted by /u/jabbottt97
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    BL3 Golden Key from Randy's twitter

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:47 AM PDT


    Expires when this post is 6 hours old

    submitted by /u/Neurotic_Marauder
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    Please for the love of god add a megathread for VIP codes

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    There's really nothing else to say, it's annoying seeing multiple posts with the same codes in them. And the mods can't even ban these posts because it's hard to tell what codes have been repeated on each one. If their was a megathread the mods can restrict these posts and we wouldn't have to go crazy finding all the codes that are available to us.

    (Edit for Clarity): I also mean shift codes as well as the vip points.

    submitted by /u/Gohan237
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    Fuck the panting sound effect

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Moze panting after running for 5 seconds is getting annoying as fuck.

    The fact there's no stamina bar makes me wonder what the point even is of having that sound effect to begin with

    submitted by /u/Hovdogjay
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    Mayhem Nodifiers & Anointed need a Rework

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    Playing Mayhem mode can be so frustrating. As someone who's new to the Borderlands endgame (I played 2, but never got into the end game), I find the modifers, as well as the anointed enemies to be very poorly designed.

    A good reference point here is Bungies Destiny 2. That game has actually already gone through a similar thing with modifiers that did nothing but slow down and encourage a more boring playstyle. Bungie has since gone and tuned said modifers in multiple activities. (scroll down to the section called "RECKONING: ONE MORE THING…")

    I get what Gearbox is going for. You don't want players to have a one size fits all build/loadout that can just steamroll everything, but modifiers such as enemies being able to REFLECT projectiles randomly, lowering reload speed, -shield regen and delay or movement speed being slower just does not encourage fun gameplay. Facing off against an Anointed enemy with some of these modifiers can lead to a lot of frustration.

    Speaking of the Anointed, solid idea of there being mini bosses spawning in the open (although they don't really seem to drop very good loot in comparison to badass enemies), but their immune phases lack any meaningful strategy to work around.In games such as Destiny, encounters where bosses are immune usually incorporate level design and boss design that clearly telegraph when an enemy is immune and how to counter it. This all requires minor to moderate skillful play by the player. Take the Hive Knight for example. When you lower their health enough, they'll pop a shield you can't shoot through and heal. So what you do is either run behind them and shoot them, since the shield cannot move, or throw a grenade to stop their healing. Anointed enemies lack this sense of strategy. Immune phases seem to happen at random and when they do, you either have to run away from them or hope there is suitable cover nearby. The anointed enemies would be much more fun if they encouraged skillful counter gameplay to beat, with good gear making that process easier.This playstyle just feels so out of place compared to the rest of the enemies and bosses. It's just not fun to sit and wait for an immune phase that lasts anywhere from 10-15 seconds to pass, especially not when they seem to lack any clear "counter".

    The problem is that there is even more RNG, as all modifiers are randomly generated each time you load an area, so you if you get a bad one, the most optimal thing you can do is you'll just sit there reloading your game until it's favorable.

    The lack of consistency is not fun. One map you can be steamrolling everything and the next you'll get absolutely melted. I geniuenly believe the game would be so much more fun with these removed, and increasing the standard difficulty with each Mayhem Tier or have them completely reworked. Maybe instead of them being map dependant, give us daily modifers that span all maps. Modifiers such as projectile reflections, movement speed reduction or reload speed reduction have no place in a game like this though.


    TL;DR: Modifers and Anointed enemies rarely encourage fun gameplay. I think modifers need to be reworked or perhaps removed entierly, then compensated with harder overall mayhem tiers. Anointed enemies would be much more fun to play against if they had counters to their immune phases.

    submitted by /u/Gehab
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    Bank space is WAY too small.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    As some one who has played the first 2 borderlands I'm really happy that they continue to add more legendary weapons in addition to bringing back old ones. But it hurts me that I cannot keep at least one of each. One of the main selling points of this game is having over a billion guns but then the decision is made to only have 50 SHARED bank slots??? Really? I get there is always a technical limitation for the slots but every other loot shooter started out with a decent amount. Even anthem fairly recently increased their slots, and they have their foot out the door already. This really should be a priority for the next update.

    submitted by /u/Diophantus69
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    My only complaint: Goliaths

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    Goliaths were fun as fuck in BL2. Maybe a little OP. Raging one, letting it go and kill literally everything, then killing it and getting tons of loot and XP was awesome.

    But this time around in 3, it feels like their AI has taken a serious hit. They're awful at targeting enemies, they do piss poor damage to them, and they're even difficult to bait and lead around. I even had one literally give up and stand still and stop attacking altogether in one case.

    submitted by /u/mooseofdoom23
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    Is it just me or are Sniper Rifles borderline useless?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    I can't find any use for them, they are out performed by all high damage rifles AND pistols. I find them rather unaccurate which a Sniper rifle should not be, I can get critical (usually head) shots with rifles and pistols no problem but the Sniper Rifles seem to be unreliable. Might just be me but I now sell anyone I get regardless of stats or perks.

    submitted by /u/ramarlon89
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    My biggest issue about the story (Ending spoilers)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 01:15 AM PDT

    "Ava, Sanctuary's yours."

    I'm sorry Lilith but fucking what!??!?

    The kid who we've known for 3 days, who is an annoying brat, who also got Maya killed, is the one you choose to run Sanctuary?

    Here's a quick list of the people who are more deserving of the role than Ava:

    • Tannis - Fuelled all the vault keys, is also a Siren, has known Lilith for ages
    • Ellie - Mechanically skilled, has known Lilith for a while.
    • FL4K, Zane, Amara, Moze - Did basically everything for Lilith in BL3

    Hell, even Markus, Moxxi or Claptrap would be better choices.

    I find it so stupid that the character who has basically only brought bad things upon the Crimson Raiders and also didn't do shit to help the Vault Hunters (Except for picking 3 locks) is the character that Lilith decided "Yeah sure she can run Sanctuary"

    submitted by /u/OUTBACKTHUNDER
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    Game Corrupted, lost everything in my bank, my heads, my skins, and 8 Golden Keys... wtf

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    The really stupid thing is I still have my character. lvl 32 Zane with my guns I had on me, didn't loose cash or iriduim. But I don't have my skins or heads or banked items anymore. I don't have the Marcus bobble anymore, or the Wanderer head in my list, or my Neon skin I bought. Again stupid thing is m Zane is still rocking the wanderer head and my neon skin, but if I change off of them they will be gone...

    Worst of all is 8 Golden Keys I was saving for late game... fucking wow.

    submitted by /u/Fritztrocity1
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    Anyone else feel like a kid again playing BL3?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    I was just wondering if anyone else is glued to their seat hours on end playing this game like it's years passed and you're a teenager again. Im only twenty but being full time school/full time job I hardly ever even stop to think about playing a game. Usually I will try to sit down play some origins or call of duty and get bored after 30 minutes but with this game.....I feel like I'm 15 it's summer vacation and I could play till the sun comes up. I just wish I had some friends to play with like old times. I just wanted to share and maybe ask if anybody else feels the same. Thanks borderlands.

    submitted by /u/spacecowboyscience
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    PSA: People New to Franchise, or Just Clueless, Stop Spreading Misinformation About % Damage

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 11:11 PM PDT

    People keep bringing up the one pump chump and talking about how great a weapon it is, after all it does 1000+% weapon damage with a base 180 or so RIGHT?! THAT'S INSANE RIGHT?! WRONG, that's not how %Weapon Damage has EVER worked in Borderlands, period. The weapon damage you see at the very top of the card already has the math done of multiplying that weapon damage modifier in the bottom, this is how it has always been. The ACTUAL base damage of the one pump chump is 16 or so.

    So please, stop spreading misinformation as to how that stat works. You can completely ignore that %weapon damage number in the bottom as the math has ALREADY been done for you. It doesn't do anyone any good to be thinking they are having a 2000+ damage weapon at lvl 13 (the level I've seen most people's screenshots) or any other weapon thinking they have an insanely good weapon because of an insane %weapon damage modifier and a decent "damage" at the top. That is not how those numbers work. Mathwise the modifier's on the weapon has already been done the only math you need to do is from external modifiers such as a artifact, class item, shield, skill tree etc. So guys stop spreading this around. Any significant higher damage you are getting from that weapon is crits, and modifiers and level differences between you and your opponent.

    Now I'm not saying it's a horrible weapon, but I am saying it's not as amazing as some people are thinking it is and that it's good information to know, because you may be giving up a 300 damage weapon with a 30% weapon damage modifier in favor of this 180 damage weapon with a 1000%+ modifier because you are under the wrong assumption about how those 2 numbers work. The 1000% modifier is just a gimmick to be a reference for one punch man, using common sense should tell you that a lvl 13 shotgun even if it's legendary should no way outdamage after weapon damage modifier a lvl 40 shotgun, which is what that mislead math would imply.

    Also want to add this is the same for all other modifiers below the main stats, an accuracy modifier is already applied, to the accuracy number in the top part of the item card. This is probably very confusing to some people as you would think that the top part is all base numbers and then you need to add the modifiers, but that's not the case in this game. The top part is the final numbers and the modifiers get you to those final numbers. I don't know why they chose this form of information displaying, but that's just how it works.

    Edited to add some more points. To people telling me to chill or being sarcastic: I've seen hundreds of people throughout the reddit threads and youtube even the people making videos to "inform" people all thinking the wrong thing and spreading it around. It's really annoying to read because I don't want people to be misinformed, and I'm not going to reply to every single comment I see where they are making these mistakes and correct them. So I made a big post to get everything I have to say about this topic in one spot. I really don't care if you think I'm a condescending asshole, I'd rather be an asshole who tells people factual information and hurts their feelings if they feel like I'm calling them out than a nice guy giving people bad information and actually harming them by doing so.

    submitted by /u/Faledan
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    New SHiFT code expires in ~3 hours

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:23 PM PDT


    Can be redeemed in-game or on the website

    Edit: code is expired

    submitted by /u/murphgiggity
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    Beat Troy, now falling through floor. Forever.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 11:41 AM PDT


    Beat Troy, he dropped a Legendary, too. After the cutscene I'm enternally falling through the sky.

    Can I get an F in chat?

    **Edit: The loot was in the Lost Loot Box back in Sanctuary. Thanks to Jroeder12 for reminding me. It was The Double Penetrating Occultist.

    submitted by /u/MotorMind
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    Crazy Eridium Farm 2000+ Per Hour

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Today while grinding my 100% completion in every zone I stumbled across this area that has multi spawning Eridium nodes.

    After 1 hour of farming I gathered around 2000+ Eridium. I thought I should share this with you guys, just in case you're wanting Crazy Earl cosmetics, or just something from the vending machine.

    Here is a link to the video I made displaying how to do the farm, where to go, where it is, etc.

    submitted by /u/Yiuon
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