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    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    Borderlands My attempt at some fair criticism of the game and why I didn't fully enjoy it.

    Borderlands My attempt at some fair criticism of the game and why I didn't fully enjoy it.

    My attempt at some fair criticism of the game and why I didn't fully enjoy it.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:19 PM PST

    So, bit of a background, massive BL2 fan, loved basically every single thing about it. Clocked at around 700 hours in it as of today.

    Now. BL3. Where to start? I'd start off by saying that the core of the game is still as fire as the previous games. Probably the best moments of the game for me were the first 10 or so hours after leaving Pandora.

    I feel like BL3 succeeds in fleshing out the systems in place. I really have nothing bad to say about the mechanics, graphics, visual or sound design. I enjoyed almost all of the new NPCs, except of course the Calypsos. But we've all seen enough ranting and raving about them so I'll spare that from this post. Other than that, yeah, pretty much all of the new NPCs were good, although some of course better than others, but that's all just personal preference.

    Why do I feel like this game still came up somewhat short of what I was hoping for? Well there are a few main points: Story, pacing, script and map design.

    Let's start with story, script and pacing since those two are heavily intertwined. I absolute loathe the start of the game. You're back at Pandora and, who could've guessed, fetch quests! I would've been totally cool with this if it was maybe 50% shorter. I love Pandora. But I didn't boot this game after buying it to play on Pandora again. Also I was never a fan of Tales, so Vaughn being a fucking idiot and Lilith being a super serious commander of the CR who's totally cool with this guy was just agonizing, facepalm-causing cringe to me. Also lmao plotholes why not just kill Lilith you have her literally right fucking there at your mercy and you've shown your villains don't give a fuck Why not have the criminally underutilized Tina on Pandora? Like, I get it, Tales was hugely popular, but choosing fucking Vaughn as your first legacy NPC outside of Lilith to introduce was just a bad decision.

    I'm not going to go into as much detail about the further parts of the story from here on, but similar problems continue to exist throughout the story. Characters who just don't jell being forced as working duos, horrible pacing, forgettable dialogue, the list goes on.

    Speaking of dialogue(heh, get it?), let's talk about that. I should stop with these puns. Anyway, I'm not sure who wrote the dialogue for this game, but it's unbelievably bland compared to the previous games. I can't remember a single line of dialogue from the game. They made Tannis boring. How do you even accomplish that? Also, where is the general character and distinctive flavor in the dialogue the previous games had? You don't need to be a genius to come up with funny little things - "LIGHT THE FUSES BITCHES - I'M READY TO BLOW!" - that's such a simple and dumb joke but one that stuck to me from the first time I killed Boom Bewm. Psychos rambling off 30 second+ quotes from Hamlet? Gone. NPCs going off to ramble about something else to make a funny joke on ECHO while doing a sidequest? Gone. Lilith being actually funny and laid-back? Gone. Fuck, they essentially made Lilith to what Roland was like in BL2. You can probably see the point I'm making here by now.

    Then, the map design. Oh my god the map design. It's like a mix of the maps from BL1 and TPS in all of the worst ways. A lot of narrow canyons that offer zero exploration. Those that do offer exploration have ridiculous enemy spawn pods and just make exploring a chore. Compare that to maps from BL2. Most of them are fairly open, have a bunch of things on the side and just little areas to explore. Hell there are areas that see very little use in quests but are cool to visit nonetheless, Friendship Gulag and Southern Shelf Bay come to mind right away. They somehow managed to make the game wayyyy less diverse in interesting biomes and locations to visit. You added multiple planets and came up with much less interesting environment than that on Pandora in BL2 alone.

    Finally, I'll get something heavily spoiler-driven off my mind so if you haven't played the game, do not open this no matter what: The way they handled writing off Maya was fucking infuriating. She was quite possibly the 2nd best of the 2nd gen VH's after Zer0 and the only one in my books who could've challenged her was maybe Salvador for sheer comedic value. Like, you throw her at us, old fans are really fucking happy, you do like 5 missions or something(I might've forgotten like half of them because, again, forgettable writing) and then you just kill her off. Just like that. And then you make her death essentially a joke for the NPCs to tell. Like, this looked to me like a clear fakeout death but when I realised it wasn't, I just laughed. That's such a basic level mistake in writing. If you're gonna kill off a character that your fans love, make it meaningful in other ways than throwing a few special enemies at you and being phaselocked in a fucking cutscene. If you want a good example of killing off a character see: Angel and Roland. Those deaths had real meaning and added real value and suspense to the story since Lilith was captured by Jack. This? This is pretty much nothing but cheap shock value.

    I don't know how to put it to words, but, to me, BL3 really sold the soul of the game franchise, the quirks and the character it had, for some mass market appeal, when it absolutely didn't need to. Is it a disastrous attempt at cashing out with a brand? Absolutely not, it's a pretty alright game. But is the game worth the full price and is it as good as Borderlands 2? Absolutely not.

    If you've read this far, let me say this: I do not dislike the game. I just think it lost it's identity in the mass-market appeal it gained and I'm just somewhat disappointed.

    submitted by /u/Kaljakori
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    What do we know for sure is coming this next update?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:10 AM PST

    What else is confirmed to be coming alongside the raid? Is Mayhem 4 coming? Some Character balance? A Bigger bank? Etc.

    submitted by /u/bendking
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    13:20 Slaughter Shaft Run with Optimal Mods Feat Maggie Amara

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:10 PM PST

    Ties that Bind and Phasegrasp is your bestfriend. Also try and keep your "rush "stacks as high as possible (avg 70+) so you wont have too much down time on your CD and dmg. Definitely will say this is the highest dps on her, period.

    Maggie Load Out and Build Updated: https://imgur.com/a/jdCJk7e

    Also giving away the items i have on the build free on PC if you want to give this a go, add me on Epic Tag Soyriracha. All im asking is for your sub on the youtube channel (youtube.com/c/porkandwine) as it helps and gets the discussion going on builds that people are not aware of.

    submitted by /u/kgonzalez1006
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    What ever happened to the plant stuff hector unleashed? I know you found the cure in bl2 but is the plant virus still raging?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:27 PM PST

    Im just wondering if it will play a part in bl3 in an upcoming dlc or something

    submitted by /u/TheWallOfFlesh217
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    Borderlands 3 SOTG

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:21 PM PST

    Hi vault hunters,

    A few of the community members on the official Borderlands discord have banded together to keep a running log of meta shifts and highlight new builds with each patch. We plan on updating this weekly with each patch for as long as Gearbox updates the game. We hope this can be a resource for the community and helps foster discussion and sharing build ideas.


    please note: none of us actually work for Gearbox or are associated with their mod, we just all really enjoy the game.

    submitted by /u/MeltingNT
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    Best Overall Zane Builds? (post hot-fix)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:58 AM PST

    Done leveling my Zane so now I just need to find out the best end game build. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/KyleKillowatt
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    Love the game, but...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:27 PM PST

    it is better Offline.

    Which is a shame, since I would love to play co-op. I feel this (co-op) is what made the Borderlands series so much fun, through the years.

    submitted by /u/rugrlou
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    Anyone know the state of the game on PC?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:50 PM PST

    Is is still a mess?

    submitted by /u/FA113N43
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    I hate bloody harvest

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:42 AM PST

    I want a way to turn these ghosts off! I killed the Captain now they want me to do the exact same thing again. I love BL3 with all of my tiny heart but I'm officially off playing until December 5th.

    submitted by /u/hallowgallow
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    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:14 PM PST

    Does anyone else feel that Samuel L Jackson would be very entertaining and fun character for Borderlands 3 in one of the DLCs?

    submitted by /u/horriblereaper
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    Amara, Samsara, and Deliverance

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    I was experimenting with a different build for my Amara which used Deliverance (the phasecast that releases projectiles when hitting an enemy) with samsara, a phasezerker COM, and a lot of cooldown to hopefully have a high amount of sustainability, but for some reason Deliverance seems to trigger Samsara very infrequently. So far, the only action skill I've found that somewhat consistently gets met 5 stacks is Fist Over Matter, but having to spec all the way into the red tree seriously limits build options. Has anyone else experienced problems like this with Samsara? It doesn't seem intuitive at all that it would only work for Fist Over Matter, but not even the initial impact of Deliverance triggers Samsara most of the time.

    submitted by /u/ItsEveNow
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    Why does Gamma Burst sometimes go away instantly? Is it a bug?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:48 AM PST

    Ive been working towards a radiation FL4K build and ive noticed sometimes when i activate Gamma Burst my pet teleports, big explosion, duration bar pops up, then POOF! Its gone and GB is cooling down

    submitted by /u/HyperMasenko
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    Quality of legendaries

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 07:25 AM PST

    I hit Lvl 50 and finished the story not too long ago and have tried out Mayhem. By now I can reliably kill Graveward on Mayhem 1, decently well on 2. 3 is still too tough for me. However I find the legendaries I am getting to be pretty underwhelming so far.
    I am using random blue gear and whenever legendary stuff drops it almost always has worse stats than what I already have. I found a Cloning Hex from Gigamind on Mayhem 3 and my blue grenade had 10x its damage
    I am playing on Normal Mode, haven't tried TVHM yet
    Is there something I am doing wrong to not get better stats on my loot?

    submitted by /u/MrsWhiterock
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    Random thought: Borderlands is the Deadpool of video games.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:35 PM PST

    Thought of this while explaining the game to a friend. Worked perfectly.

    submitted by /u/TheTrevMan
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    Captain Hunt glitch?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:24 PM PST

    On his second time going invulnerable, only two phlacteires (spelling) spawned. He was invulnerable... I ran around for about 3 minutes, looking everywhere, but I didn't see a third one, so I suicided. Mayhem 3, if it matters.

    submitted by /u/Arcane_Pozhar
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    Really need some opinons��

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:55 PM PST

    So here's my current predicament;

    I currently have BL3 on my Xbox, and have absolutely destroyed the end game to the point there is literally nothing to do.

    I want to buy the game for my PC as well, mainly for the improved graphics, but also in hope's that the next Gibbed's save editor comes out soon.

    With that in mind, would you reccomend I wait to catch the game on Steam, or do you think the game is an acceptable state on the Epic store, and do you think when Rick releases the Save editor, that it will function properly with the Epic Launcher?

    P.S. Thanks for reading this long and drawn out trainwreck lol

    submitted by /u/xEmberToAshesx
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    Hidden Easter Egg(s) on Sanctuary?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 12:57 PM PST

    Below where Maurice is are stairs that lead up. Next to it is generator you can interact with and Balex says it keeps us to breathe. In addition to this, if you go upstairs. Next to Maurice is another generator you can interact with ( aside to a single locker) that explodes and Balex says he doesn't know what it is but its important. Not sure if anything is to come out of this or for possible further steps?

    Also, player 1 has a intractable switch that cant be used beside their room and a red locked locker in Ellie's garage. Again is this for later content or something to be interacted with in a specific situation/time?

    *Edit: The switch and locker are side mission related. *

    submitted by /u/Emanresu-x
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    Good Moze/Zane builds?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    Okay so I have played through the game once on Zane and have decided to start a second playthrough but this time with Moze. I was wondering what some good builds are for both of these characters? I'm unsure on what skills tree to go into or what weapons to look out for.

    submitted by /u/Pakkusean
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    Can you quick swap Amara elements?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:07 PM PST

    As titles says I was wondering if I can quick swap my amara's element? I would find it it very enjoyable if I could phase slam some sheilds or armor away with shock or corrosion before quickswaping to fire to go fist angry on some CoV in mayhem. Otherwise I'm not sure how to handle my melee build in mayhem without opening my menu constantly. which won't work in co op cause it wont pause the game.

    Also unrelated but do melee boosting weapons boost phase slam and melee override damage?

    submitted by /u/QueenLamoura
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    Borderlands 2 Leviathan treasure room

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Sooooo I killed leviathan, got to the treasure room, and wasn't able to pick anything up. The boxes opened and you could see the weapons in the chests, but there were no beams and no option to pick up.

    I googled my heart out and tried the save/exit thing, only to come back and have the door not open.


    submitted by /u/PMmeyourQuestions
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    Viable/fun replay style?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PST

    Hey guys, recently jumped into the rabbit hole for every Borderlands game. Beat 1, 2, t.p.s, and am in the Necro part of Borderlands 3 now. My plan is, after I beat 3, to go back to 1, enjoy more sidequests, max my sirens skillpoints, do the dlc, and enjoy the better scaled loot in my second run(tvhm.) Rinse and repeat with borderlands 2, t.p.s, and 3...and THEN basically rinse and repeat with all other classes ( with a bit of diablo 3, torchlight 2, shadow warrior 2 , and some path of exile to jazz things up and break the..mon( tri?) otony...borderlands put me in a looter renaissance lol) For all of you grinders & 1000+ hour Borderlands/looter vets out there, does this seem the practical route? Just curious, I'd love to hear how other people squeeze replay value ( some of the best of many games I must add) of the borderlands series. Thanks in advance guys! :)

    submitted by /u/buriedxdeepxinside
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    Will they expand the level cap like they did in BL2?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    I wanna try expanding with more possible combinations, but i would need more points. Especially if they are adding new skill trees.

    submitted by /u/funney_9
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