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    Saturday, October 19, 2019

    Borderlands When and how did this community do a 180 on the series?

    Borderlands When and how did this community do a 180 on the series?

    When and how did this community do a 180 on the series?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    I just spent a week+ going through archives of the subs here, GBX forums, and even the Gamefaqs boards.

    Back in the 1, 2, and TPS days no one complained that fully decked out endgame gear toons could one-shot Captain Flynt or other story bosses.

    No one complained that Face McShooty died to quickly or easily.

    No one said X or Y gear is too strong so it should be destroyed.

    Sal was the only character people even mentioned being silly OP, but even then no one said they wanted him destroyed.

    No one begged GBX to fix exploits so they wouldn't be tempted to use them.

    No one screamed for modders to be banned from the game.

    No one said "I don't actually want loot in this looter."

    And most importantly no one was toxic.

    What the fuck happened? Why the change?

    submitted by /u/52316XO
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    Anyone else insta-reset when they get the "%chance to reflect bullets" mod on mayhem mode?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    I kill myself every single time. It's for sure the worst modifier.

    submitted by /u/MrFancyPantsMan94
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    Can Golden Keys last more than a few hours? Some of us have lives. Thanks.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    As the title reads. Maybe I'm unaware of keys that last longer but the keys that only last a few hours are honestly fucking annoying.

    Can we please do it like BL2 where they're released once of twice a month in amounts of 5?

    submitted by /u/MilleniumPanda
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    I'm sad because i thought eridian weapons were coming back as COV weapons but they're just bandit guns

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    I loved eridian guns from borderlands 1 and their abscence from the rest of the series has been a huge gaping bullet wound through my heart, a wound that ironically couldn't be made with an eridian weapon as they shot lightning and other nonsense instead of bullets and had recharging ammo

    COV weapons are a step up from bandit guns; but the return of actuall recharging weapons that shoot alien nonsense would be welcomed

    submitted by /u/hercujeez
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    New Golden Key code active until 10PM CST

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT



    submitted by /u/MundiYT
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    Is Marcus lying to us?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    Sure it is more than likely just bad writing/continuity but tinfoil is way more fun on a message board.

    TPS was my first taste of "hmm" with Claptrap being a badass main hero in Athena's story but such a useless sack of shit in the other games. Then 3 gave us Maya telling Ava that Claptrap is indeed a badass, the hero time and time again. So which is it - what two people tell us or what Marcus does?

    Go further. Why do we think we (the 2 VHs) did all the work but the universe says Lilith actually did?

    Did Moxxi really fuck all 200 trillion people in the universe or is her ex-husband just embellishing?

    What other discrepancies or odd things can be explained by the Marcus the unreliable narrator theory?

    submitted by /u/52316XO
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    I would love if the guardian rank skills would be toggleable.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    Example: activates shield recharge on kill. it ruins some builds and shields, such as the brawler ward.

    submitted by /u/Sansisanoldmeme231
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    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    I gotta say I love the concept of getting mail for brand loyalty. Why not other gear than guns? Shields, class mods, or artifacts for time spent wearing a brand? And most importantly, once and a while get a legendary for your loyalty. Doesn't have to be all the time, but by end game I'm over blues and purples. There could be more hunts or assassinations to get them as well.

    submitted by /u/Fustar1988
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    Show me some non legendary loot!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Hey guys so we all know the legendaries in this game have been going through the ringer. That being said, I would love to see your guys favorite non-legendary loot you have found. Guns, shields, whatever. Show me the loot!

    Edit: wow guys I didn't expect this many responses. Thanks for all your comments and pictures. Don't be afraid to post more I welcome all weird guns and am happy to see non-legendary items being useful!

    submitted by /u/TazzTheMan
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    Feature Requests: Shared map waypoints, persistent room decorations, and fixed map orientation

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    I have a few feature suggestions that would definitely improve quality of life.

    Two are for coop:

    • The ability for coop players to see map waypoints you lay down. Seems like a no-brainer
    • When my friends all play together, their room decorations disappear every time they join the game if they are not the host, which is annoying.

    One is just in general:

    • When you open the big map, I wish you could fix the direction it faces, instead of it rotating. It's super annoying trying to re-orient yourself. You can set the mini-map to be fixed, but not the big map???
    submitted by /u/NomBok
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    Xbox One X players still can’t properly connect to friends without Xbox shutting off constantly ;(

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    Help Gearbox.

    submitted by /u/FinalMako
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    Just want to say thanks to those who join others games.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    Playing on Sony, trying to get through the story(just finished a prison escape) and I would have taken much longer to get this far if others didn't jump in to help. Not to drop loot or kill everything for me but to actually just play together to move the story along(not that there is anything wrong with people jumping into a game to play Santa but that isn't what I feel most of us really want).

    Also, it's actually nice to have someone else there to create a sense of urgency(I'm usually the person who has to open everything), it helped to get me to keep moving towards the next goal.

    Started this morning moving to kill Jr and ended quite a few quests deeper into the story. Not sure how much further I have to go until I can finally unlock Mayhem(trying to get there and hopefully 50 before the next event starts on the 22nd) but I think I now know the best way to level. Playing with someone else.

    Thank you, random 2 people who jumped into my game today(Amara and FL4K) to keep me company.

    submitted by /u/DaftGamer96
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    STOP using CRYO based weapons with Zane + Barrier Capstone was actually buffed in the last hotfix??

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    Yo what's up guys, I just wanted to make a quick meta post for all the zoomers in the subreddit.

    As always TL;DR - https://youtu.be/ml82iMPyovM here's a video talking about all this and more, so you don't have to read :)

    So this post is going to cover 3 topics when it comes to Zane players. Why you need to stop using so many cryo weapons, a new build and Zane buff! (in the recent hotfix), and which gear you should match with each build (stop using rough rider with calm cool collected, please)

    So, I'm going to get right into the reason why you probably clicked on this post. Why you need to stop using cryo weapons in your CCC builds. So let me start by saying, I see so many people complaining about how Zane's only elemental strength is cryo, BUT anointed and bosses aren't affected or can't be frozen by it! How is he supposed to beat these guys effectively?

    The answer is to stop using cryo weapons! I know this sounds like a crazy tip, but you should not be running more than one cryo weapon (realistically) in your builds! And by the time you get to endgame and have the perfect loadout, you should have 0 cryo base weapons in your build. When it comes to freezing enemies, you have two best friends: Cryo Recurring hex grenade, and Anointed weapons with: While sentinel is active, gain 50% bonus elemental damage as cryo.

    First the Cryo Recurring Hex, this was apparently nerfed in the last update, right? Maybe for everyone except Zane players, these grenades were modified to do more elemental DOT's instead of damage, what does this mean for the cryo variant? They now have over 1000% Cryo Efficiency! Which is absolutely nuts, it basically takes 1 cryo nade to freeze enemies now! So definitely find cryo hex grenades and add them to your build, so your drone can drop them for you.

    Next, I know anointed weapons are hard to come by, and you can't always pick which ones you get. But you need to run fire weapons, corrosive weapons, radiation weapons, all with the cryo anointment. That way you will never run into any of the downsides of playing cryo weapons against Anointed Zealots, BUT you will reap the rewards of getting the extra freezing status while you have your sentinel activated. (which should be all the time because of ccc lol)

    The last thing about this is put 5 points into brain freeze and hit your crits already!!!

    Next in this meta post! I want to tell you all about a secret buff to Zane's distributed denial capstone and the new upgrade to the CCC build.

    You'll never believe which update BUFFED Zane's distributed denial capstone, that was almost unusable before, but now is probably what every CCC build needs to get a point into. It was Shield Boosters giving auto pickup! We all tested and tried out distributed denial with all our cool different shields, only to be disappointed by most, but I am here to tell you guys this thing works with Booster Shields! You will get double the boosters all over the ground everywhere, and it is so great to keeping your shields full, so that way when you trigger CCC you will get action skills refreshed almost every time! I want you guys to go test it out for yourself, but the shield you want to look out for is the Big Boom Blaster, this thing has a 60% chance to drop a booster that gives 60% shields back, a nade, and some heavy ammo. This thing is absolutely nuts, and I'll have a build guide + video of how this build works coming soon, but I have to get the information out there for you all to know!

    Finally, I want to make a quick guide to which build matches with which class mods/shield/artifact.

    I wanna start this section by saying, I see so many people running rough rider with calm cool collected, and while this is a kinda cool combo, you are not only wasting 5 skill points in the first row of skills, you are also missing out on 20% weapon damage from Confident Competence. What this means, is the 20% weapon damage you gain from rough rider, is lost in the 20% damage from confident competence, meaning you basically aren't wearing a class mod. If you just wear the right shield and use the right mod, you will do much more damage, and run smooth as well.

    I'm going to organize this by Build, Action skills, Class Mod (which skill is most important), Shield, Artifact

    CCC - Drone/Barrier - Executor(playing dirty) or Cold Warrioir(synchronicity) - Booster Shield or Recharger Shield - Icebreaker Victory Rush, or Ice breaker Otto Idol

    Kill Skill - Drone/Clone - Infiltrator(violent momentum) - Rough Rider - Snowdrift Victory Rush

    Infinite Clone - Barrier/Clone - Cold Warrior(synchronicity) - Booster Shield or Recharger Shield - Icebreaker Victory Rush

    Infinite Nade - Clone/Grenade - Shockerator(pocket full of grenades) - Big Boom Blaster - Last Stand Victory Rush

    ^^^^^That's right guys the Nade spam build is back! If you guys follow my posts or youtube at all, you know the Nade spam build is my child, and it was recently killed by the hotfix, making salvation not heal you for grenade damage anymore. And I just want to tell you guys the patch added other things to the game that makes the build possible again! I am super excited about this one, I have not ironed out all the details of the build yet, but once I do YOU KNOW you will be getting a nice new build guide, and a video! I'm probably going to be working on it by the time this post is posted.

    Anyways guys I know this was a long one! So if you stuck around until this point hit me with a thumbs up, comment what you guys think of the new meta being Booster Shields! They're super great now, and actually created variety and new builds like gearbox said they wanted! I'm really excited to play with these, and you all should try them out and test them, because they're amazing!

    submitted by /u/flightx3aa
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    New VIP Email Code: YOUCOMPLETEME for 250

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    New VIP Email Code: YOUCOMPLETEME for 250


    submitted by /u/Hegemonic_Imposition
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    New weapon concept: A rock

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    Hear me out. It's a 100% impact 0 splash radius 'grenade' that operates purely off melee % damage.

    The weapon manufacturer can be a shovel.

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    What's the best grenade for anointed killing?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    Now that the hex is recalibrated I'm looking for the nade that can burst these clowns down best.

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    [BL3] Am I over-leveled or is Splinterlands broken?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    I showed up as a Level 37. All the side missions and loot is level 27. Seems a little drastic. The story mission is a 35. Anyone else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/rivensky
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    What's the point of money once I've...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    What's the point of money once I've bought every single SDU slot? Should I just play slot machines like a slut now? Should I keep tipping Moxxi until I buy her love? Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/SometimesIBleed
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    Can someone explain end game to me?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    Hit 50, replaying on TVHM on mayhem 2. I don't really know what I'm working towards or even what the end game content is, will you explain it to me? Feel free to say it in a demeaning and super insulting way!

    Not sarcasm about the insulting part, it's makes it fun for the family!

    submitted by /u/sockosis
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    New vault code - spookyscary - 250 points

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:51 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Harley_Djent
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    QOL: Please let us save builds if Mayhem mode is going to stay the same.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    It takes way too long to change gear out. I dont mind. Even better, please let us save load outs at the quick change stations for builds.

    submitted by /u/TARDIS
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    Nightflyer Legendary

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    Does the Nightflyer's effect work on the bosses as well as the enemies? Is this gun worth farming for? If so, what's the best use for it?

    submitted by /u/ShaggySmilesSRL
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    Dedicated Drops Coming!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 10:43 PM PDT

    One of my favorite parts of B3

    Posted: 19 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    When you first arrive on santuary 3 and the artificial gravity fails you can slam or crouch walk around just fine

    submitted by /u/Draconolicx
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