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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    Borderlands Vaughn could be an interplanetary beast (with proof)

    Borderlands Vaughn could be an interplanetary beast (with proof)

    Vaughn could be an interplanetary beast (with proof)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    i played the mission in Borderlands 3 where u find Vaughn's wanted posters. When i finished it and i talked to him he started doing push-ups. After about 2 mins he was still doing push ups and i thought to myself:

    -hmmm, he's doing push ups for an awfully long amount of time. I cant even do push ups for 30 secs! Oh, i've got an idea! Let's sit here and watch him do push ups !

    I watched him do push ups for 10 minutes. That is 420 Vaughn push ups. He does roughly 21 push ups for 30 seconds wih no change in speed. 10 minutes of push ups and no change in speed. This means that he can probably do as much as he wants. Or so i thought... After googling a bit, i found out that the world record for the most push ups in one sitting is 10,507 and is set by Minoru Yoshida. TEN-F***ING-THOUSAND. damn. The problem is that i couldn't find how much time it took Yoshida. So, i'm basing it on the next best thing. Most push ups in 24 hours is 46,001. Now, ofcourse, this is including rests. So, Vaughn does 2520 push ups in an hour. In 24 hours he'd do 60,480 push ups. DAMN. that's a LOT. BUT!, let's not forget that Vaughn is a human and he will need rest at some point. So the best way to see how lasting his stamina is to sit through a lot more push ups. I set up OBS to record Vaughn doing push ups and went on with my day.

    1h30min of Vaughn doing push ups non-stop. I'm willing to say that his stamina is quite inhumane since he didn't change his speed of every push up and is even willing to talk without panting or heavy breathing. So, because i do not want to record 24 hours of Vaughn doing push ups (i am 100% sure he'll continue to do them until i leave the area), let's just compare the world record for 1 hour IRL and Vaughn's result. To my disappointment, i have to say that Vaughn falls 162 push ups short for the record, BUT WAIT! that does not mean that he isn't an interplanetary beast! Why, you might ask ?

    Well, these 2,682 push ups done by Carlton Williams for 1 hour were the best he could do and he had RESTS, while Vaughn is a f***ing beast and had NO RESTS 1h30min of pure 3780 push ups.

    In conclusion, Vaughn is probably one of the strongest male protagonists. He's just too cool to be cool, u get me ?

    submitted by /u/ViktorK7
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    Zane mains: I apologize for doubting you

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    200+ hour Amara, 100+ Fl4k, cleared True with Moze, and finally got around to Zane. Yikes.

    For starters nearly every skill is an awful dollar store knockoff of others. Every time I spent a point I couldn't help but think "Amara and Fl4k just flat out do this better, and passively!"

    Your action skills are meh and your capstones and gamechangers are junk compared to the others. Even the things that should be helpful don't help - Clone is a moron with most guns you give him and the one shield type you'd want to work with Denial (amp), doesn't.

    There is nothing Zane can do that isn't GROSSLY outdone by the others. Hell the others can even simply slap on a Messy Breakup and have a better drone!

    This dude needs a FULL rework. You have my sympathy and +1 to the campaign of fixing him. You are stronger players than me, I had to shelf him.

    submitted by /u/52316XO
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    2hr Psycho outfit..

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    Tell me I'm wrong but...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:30 AM PDT

    Clay is definitely the new sexyest character in the borderlands series and you can't change my mind.

    submitted by /u/Bflfcbblol
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    Needs to be said

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:37 PM PDT

    I feel that we're putting to much shit on bl3 which I get is because we love the franchise but this game is a fun, more stuff than before, and just plain good compared to a lot of other triple A games

    submitted by /u/That0neBirb
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    Drops significantly reduced since hotfix?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    So I've been farming Graveward for a 200% melee Phaseslam annointed Brawler Ward, but ever since yesterday's patch/hotfix both my legendary and annointed droprates seem to be severely reduced. It's about 50/50 if I get 1 legendary or not and only once in about 15 runs will I get multiples. Also none of the legendaries I've gotten today have annointments. Before yesterday, I would get 2-3 legendaries on average and roughly 80% would be annointed. Is anyone else seeing similar changes?

    submitted by /u/Tamed_Trumpet
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    Ghast Call (and others) can't drop anointed

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PDT


    Here is a full list of items so far that can't be anointed (for some reason)

    I wanted to post to get gearboxes attention before the halloween event is over to try and fix the Ghast Call so it can have terror anointments. It makes no sense that terror will rely on your gear having the "+terror for 18 seconds" to work but the only grenade to release with the event can't come anointed.

    submitted by /u/defender190
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    I just played all the 3 OG borderlands games this is my expierience

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:59 AM PDT

    I just finished BL1,2,TPS in a row chronologically and thees are the notes I took after finishing each game some of them might be worded badly because I wrote them very sleep deprived

    Borderlands 1

    Just woken up after finishing BL 1 last night I can definitely see why the games got so popular, the gunplay and gore provide a satisfying shooting experience, the NPC's are funny. But the games aesthetic seems brown and dull while the cell shaded art style is beautiful and holds up remarkably well, the base games pallet is overwhelmed with beige and browns. Also BL1 doesn't quite provide you with the power trip like the other games do, while you do finish enemies and bosses quickly I even one shot most mini bosses and some bosses towards the end you don't get the ridiculous numbers that BL 2 or the pre sequel provide . I finished the game on lvl 38 as a Mordekai gunslinger specialized in revolvers.

    Borderlands pre-sequel

    I just watched the credit roll on BL the pre sequel and I got to tell you it was ,Awesome The game feels so much smoother than BL1 the manufacturer quirks on guns are a real nice addiction especially Jacobs which may have almost destroyed my m1 button once or twice. Personally the game was fun but the whole low gravity thing hey tried to push felt gimmicky it didn't and a lot to the experience and only made jump distances harder to judge.

    Maybe it's the fact that I played Nisha who is considered the easy mode character but I felt the difficulty spike a lot in some places. The fight with the big plane near the end consisted of me shooting the plane till I run out of ammo or got damaged and running to the vending machines. But on almost all other near end bosses I just run up to them activated showdown and spammed my 15k damage legendary coach gun, even if I go downed the enemies provided ample healing, The only thing that really made the sentinel difficult was the fact I got barely enough ammo to beat him, the bloody bullet sponge. The NPCs also don't feel as fun as BL1 but maybe it's because Jack steals every scene he is in but most just feel so generic. The skill points felt a lot better distributed, by the end of my bl 1 playthrough I had bought out so much skills that my Mordecai could wield either pistols or sniper rifles just fine, part of the reason why I carried 2 class mods, I said he is specked for revolvers because the defiler was my main weapon for all of the crimson lance missions. In the pre sequel I had to dedicate myself to one playstyle and I feel like the game has a lot more replayability roughly 3 playthroughs per character(one for each skill tree) but in Bl1 I would probably play every character once and maybe farmed some guns for them. Also another gripe I have is how they handled moonstones, They can drop from every enemy in the game but aren't autopickuped like money so after a big gunfight I probably missed tens of them, I kinda like the fact that you can buy inventory extensions technically without limit. Also can we all agnowlage how shitty the moonstone chests are hey cost 40 moonstone but you aren't even guaranteed a unique, this is a problem especially for more ammo hungry playstyles like full auto dual wielding Nisha, because hey have no reason to buy them instead of an ammo extenction or two. I played Nisha specked to "Fan the hammer" mostly because I wanted to dual wield pistols. Overall way smoother dare I say better game than BL1 a vault hunter that felt practically tailor made for me, but some things I would have done differently like the black market and the low gravity.

    So far the ranking is :

    1 BL ps

    2 BL1

    Borderlands 2:

    I know it's a weird place to start but this game has an amazining story, Playing the games in chronological order was the right decision because some time tangibly passed for me since I seen the OG vault hunters and it was kind of nice to see them. I like the " you should never meet your heroes" approach they had to the story all the OG vault hunters have some major flaws and regrets, IMO that makes them way better characters and kind of makes me what to replay BL1 with that perspective. IMO BL 2 is the best looking so far it avoids the monotone collorscheme of the first game because you have everything from frozen wasteland to desserts and hi-tech factories and TPS ain't really wining any awards when it comes to variety you basically just have the moon and the hyperions station. I have to tell you the gameplay here is amazing I think the Loaders where my favour enemy type to fight. I find the multiple crit spots and variety of types really interesting. I played Lilith gocha, onestly after spending a lot of hours with these games I fought the run and gun approach may be more fun, and it was very fun. Also this is the only game where I had a problem of who to pick in BL2 I can come up with at least 2 interesting playstyles for each character and I can already tell than im probably gonna come back to this game the most. I just have to mention the ending the last mission in this game is so unbelievably hype and well crafted, charging into battle with brick and battling the warrior was probably one of the coolest thing I have experienced in this game story wise. I finished the game as Maya with the cat classmod specked on SMGS.

    submitted by /u/ZombieGreyFox
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    New best grenade for Moze?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    With the Tesla effect on grenades now no longer triggering the short fuse effect. What's the new best grenade for Moze in your opinion?

    submitted by /u/supersam291
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    There should be more legendary class mods

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    I only play Zane but I know that there is only like 4 or 5 legendary class mods most of which aren't very good and the ones that are good only offer double agent tree skills. I imagine that the other characters have similar situations but I just feel like there should be more or rework the not so good ones. Ice been using a blue class mod for a while now at lvl50 cause it gives me brain freeze and rise to the occasion.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Fister666
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    Psycho Costume

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:13 PM PDT

    Friend said I should post this here! So here we are with my version of a Psycho costume.https://i.imgur.com/n0IZ0sl.jpg

    submitted by /u/mattvplatt
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    How to test melee damage?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    I was hoping I could spawn a car in Sanctuary but hitting it just pushes it around. I one hit the dummies so that's not working. Is there another method?

    submitted by /u/helpimdumby
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    What's your favorite non legendary/unique weapon?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Mine has to be the COV pistols with a x2 or x3 multiplier and high fire rate. Bonus points if it drops with the "after action skill, next 2 mags have 50% bonus (x) element" annointment

    submitted by /u/CannibalCrow
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    Is Matchmaking broken for anyone else on PS4?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:49 PM PDT

    In the first few weeks, it seemed to be working fine. These days if a full team gets put together for Proving Grounds it's a miracle. I can often spend over 10+ minutes in a queue if I'm patient enough. Circle of Slauter often forms incomplete teams more regularly now too. Is the community just not using matchmaking to play?

    submitted by /u/80Decoys
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    "Ripping Through Heck" TVHM M3 full Heck run as Zane with Ripper in ~12 mins

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    "Ripping Through Heck" TVHM M3 full Heck run as Zane with Ripper in ~12 mins.


    This run was done using the Facepuncher on the clone and Ripper on Zane. A full explanation of this interaction can be found here:


    The boss fight wasn't optimal and it's not necessarily a speed run, but I'm hoping this convinces a few more people to pick up Zane.

    submitted by /u/GimmickBuilds
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    Can't connect to gearbox on PS4, anyone else?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    I've been having this issue all day. My connection is good but when I try to go to the shift screen because I'd like to redeem a code it says "We are currently unable to establish a connection with the Gearbox Software Shift services. Please come back later or click the retry button."

    I've reset my WiFi, I've connected to a different router, restarted my ps4, it's really hard to see how this could just be me.

    submitted by /u/Smeggywulff
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    Higher loot tiers?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Would anyone else like to see a higher loot rarity in bl3? Like pearlecents or maybe effervescent guns? I'd like to know what you guys think!

    submitted by /u/Auron7756
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    Comprehensive List of Heads/Skins

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:59 AM PDT

    I've been searching Google for a list of all of the Head/Skins in the game. They are all incomplete. I'm currently 26/28 Heads for FL4K (I is the Nog Head which I believe is still glitches and not being rewarded) and I have no idea what the 28th could be. Has anyone compiled an Excel spreadsheet or anything? I've seen one for leggos but not cosmetic items.

    submitted by /u/nmag89
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    Cistern of Slaughter Bug

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:46 PM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    I've been away from the game for a bit and during my absence, a number of updates and hot fixes have been released.

    I was just wondering if any of these recent updates and fixes have adressed the buggy final round and wave of the Cistern of Slaugter. Before putting the game down, I attempted to solo it and each time I got to the end of the final wave of round 5 an enemy would get stuck outside the map, making it impossible to complete.

    Anyone else who has experienced this probably knows how frustrating it can be. I'm keen to jump back into the game and give the endgame content another go, but not if it's still broken.


    submitted by /u/EpicStretch
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    I know Claptrap is our favorite annoying character..

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Please give me a 'loading screen whirlygig'..
    That is dancing claptrap.
    PC. Mobile. Buffering vids on smartTVs. EVERYTHING.
    My life would improve GREATLY.
    The dancing Claptrap loading screen on B3 is perfect.
    My kids rush into the room to do the dance WITH HIM.
    Makes me smile every.time.

    submitted by /u/Mom_of_4Boys
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    Weapon/Item Duplication on PC

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Haven't really seen anyone post this so why not.

    I discovered a way to duplicate weapons. All you have to do is go into your game data, usually my games/borderlands 3/saved/savegames/(insert letters and numbers here) and copy the character file you want to duplicate, rename it with whatever number you really want as long as it's not already in use. Then reload into borderlands and you should have a copy of said character.

    Not really sure if there's any way to do it on console.

    submitted by /u/aphatmonkey
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