• Breaking News

    Monday, December 23, 2019

    Borderlands Hey you...

    Borderlands Hey you...

    Hey you...

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday. May it be holly and jolly and shooty and looty.

    submitted by /u/AndyC4N3
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    Apparently FL4K's new mod, ST4CK BOT, is trash.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    Popular YouTuber uploads video calling FL4K's new mod "trash", suggests to set it aside and wait for Gearbox to address the "bug". Point out that it's not trash, and you get downvoted

    What's going on here? Because it doesn't appear to be trash to me:


    The class mod is supposed to increase weapon damage every time you score a critical. Whenever you do not score a critical hit the weapon damage stops stacking and resets.


    The claim being made is that the mod is trash because it is bugged. Why is it bugged? Because elemental DoT damage is resetting the damage stack.

    This is Not a Bug

    The card states in plain English that you lose the damage stacks whenever you don't score a critical hit. Damage over time (DoT) from elemental guns do not crit, thus they reset the damage stacks. This is not a bug in any sense of the word. We can't exactly read the minds of the developers over at Gearbox, so no one can state definitively whether or not this was a foreseen interaction. But the mod is working exactly how it is described. This is not a bug.

    The class mod is useless trash!

    It is too difficult to get maximum stacks!

    We can't use the new bonus elemental damage anointments!

    No. Please stop.

    Not only is it not trash, but trading 100% elemental damage for approximately 700% bonus damage is a trade off anyone will be willing to make. Well, it turns out you can still use Cryo because it doesn't apply a DoT. So the trade off just got better. Oh, and you can still use the other element anointments.

    The mod and a good shotgun (like a x25 pellet shotgun) is all you need to activate maximum number of critical hit stacks. With this mod and a good shotgun, FL4K is on their way to soloing the raid:





    All done with neutral/negative modifiers on M4.

    You will notice that I'm still using the bonus elemental anointments. Even if they do reset the stack because they apply DoTs, your last shot will gain all the damage bonus and elemental bonuses. And it will take you no time at all to gain your max stacks again. Even during a messy fight like Wotan, the rotation is less than 10 seconds. The theme of high damage, high pellet count guns fits right into FL4K's play style.

    I understand if people in the community are tired of Fade Away. I too switched to a Rakk Attack build.

    But the mod is not bugged; the mod is not trash; the requirements are not unreasonable; the payoff is huge; and just because you heard something from a big YouTuber doesn't mean it's true.

    A mod that lets you nuke every boss in the game and then go casually solo the hardest content in the game without changing anything about your build is not trash. A mod that allows you dish out 5 million damage and 40k DoTs with relative ease is not trashed.

    Worry Free Farming

    5 minute Athenas Run

    submitted by /u/_Mellex_
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    Spoiler DLC

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:52 AM PST

    Put Timothy on Sanctuary III after the end of the DLC!

    submitted by /u/LoreDek94
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    DLC Idea: Tediore and the Exploding Gun Factory

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:14 PM PST

    Another post asked what people imagine Tediore Corp and it's CEO is like because we haven't seen them yet. After a brief brainstorm, I came up with what I imagine would be an excellent DLC that fits thematically into the universe without being some super serious "part of the overarching story" campaign.

    I imagine that the CEO is someone in way over their head who isn't exactly sure how they ended up as CEO. Here's how I imagine they got there:

    Every time you get 100 kills with a Tediore gun, the reward email comes off spammy and sweepstakes like. The CEO responded the sweepstakes and won a willy wonka like tour, that ended just like the movie. Because he accidentally made an entire gun explode, he was given the reigns to the company and is frankly not having a good time between the exploding guns, corporate wars, and rumors of a vault monster underneath the factory.

    You could easily do an entire DLC based on the CEO deciding that he could recreate the sweepstakes as a way to get out from under the pressure of being the CEO by inviting the vault hunters to do a tour, with the ultimate goal of giving away the company, but plot twist! Vladof attempts a hostile takeover/vault monster investigation during the tour!

    We can call it Tediore and the Exploding Gun Factory.

    Tediore legendaries outside of baby maker suck so this will be a great opportunity to correct that. Also, we could have Tinks with coordinated song and dance breaks. Pay me, Gearbox.

    submitted by /u/GSquaredBen
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    Just Got it

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:22 AM PST

    After 3 months of saving up i have finnally got Borderlands 3

    submitted by /u/Hitlers_step_brother
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    Iron bear needs buffs.... in certain areas.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:15 AM PST

    Ever since iron bear got a buff, I have been having so much fun flying around the place and using my heat seeking missiles, but that's the thing. Only certain weapons are viable. The mini guns really need changes to how much fuel they're using because using them makes iron bear last like only 5 seconds and bear claws and flamethrowers don't deal hardly any damage at all.

    submitted by /u/Chunkadelik1
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    The “Always in Iron Bear” build

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    This is a fun one I've been playing around with to see how long I could keep iron bear up. It requires the bear trooper class mod, some actions skill cooldown anointments/artifact effects, and splash damage.

    Not firing weapons, I can walk around in iron bear for literally 3 minutes. Firing both rail guns nonstop, it lasts about 1:05 minutes. I have action skill cooldown anointment on my shield, and 21% ASC on an artifact. For splash damage I chose the ogre (but I was never off cooldown long enough to matter), with Grizzled and Explosive Punctuation, Bear is only down for about 10 seconds at most. I can literally get back in iron bear while he is still up in auto bear!

    Matched Set, Scorching RPMs, Deadlines, Grizzled, Stainless Steel Bear, Auto Bear (optional). The rest of the load out can be whatever you want based on your choice of Hardpoints

    Disclaimer: I'm not saying iron bear is good enough to handle M4, but this build is fun if you want to go to Mayhem 1, 2 or 3 and smoke lesser enemies for funsies.

    Additional disclaimer: Currently there is a bug where iron bear starts off missing about 10% or 15% of his fuel, hopefully they fix this

    submitted by /u/Sudden_Nomad
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    [Feature Request] Lost Loot Organization

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 01:26 PM PST

    I love and hate the Lost Loot

    In the beginning I loved the fact that the Lost Loot would give out a golden shower, but now I hate it due to the fact that in order to not make it go back into the lost loot box I need to pick it up and sell.

    Once you Claim your lost loot, it pops out into a pile and since unable to move items on the floor need to look closely and move above to figure out if any special items you want to save.

    The Feature request is allow the Lost Loot to be opened like the vault, where you can view all items and retrieve individual items. Thats the primary thing if possible, and in addition if want to make it better, able to mark as junk which will clear out after you leave the map or able to sell directly within the Lost Loot "Vault" so that it clears out without having to take the step of retrieving and then selling manually.

    Or another solution which will help, able to shoot the items/guns on the floor so that they would move around and you can clear up the pile better and see whats there

    submitted by /u/thatjk
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    Missed Opportunity

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:44 AM PST

    Gearbox should've put a WALL-E reference in Trashlantis.

    submitted by /u/Roman-Celtrik
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    Anyone else having stuttering issues after patch?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:12 PM PST

    I was playing saturday and game was fine. Tried about 10 times tonight with restarts and different areas and quests. Just constant stuttering and sever frame drops so bad I can't even play. I have a ryzen5 2600 and 5700xt and even dropped to lowest settings and still can't play. Anyone else with the same issue or have any suggestions on how to fix it? I'd really like to get a couple hours in before I have to go everywhere for xmas.

    edit. just realized patch was before playing on saturday. I have no idea what changed between then and now but my game is unplayable. any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/masnekmabekmapssy
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    Free SHiFT code

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:30 PM PST

    I recently bought a borderlands themed card game for my friend for Christmas and I received 2 SHiFT codes for this purchase. If you would like one I will gladly give it to you! Just DM me and I will give it to the first two people. I will edit this post when they are gone. Happy holidays y'all and have a great day!

    Edit: Alright they are both gone, but thanks for your time and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!!

    submitted by /u/branNEEN
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    Tediore corp- Do you think they'll one day make an appearance? If so, enemy or ally?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:07 PM PST

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say if Gearbox ever writes them in to a plot, they'll be allies because they're always getting made fun of so they make for a good underdog, either that or a bumbling auxiliary force working for the bad guys.

    I imagine the head of Tediore being either an aloof wacky mad scientist type, or an 8 year old child with a majority share in a board of directors that has to grudgingly go along with all of his stupid ideas.

    submitted by /u/tearlock
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    I was today years old when I learned Iron Bear can dash in mid-air

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:12 AM PST

    With the relatively recent buffs to IB I have been experimenting with a variety of IB builds, and one thing I noticed through my jumping around like an idiot that if you hit jump again in mid-air, you can dash in whatever direction you please. It is not massive, but definitely helps with survivability. I have not ever seen this mentioned, so I figured I would share.

    submitted by /u/gans42
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    ION Laser + rapid fire demolishes

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:39 PM PST

    If you use a rapid fire macro after charging the ION Laser, it makes this ridiculous spread of shots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsYtFaNZmWg&t=

    submitted by /u/lil_doggo_IRL
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    About Skipper (spoilers)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:32 AM PST

    Anyone else find the part where you erase her personality really sad? I did, and felt pretty guilty about subduing her when she tries to fight back. I hope in a future game you find there is a backup copy of her stored somewhere

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    Claptrap upgrade: HE COULD CLIMB STAIRS!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:13 PM PST

    Found a new OP thing

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:31 PM PST

    In the new DLC there is a legendary SMG dropped by the final boss called the Cheap Tips and it drops casino chips when damaging an enemy. These chips' effects can stack a number of times and can double your damage. Get a x2 ION Cannon and the Cheap Tips on Moze with the Bloodletter build and you can deal 2 million damage in one shot.

    submitted by /u/MongooseWeasel
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    Idea for a new DLC for Borderlands 3

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:58 AM PST

    you created a DLC for Borderlands 2 to make fun of RPGs, why you don't create a new DLC in which you make fun of FPS in Borderlands 3?

    submitted by /u/SpartanZebra
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    A new VHs i would love to see included (DLC Spoiler)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:08 AM PST

    Oh crap after playing the DLC i just need Gearbox to make Ember a playable character. We didn't spent much time but she is just too good not to be included further. The character design is great, the french chic counterparts Zane brilliantly (to bad our VHs don't talk to each other really), the just burn everything attitude fits right and last but not least her robotic arm offer so much more potential for action skills then being a simple lighter.

    I know it wont happen, but a man can dream.

    submitted by /u/sicsche
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    FL4K's Hunter Kill Skills Bugged?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:10 PM PST

    I've recently gotten back into playing and wanted to try the Hunter tree for FL4K in the DLC. Only problem is that there are times where I can be killing God knows how many enemies and not a single hunter kill skill will trigger. Has anyone else been running into this issue lately?

    submitted by /u/bvthtvb
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    Can anyone confirm if this is a thing (Mild DLC Spoilers)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:20 PM PST

    So later in the DLC you have to pay a Joke amount of 5 billion for something

    But right at the beginning when you pull the lever you are told "this can sense those with Poverty"

    I'm wondering..if you have..a millon..Ten million 100 million..or even a BILLION gold/cash..does the machine react differently and a different speech happens?

    I actually thought cash being "important" would play well with the theme of the DLC "don't feel like walking that long distance?..pay a stupid fee and you can teleport there instantly!"

    submitted by /u/bakedrefriedbeans
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    DLC soundtrack (Also DLC spoiler!!!)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:38 PM PST

    I mean lads and ladies let's just all agree the soundtrack in this Dlc is absolutely top notch and I'm very looking forward to the sound tracks for upcoming DLC's. Saying that Timothy near the end having the same skin as Handsome Jack did in Borderlands 2 looks really good in Borderlands 3 graphics, kinda would make you wish for Handsome Jack to come back. But it would be better for the story for him to stay dead.

    submitted by /u/Sean0578
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    Seein' Dead.... Capstones

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    So with the new Zane class mod, I re - specced to take advantage of a high Donnybrook roll, and saw a crazy damage increase when using a SMG or Maggie, without putting a single point into a capstone. Instead using the points to get to the middle of each tree.

    Any body else play around with this? Is it worth not speccing to the end of trees with the new mod?

    EDIT: spelling

    submitted by /u/WWJonnyD
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