• Breaking News

    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Borderlands Hot Take: It's okay to stop playing.

    Borderlands Hot Take: It's okay to stop playing.

    Hot Take: It's okay to stop playing.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    If you come to this subreddit to complain about what you hate about the game or your genuinely so pissed off by hotfixes that you feel the need to type an essay about how gearbox is ruining everything then maybe its time to step away from the game?

    This isn't a pvp game where you have to keep up with the current meta or you'll be left behind. Its a mostly single player game that you've probably already played a ton. If you are level 50 and are not having fun then why are you still playing?

    Go take a break, try a new game out. Wait several months and perhaps come back when there is new content to play and (hopefully....) most of the bugs are fixed.

    I keep seeing posts saying "I'm quitting this f#$%ing game!" like its a huge deal, its not. Gearbox already has your money, announcing to the world that your quitting doesn't affect anyone but yourself. Reddit lately has become a festering hell hole filled with hate and rage. The last 24 hours has felt like a war between those that like the game and those that don't. I honestly feel myself growing more hateful just by reading social media for borderlands 3.

    If you genuinely hate the game then why are you still playing?

    Thank you for reading.

    (I originally tried to post this on the borderlands3 sub but it got auto filtered out I think. The part about the festering hell hole was aimed more at the /r/borderlands3 sub rather than this one)

    Edit: I'm not saying all negative feedback should stop. It is possible to have negative feedback but still enjoy a game.

    submitted by /u/Zenjion
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    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:34 PM PDT

    Weekend! SHiFT code for a Golden Key for Borderlands 3:


    Active until 10am Saturday CST.

    Redeem in game or via shift.gearboxsoftware.com - Collect Golden Key from in-game mail in "Social" menu.

    Happy Vault Hunting!

    submitted by /u/P3nGuinz
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    Sooooo I think it's time to wake Corporal Reiss

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    We are not on Pandora anymore

    Reiss takes a nap

    submitted by /u/gimel182
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    Gearbox Pls: Amara's Chicken Dance

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    While playing with my gf, who is using Amara, we started to goof around with the Chicken Dance emote and I realized something. Why does not the Helping Hand(s) talent have an interaction with that emote and accompany Amara's moves while dancing?! I'd love to see how the deployed arms flap around at the same time Amara does.

    Seriously, that would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/Zshezzel
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    why do some anointed enemies have LOOOONG invincibility periods?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    they just stand there for 30 seconds or more, IMMUNE popping up with every gun you have. It brings the game to a standstill because all you can do is hide since you can't leech from them and they keep attacking while invincible.

    Who at gearbox thought that was fun? Did they even play the game?

    submitted by /u/vorlik
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    Why the Lucian's Call Nerf is the wrong direction

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    The Rowan and Lucian's call legendaries are interesting halves of the same coin, with both rewarding precision shooting with AoE and sustained damaged. The Rowan boasts superior raw dps, while the Lucian presents the more accurate rifle.

    Nerfing the accuracy of the Lucian's Call interferes with this dynamic by making the two guns more similar and throwing off the smooth gun play many players like it for. If it was overperforming, a slight damage nerf would bring it in line with other options without hindering its designed role as a precision rifle.

    submitted by /u/magemachine
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    [Gearbox plz] Can Buff Film Buff become a talking gun or shield? Hearing him talk is amazing

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    Replayed that mission last night with a buddy and listening to him talk is one of the best parts of the game (thanks Tommy W.).

    The Handsome Jack gun and crazy girlfriend shield are pretty great too, so my wish of wishes is to have Film Buff get some extra dialog in through some other medium.

    submitted by /u/WorkAccount2020
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    Problem with the cyclone in online co-op

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    The cyclone in multi-player co-OP is UNDRIVEABLE, it shakes and swerves for no reason (and it sure isn't lag

    submitted by /u/THEBONEZONE87
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    Email Code

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:24 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Stryker00770
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    These Nerfs are healthy, people just don't like taking medicine.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    These nerfs are good for the game.

    The fact that people's definition of "viable" meant breezing through the hardest mode in the game is proof of that. They moan about their OP gear being dumpstered, when I'm running around in MH3 with the Horizon and The Companion doing just fine. Yeah, it's challenging. Yes, that is the point.

    The hardest mode shouldn't be able to be breezed through, trivialized, or cakewalked. What is the point of farming for an Annointed Hex when you already are dominating everything on screen? If you're already at the top, every increase from there is pointless.

    They absolutely need at least some semblance of balance going into the future. So here are the options they have going forward with DLC. New gear, bosses, raids, etc. Let's assume you have an OP meta build and I have a homebrew one.

    1. They balance it to my build. Your weapon still trounces everything, none of the new gear is good for you, and you mow through it like it's Graveward. You would be rightly dissaponted thinking you wasted your money.

    2. They balance it to your build. All of my stuff is left in the dust as they inflate the numbers trying to keep up with broken weapons. Sub optimal builds become a grindfest at best.

    Either option is shit. So the smart thing to do is tone down the obvious busted stuff to the level the developers envision the game being at and buffing others to meet that standard.

    Gearbox clearly has their design philosophy set out. They want Mayhem 3 to be challenging. They don't want people turning it into absolute easy mode or cheesing it to the point of breaking. We can talk about Mayhem 3 is poorly designed for that (it is), or about how they rushed the game and left us with a bunch of this mess (they did). But fundamentally, the idea of balance is a GOOD one to have in every game time, especially PVE. And while they're clumsy about if right now, no doubt scrambling all other the place to fix things, I welcome these nerfs/buffs.

    submitted by /u/A_little_quarky
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    Good job Gearbox...

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    I like Gearbox's aproach to Jakobs in BL3 because i feel like one of the things holding Jakobs guns back in late game was lack of elements and flexability but they've made them (still amazing by themselves) more viable for late game with the introduction of more elements on their guns.

    submitted by /u/BrokeAndDeadBy20
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    BL3, The Good and Bad, Why it is important, and the future of Borderlands [SPOILERS INCLUDED]

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    First off, let me state that this is purely opinion, many may differ, and thats okay. Second, I still want to try to offer critical thinking, as to offer a nice healthy debate about certain aspects. And third, I am in no way a professional game designer, writer, etc., I am merely a consumer. This very, very, long wall of text will contain SPOILERS FOR BORDERLANDS 3, TPS, AND 2! To begin, lets talk about the good aspects of the game.

    THE GOOD: GUNPLAY/MECHANICS:Obviously, the improved gunplay and mechanics were awesome. Holy hell was I blown away from how clean everything seemed. The ability to slide, leap over railings, and climb over obstacles was a huge improvement to Borderlands and I find myself missing it whenever I play 2 or TPS. Guns work phenomenally (most of the time, minor bugs are expected), and theres a wide variety to choose from. The HUD is a teensy cluttered, but still displays all my important info without getting in the way and still looks good. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: While TPS had oxygen kits which were cool, the overall gameplay was similar to BL2, so BL3 is a definite improvement.

    GRAPHICS: The graphics are nothing to scoff at either. When I heard Borderlands was going to be in 4K, I scoffed because the graphics have a cartoonish, comic style to them. But I was blown away when I first started and saw the graphics and how they had majorly improved, especially the lighting and particle effects. The game looks absolutely gorgeous at times when you look at landscapes and areas from high above. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: What can I say? BL3 just simply looks better!

    SOUNDS/MUSIC: The sounds and music are also amazing, great songs to back up your fighting really help get the player into the mood, and 3 does this perfectly. BGM is important, and I never felt like 3's music took away from whatever area I was either fighting in, or simply looking around. The sounds are also great, from vehicles to guns to monsters, I love them all. I especially loved how some guns, Tediore guns specifically, made slightly different sounds as the ammo got lower. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: BL2 had some phenomenal music choices, and the BGM was very well made (I love the BGM in Thousand Cuts). TPS had some awesome BGM as well, but I don't remember anything too memorable apart from the credits of The Claptastic Voyage DLC.

    DESIGN: Design choices for areas and enemies are amazing. I have bias for Promethea because I love that dark synth aesthetic, but it looked great, and really connected with the feeling Atlas has. Eden-6 also had a very, very nice design that fit Jakob's theme as well, and Nekrotefyo has a very Eldritch design to it that I liked. Enemies for their respective areas never seemed to clash against their background and helped to support the aesthetic of their respective planets as well. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: Felt a lil weird because Pandora in BL2 has very, very diverse and had an area similar to Eden-6. However, it was nice seeing those areas being expanded upon and given new life, and a definite improvement to TPS, which wasn't too impressive in terms of area design since most of everything looked the same.

    VAULT HUNTERS: The Vault Hunters were created and executed fantastically. I'm a Zane main, and loved his character, but others like FL4K, Moze, and Amara also shine with very round, charismatic, and downright lovable personalities that put them apart from other characters, but also the other Vault Hunters. Each one has a nice design and plenty of cosmetic items to choose from as well (I have two Zanes, a Dante Zane and a Big Boss Zane). COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: One thing I loved about TPS was how vocal and interactive the Vault Hunters were, it breathed new life into the player characters where as BL2 didnt see the Vault Hunters talk as much or have much of a say to key characters.

    EXTRAS: Crew Challenges. I loved these. Exploring the map finally gave a reward beyond guns or a hidden vault symbol. We get siren lore, important background information on Typhon, and claptrap/car parts to find, and even then you're rewarded with more than XP, as Typhon Dead Drops can offer very lucrative guns, as I've gotten a few legendaries that way. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: Obviously, this wasn't in previous Borderlands games, so its nice to have.

    As a small addition, I love the relationship between Jakobs and Hammerlock. Its very healthy, doesnt seemed force and doesn't revolve around them being gay. They feel perfect for each other and bounce off each other well. Their interactions and personalities reminded me of my own parents.

    Unfortunately, however, thats all the good I remember. There may be more, so feel free to bring it up!

    THE BAD:

    STORY: One thats sticks out to me is the story. I would like to state that I simply do NOT understand why so many people defend the story by saying "nobody cares! Its a looter shooter!" But I can 100% guarantee that if BL2 only had Handsome Jack and some loose, disjointed story like BL3, it would not have been as popular. BL3 feels disjointed, and I really felt like there were times where I could do something better. This becomes worse once you beat the game. A fully powered up Troy and Tyreen are, apparently, nothing when compared to the power of gun, so really it makes no sense as to why we didnt try to kill them sooner because we obviously could have handled it. A lot of interactions and character choices don't make a whole lot of sense. One really bad aspect, is that the villains never seemed to be a threat. They never directly attack us like they did Lilith, and due to our lack of existence in cutscenes, the twins never acknowledge us apart from being rude in our ears. They feel very weak and I kept questioning why I never went and attacked them directly before they got too strong. Also, a very disappointing final boss and rushed ending to top it off. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: BL2 has a very straightforward, but strong story. You're a Vault Hunter, Handsome Jack wants you dead simply because you are a Vault Hunter, so you team up with a small army to help fight against Hyperion but also unlock the secrets of the vault. You meet many interesting characters along the way as well, but I honestly think the story flow made sense and gave valid reason as to certain plot points/missions. Even TPS, which most people have voiced their dislike of, has a very strong story and gives valid reasoning as to why we do certain things. We were hired by Jack to help find a Vault, but quickly get caught up in a fight between Hyperion and Zarpedon. Even if we weren't planning on helping Helios get under Hyperion's control, we are forced to help because the moon was under threat of being destroyed, and killing us with it and giving us a valid reason to fight. While TPS was short, I loved every minute of the story watching Jack's descent from Hero to Villain. Awesome final boss for both games as well (Though the Warrior was straight up the best), and a great ending with a great cliffhanger.

    WRITING: I want to keep this separate from the story so I can also cover a few extra things. One biggie was a lack of dialogue when talking to key characters. I loved how, in TPS, characters would react differently according to what character you were playing as. It made playing a new character feel truly new in experience. But a lot of dialogue falls flat when the player says something and the NPC just says, "I see" Many of the jokes feel like they fall flat as well, with many being toilet humor but poorly attempted. Borderlands thrives on dark jokes, but also irony. It doesnt help when a lot of jokes are repeated and become generally unfunny. (Vercuvian Ham, Digby Vermouth, Claptrap Sucks, BLOOOD-FEEEUUUD) Another issue is treatment of "serious" moments. Maya and Typhons death feel meaningless and unearned, and then become irrelevant as another poor joke is told and everybody moves on. Borderlands is completely capable of serious moments, which is why its a wonder that BL3 didnt pull them off. Many events also feel rushed as well. As a sidenote, a lot of the bosses dont feel important or even strong. The human ones exist with the sole purpose of "being annoying so you want to kill them" and the non humans just have obnoxious immune phases to prolong the battle. IMO, Pain and Terror was really the best fight. Theres also a weird focus on sirens that sort of just shoehorns Tannis into being one for whatever reason. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: BL2 is ripe with good jokes, but thats common knowledge by now. One good joke I loved is in TPS, after Jack recruits Pickle, Jack says "This is the 10-year old boy I hired to help us". The way he says it is funny to me because hes not saying it as a joke, its funny because he's completely serious. In the same missions, Tina compares Pickle to a child and says shes a Lady with lots of menopause. Its a gold joke with solid delivery. When it comes to serious moments, BL2 has its Control Core Angel moment with Roland's death AND Bloodwing's death. These are great moments that really cement Jack's character, but even when Jack follows up Bloodwing's death with a joke, its funny due to it being aligned with Jack's character and being in poor taste, rather than another character making some one-off side joke. TPS even had this, with Felicity being put into the Constructor against her will and wishes. Its a moment that isnt just sad, but simply shows that Jack would have saved her if he had more time. As for bosses, BL2 had a LOT of them in just the base game. TPS might not have had a lot, but there WERE interesting side bosses. But BL3, doesnt have many bosses that are just side bosses, but rather "hunts" or slightly stronger named enemies that can be found on the kill list.

    CHARACTERS: I know a lot of people complain about Ava, but its worse than that. All of the returning characters are hollow shells of their former selves with their worst traits turned up to 100%. Vaughn became an obnoxious dude-bro who only knows how to yell or talk about his abs. Lilith became downright stupid and effectively retconned the events of the Commander Lilith DLC since she not seems to be unable to command, but even make general decisions. Maya loses all her badass Vault Hunter skills and can only phaselock enemies for you to shoot at until she forgets how to and puts Troy in a chokehold. Rhys loses his character development and becomes a geeky loser again, he just owns a company now. I even want to defend Moxxi, who was revealed to be an excellent mechanic and fighter (where Ellie and Scooter got their skills), as well as be good at financial businesses like the underdome just became a walking sex joke again which makes her presence on Sanctuary III weird if thats all she can do. Theres also a heavy lack of the B-team, which we've heard a lot of but is a big deal considering how much they were marketed and cared about. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: BL2 introduces a lot of new characters but also has our cast of BL1 return. They feel fully fleshed out as well, and are given a new life that makes them feel alive. The TPS did this as well, giving us a huge insight into Jack's character, as well as seeing what Lilith and Roland were doing between 1 and 2. Moxxi also makes a return and thats where we learn about her skills, honestly, The Boson had more character than Lilith did in BL3.

    AVA: yes, I'm making an entire section about her because what was Gearbox thinking? Ava is most definitely a self-insert character designed to replace Tina, and completely fails at doing so. Shes a normal teen, and while that may seem okay, it completely goes against everything Borderlands. Nobody is "normal", everybody is weird in their own way. But Ava is a normal, bratty teen with poor writing as to ensure shes the hero. She is a number one cause of Maya's death, as Maya could have easily fought had Ava NOT been there. Hell, Maya may have even gone into the vault with us. Then, she tells Lilith off and NOBODY even tries to stop Ava or tell her that she's completely wrong. She even tells Lilith that Maya said "Run towards the fire" when Maya said moments ago to not always do that. We then get the option to comfort Ava like she even needs it. At the end, shes given Siren powers to save the day and even control of the raiders and Sanctuary. Wow.

    ENDGAME/MAYHEM MODE: I wont argue that there isnt anything to do for endgame, but I will argue its rather lackluster. Due to there not being a lot of dedicated Loot drops for bosses, theres no real reason to go out of your way to farm them when you could just farm a circle of slaughter, Graveward, or Katagawa Jr. However, thats a small complaint. My main one is "Mayhem Mode". After playing for a while I simply cannot find it fun. The mayhem consists of nerfs to the player and buffs to enemies, the only real "mayhem" is that bullet reflection modifier you can occasionally get. It also just decides to constantly spawn badasses and anointed enemies as if that is fun when they all have rockets and 100% accuracy. It simply isnt interesting imo. I also want to argue a lack of bosses. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: 2 had a TON of bosses, and I mean a lot for a base game. Each one had dedicated loot, but some even shared loot as well. Even if OP mode for 2, I didnt constantly feel bombarded by badasses with 100% accuracy rockets. TPS had a weak endgame, so at least 3 did better.

    GEARBOX AND THEIR "BALANCE": I understand that Borderlands needs some balance, especially Zane needing a buff, but a certain aspect of Boderlands I liked was that if you grinded for specific legendaries that your skills had synergy with you could melt enemies. However, Gearbox seems to dislike OP builds and guns that outperform others which seems dumb when the point of a legendary is that it outperforms other guns. Im not saying OP Grenade Moze shouldve stayed, but Gearbox has shown that they want to lower damages on legendaries that "outperform" other guns. It might sound pointless, but I loved grinding for hours in BL2 to have the perfect build that would destroy bosses and mobs alike. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES; Salvador was braindead gameplay I'll admit, but still had potential to be fun if you loved melting stuff. Even TPS had its OP moments as long as you put in the right skills and got the perfect legendaries.

    VILLAIN MOTIVATIONS/GENERAL CHARACTERS: The twins were... disappointing. I know that they were designed to be annoying but that just feels like a lazy excuses for these guys. They never felt like a threat to the player, and the one chance they get for development between Tyreen and Troy is comply shirked because it goes nowhere. Their motivations are very, very loose. They want to become a star? How does that make sense? They were raised by an overprotective and endearing father who told them stories of the galaxy, but how did they decide that they wanted to become stars and the best way to do that was becoming genocidal cult leaders and awakening an ancient evil? You would expect sheltered kids to be more psychotic and committing evil because they genuinely enjoy it or for the sake of doing so now that theyre free, not wanting to be a star and thinking unleashing the destroyer would do that for them. COMPARED TO PREVIOUS GAMES: Handsome Jack is talked about enough, we KNOW what makes him such a damn great villain. Zarpedon is TPS even has a great motivation. She knew what Jack would do, she knew what Elpis really was. She knew destroying it would save people, but to do so she had to kill others. Thats what made her so great.

    WHY IS THIS ALL IMPORTANT: I feel as if this is important because a lot of us had very high expectations for this game. Seven years and our payoff should NOT have been this mess. I feel disappointed because it feels like a major amount of time was spent on mechanics and the engine rather than a decent story, writing, or anything else. I, personally, have very high expectations of 3. I expected many bosses and raid bosses on launch, with multiple planets. I expected strong, threatening villains. And honestly, I dont think I expected too much. To me, it feels like Gearbox knew Borderlands 3 would bring in money and didnt actually care too much about the series itself. This brings me to the future THE FUTURE OF BORDERLANDS: If writing like this continues, I cant expect great DLC. The game will quickly lose replay ability as well. If a Borderlands 4 is announced within a few years after our final DLC, it will confirm that Gearbox is just milking Borderlands for money, which I hope is not the case. Simply put, we deserve better as consumers and loyal players and fans of Borderlands. We don't deserve to be given a poor story and mistreatment of beloved characters. What do I expect to come from this for those who read this far? I don't know, but I hope we can perhaps make a push for a change for the better for Borderland's future.

    submitted by /u/CL4P_Channel
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    FINALLY got a Trevonator

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    Been keeping my eye out since this came ou lt and this is my first one.

    Edit: Trying to figure out how to add a picture of it 😥

    Edit 2: Relevance here https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/dcnuw0/trevor_eastman_passed_away/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    Photo here https://m.imgur.com/a/tseebCG

    submitted by /u/blakeke
    [link] [comments]

    Complaints around Dakka Bear in cooperative play

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    • The reticle moves sporadically when Iron Bear turns.
    • The mouse sensitivity changes for some reason.
    • The over-the-shoulder viewpoint causes the user's character model to obscure parts of the screen.

    These three things have caused disincentivized my playgroup from utilizing Dakka Bear to its full potential. It could be enjoyable if its mechanics weren't so much of a hassle to get used to.

    My proposed changes:

    • Aiming is no longer affected by Iron Bear's movement.
    • Make the mouse sensitivity match that of the player's.
    • Make Dakka Bear first person OR shift the camera up and center the user.
    submitted by /u/DarkStarStorm
    [link] [comments]

    Serious question: What is actually wrong with Infinite Grenade Moze?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    Gearbox goes on and on about how they're nerfing weapons to "encourage build diversity" or whatever, but then they turn around and say Infinite Grenade Moze isn't intentional and must be destroyed.


    Even if it wasn't intentional, what is honestly wrong with it? Why can't we have a build that is focused on grenades? It's fun for people. You want her to have other builds, great, do it by making Iron Bear worth using. That is build diversity, not tearing down one to try and force people to play the "correct" way.

    submitted by /u/GuyKopski
    [link] [comments]

    Your top favorite loot and skill points

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:35 PM PDT

    Tell me what your favorites are in the comments below.

    PS: Explain why you like said favorite item so people have more to talk about.

    submitted by /u/DEADDROP151
    [link] [comments]

    To all the guys named Jeremy

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    In scale of "I farted a little" to "I'M THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN!"

    How scared/surprised were you when you heard Goliath call you by name?

    Bonus points if your last name is Lieberman.

    submitted by /u/xylitol777
    [link] [comments]

    Question about MIRV grenades

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 10:16 PM PDT

    Can the MIRV Cluster-F*** come with a homing prefix or suffix? I have it as an exploder, I'm hoping to find a homing but if it can't roll as one then there's no need to keep looking for that roll. TIA

    submitted by /u/rgvelvin
    [link] [comments]

    Hammerlock looking dark

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    Is it just me or is he 50 shades darker in the 3rd installment

    submitted by /u/Drams89
    [link] [comments]

    [BUG] I found a purple Companion, which makes me wonder how many legendaries I may have missed that appeared purple instead of orange

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 11:16 AM PDT


    I generally ignore everything that isn't legendary when I'm farming. I only bothered checking this one because it is anointed and then I realized what it was! I wonder if there have been others

    submitted by /u/SenSei_Buzzkill
    [link] [comments]

    Flakker mag size nerf is pointless

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    Gearbox apparently mentioned on the co-op couch stream that the Flakker pulling ammo from your reserves is unintended. If that's really the case, setting the mag size to 1 is completely pointless as Moze still never has to reload it and the other characters can fire it just as quickly by manually reloading after every shot. The only actual effect is that Bottomless Mags does absolutely nothing for the Flakker, which is... dumb.

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that they'll walk back the mag size change in next week's hotfix and just leave the damage reduction, similar to what they did with leave no trace.

    submitted by /u/narrill
    [link] [comments]

    If you even remotely agree with what gearbox is doing with borderlands 3, don’t visit it’s subreddit.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    I honestly cant believe the unholy amount of anger and hatred there is over there. I can completely understand valid criticism. But isn't this beating a dead horse to the point of there being nothing left to beat? Every poor soul that tries to show even the slightest pro gearbox attitude is immediately eviscerated. Its a true and honest shame that the community is as foul as it is.

    submitted by /u/MochaTube2
    [link] [comments]

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