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    Monday, September 23, 2019

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Problem/Bug Megathread IV

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Problem/Bug Megathread IV

    Borderlands 3 Problem/Bug Megathread IV

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    ...and if you're just tuning in, here's a recap of what went down before the commercial break:

    Bug threads: [1] [2] [3]

    QoL Megathread

    Hotfix 09/19/19

    Right now we'll run an updated bug megathread especially since the hotfix came out and that thread is crowded. Remember our spoiler policy. If what you're about to post contains spoilers, use >!spoiler!< and it will show up like spoiler.

    EDIT: Please also mention the platform you're playing on.

    We might run another QoL Megathread in the future as the game updates if y'all want it. Who knows what we'll do? Tune in next week and don't forget to like, follow, and obey!


    submitted by /u/smoothmann
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    Anyone else find it a bit underwhelming to walk into a vault after killing the monster and rolling all Greens in the chests?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Completed my first playthrough a couple days ago and just kind of noticed how underwhelming entering the vaults was and how underwhelming the loot was. You mean to tell me that after killing this vault monster god thing that I get to open four mediocre eridian chests that hit me with some Green tier garbage? Incredible.

    submitted by /u/AccomplishedCamel52
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    Typhon DeLeon should've been voiced by Danny Devito.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    You can't make me change my mind

    submitted by /u/Temporas98
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    (Spoilers) Can we take a moment to appreciate Wainwright?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 04:53 PM PDT

    This man had the balls to stand up to a siren capable of phaselocking the fing moon and acted as the bait to get Troy away from you so you could reach Aurelia.

    An absolute lad. I'm surprised he could run away from Troy with balls that big.

    submitted by /u/Viroking
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    One of the best things about Fl4K isn’t their pets or the OP crit build...

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    It's the fact that they don't sound like they're having a goddamn asthma attack after sprinting for 2 seconds

    submitted by /u/LeMasterChef12345
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    Wondering when we’ll get ‘Armor’ in addition to ‘shields’

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    Would be a nice change up to traditional shields to be able to equip armor instead. Could add some pros over shields like better defense against non-elemental damage but have cons like walk/run a bit slower and weaker to corrosive damage.

    Enemies have either shields or armor and sometimes both so why not the vault hunter?

    Just a thought

    submitted by /u/captaincapsaycin
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    Let's all take a moment to appreciate how amazing it feels to climb ladders in BL3

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    It feels so PERFECT. They put a lot of time and money on this one, folks.

    submitted by /u/Vannysh
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    The new claptrap voiced actor did an amazing job

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    Every single 1 liner he did had me laughing. I especially love the part about him losing his antenna. Haha. I just wanted to shout out how good of a job I think the new voice actor did.

    submitted by /u/AT0MLFRS
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    Golden Key Code good for the next 4-5hr

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:36 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/czeitler25
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    Can we get a Compass on the Map please?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    There is literally no way to look at the map and tell what direction you're facing. That is a cardinal sin, and I have no idea how the game released like this. It's not gamebreaking but wow, how did the devs not notice?

    Trying to help my friend navigate while sitting in the car's turret, and I have to keep backing out of the map to see the mini-map compass, then going back into the map, over and over again.

    submitted by /u/CharityDiary
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    Borderlands hasn't changed, you have.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    Something I keep seeing over and over about BL3 not being as good as BL2 or even BL1 when it comes to certain aspects. The story overall, the humor, the characters, etc.

    As someone who did not play BL1 at launch, and only got into BL2 after being introduced to it about 2 years ago, let me just say this.

    Borderlands has not changed that much.

    The humor, the characters, the plot pacing, its all pretty much the same now as it was then. About the only valid thing is that the Calypso's aren't as good a villain as Handsome Jack, which is true, but who could hold a candle to Jack? Heck, quite a few of the new characters in 3 are downright BETTER than many of the BL2 and 1 characters (Wainwright, I'm looking at you!).

    You've got distorted views of the past games due to nostalgia. The last game came out 7 years ago. The original came out 3 years before that. You are now a DECADE older than you used to be. You grew up, Borderlands didn't. Jokes teenage you found funny, adult you doesn't, and that's fine. But you're remembering how funny/moving/etc the game was for you THEN, which means you're not being objective about it now.

    submitted by /u/Edymnion
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    Let’s take a deep dive into Zane’s playstyle: Skill Trees, Synergies, Shortcomings, and Solutions

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Preface: Zane is freakin dope

    I have accumulated over 100 hours of playtime on Zane since launch and I have been having an absolute blast. He's fun, fast, and has the potential to reward smart, twitchy play. However over the course of my playtime it has become apparent that he has some flaws that keep him from reaching his full potential.

    It's no secret that he feels underpowered, but the solution doesn't appear to be just upping the numbers. He has some design flaws that hinder his combat flow, as well as some skill tree synergies that leave him feeling clunky and spread thin, so let's break his character down piece by piece and see if we can come up with some solutions.

    Starting first with fluidity, Zane's play style promotes fast, tight gunplay with rewards for good aim, smart positioning, and quick reflexes. This immediately becomes a problem when you toss out his action skills. Tossing out two actions skills simultaneously results in a 3 second pause while we wait for both to come out. Let us action cancel the first skill into the second so we can get to the real action faster. This alone would speed up combat flow and give zane precious seconds at the start of an engagement. Also let us activate action skills while sliding.

    Another issue is an entire lack of critical hit damage buffs in his tree. He's a hitman, and what's more he's flying around at mach speed landing shots (which is hard enough as it is), let's reward him for plinking soft spots while doing so.

    On to specific trees let's start with under cover.

    Action Skill: The barrier is great, it's powerful and provides a noticeable buff at 25%. The problem as a player is that we can't see anything. The particle effects while firing from the barrier completely block what's being targeted. A 25% buff on a missed shot is 0 damage, and this completely negates the purpose of the buff. On top of this the particle effects are down right painful to look at. Eye strain while using a barrier build is very common for me and I avoid using it simply so I don't get fatigued while playing.

    The other problem is that 90% of the time the barrier is on my person. Being stationary on zane has poor synergy with the rest of his character, and as such an option to hard press the action skill and deploy on my person would improve the flow of combat.

    The tree itself seems to be underperforming and provide bonuses that are way too conditional. Let's take a look at some individual skills and how we can get them synergizing more effectively.

    First and foremost give both the skills that provide bonuses for full shields a counter bonus for empty shields.

    Adrenaline: Action skill duration degrades 35% slower depending on how low shields are.

    Confident competence: +20% critical hit damage and +33% weapon swap speed depending on how low shields are.

    This allows this tree to better synergize with his legendary class mod and/or the rough rider, as well as giving him a burst of sustain when he's in a bad spot.

    Other skill tweaks:

    Nerves of Steel: +.5% bonus damage (1.5% fully upgraded) against slowed and frozen targets per stack as well as original bonuses. Stacks decay at a rate of 3 per second while shield isn't full. Prevent decay while barrier is active.

    Distributed denial: Bonuses no longer decreased from picking up shield, +5% shield damage amp, as well as original bonuses

    Augments: most are in a good place, some bonuses can't be used while the shield is picked up which pointlessly nerfs their utility. This is a buff tree, give us the buffs: halved without the capstone, full with the capstone equipped.

    Nanites or some shite needs the health regeneration to be 2% of max health instead of 4% missing health. Percent of missing health is more or less useless.

    Retaliation is weak at 10%, buff to 20%

    Deterrence field does not get the small see through area that the regular shield and dome shield get, I literally can't see out of this with a rapid fire weapon. The damage is also less than stellar.

    These small changes help the Under Cover tree hold its own weight and provide some better synergy with the rest of his kit, but don't worry we're just getting started.

    Hitman: Kill skills all day. It was strong, you nerfed it, now even as his best source of DPS it's underperforming. You need to put it back the way it was before the changes.

    Seein' Red as a game changer instead of a capstone allowed us to dip in to this tree for some DPS and utility, and then explore the utility in other trees. As the capstone it becomes almost a requirement for bossing and this sorely limits the build potential for Zane. Death follows close makes kill skills stronger and last longer, this is what a capstone should do.

    SNTNL: Needs a damage buff just like Iron Bear and pets. The cool down hurts and synergizes poorly with Seein Red, especially with how little damage this thing puts out. Why not just use grenades? Increased damage as well as a 45 second cool down would make it feel both powerful and useful. It also just floats around in front of you unless you have a target in your crosshairs. Fly free little drone, if I need you I'll let you know.

    Skill tweaks: All the kill skills need to be buffed to feel like they aren't weak without Death Follows Close, and acceptable with it. As well, the diminishing returns on Cold Bore and Cool Hand just hurt; why are we put at a disadvantage for maxing out a skill?

    Violent Momentum: Should be a pretty nice source of DPS seeing as you need to invest in a ton of items and skills to get it running, but it just isn't doing much. Bring it back to 30% or make it scale from being stationary.

    Cold Bore: The cryo damage does nothing, change the skill to +8% weapon swap speed and +4% critical hit damage.

    Cool Hand: +5% reload speed (+8% after kill)

    Playing Dirty: Pretty good skill, tough to make work in boss fights. Either give the percentage chance for only the first bullet in a mag for 15 seconds, or raise this to the next 10 bullets This helps carve it's niche as a DPS boost for shotguns.

    Death Follows Close: +40% kill skill bonus, +8 second duration, Kill Skill: +10% Critical Hit Damage, +10% Weapon Damage.

    Augments: The utility on all of these is solid but the damage is pitiful. The -20% damage on winter soldier seems superfluous.

    Doubled Agent: Phone a friend. That friend is bugged.

    This tree is for the most part good except for the bugged skills. The digi-clone completely strokes out using half the weapons in the game with the capstone. This needs a fix to make the capstone viable.

    Action Skill: Base Digi-Clone needs a buff just like the drone. Double barrel Clone currently does ~30% damage with a copy of your gun. Up that to ~50%. Mayhem 2+3 also one shots the clone.

    Skill Tweaks: Duct Tape Mod: Lower the cool down to 6 seconds and increase the chance by 10% for every active action skill.

    Donnybrook: change to 4% gun damage per point and change the health regeneration to .4% of max health.

    Trick of The Light: +4% Cryo damage while an enemy is targeting you per point. +8% shock Damage when not targeting you. (Frozen enemies don't target you)

    Like A Ghost: In the running for worst skill in the game. 15% chance to ignore bullets when you have a shield that ignores 100% of bullets is just odd. Change to +5% chance (+3% chance after kill) and while protected by your barrier this changes to a percent chance to absorb bullets into your magazine.

    Double Barrel: Lose the burst fire, fix the bugs if possible. +20% gun damage after swapping. Clone gains +2% max health regen. When the clone dies activate all of your kill skills. The doppelganger had this ability in TPS and it was broken beyond belief because his clones respawned. In 3 you only get one clone. Providing this utility allows an ebb and flow to kill skill activation at the cost of your imaginary friend.


    Schadenfreude: Would probably be a good skill if it wasn't bugged. Currently does nothing.

    Doppelbanger: the 3 second delay on the explosion sorely nerfs the viability of this skill in combat. Either add a singularity effect to the clone while charging detonation or shorten the time to detonate.

    And that's it. Amara seems to be in a good place right now, and these changes would bring zane in line with her in terms of his own brand of utility and overall DPS.

    Zane is a blast to play with a high skill ceiling and a ton of utility. I'm hoping some changes will allow Zane players to feel as powerful as the other vault hunters provided we can push his kit to its maximum potential.

    TLDR: Nerf Kunai

    submitted by /u/Gleisle
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    The Problem with AVA (Spoilers)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 04:41 AM PDT

    All I could keep thinking when 'it' happened.


    She was meant to be safe on the ship and got someone killed, almost directly because of her actions. How did none of the other characters bring this up!

    I'm still so mad.

    submitted by /u/irishsausage
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    Spawn Vehicle to make a training dummy in Sanctuary

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    If you go down to the hangar you can spawn a vehicle and test your damage on it.

    submitted by /u/apexalexr
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    New fixed shift code for BL3

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    5ZKBJ-66JSB-ZWJCW-TJJJB-9CZ9B Expires in 3 hours

    submitted by /u/DolphieDude
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    Switching my gear to accommodate mayhem modifiers would be a lot more fun if the menus didn't give me an aneurysm everytime I use them.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    I really hope they fix the menus lag soon.

    submitted by /u/Gokiburi-Sensei
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    One thing we can all agree on! (Spoilers)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Vaughn > Mountains

    Look who's still standing bro!


    submitted by /u/etjacobson3
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    Should rooms have more customize options / places to hang items etc?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    Been thinking that only having three places to hang those room items is a bit lacking. Also would be nice to be able to customize other things like maybe putting Skag heads in the room, just as an example.

    I know that main focus of the game is to be a looter shooter, but still what are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Quelle2000
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    We'Re On ThE bLoOdPaTh NoW¡

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 09:39 PM PDT

    wE'rE oN tHe BlOoDpAtH... nOw!

    submitted by /u/Tels315
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    What was the point of making Zane a Flynt?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    So, what was the point of making Zane part of the Flynt family? I don't know about you, but I think he is a cool character. Personally, I love his design, his lines, and his gameplay, being an snarky washed off Snake. But I cant wrap my head around that such a cool new playable character on a new BL game was related to one of the games past (minor) bosses for (apparently) absolutely no reason whatsoever.

    Sure, we had a few references by Zane in BL3, and a couple more on Commander Lilith episode back on BL2 by Capitan Flynt. But on BL3, no one seems to care or even notice he is a Flynt, not even Claptrap which spent some time being the pet\toy of Capitan Flynt. His ECHO detailing his reasons to become a Vault Haunter doesn't even touch on this subject. So, was Capitan and Baron Flynt such iconic and loved characters that we needed a playable Flynt? Was it to show that not all Flynts are evil? That not everyone has siblings on the same side (like Aurelia, Alistair)? I'm really lost here. Either there is something I missed trough my gameplay or is just one more example of BL3 story writers doing a mediocre job.

    Also, should I point out that Zane doesn't even has the same accent or looks as any other Flynt? I know accent is a strange topic on BL3 because everyone comes from different planets, not real world countries. But come on, Zane has a completely different character design.

    submitted by /u/Takoyaki092
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    Anytime I go to Lectra City...

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    I get the:

    "Lazy Scranton, the Elec-tric city! They call it that cause of the elec-tri-city!"

    Part of the lazy Scranton song from The Office stuck in my head

    Edit: if you don't know what I'm taking about, here you go : )

    submitted by /u/checkered-vans
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    Why not both New Skill Trees and New Characters

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Dear Gearbox, If you want a game that lasts a long time and has replay ability then please still add new characters. When I was playing Borderlands 2 the adding of the Mechromancer (my favorite character in Borderlands 2) is what ignited my love for the game and allowed me to play the hundreds upon thousands of hours in the game you could even make it a seperate charge a part from the season pass and I know myself and several thousands of other people will still buy ot and happily play the game for hundreds of more hours. I like the new skill tree idea too it would allow the original 4 to continue being relevant while the new guys come out I know it will be a lot of work but I know you would make your money's worth so please don't completely abandon new characters.

    submitted by /u/TheNarshaDiddles
    [link] [comments]

    I currently 900% loot bonus in Mayhem 3, i was sure that it was 500% yesterday. right?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 02:42 PM PDT

    Borderlands 3 shipments top five million in five days

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 05:20 AM PDT

    Borderlands 3 shipped more than five million units in its first five days of release, publisher 2K Games and developer Gearbox Software announced.

    The sequel was purchased by 50 percent more consumers within its first five days of release than its predecessor Borderlands 2, making it the fastest-selling title in 2K Games history, as well as the highest-selling title for the label on PC in a five-day window.

    Additionally, sales of Borderlands 3 led the franchise to generate more than $1 billion in net bookings, becoming the second franchise in 2K Games history to achieve this milestone.



    submitted by /u/Turbostrider27
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