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    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    Borderlands Moze Fanart I made

    Borderlands Moze Fanart I made

    Moze Fanart I made

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

    I didn't get all her details exactly right but I'm still proud of it :) https://imgur.com/MVE0078

    submitted by /u/Cydanix
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    Handsome jack was a murderer before the pre-sequel

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:07 AM PST

    Ive seen a lot of jack defense in my time, the most common point being that moxxi and Lilith are what changed him into a monster.

    I can prove otherwise. See jack and moxxi dated. When did they date? It sure couldn't be after TpS, they want each other dead. It wasn't during TpS, there was no time. This means the dating happened only before the very first cutscene where of TpS where jack cowers from soldiers.

    In BL2 moxxi says this of jack when we tip her

    "You remind me of my last boyfriend. Think you met him. Name of Jack. Real charmer, at first. Always opening doors for me, *telling me I'm beautiful, shooting anyone in the face if they looked at me sideways. Course, then he got clingy and I *dropped him like a bad habit -- which as it turns out, wasn't the best idea"

    Also in the sidequest Rakkaholics anonymous moxxi and Mordecai argue over their failed relationship. Mordy brings up jack and moxxi says this in her defense.

    "Hey, until he set all those people on fire, Jack seemed like a pretty nice guy! It's not my fault Mordecai was more interested in pluckin' his bird's feathers than plucking... my... dammit, I'm so angry I can't even come up with a sexy innuendo!"

    (Quotes are from the wiki)

    John the low level Hyperion programmer was a murderer. He shot and burned people alive. This is fact. Jack was always a monster. I realize most of us know this, but no one ever seems to mention these incidents.

    Edit: yeah sorry about the "irrefutable" thing, It was part of the first draft and I hadn't remembered to delete it.

    submitted by /u/Chagdoo
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    There’s no worse enemy across the entire franchise than those f***ing rakks in the cistern of slaughter

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:03 PM PST

    Seriously wtf is up with the health pool of those bloated rakks, it took me 30 minutes to kill them in the finally round because they're so dang hard to shoot at and they have ridiculous health pools.

    It's super annoying when a giant T-Rex boss in the cistern of slaughter takes me all of 20 seconds to kill but some fat birds takes me half an hour

    I've never been this frustrated from an enemy in Borderlands before

    submitted by /u/The_Inquirer_852
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    App to transfer items between characters/bank

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

    What if we had an app to transfer items between all of our characters and our bank? Destiny 1 and 2 already have that feature and it saves soooo much time and makes the game so much more fun. Would be great if there was something similar for this game too, with the amount of different gear in this game

    submitted by /u/DerNamenvolle
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    [Rant] Seriously....F*** slaughterstar

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:10 AM PST

    Sorry I have to rant about this shit. So I'm doing my first run and wanted to try it solo. I fought all the way to the final boss (FYI, last round is a FUCKING BITCH!!!). I annihilate the boss and run to the crates looking for ammo. Some random ass explosion happens and pops me up in the air and off the map. FUCK YOU!!! I don't even want to do that shit again....but i will....FML

    P.s. also fuck these terror skulls. I've been downed so many times because if these

    submitted by /u/raydawg2000
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    anointed militants are the absolute worse

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:38 PM PST

    I have a pretty heavy dps built Zane and they still don't cycle out enough of being immune to everything, then on top of it they have that stupid fire trail mode that chases you down and almost insta-downs you. when will this be fixed?

    submitted by /u/Upfrontsticky
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    The lack of actual Eridian weapons in-game

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:23 PM PST

    So I had just recently beat Borderlands 3, and I gotta say that I'm disappointed. But that's beside the point. This isn't a BL3 hate thread.

    While adventuring on the planet of Nekrotafeyo, I saw that you could fight a plethora of Eridians as you were literally on their homeworld, but I couldn't find any sort of Eridian weapons on there like I did on Pandora on the first game.

    Sure, there was the Eridian Fabricator and alien gun parts, but that's all there was. Despite this game being set on opening multiple Vaults on multiple planets, there wasn't any true Eridian firepower.

    Why is that? Did Gearbox just decide that it wasn't a good idea despite it being the perfect opportunity to add those into the game? And if DLCs will eventually answer these questions, why should it take any DLCs at all to add something that should've been in the game originally?

    submitted by /u/blindwanderer23
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    a theory I made that sort of expands on another

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:47 PM PST

    I don't know how to write a good introduction, so I'll just go over my theory. In one of Nyriad's writings in Borderlands 3, she mentions that in the Eridian's language, Nekrotafeo, their home planet, means "first landing". We know that the Eridians were nearly wiped out by the Destroyer, but even before this they had known about it. The Destroyer can travel through multiple dimensions, which means, since travel between is possible, the Eridians could have been from the Destroyer's original dimension, fleeing to the one you're in in the games, which means Nekrotafeo would be their first landing in this dimension. They rebuilt over time, and eventually found out about sirens, since Nyriad clearly knew them. We know sirens pass down their powers, since when Maya died, Ava got hers, and Lilith had the ability to enter another dimension for a short time, "phasewalking". They used this ability with an older siren that eventually had powers passed down to Lilith to enter this dimension and build vaults there, to seal everything away further. Fast forward to Borderlands 3, and at the end, (spoiler) Lilith flies into Elpis to keep Pandora from being opened. Well, we know there are vaults on Elpis because of the Pre-Sequel, and if the vaults are in the dimension Lilith phasewalks into, she could have gotten trapped inside a vault. To back this up a bit more, Tannis is shown in the credits trying to figure out what happened to Lilith, and definitely thinks she's alive. Borderlands 4 could be the Watcher's warning, since they would need all the vault hunters they can to open a vault and free Lilith, who could still be alive, since we don't know how time works in the vaults. I mean, the monsters live for at least centuries in there without food or water, so I don't think Lilith would die quickly. This is a bad time to end the theory, but I have no clue what might happen after that. I'm only trying to predict the near future of the franchise's storyline, and I have no clue where it could go from here. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/dad_came_home
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    Has Zane’s skills been fixed yet?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:37 PM PST

    I watched a video on how most of Zane's kit is broken as Heck or just straight up doesn't work, so I'm wondering if GBX has addressed this/fixed this yet? I'm not playing the game until my favorite VH can compete with the other 3.

    submitted by /u/IVIRSurge
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    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Is anyone else notably disheartened after Taurus Trev left us? Like, the game just seems so sad now. I couldn't make it through the Bloodwing quest today because how sad it was reminded me of Trev, and that just led to me shutting off the PlayStation and staring at a TV.

    I miss the guy

    submitted by /u/DankestAncestor
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    Phne ringing?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    I'm in Floodmoor Basin at Eden-6. There's a couple of spots where I hear a phone ringing. I wish I could give exact coordinates. But I've found 2 locations so far. They're when I'm in what I'd call floodplains under the overhead lumber railway. I've looked everywhere around but can't find the source.

    submitted by /u/BostonJohnny1226
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    Stuttering issue fix??

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:11 PM PST

    Hey guys does anyone know how to fix a stuttering issue for bl2? I never had this problem before but now today whenever I boot up ONLY bl2 the game stutters a few seconds then goes back and forth between good and stuttering. I have pc hardware that is a mix between from 2017 and 2018 so there's no way it can be a hardware issue especially since I played the game on my laptop with int. graphics. If anyone knows how to fix this issue I'd really appreciate it!!

    submitted by /u/moogle343_
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    Quick noob question

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:01 PM PST

    When should I start playing on mayhem 3 I am a level 39 Amara and just tried to kill the graveward on mayhem 2 and let's just say it would've taken a while if I stuck to it when should I be moving to mayhem 2 or 3?

    submitted by /u/Moron54321
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    Two shields I hope we get with the Maliwan Takedown

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:17 AM PST

    so, as we know, we will be getting hybrid shields in the Maliwan Takedown. Two shields that I hope we get are hybrids between Rough Rider/Brawler Ward, and Rough Rider/Shooting Star. These would eliminate the issues that some people are having regarding guardian rank and would just be super fun as a whole.

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    Anybody using rocket launchers?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:12 PM PST

    Sorry if this point has been already beaten to death...

    Like the title says, I'm level 50 Fl4k and loving it, but I haven't seen any rocket launchers that can compete in DPS with my other guns.

    They have good sale value, and some are fun to dick around with on Sanctuary before hanging it on my wall or dumping it into my Bank before inevitably selling it to make room for a Legendary...

    Am I missing something? What're your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SometimesIBleed
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    Post-game points of interests to go to?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:48 PM PST

    Just finished a normal mode playthrough and I'm planning on going straight into TVHM, are there any notable places to go to that spawn badass enemies or sidequests that give interesting rewards for the second run? Or perhaps interesting character builds for a fresh new start?

    Share your suggestions, for my benefit and others!

    submitted by /u/EtherealZephyros
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    What were the chances of that?!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    After doing the quest Invasion of Privacy on Athenas, I wanted to farm Private Beans to get the Westergun. After several tries I get a double drop, nice. I get a Westergun and... Westergun... After checking them out, I saw that they were exact copies. I don't know how and what were the chances of that happening. In the link below are the screenshots of the guns.

    submitted by /u/TrueCrazyJacob
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    Help with Slaughterstar Round 5 Mayhem 1 PS4 please

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:50 PM PST

    I've been trying with my friend, both level 50 (Moze and Fl4k respectively) and have always made it to round 5 but just can't push through. It's been like this for weeks. Or we just get underleveled teammates joining. Anyone up for helping? Also, I apologize if this isn't allowed here. I'm not sure of a sub to ask for help. Thanks in advance! PSN - StrublesNBits

    submitted by /u/StrublesNBits
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    Best legendary gun for Zane?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:36 PM PST

    My inventory is packed full of legendaries I haven't tested it out yet. I'm trying to find the best gun to really be OP, but I'm not finding anything yet. I have a DigiClone/Grenade Zane.

    Also, what grenades do you guys like, now that the Hex got nerfed? I've been enjoying Ghast Call, but I'm wondering if there's something better out there

    submitted by /u/The_Inquirer_852
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    The Anointed Terror Musket is top tier

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:23 PM PST

    FL4K Elemental Spiderant, Gamma Burst, RED F4NG Class Mod, Elemental Bonus Damage Relic, Level 10 Stark Sellout to self apply splash damage for the Relic

    Get terrorfied with the right anointment and you fire more shots, which stacks with the other perk under the Rakk Tree


    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Ammo reserve size

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:08 PM PST

    Anyone else think that rockets and sniper rifles need an increase in ammo carrying capacity? I really love using the snipers in this game but by the time i get use to one im out of ammo for it. That being said if rocket launchers are going to be so weak at least give me enough ammo to kill something with it, what are your options?

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    Amara Glitch

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:59 PM PST

    I accidentally drove off the map while playing as Amara. My "Guardian angel " skill set prevented me from dying, and I was stuck on the outskirts of the map. I ended up falling deeper off the outskirts and just falling and falling and falling before having to exit the game and restart. screenshot of the blank map

    submitted by /u/heysharkdontdothat
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