• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    Borderlands Fuck these ghosts, honestly.

    Borderlands Fuck these ghosts, honestly.

    Fuck these ghosts, honestly.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:17 AM PST

    Why is there no way to disable them if you're not doing the event? Doing circles of slaughter/Proving Grounds is so painful at the moment because you can't go 5 minutes without getting so jacked up on terror it's impossible to aim

    submitted by /u/n0v4aa
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    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:14 PM PST

    I made a video.

    Folks here might like it.

    If you don't feel like watching the video, here is the skill tree, and here is the shopping list.

    submitted by /u/RamsesThePigeon
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    My Borderlands 3 Storage solution

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:03 AM PST

    Fuck Badass Zealots....

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:32 PM PST

    They may be easy to kill, but their screen splattering launchers make things so difficult, especially if there are 4 or 5 at once you need to fight. Ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/taynn2012
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    Have they made a patch yet to increase text size in split screen?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Started playing split screen when it came out, we got to level 10 and decided to hold off for a fix as the text size was too small

    Any fix yet?

    submitted by /u/MonsterHoonter
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    Seriously, what the fuck are you guys talling about?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:11 PM PST

    Okay guys please don't kill me. I really want to understand.

    Ive been playing since the very first one. This is my absolute favorite franchise. I have been playing religiously for years. With that being said, I have some questions: (talk to me like I'm someone who has never even touched a controller)

    What the fuck is a build? I have recently been playing moze and I always pick the best options for what I want. I had no concept of a bigger picture for my character. But honestly I think my character is doing pretty fucking well. I could be a total moron but any insight at all please tell me. I figured out why my health will never fully restore but thats about it.

    What the fuck is terror? Seriously. I've even looked it up. Basically I get that you either know, or you don't. What does terror have to do with ghosts?

    Again. I have been playing for years. Im just understanding now that I should have been looking shit up a long time ago.

    Seriously. Help. Make me better.

    submitted by /u/PurpleRyKnow
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    BL3 will be $35 on Black Friday at Target

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:56 AM PST

    Epic Games Unapproved Cross Account Cloud Saves

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:54 PM PST

    Posting this on multiple subs.

    So, a little backstory. I wasn't a fan of Epic games from the beginning, I got BL3 on Epic a few weeks after it released because I'm a huge fan of BL, didn't want to wait 6 months, and don't have a console. I luckily didn't have any issues with character or inventory deletion like a lot of other people. I beat the game, got my main upto lvl. 50 and had the galaxy like 70% complete. A few days ago I got Outer Worlds on Epic Games Store because my friends had been raving about it. I played a couple hours and was enjoying it.

    On Monday, I was running into some issues with my Microsoft account, fucking family sharing pop-ups, and decided, I haven't done a factory reset in a while so I decided to do a factory reset. I was moving some important files to a flash drive, Civ VI saves, work/school documents, anything else I remembered. Was thinking about moving my OW and BL3 saves, but remembered Epic had a cloud feature. Went into the Epic launcher and made sure I enabled cloud saves in settings(turned it off after the BL3 inventory issues) and manually synced to the cloud for both games. Did my whole factory reset thing and installed my games overnight.

    When I went to launch OW and my save wasn't there. Ok. Losing 6 hours of progress isn't the end of the world. Went back into the launcher and manually synced again (both games) to make sure that wasn't the issue. Launched OW again and nothing. Fine. Then I decided to check BL3 and hoped my saves were still there (I had my lvl 50 Fl4k, and a low level of each of the other three i was just starting to level up.) Immediately when I launched in knew something was up, the pre-loaded character was a lvl 50 Moze with cosmetics i haven't unlocked yet.

    All 6 of the characters that were there. Some names in Russian(I don't speak Russian or have ever typed Russian)

    At this point I was fucking furious, not only had I lost all MY progress, but someone else's cloud save had been thrown into my account. I figured this was just Borderlands, but then when I went to my friends list. 7 new friends, none of which I recognize and all of my previous friends were removed.

    Friends list in BL3. 7 new friends that I don't recognize and all my previous ones removed.

    Same friends list in launcher. Not just a BL3 issue anymore.

    By now I had a pretty long rant in a discord server that I'm on. Pretty much venting about everything I could.

    I decided to see what else had been fucked up on my account and found out that my name was changed. My Username was still the same, my password still worked, my email was the same, and the TFA I had recently set up still worked.

    My email is just my first and last name @gmail.com clearly not the same as the personal details.

    Now I figured there were two options as how this happened. Either someone had hacked my Epic account, messed around with a bunch of my BL3 saves, my name and deleted my OW save. All while getting through my TFA and not changing my password or anything else. All in the course of around 24-48 hours. Or somehow someones else's cloud saves had been shoved into my account. Changing all my BL3 progress and my name in launcher.

    Either one of these is a disgusting failure on Epic's part. Either their TFA authentication (For which im using the Google Authenticator app and only have it on my hpone which i have on me 24/7) or they somehow mixed up mine and someone elses cloud saves and gave me the wrong one.

    After this i'm officially done with Epic. I'm going to wait a bit incase someone has questions about my post then delete my account and maybe chargeback stuff on my debit card if its not too difficult. I've played through the BL3 campaign which was the inital reason i didnt want to wait. I'm going to get OW on the microsoft store and never use epic again. I had my expectations low but holy fuck did they limbo under that bar.

    LMK if you've had any similar experiences as well.

    Please cross-post this or share it too as many places as possible. Would love to see if I can find either the owner of the actual cloud save or any of the people on their friends list.

    EDIT: I've contacted Epic support.

    EDIT: Also just got an email from epic that i unlinked my playstation account, of which i dont have one.

    submitted by /u/7ejk
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    Console players - Performance

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:44 PM PST

    Is the game still having performance issues for you guys? Honestly at some point it didn't bother me anymore but it was very hard to get used to it, and I have a PS4 pro.

    submitted by /u/RudeAnt69
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    Texture loading slow on console? Ps4

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:22 PM PST

    Ive been playing BL3 for a few weeks now and have noticed glaring issues with textures loading slowly. Slot machines out of focus at all times until I am face first against them and ADSing to get the clearest render, character intro screens being ruined by half loaded models etc.

    It always runs without any other issues and Im wondering if getting a SSD to load BL3 onto will help.

    On PS4 slim.

    submitted by /u/ToastyTobasco
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    Why do a lot of builds not have skill points invested into capstones?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:37 PM PST

    Basically just the title. Ive been looking into builds to decide which vault hunter I want to pick next. im stuck between Moze and Zane, and while looking through people's builds i noticed that a lot of them dont use capstones. I can understand for zane because some of them arent amazing, but for Moze some of here cap stones are awesome. Why do people pass over them like they are nothing?

    submitted by /u/drewpannell
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    Hanging skull puzzle in ambermire?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    Is there a reward for completing this puzzle in ambermire? It is right under the tree where an eridian writing tablet is. There are 3 skulls hanging from braziers and a phonograph. I pulled all 3 skulls and messed around with the phonograph speed but nothing of note seemed to happen. It seemed to just summon a bunch of enemies to fight if it did anything.

    Maybe part of a quest I don't have?

    submitted by /u/Yogibareass
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    How does everyone feel about the annointed enemies?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:32 PM PST

    Just like the title says, I'm curious how everyone feels about annointed enemies. I personally like the fights but really hate the rate they spawn at in mayhem mode 2 and 3

    submitted by /u/Monkeylord2392
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    Favourite Borderlands game ?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Probably been covered before, if so sorry mods! After playing 3 I revisited the others, trying to finish off the platinum trophies for each game. My favourite, contrary to popular opinion is the Pre Sequel. I love the atmosphere, it feels like none of the others. The characters, humour and vault hunters are awesome. The space mechanics with low gravity and slam felt great and I missed them in other entries. I played the games in story order and I genuinely found BL2 boring for quite a while until the story started to engage me. I know story wise the pre sequel lacks but If your honest Borderlands has never been at the forefront of story telling IMO. What's your favourite and why? What order would you rank them?

    submitted by /u/Epic-Jakeyo
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    One last achievement

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:04 PM PST

    I apologize if this is not the place to post this. I have completed all the achievements on XB1 except I am still lacking the achievement that requires you to win a duel. I have spent a few hours challenging players in matchmaking to a duel but nobody has accepted my challenge. I would be very grateful if someone would at least accept my challenge so I could have the opportunity to win a duel.

    submitted by /u/aaronc19
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    Do you guys too miss the old enemies? like og psychos?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:49 PM PST

    I like the new game and psycho, but I think its bit weird they removed everything old, even steve is now psycho. Am I the only one who thinks this?

    submitted by /u/vztekly
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    Flame Knucke has given up.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:41 PM PST

    Playing through TPS TVHM on Xbox One with Nisha and I get to the first boss. It started off weird as half of his health was already gone in his mech phase but i figured roll with it anf maybe get a legendary. However, when he switched to phase two, instead of hopping on top of the container to keep fighting after his shield broke he over-shot and simply jumped off the edge and died leaving behind no loot. What the fuck? Never had anything like this happen.

    submitted by /u/BunPuncherExtreme
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    Please don't fix this Gearbox.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:56 PM PST



    When exiting a menu or right after I die and the body begins to digistruct, the eyes and mouth on the model stay behind for a brief moment.

    submitted by /u/The_Keeping_Tree
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    Barbaric yawp.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:25 PM PST

    Do the pet bonuses apply to the jabber or only the spiderant and skag?

    submitted by /u/Boppa813
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    Annointed Enemies Suck

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:25 PM PST

    TVHM with mayhem III is near unplayable because of the shear amount of annointed enemies. They have so much health and with a crappy mayhem modifier set, near unkillable. I remember on the way to the promethea vault, I kept dying and respawning in the middle if these guys. Only way I got past was by using Fl4ks fade away.

    submitted by /u/Wackydude27
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    Terramorphous Help BL2 Normal

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:58 PM PST

    looking for help with this for trophy PSN Degrade-Gaming

    submitted by /u/Mikedegrade
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