• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Borderlands Enemies who have dedicated loot that can’t be consistently farmed should have higher drop rates.

    Borderlands Enemies who have dedicated loot that can’t be consistently farmed should have higher drop rates.

    Enemies who have dedicated loot that can’t be consistently farmed should have higher drop rates.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    I'm trying to get an elemental shreddifier for my Moze so I'm trying to farm Titan in the slaughter shaft.

    However, he only spawns in the last wave. I've probably killed him about 15 times and I've gotten nothing. I've finally given up because going through all 5 waves of slaughter for no shreddifier from Titan is so unrewarding. I'm not saying to make it drop from him every time, I just want it at a higher drop chance.

    What's the point of having low dedicated drop rates from enemies you can't farm consistently (like traunt and graveward).

    submitted by /u/joetheminoin
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    Interview: Handsome Jack’s Voice Actor Dameon Clarke talks for the 1st time about returning in new BL3 DLC and teases “bombshell” reveal

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:31 PM PST

    Howdy r/borderlands,

    I got to sit down one on one for a 15 minute interview with Handsome Jack's voice actor Dameon Clarke at the Allentown comic-con. You can find it here: https://youtu.be/8k_c9jQFS2M

    We discussed a range of topics including his return in Moxxie's heist of the handsome jackpot, voice acting, Clarke's opinion on Jack's morality, his opinion on the controversy between former Claptrap voice actor David Eddings and Randy Pitchford, and "jumping the shark" with Jack. He was a really cool and genuinely funny dude, he's really a lot like Jack IRL! Check it out and let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/4allout
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    Legendaries that drop in mayhem 4 should either have a really high chance to be annointed or guaranteed to be annoited

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Since mayhem 4 dropped I've been struggling to figure out why I should run 4 over 3 other than specific legendaries that drop on 4. It seems to be the general consensus that mayhem 4 really lacks anything that makes it feel rewarding to play on. So what if any legendaries that dropped were all but guaranteed to annointed? I feel like would be a worth while reason to grind on mayhem 4 vs 3

    Any thoughts? Or any other ideas to make mayhem 4 feel worth it?

    submitted by /u/Drewfuss123456
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    Just for fun and to kill some holiday work time...

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:23 AM PST

    Let's think of dlc. Raids. Extra content quests that would sound fun in the blands realm.

    Jill Ivanka and the Rocket Factory. Torgues robotic stepmom takes over a torgue factory or battle ground and her followers are trying to repurpose it as a healthy/ hippy food production plant. Mr. T dont want none of that.

    Your turn. Or not. Whatever. Have a good holiday.

    submitted by /u/Repko
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    Ideas for Zane. Changing Zane's Double Barrel and Distributed Denial skills.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:20 PM PST

    So I am a Zane main and I have notice that almost no one uses the capstone skills of the digiclone or the shield. I have seen that a lot of people who do not like the capstone of the digiclone because it is not as effective as it should be.

    On Double Barrel skill what I would change to: Zane's Gun damage is increased by 50% while the digiclone is active, Zane and the Digiclone get 25% damage Reduction while the Digi clone is active. I feel that would be more useful than for the clone to have your weapon.

    On the Distributed Denial skill I would change it to: While the barrier is active Zane Deals 25% extra Damage as Cryo Damage. When shooting through the shield Zane we life steal 25% of the damage dealt. I think this would be more useful than for the shield to be copy of your shield and be used more for cryo zane builds that the undercover skill tree seems to specialize.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/HELLSKING115
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    We need our own best gear page for every character.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:31 AM PST

    Gearbox forums have this for every class except this game. It basically gives you an overview of each weapon and other gear of every category and why they'd be useful for every build. It also let's you know how to obtain them and gives you honorable mentions for every category. It's useful af and personally I think this sub could do better. Plus the purple shields, well most purple anything, and definitely the legendary relics confuse the fuck out of me in this game. The Gearbox forums would give brief descriptions of how they worked. Like I'll look up legendaries and unless it's a review from Joltzdude or Killer 6 I don't trust it. Most of them just read the card and have no idea how good a piece of gear is.

    submitted by /u/shamus4mwcrew
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    Do the new class mods require TVHM in addition to mayhem 4?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:11 PM PST

    Haven't got to billy on TVHM on my strongest char, would really like to know if I've been wasting my time. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/grifff17
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    Circle of slaughter problem

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I wanted to find out if other people were having some issues with the circle of slaughters. If you accept the mission and go through a couple rounds but want to continue it later, you either leave the area or leave the game and when you do this it comes up with mission failed meaning you have to start again from round 1. I don't know if this is intentional since this is really annoying and didn't happen in the other games, but is anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/AutoCaption
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    I started true vault hunter mode..

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:21 PM PST

    Once I get back to the ship will I be able to access mayhem mode which I activated before I started TVHM? Also will I be able to try the Maliwan black site raid?

    submitted by /u/kaijuking87
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    "No Stupid Question" Question about the loot pool and how it works

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:30 PM PST

    So if im not mistaken, GBX added specific drops to specific enemies, similar to how it was in the previous games. Now im not saying that the guy is wrong who posted the list of every gun and where it drops, but unless I read it wrong, the Warden supposedly drops the Sickle. I farmed him for about 4 hours and he's literally dropped like 20 different guns and not one of them was the Sickle. Could someone explain whats up with that?

    p.s - sorry if bad typing im on mobile

    submitted by /u/realchickengod
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    Farming Spots to Gear up for Raid and M4

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:47 PM PST

    Anyone know quick farms to get caught up? Find the new anoints, good weapons in general?

    I've been out of town and missed the raid. While I got to play it before hand, I got WRECKED, on normal mode mayhem zero. I thought my build was pretty good cause it swept mayhem 3 TVHM slaughter star but I was wrong. In my free time I've a good many builds I would love to try but they all have specific gear requirements.

    TLDR: Know any places to farm to get caught up gear-wise and be able to comfortably enjoy the new content?

    Thinking of farming slaughter circles so if anyone on Xbox also wants to catch up, add me: Killerdroid1230

    submitted by /u/Killerdroid1230
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    PS4-After New update I can't fast travel

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:02 PM PST

    In the title. Has this happened to anyone else? I can still travel between sections but I can't fast travel to different worlds or sanctuary.

    submitted by /u/ggcactus
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    I need an question answered pls

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:51 PM PST

    When I'm farming for the new moze class mod on my amara, all I get are legendary class mods for amara....do you have a higher chance of getting that new moze class mod on moze?

    submitted by /u/TonyBravo99
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    [PC-LFG] Weapon Farming

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:13 PM PST

    Specifically farming for the Maggie right now, but once I have that I can farm whatever. DM me if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/tacticalAlmonds
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    All I want for Christmas...

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:37 PM PST

    Is for gearbox to fix their coding so I can play with my friends who own the Xbox One X 😩.

    submitted by /u/Bojingly
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    Is it just me?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:10 PM PST

    I hate to be the guy "bitching" about BL3, but I just can't put my finger on the reason why I've been playing BL2 and TPS for the last few weeks.

    I've max leveled all 4 VHs, ive grinded relatively good Annonintments on all the legendaries in game, (with a few exceptions of the new batch of legs that I refuse to suffer through M4 for) and I've put around 2 1/2 weeks worth of game time under my belt; Yet for some reason, every time I think about wanting to jump back in to kicking Vault Monsters in the cocks, I find myself dreading to load the game back up, and end up replaying DLCs from Past games.

    Surely I'm not the only one feeling like this?

    For what it's worth, I genuinely like BL3. The gameplay is a significant improvement over that to previous games, and it looks fucking amazing. I've had a ton of fun, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for the game.

    But is that enough to outweigh the issues the game currently has?

    I mean I cant think of a time in the last 7 years that I've dreaded to go back and grind through the story in BL2.

    Starting over with a new character was refreshing and entertaining. Hell, even TPS had some damned good character builds that were fun. The Characters and their skill trees in these games are some of the best designed in any games ive ever played. And although TPS lacked good Bosses, and the strong narrative aspect of BL2, even it seems to be an improvement of some of the development choices of 3.

    What do you guys think about BL3, and how it holds up to it's predecessors? Has anyone else been put off by the current state of the game?

    submitted by /u/xEmberToAshesx
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    Moze and the new tediore gun S3rv-80s-Execute

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:22 AM PST

    Edit: So it looks like you can't use moze ammo regen to spam throw the execute. You'd need a skill that restores ammo to your pool not the magazine for the reload to trigger. Thanks for the replies, I won't bother farming Execute now.

    OP: So i was looking to try and farm this gun for my Moze because i see a very fun way to use the red text on the gun.

    The special/red text is that if the gun is chucked while empty, it applies a 12 second stackable debuff of +50% damage taken to the enemies hit by the thrown gun. You have to shoot the entire clip and then chuck, limiting how many stacks you can get in 12 seconds. i watched a demo video where a guy was able to get up to 6 stacks (+300% damage).

    Well now, in comes Moze and bullet generation.
    * Step 1 - spam throw the pistol till you run out of ammo.
    * Step 2 - regen 1 bullet using either means of destruction or Forge skills.
    * Step 3 - shoot the 1 bullet and throw an empty Execute many many many times. its reload time is only 0.8 seconds.
    * Step 4 - swap to a scourge or even another tediore chuck and melt an enemy taking +500% damage.

    This is all hypothetical and untested... hoping to farm an execute tonight. anyone else try this/had success?

    submitted by /u/Overlordz88
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    Faster way to level up?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Mayhem 4 is here and unfortunately, I cannot seem to accomplish anything on M4 with Zane. I'm looking to start an Amara but I really don't want to slough through the whole campaign for a third time if I don't have to. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/MildlyMotivated
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    Fl4k Megavore Build Question

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

    What guns, class mod, & artifact should I be trying to run?

    submitted by /u/th3_alt3rnativ3
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    Remember too look at the right spot before you start farming.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:03 AM PST

    Ok soo i made a really nooby mistake and i just want to post this before the same happens to you. So i was farming traunt on mayhem4 for his Execute SMG to boost my damage and i did it for 2days all day farming him. Nooby me was wondering why i dont get it after idk 400+ trys soo i go to youtube to watch this damm video again and saw you need to go to nekrotafeio and NOT on athenas. Just wantet to say this. Have a good day

    submitted by /u/si-moon
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    Legendary gun I can't identify

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:14 AM PST

    Hi. Hope you can help. I keep playing with other players who have this certain gun. I'm not sure what it looks like, I think it may be an smg with two blades on the front either side. It seems to fire 4 purple balls then a string of elementals in horizontal beams. It seems to melt their life away. It's massively op and I need one 😁

    submitted by /u/thekipling
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