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    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    Borderlands LootTinks backpack can despawn by just going a bit too far from them.

    Borderlands LootTinks backpack can despawn by just going a bit too far from them.

    LootTinks backpack can despawn by just going a bit too far from them.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    REALLY? Are you kidding me? I went to clean the area so I don't get downed while looting and the backpack despawned! What the heck!


    submitted by /u/u-r-silly
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    [Spoilers] Heist of the Handsome Jackpot Impressions From IGN

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    Link to the video: https://youtu.be/ahpVtmfQ2tM

    TLDW: Essentially just more BL3, but that's not necessarily a negative thing

    Points of interest:

    -DLC is approximately 7 hours long (didn't specify if that included the side quests or just the story though)

    -One commentator has played the whole thing and has the review ready to go, the other has just played a 30 minute slice

    -Most of the bosses they encountered were "tank and spank" (ie just shoot it until it dies), didn't have any phases/additional mechanics

    -New loot is neat, but they're skeptical if it'll be cool enough to shake up the current character build metas

    -New locations are generally pretty to look at

    -There are VIP rooms you'll find where you can pay money/play a card game to get more loot/better chests which they really liked

    -Fun to have the Hyperion bots back, but the human enemies are basically just COV guys with Handsome Jack masks

    -Main plotline is solid so far, but they found the three sidequests given to them to be boring

    submitted by /u/Jefferystar94
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    Who is your favorite gun manufacturer, and why is it Jakobs?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:43 PM PST

    Title. Unless im alone in this. I rock a full loadout of Jakobs firearms. I love the asthetic and raw power.

    submitted by /u/kjaatmteesn
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    [Concept] Moze's 4th Tree: Semper Fi

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Just for fun, I thought I'd try my hand at making a 4th possible tree to fit in with Moze's other ones. The Semper Fi tree is the result, focused on Iron Bear & Moze watching each other's backs similar to her character trailer. By working together, they can deal a lot of damage while also helping each other survive.

    The tree also includes two new weapons for Iron Bear - a shotgun and a mine launcher - but I'll list the talents first. (See if you can spot all the references; I've included quite a few!)

    Tree talents by tier/row:

    --- 1 (first row of talents)

    Cancelling the Apocalypse (5): damage dealt by Iron Bear has life steal for Moze; damage dealt by Moze and her grenades has armor steal for Iron Bear.

    Life Steal: +3/6/9/12/15%

    Armor Steal: +3/6/9/12/15%

    BFFs (1): you can hold the action skill button to temporarily summon Iron Bear on the battlefield to fight with you. You can end BFFs early by pressing the action skill button after Iron Bear has been summoned. Effects triggered by leaving Iron Bear or on action skill end also trigger when BFFs ends. BFFs puts your action skill on cooldown for a reduced duration, but offers no additional refund if it is ended early.

    Duration: 15 seconds

    Reduced Action Skill Cooldown: 45 seconds

    "When your BFF's a BFG, you don't need anyone else watching your back."

    Bear Flare (5): damaging an enemy gives a stacking 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5% chance that your next grenade thrown is a Bear Flare in addition to its other effects. A Bear Flare will digistruct Iron Bear where it first lands or explodes, which will fight with you for 15 seconds.

    You cannot build towards another Bear Flare or use one in this way until Iron Bear is off the battlefield.

    ------ 2

    Do You Wanna Live Forever? (5): Moze gains increased maximum health and health regeneration; Iron Bear gains armor regeneration.

    Max Health: +5/10/15/20/25%

    Health Regeneration: +1/2/3/4/5% of max health per second

    Armor Regeneration: +1/2/3/4/5% of max armor per second

    War on Gemini (5): Moze and Iron Bear gain increases to reload speed and all damage dealt while working together. These bonuses are doubled while Moze's action skill or BFFs is active.

    Damage increase: +2/4/6/8/10%

    Reload Speed increase: +3/6/9/12/15%

    ------ 3

    Fixer-upper (1): Melee Override. Uppercut an enemy with a Bear Flare so hard they fly backwards and take bonus incendiary damage. After 1 second, Iron Bear falls on the enemy, dealing splash damage upon impact and fighting with you for 15 seconds. 45 second cooldown.

    "Prepare for bear fall."

    Gunning on Fumes (5): while not being piloted or at low fuel, Iron Bear's hardpoints deal bonus incendiary damage. Moze's guns also gain half this bonus while it is active.

    Low Fuel Percentage: < 50%

    Bonus Incendiary Damage: +6/12/18/24/30% of damage dealt

    ------ 4

    Bear Necessities (1): you can now throw grenades while piloting Iron Bear, causing Iron Bear to launch one of Moze's grenades. Each grenade Iron Bear launches uses a small chunk of fuel instead of costing a grenade, but uses Moze's grenade damage, talents, and grenade mod. Grenades launched within 5 seconds of each other have a significantly increased fuel cost.

    "Get in the robot, grenade."

    Tungsten Toppa (3): while above 50% health, Moze's weapons have increased base damage but cost health as well as ammo to fire. While above 50% armor, Iron Bear's hardpoints deal bonus damage but cost armor as well as fuel to fire.

    Base Damage increase: 0.3/0.6/1% of maximum health added to base damage & consumed with each shot

    Iron Bear Bonus Damage: +0.5/1/1.5% of maximum armor consumed and added to each shot

    ------ 5

    Metal Bear Wrecks (1): Iron Bear Melee Override. Iron Bear unleashes a more powerful melee stomp that has 50% increased melee damage, force, and radius. Each enemy hit restores some fuel and pauses fuel consumption for a short duration.

    Fuel restore: +3% of max fuel per enemy hit

    Fuel consumption pause: 1 second per enemy hit

    Cooldown: 15 seconds

    "There's no David to this Goliath."

    That's a Gun, Damn!!! (3): Iron Bear's hardpoint damage increases for every second Moze pilots it during her action skill. Moze's gun damage is increased for every second Iron Bear is active without her piloting it. There is no stack limit on either of these effects, but an effect is reset once it stops increasing.

    Damage increase per second: +0.5/1/1.5%

    ------ 6 Capstone

    Full Metal Armory!: you can now select a second loadout for Iron Bear. While piloting Iron Bear, you may switch between Iron Bear weapon loadouts by using weapon switch or mode switch. While not piloting Iron Bear, you may do so by holding melee or hitting Iron Bear with melee.

    "Things that don't change go extinct."


    As with all Moze trees, Semper Fi comes with 2 new weapons for Iron Bear plus three augments for each one.

    Additional Iron Bear weapons:

    Canister Shotgun - fires several pellets in a wide spread. Deals high damage at close range.

    Tri-Mine Launcher - shoots out a horizontal spread of 3 proximity mines that arm themselves after 1 second. Armed mines explode when an enemy comes near them.

    Additional Iron Bear Weapon Augments:

    Metal Slugs - greatly increases the accuracy and critical damage, at the cost of reducing the number of pellets fired.

    Tanking Boomstick - the spread and pellet count of the Canister Shotgun are doubled. Enemies hit by this shotgun's pellets have an increased chance to attack Iron Bear.

    Swordsplosions - instead of pellets, the Canister Shotgun now fires sharpened explosive charges, causing increased splash damage after a short delay.

    "Because Mister Torgue Said So."

    Hell on Wheels - armed mines have a chance to ignite enemies upon explosion. Once 6 or more mines are armed, all armed mines begin spinning and seek out enemies.

    Shaped Charges - armed mines are incapable of damaging Moze or Iron Bear, and deal bonus damage against enemies.

    Deploy Minefield - instead of launching 3 mines at the crosshairs, 8 mines are dispersed in an area around Iron Bear when fired. Deploying a new minefield causes the last one to explode.

    "Something, something, danger zone."

    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/castem
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    Very reluctantly getting bored of borderlands 3

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:32 PM PST

    I really dont want to be. I have loved the borderlands franchise since the first game. I preordered the super deluxe thrilled to get back in the game. I've been trying hard to keep bl3 interesting for me but when I finally decided to let myself play a different game I realized how much of a chore I was feeling like borderlands 3 is to me.

    I'll definitely give it another go when new content comes out and some of the more major bugs are fixed, meanwhile I'll share a few of my thoughts-

    Borderlands dev's already know not many people want to grind out a new character. Why not make there be some way to be able to unlock level 50 if not tvhm on a new character without grinding though the story or finding someone to power level you? If it's already something most people dont want to do, it's not an essential part of the game to play the story 8 times.

    Having grinder or something near such would be a huge help. Crafting guns in any sort of way is a lot of fun and gives a feeling of agency. Make it cost a fair amount of iridium so we have something fun to grind it for.

    Lastly the bugs this last patch were soo big and so bad..wouldn't be so bad if they could be patched with a hotfix but to leave the game like this for so long, makes me think they need to reevaluate their qc before next patch.

    Any of you guys have suggestions for ways you've managed to keep engaged with the game?

    submitted by /u/penguingod26
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    Most Useful Guns You've Found For M4

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:54 PM PST

    As the title says, I want to know which weapons have been the most useful for you in M4.

    I want to know what guns you use for which occasions, what build they work with and why.

    I've found a lot of people post some legendaries that end up being pretty lackluster in m4 - even with great anointments.

    Some mainstays in my inventory are:

    Lyuda - boss killing

    Breath of the Dying - mobbing (this would be a Kaos if I ever found it with a good element and anointment)

    Cutsman with projectile speed and reload because the reload speed really kills it for me and the projectile speed usually makes it too slow.

    Recursion - mobbing. This thing's scatter off the first shot is insanely strong and I can't tell if its because the pellets end up magnetizing to near mobs or what.

    Quebec's Call - only fade away Fl4k

    submitted by /u/CantTrips
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    Fiona Appreciation

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I don't think it's controversial to say that Fiona is the best character in Tales from the Borderlands. You get to play as some corporate scrub, and a super stylish con artist. With all of the work they did foreshadowing Fiona's career as a vault hunter, it'd be sick as hell to see her again in BL3. I read somebody say they're saving her for DLC, and while it'd be cool to have her feature prominently in a DLC module like Captain Scarlet, I'm rooting for her as a DLC character. I mean, in a game where Jakobs features so prominently, we don't even have a revolver specialist. Am I alone in wanting to see Fiona and her sick ass coat again?

    submitted by /u/BGBigMax
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    Rakks crashing PS4

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:30 PM PST

    So....I've all but stopped playing since the game won't allow me to finish the raid without crashing. My first 30+ solo runs were ok, but since the 2nd update to the butcher it's become unplayable.

    But now I've noticed that, outside of the raid, whenever I'm using R4k P4k the game just gives up and goes straight to blue. I've seen others posting about this and am just curious to hear from others.

    Cheers, Rev

    submitted by /u/revfunk0428
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    Emailing guns in Borderlands 3, what level are they when you open/accept?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

    I know you can email guns via the social email feature, but if someone sends a level 40 gun, and you accept it and you are level 20, does it go to level 20 or stay at level 40? I noticed that with the full BL3 deluxe package I purchased that Gearbox emailed some guns, but when I accept them, they snap to my current level. Wondering if trading guns do the same.

    submitted by /u/franklinmcmahon
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    Where's Zed??

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:16 AM PST

    This is probably weirdly late and random, but does anyone know what the deal with Zed is? Cos he's still got the vending machines but for some reason Tannis is the doctor for sanctuary????

    Just seems kinda dumb cos Tannis isnt a medical doctor and they had to get Zed's voice actor for the vending machine lines. So why didnt they give him a bigger role I wonder. seems like a wasted opportunity.

    submitted by /u/moustouche
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    Something that took me wayyyyyyy to long to realize.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:05 PM PST

    Katagawa wasn't actually on the Zanara when it was destroyed at the end of Space Laser Tag.

    I was so confused at first, I thought "Didn't he get blown up on his space yacht" then I realized the only reason the Zanara was targeted was because Rhys wanted payback for Frans Frogurt, lazy river land, and the bagel place.

    submitted by /u/Nerdzilla88
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    Where's the new vending machine on Skywell-27?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:03 AM PST

    I thought the 60 day patch added an extra vending machine somewhere on that map. I've been looking around and the only vending machine there is is the one at the start.

    submitted by /u/InsideTheEveningHate
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    Mayhem 4 + Maliwan Raid = Time Wasted

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:31 PM PST

    I am not one to complain about loot or not getting what I want right away but I feel like it is time to speak up. With the insane health and armor buffs of Mayhem 4 it turns every encounter into a test of patience rather than skill or knowledge.

    Once your group manages to avoid getting a glitched raid and kills Wotan what are you left with? An abundance (or maybe not?) of the same loot you have been getting from other bosses and badasses. The loot you do get often isn't even anointed so any chance at getting something better is basically none.

    So to recap... you need to kill everything in the raid, hope it doesn't glitch, hope for a Mayhem 4 drop or something else you need, hope its anointed and hope its the right one. How much RNG is too much RNG? How much time am I suppose to spend on such a repetitive poorly designed "Raid" before I get anything resembling the time and effort I put in?

    submitted by /u/MikeSouthPaw
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    Anyone actually got this yet.....

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:44 PM PST

    Hey Guys,

    If you have gone for it. Can you tell me how many M4 runs you had on Rampager to get a Good Juju to drop, or if your still after it like me....I ran 74 times this weekend with zero drops. Really I am looking for peoples tips and tricks to speed up the farm. Running Fl4k and it still can take a bit of time for each run! Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/RMG2931
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    Can somebody please tell me what the gun I'm thinking of is?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:24 AM PST

    So a few weeks ago, a friend gave me a gun that shoots like a close range nova? Some people use it to apply status effects to themselves for elemental Projector. I'm certain it's a (Blue/Purple Rarity) Maliwan Shotgun. Its definitely not a legendary and not the sellout pistol. I got rid of the gun to make space a while back but now its killing me cause I cant find the name of it again lol.

    If anybody knows what type of gun I'm talking about please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Unholy187
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    I know this isn’t new news

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:21 AM PST

    But please don't waste your time as of right now with agonizer, I have the hotfixes on and 4 runs in a row, each of which had at least one or more legendarys, have all been lost to the void

    submitted by /u/anight_spentcrying
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    Discussion about the ending of TFTBL

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:32 AM PST

    So, Rhys and Fiona both teleported, leaving us with a cliffhanger ending. My theory with many others thinking the same thing was that they simply gained the ability to teleport. As to how they did, this is explained by basically all of the previous vaults in previous BL games. The first vault was a prison for the destroyer, the vault of the sentinel gave Jack all of its knowledge and the vault of the warrior allowed an eridian superweapon to be controlled by whoever freed it. The only plausible explanation is that the vault of the traveller grants the ability of teleportation, as the vault monster itself could do so. However in BL3, we get to see Rhys again who obviously does not seem to teleport or possess any kind of supernatural ability. Sure the ability may have not been permanent, but I doubt so. This now caused me to think back on my theory. The vaults you run into in BL3 all seem to give you some kind of ability (allowing to harvest eridium, equip relics and read eridian writing). This would further reinforce my theory however the fact that the game does not show Rhys possessing any powers leaves me confused. Does anyone here have a different theory as to what may have happened? Or could there be a sequel to TFTBL (which I highly doubt) to explain what happened? I don't see any mentioning of what happened during or after TFTBL in BL3 by any of the characters (claptrap, vaughn, rhys, zero).

    To summarise though, I really would like further insight into what happened after TFTBL and hopefully we get some kind of DLC or sequel to TFTBL for this.

    Also wishes aside, any theories you guys may have come up with that may be worth mentioning? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks :)

    submitted by /u/ttvpenrose
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    New dlc question

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Will the upcoming heist of the handsome jack DLC increase the level cap? If not now when do you think the level cap will be increased.

    submitted by /u/thomasrockz
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    Weapon Damage

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:17 PM PST


    Is a Weapon that I find always better wenn the Damage is higher than my current Weapon in Borderlands 3?

    submitted by /u/Tayvoon
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    Game freezing/crashing

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Hey everyone. So pretty much ever since I bought bl3 on my PC in october I've experienced freeze crashes almost everytime I've played the game. What usually happens is whenever i get close to marker for a quest, it seems that there is a chance for my game to just freeze. Audio still plays but the game is completely frozen. When this hapens i usually can alt-tab out and close the game via task manager but sometimes it's so extreme that the only choice is to sign out of my computer because alt-tabbing/ctrl-alt-delete doesnt get me out of the game window. The most notorious areas for me in the game for me that cause these crashes are in sandblast scar (just happened twice consecutively after passing the two flame turrers near the end), and Voracious canopy after Balex talks about his name. Curious to see if anyone else has this issue as it is so infuriating. It has happened in almost every other area but I'm on my 3rd playthrough and these two areas always crash often for me.

    submitted by /u/ekurtz96
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    (mild spoilers) how does progression and unlocking gear slots work in Multiplayer

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:37 AM PST

    So I am leveling my second character and I'm level 20 and on Eden-6. My friend has a level 2 Fl4k and joins my game. The scaling is fine and we play for a while. He levels pretty damn fast and gets to level 11. But the game won't let him use a class mod. I think you usually unlock this through progression (ravager fight maybe?). So what do we do to unlock this for him? I'm already past this quest in my campaign. We quit and joined his campaign but now we're back on Pandora and he doesn't even have the catch-a-ride unlocked yet. Also all of the enemies are 10 levels below our level so it seems the scaling isn't right either. Is there some setting somewhere that lets him skip ahead in the campaign or unlock features while playing in a friends game that's further along? If we beat the game together is he still going to have to start over on Pandora and play through the hole thing? I dunno if it matters but these are both our second characters. Our mains are lvl 50 TVHM.

    submitted by /u/Overlordz88
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