• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: NOVEMBER 14, 2019

    Borderlands BORDERLANDS 3 HOTFIXES: NOVEMBER 14, 2019


    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:01 AM PST


    This week's Borderlands 3 hotfixes, which will be live on all platforms by 3:00 PM PDT today, include a couple of potential progression blockers and various issues reported by the community. Thank you to everyone for sending in your bugs and feedback to support.2k.com and helping everyone out with their questions across social media!

    As a reminder, while Bloody Harvest is active, you will know the hotfix has been successfully applied when you see the pumpkins on the Main Menu!


    • Addressed a reported concern that players would experience their screen shaking while in a party when one player used Bear Fist
    • Addressed a reported concern with duplicated audio when Maya turns on the music in "Beneath the Meridian" when playing in a party
    • Addressed a reported concern where players couldn't hear Aurelia's Holographic Doorbell answer the door
    • Addressed a reported concern where some players were missing the waypoint when quitting out of the map or performing a save and load during the "Bad Reception" side mission
    • Addressed a reported concern that the portal in Destroyer's Rift disappears after completing the mission "Divine Retribution"
    • Addressed a reported concern that the Eridian structures were not resetting after player death during the Tyreen boss fight


    The Spooky Season is starting to fade from Borderlands 3! Starting with this hotfix, you'll start seeing less Haunted enemies until the event ends on December 5!

    • Lowered the chance to see Haunted enemies outside of Heck


    We have a lot of exciting things coming in the November patch—the most notable being the free content Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite and Mayhem 4. If you didn't read the roadmap included with the October 24 patch notes, you can read it here. As always, please continue providing feedback and reporting bugs to support.2k.com!

    submitted by /u/Ceiyne
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    DLC 1 Reveal November 20th 8am PT

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:07 AM PST

    "The Borderlands Show's regular hosts Greg Miller and Fran Mirabella from Kinda Funny will be joined by none other than President, CEO, and Co-founder of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford, as they take a look at what's coming in DLC 1 and discuss other news in the wild world of Borderlands. "

    Teaser video: https://twitter.com/borderlands/status/1195008523622465536?s=21

    submitted by /u/ShinRyuuken
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    SHiFT code for a Golden Key in #Borderlands3: 5ZW3T-HTHHJ-HWTCC-3BTTJ-JBFCB

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:02 PM PST


    Active until 10am Fri CST.

    submitted by /u/Hellige88
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    So I made an Animated Intro for Borderlands:

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST


    This took me a month...but it's finally done! Hope you enjoy! >.<

    submitted by /u/CuteC3
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    Pretty Unfortunate that Gearbox Left Borderlands: GOTY Edition in its current state

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:42 PM PST

    They've appeared to just sweep this game under the rug, kinda like what 343 did to MCC.

    Obviously this game isn't unplayable but issues like this kinda suck.

    After multiple save and quits, the game is just stuck at a please wait screen until you exit the game and launch it again. Which really slows down the farming process.

    Also the horrible delay and lag when playing online with friends, its like a half a second delay and almost unbearable.

    Another shitty bug is the player off host for whatever reason will lose the ability to drive, and interact with objects.

    Player off host will also lose their waypoint, or it wont update.

    They also got rid of my beloved Dove Hornet Hybrid.

    They updated this game, ONCE. And decided that was enough. I guess there isn't a high enough playerbase to give a shit about it.

    submitted by /u/Fixmcc
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    I have found a great way to get money

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:59 PM PST

    Ok so I die ALOT and so does my older sister and I was trying to find a way to get rich quick and what I've found is a pick up all the guns I find and sell them if there better than my guns I switch and then reapeat of your inventory is full find the gun that sells for the least and then pick up the other

    submitted by /u/n1ckb0nd
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    A short-term solution to the legendary skin problem.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:40 AM PST

    So I think we've all been in this situation one time or another. You're grinding out a boss for half an hour, then you see that golden glow. Is it a powerful new gun? A unique new relic? Nope. It's another skin, one you already have. Now, that doesn't have to be a problem. What do you do for anything else you already have? You pick it up, and sell it for that sweet, sweet green nectar. But then, you check the price. 1$. 1$? Why the heck are skins, heads, and trinkets all only one dollar?!

    I think there's an obvious and easy solution to the cosmetic duplicates we all hate. Make them worth money. A lot of money. Nothing game breaking, but something worth picking up. It'd make cosmetic drops not completely worthless. Not only that, maybe it would add a new way of grinding out cash. Hell, why stop there? What if you could sell them to earl for eridium. Ten eridium for legendary, less for the rare ones. I think it's a win-win. Got another skin you don't like? Sell it to earl, it'll help you get one you've been wanting. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/SourSylvy
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    Slot Machines

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    In curious if it's just me or not but why are the slot machines so low resolution?I can barely see what's happening on them and it's Damn near impossible to see the possible rewards not that I would have any idea what each symbol means.

    submitted by /u/Exas1519
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    I lost fearmonger in the hole where captain haunt is

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:06 PM PST

    So yeah title pretty much explains it, is there any way to retrieve the gun from the hole?

    submitted by /u/Monc69
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    Underated Legendary Weapons? Any You Think Need More Love.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:45 AM PST

    As simple as the title states. Im curious on any items my fellow vault hunters enjoy.

    submitted by /u/snekboilmao
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    How endgame Fl4k should feel in Master

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST

    I feel like they need to make Fl4k's Master tree look and feel like the build he had in the intro cutscene. They could do this by just making the final skill in the tree a the ability to equip a second pet, with an additional attack command charge, and bonus to and stack sizes. To balance, they could bring barbaric yap down to 150, but leaving it at 200 would give the tree superb flexibility,

    submitted by /u/somejewautist
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    So right now Borderlands 3 is (more or less) unplayable for me.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:45 PM PST

    I mean don't get me wrong I love this game, but for the last week or so all but two of my waypoints have disappeared from the game. I can teleport to sanctuary and I can teleport to pandora, but all the other planets are gone, all but a small amount of waypoints on pandora are gone, I can't even SEE Eden-6 or Athenas, or any other planets in my galaxy view anymore.

    I love this game, but right now I physically can't play it because I'm locked to small amounts of maps and can't actually go to other planets. I can access Heck hole, and I can go to sanctuary and I can go between maps on pandora, but I can't teleport to them.

    Anyone else seeing this issue?

    submitted by /u/Grifsnacks
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    The Red Jabber does NOT agree with the Quasar

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:48 PM PST

    I would like to report a bug.

    As my Zane, I've been farming Ambermire for ghosts. Three times now, when I've encountered the Red Jabber, his physics absolutely break when he gets hit by the Quasar. He gets tumbled around like normal for the duration of the grenade effect, but after that, he tumbles around with increasing violence, until he launches himself into the sub ocean.

    This is much like in Skyrim where corpses would randomly start flying around with increasing speed and distance. I don't really have a problem with not fighting him, and the effect is quite frankly hilarious, but I can see people having problems with farming if they are using the Quasar.

    submitted by /u/Invadercom
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    BL3 - slaughterhouse 3000 Bug

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:47 PM PST

    So, here is a rather annoying one.

    I was playing slaughterhouse 3000 (on PC). Got right up the red / blue boss's at the end.Died, had to restart the last round. So I did, and was meet with the same result. So I figured ... ok, lets go to the open the skills tree and I'll come back to this tonight so I can start off on the last round again rather than doing the whole thing.

    So, I do, but to my surprise..... I'm asked to turn in (doors to inside closed). I do, and I get the reward, strange. I take the elevator that's nearby and I see that Red and Blue boss's are right there. Well, I kill em from up top there, and figured I'd restart the mission to see what happens once the doors open. I was able to get in there (everyone dead) but the field protecting the chest is gone, but also the chest is completely gone as well.

    Strange one, and also kind of annoying.

    submitted by /u/Patch1011
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    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:28 PM PST

    I've been grinding so hard for this bloody harvest loot and man have I managed to get some good ass stuff! But today I go on to play.... and wow to my surprise.. all my bloody harvest loot and anointed loot randomly disappeared... hard to continue to play after such a hard loss in weapons, relics, class mods. Legit lost everything. Yeah I could get it again but do I really want to fight Graveward 300 more times to maybe get my anointed gear back?

    submitted by /u/Vibesx94
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    Best Fl4k builds

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:07 PM PST

    What build have y'all had the most fun playing FL4K with?

    submitted by /u/killerpopfickle
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    What are your personal Worse/Better Than [RARITY] items?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:12 AM PST

    You ever pick up a weapon or other piece of equipment that you've looked at and tried and thought "Wow, this rarity seems a bit mis-assigned"?

    Well, here's where you can sing praises or air grievances. Let's hear what you've found that subverted your expectations for better or worse.

    Found an Uncommon that performs like a Rare? Come across a Legendary that acts like a meager Epic? Maybe even a Common in a league of it's own? Post it here and get a consensus to validate your intuition!

    The universe is a crazy place full of crazy people. Stay vigilant, Hunters.

    submitted by /u/CorsairVI
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    Snowballs Chance in Heck Challenge not counting

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:44 PM PST

    Just blew through heck with an all Cryo build. Zane included. Didn't get a single mark on the challenge. Am I missing something? I killed enemy's with frost guns, shields, grenades...everything! Is this a bug or am I stupid.

    I haven't fought haunt yet because I'm farming ghosts so if that matters there.

    submitted by /u/Strightning
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    question about Stop-Gap shield...

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:13 PM PST

    does the immunity triggers every time the shield breaks or does it have to be fully recharge first?

    submitted by /u/ecchisoba
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    Any tips on grinding the Harvest Challenges?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:56 PM PST

    Having trouble with the grind...where do I find loot ghosts and harvest loot. I've done the rebloodening twice and I feel like I've barely progressed any challenges!

    submitted by /u/Strightning
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    Best sheild

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:41 PM PST

    What do y'all think is the best shield for endgame?

    submitted by /u/killerpopfickle
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    YouTube stutter while playing 3

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:41 PM PST

    I watch YouTube videos while playing games. I have for years. In the last week or so, the videos have been stuttering while playing B3. They didn't before.

    Has anyone else noticed this? I was wondering if it was related to the recent patch.

    Sorry forgot specs

    i7700 1070Gtx 16GB RAM

    submitted by /u/grigiri
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    Is there an easy way to farm the lucian's call?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:20 AM PST

    Dinklebot not being a garanteed spawn and flying dosent make it any easier to kill him but needing about 100 loot o grams is ridiculous. Im playing on ps4 so I cant read only farm and dashboarding doesn't work.

    Do i really just have to farm graveward or dinklebot forever?

    submitted by /u/JeremeyFullname
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    So ummm, can fl4k's invisibility go up to 10 seconds at least?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:50 PM PST

    Its been nerfed to 5 seconds, and I feel as if its one of the worst abilities now. I dont care if its OP, and I feel as if thats the point of Borderlands. In Borderlands 2, there were these things called OP levels. I was a kid when I was playing Borderlands 1, and I even noticed that Rolands turret was OP. But thats alright because its not a PvP game. If people want a challenge, then thats what endgame bosses are for, right? Instead of nerfing, why dont they buff the weak abilities, right? This is my opinion, so plz dont hate if you disagree.

    submitted by /u/SIR_LOLOR2002
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    Best way to find loot ghosts?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:37 PM PST

    I have finished all the other challenges for the event but I'm still at 12/20 on loot ghosts. Any specific places or ways to make them appear more often? Especially with today's hotfix I'm worried I won't be able to complete this last challenge.

    submitted by /u/Panda_Banjos
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