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    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Borderlands Is it just me or is it still more efficient to farm for world drops rather than to farm dedicated drops?

    Borderlands Is it just me or is it still more efficient to farm for world drops rather than to farm dedicated drops?

    Is it just me or is it still more efficient to farm for world drops rather than to farm dedicated drops?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:19 AM PST

    So I've been farming for a better Bloodletter Com for my Cutpurse Tediore Moze, as the one I got right now doesn't have the best stats (Melee damage, Torgue Accuracy and heavy weapon damage), and I want one with something like either bonus grenade damage or mag size. I've spent about 6 hours farming the skag of survival, who's dedicated drop is the bloodletter, along with the executor com for Zane and Breaker com for Amara. over those 6 hours I only got ONE executor com, nothing else. I got tired of farming the skag of survival and said f*ck it, I'll go farm graveward, I'm low on cash anyways and I need those bank upgrades. 5 runs in: BOOM. Bloodletter com, not a bad one, but better than what i have. 3 runs later: BOOM. another one?? AND with 24% extra mag size? beautiful. So is it really still better to farm bosses like graveward in hope he world drops what you want, because to me it feels like it really is...

    submitted by /u/JBlazzy
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    So alternate ending I’ve been thinking about.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:02 PM PST

    So credits roll and it cuts to Marcus sitting on a stool telling the orphans that build his guns "That's the story, so back to work you little cretins." Maya walks in the door and says "Did you kill me off just because I wouldn't let you put your Gun Vending machines on my Planet? Marcus goes "Ehhhh" while wiggling his hand in a so so gesture. Just finished Athenas and there's only one Zed and one ammo machine no gun machine.

    submitted by /u/Zacbrick777
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    What's the deal with Gearbox's attempt to acquire Tales from the Borderlands?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:53 PM PST

    A while back I feel like I remember someone from gearbox saying that they would like to acquire/save tales from the Borderlands after Telltale died. Have we heard any more news as of yet? Are they planning on continuing the story (with Troy Baker pls)?

    submitted by /u/Hijodeputa_69
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    What I thought BL3 would be about after the Presequel

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    (Bare with me, this is the my first post on reddit I have no idea what I'm doing lowkey lol)

    I actually imagined Lilith and the remainder of the Crimson Raiders being the main antagonists of the game.

    Hear me out:

    The writers really hinted at Lilith being a rather aggressive leader during the Presequel, especially toward the end when she instructs her men to execute Athena.

    It was obvious that Brick, and even Mordecai weren't 100% down with that decision. Lilith was starting to become a little power hungry.

    I started to think... that would give a lot of motive for a lot of the previously playable Vault Hunters to leave and begin their own search for the all of the other vaults revealed at the very end of BL2 (or whatever else they wanted to occupy themselves with...)

    Some may stay aligned with Lilith, while other moved on to other things, while some were actively fighting completely against her.

    It was a race to the vaults.

    Enter new playable Vault Hunters.

    Similarly to how the first game started, their one and only goal is to get to the vault first and to claim the contents inside as their own with their biggest obstacle being; Lilith and the Crimson Raiders.

    The interplanetary travel gameplay could still be implemented. You could track down old Vault Hunters to befriend them or fight them (depending on where their alignment).

    Of course, adhering to the Watcher's vague warning at the end of The Presequel... this division in the Galaxy could definitely cause a huge war. Bandits, corporations, and whoever else would be on the hunt for these Vaults and the Vault Map, killing any and all that stand in their way.

    During the duration of the game, perhaps the playable vault hunters learn about the events from previous games. Maybe they feel somewhat sympathetic for Lilith? Maybe they start to feel somewhat of a conflict on fighting against her goals to open the vaults and destroying the vault monster's inside so an incident like with the Warrior in BL2 never would happen again.


    I imagined the game to end with a giant boss fight (like usual). Maybe fighting against or with Lilith (preferably with Lilith imo).

    You unite to halt the war, and work with the Crimson Raiders yet again in the end game and/or in DLCs... reuniting all remaining Vault Hunters to work under the same roof once again.

    I have absolutely no idea if that made sense to anyone. But I just really wanted to get this rambling mess out there.

    Anyway, I wanna know what you guys thought BL3 would be about.

    Canon BL3 went a COMPLETELY different way then I ever expected it to... but that's a story for a different day.

    Hope you all are having a great day.

    submitted by /u/vivelestrange
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    Are the Calypso twins similar to Calypso at all?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:59 PM PST

    I can't really find a similarity to the calypso twins and the deity Calypso from the Odyssey other than there names. Any help would be extremely appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Bob_Rosses_brush
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    Do Protuberance drops still exist?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Is the Protuberance still available to find in the game? Is there specific difficulty level you have to be exceeding, like TVHM Mayhem 1+? I've been scouring vendors, Trials, Slaughters, bosses, mobs, outhouses, hen houses, and dog houses for the past three weeks and haven't seen any at all. At this point I've become more interested in continuing the search for the sake of proof of existence than any hope of actually finding one worth using.

    submitted by /u/Peevenator
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    Question about Rhys’ last name?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    This may be me being dumb, but online it seems to circulate his last name is 'strong fork' (a parody of 'witherspoon')... call me stupid, but when is this ever confirmed? Like which part of BL3 does rhys get given a last name??

    submitted by /u/mmgkayla
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    A lukewarm defense of Ava

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:14 PM PST

    If you've been on this or any related Borderlands sub for long you probably have a solid grasp on the communities take on her. Complaints ranging from her being whiny, to being undeserving of pretty much every bit of screen time granted too her. And are these all valid?

    Well... mostly.

    if you're for a full exoneration of her character you won't find it here. I don't think many will complain when I throw in the hot take of her place in the story being awkward at the best of times. But in the months following the games release I do think we need to take a step back and look and see if she really as bad as we've built her up to be. And while they arn't as common as I would like there are some points made against her that seem a bit overblown and devalue other criticism made against her by covering the core issues with surface level vitriol.

    1."Ava killed Maya"

    This at least is the one I take the most ire with, though I can see why it's such a popular talking point. To call Ava's actions leading up to Maya's death helpful would be a stretch, but she was not the one that killed Maya it was the homicidal wonder twins that were already gunning for the Raiders to begin with. Whether Ava tagged along to get held hostage or not with out the back up of our VH Maya would've been at a HUGE disadvantage regardless. Not only would the fight between her and the Calypso's been a 2 v 1 if she so much as made contact with either of them she'd be dead meat, and she didn't even know Troy was even capable of totally dusting her at a touch so its very likely it would've played out just the same. That being said Ava sneaking off to see a vault after explicitly being characterized as rebellious and idolizing Vault Hunters is just... well in character for her. And while i'd argue the fallout not being handled as well as it could've been the plot point of her loosing her own mentor trying to defend her is a compelling scene... if it was handled with more tact. Which leads to...

    2."Ava is a brat after Maya's death."

    This i'll be less defensive about, ya Ava was accusatory and child like after Maya's death. Blaming others (mostly Lilith) for not doing something and generally lashing out. And while it's realistic that a young teenager wouldn't exactly handle such a violent loss of a mentor well (specially after Ava's own past of loss of loved ones), that doesn't mean it can't be grating. But a common thread I hear a lot is that she never gets called out on it, and that's... half true. While she doesn't get yelled at in turn Tannis at the very least tries to get her to calm down and explain why she needs to stop blaming others. Which seems to actually calm her down a great deal, the game obviously trying to get you to sympathize with her by giving you a side objective to comfort her where she seems genuinely remorseful. Sure getting Ava to actually give an apology would be nice but framing her as totally unreasonable is glossing over some stuff. Though after this point in the story Ava doesn't pop back in till about the last 1/4th of the story and plays into maybe my weakest point.

    1. Like or hate her, Ava isn't a oppressive presence in the game as a whole.

    In total Ava is only around for the story mission on Athenas, a side quest on Athenas, the events during and after the Promethean vault, a minor roll on the attack on the COV strong hold, and pretty much just shows up exclusively in cut scenes after that. Outside of story content you can ignore her to your hearts content, she doesn't speak over the intercom like Balex, have a series of side missions like Clap Trap, Zer0, Hammerlock, or Moxxi. Doesn't speak in any side quest other than her own, and in general seems to just wander around the bridge not saying much at all unless you really wanna talk to her. If you don't like Ava there are large portions of the game she's totally absent from, and when she is you could just ignore her or in the case of cut scenes just mute and wait it out. And with Gearbox saying cut scene skip is on its way you an eventually skip it. Now having a character you dislike so bad having them in any part of the game is frustrating, but hers is for the most part easily compartmentalized to the story and little else.

    Ava has issues, a lot in fact. But its for the best we not bear down on over blown half true hate that takes away from the validity of our over all points.

    submitted by /u/Snoubalougan
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    [BL3] Anyone else recently started getting big lag spikes and stutters only in combat/action? This wasn't happening before

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:41 PM PST

    This never used to happen before but after recent updates and some screwing around with settings it started happening a lot. Ive tried to change various settings back to what I had before but no luck. I have directx12 on, smoothed 22-60fps, and mostly high settings with material complexity and volumetric fog on medium. I get steady 60fps when I'm running around but in action I get those constant stutters, lag spikes, and frame drops. It's especially bad in co-op.

    Specs: Gtx 1060 6gb / 16 GB ram / Intel 8th gen i7

    submitted by /u/RecoveredAshes
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    Class mods and artifacts for power leveled characters?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:56 PM PST

    For those of you who have power leveled characters with a friend, is there another way to unlock the use of class mods and artifacts other than story progress?

    Edit: to clarify, I'm playing borderlands 3.

    submitted by /u/Wyclops
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    Mission order

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:22 AM PST

    Does it matter in what order you do missions? In some games if you go on with main quests/missions you become unable to do random side quests and stuff

    submitted by /u/lieutenant_hentxi
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    Mayhem Mode 2.0 idea because why not

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:52 AM PST

    The original intent of Mayhem modifiers seemed to be to encourage different play styles by making it easier or harder to use certain gear. However, due to the difficulty in farming the necessary gear for a lot of builds, it is worthless to set up a new build for a selection of arbitrary modifiers that will reset the next time the game is loaded. The current modifiers simply have a chance to randomly punish players who picked a certain build, forcing them to save and reload until they get a selection of modifiers that aren't a huge disadvantage. I haven't experimented much with Mayhem modes so I could just be talking out of my arse, but this seems to be the experience of a lot of other people.

    With this in mind, I spent some time brainstorming my own idea for a hypothetical Mayhem Mode. I wanted to come up with a list of my own modifiers that make the game both crazier and more difficult, but without overtly affecting any specific playstyles. I also wanted to ensure none of the modifiers simply increased health and damage, because Mayhem 4 (and the Overpower levels in Borderlands 2) relies on doing so to increase difficulty, and as a result renders all builds unviable except for those with the highest possible damage-per-second and health regeneration. In this version of Mayhem Mode, the different modifiers can be selectively enabled and disabled. Money, eridium and experience gained, as well as the drop rate for loot, increases by a certain percentage for every active modifier. This way, the player can easily adjust the game's difficulty in a similar manner to the current Mayhem levels, by determining the number of active modifiers.

    Enemy modifiers

    Mixed-up Menagerie

    Enemies from other maps will randomly spawn in addition to enemies normally present in the current map. Enemy numbers are increased overall.

    Monotone Menagerie

    Enemy variety in a map consists primarily of massive numbers of a single enemy type, with spawn rates for other enemies greatly reduced. The enemy type is determined randomly upon loading a map, based on the types of enemies usually present in the map and whether the Mixed-up Menagerie modifier is active. This modifier, when active, has a random chance to trigger whenever a new map is loaded. I don't know what the best ratio of the specified enemy type to other enemies should be, but there should ideally be more enemies spawning than normal, so the difficulty is increased.

    Battle of Bizarre Proportions

    Enemies will occasionally spawn either much larger than usual (with increased health and damage), or much smaller than usual (with increased movement speed).

    Kid Gloves Off

    Greatly increased badass and anointed spawn rate.

    Handling it Personally

    Bosses and mini-bosses randomly spawn in addition to normal enemy spawns. Boss types are limited to the standard enemy factions on a map, unless Mixed-up Menagerie is enabled.

    Inconsistent Resistance

    Enemies have randomised health meter types (e.g. flesh vs. armour vs. shields).

    Tangerine Terror

    All gear-wielding enemies are equipped with legendary items.

    Bloody Harvest

    Ghosts spawn randomly from enemies, in an identical manner to the ghost spawning mechanic from the Bloody Harvest event.

    Environment modifiers

    Mirror Mode

    Map layouts are mirrored.


    Levels are plunged into near pitch darkness with very little light, making it hard to see enemies.

    No Time to Grind

    Overall game speed is greatly increased (fast forward), and the player respawns near-instantaneously after dying (e.g. Hotline Miami with cannibal bandits).

    I couldn't think of that many environment modifiers, and I'm not sure what the best way to balance these would be, but I thought they were interesting and would spark some discussion. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/CptnFabulous420
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    Mouse stopped aiming

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST

    I played earlier today, everything worked perfectly. Now when I load up the game the mouse works for all menus and options, but in-game it does not move the screen. Buttons shoot, but I can not look or move anywhere but centered. Any thoughts? I've tried rebooting, no change, I've tried a different mouse, no change.

    submitted by /u/filli0n
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    Performance Issues

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Has anyone else been noticing a drop in frame rate, freezing and shitty menus today? Decided to play with my alt zane and it's been horrid.

    submitted by /u/sickboy76
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    Just had a thought about emotes..

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:01 AM PST

    It would be neat to see if in future updates or DLC that character specific emotes could be a drop or something you buy from Crazy Earl. For example, Flak playing with the pet you have equipped, Amara doing some badass arm poses, Zane playing rock paper scissors with his digiclone, Moze tinkering with Iron Bear, etc. I love getting to see my character from 3rd person so more of that would be well received 😋

    submitted by /u/jwoodsid
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    Amara Spartan headgear?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:41 AM PST

    I saw a video from joltz (video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCsCuXDw9KM )

    And I noticed he had a spartan helmet I have not seen before, where did he get it from? Also im not sure but the skin might be new for me aswell.

    submitted by /u/ImSoPaid
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    Borderlands 3 difficult?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:57 PM PST

    I've recently picked up bl3 and been playing it non stop ever since. The game feels fantastic to me and surprisingly hasn't had too many bugs in it. But (this isn't a spoiler) after leaving pandora and fighting in the meridian metroplex I've noticed I've been fighting enemies too high of a level for me, without me having the chance to level up my self. I had this problem with borderlands 2, I play through a long mission, and half way through the enemies all get a level too high, but I hadn't had the chance to level up. I know that I'm supposed to do side quests to level up between main missions, but i can't do that when halfway through a mission all the enemies hav leveled up. Is this the same for anyone else? Any advice?

    submitted by /u/iplayguitarlmao
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    Is my build any good? I've been using this for ages and I like it alot but I want to know what changes I could make

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:28 AM PST


    (Due to a class mod my armored infantry is 6 and my Vladof ingenuity is 6 and my Phalanx doctrine is 2)

    submitted by /u/6519719Mm
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    Class mod boost

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:08 AM PST

    Do I have to spec into a skill to get the bonus from class mod?

    submitted by /u/WaitwhoRu
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    Explain why Handsome Jack was such a great villain (not joking).

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:08 AM PST

    I'm actually asking. I played through BL2 many many times. I always thought Handsome Jack was just an OK villain.

    My biggest gripe was that he was your main enemy and you never saw him until the end. Kinda thought that was odd. I admit, the way he got the sneak attack on Roland was a top tier bad guy move, but that was as good as he got IMO.

    To me, Jack was a good villain in the way that he truly, deep down in his very core, thought he was doing the right thing. Those kind of villains are the very worst because they are fully committed to their cause.

    But other than that, I guess I just don't see why everyone says he's such a good villain.

    Please explain why if you think so. I'm not judging or trying to be edgy, I'm genuinely asking. For some background, I never did play through The Pre-Sequel, and I never did find all the ECHO logs in BL2, so some of my knowledge of what made Jack into such an iconic villain may be missing.

    One more thing, I recently watched a playthrough of Tales From The Borderlands. And I readily admit that the speech Jack's hologram gives to Rhys after he crashes the Hyperion ship is absolutely god tier bad guy dialogue. Where he basically tells Rhys that he killed more people in one swoop than he (Jack) ever did and to really think about if he was the good guy or not. That was A+ villain so I give Jack a lot of credit for that.

    But please tell me more of the reasons why every seems so obsessed with Jack. I feel like most are just hating on the Calypsos and comparing them to Jack. But maybe there's something I've missed. I look forward to your insight.

    Stay frosty fellow Vault Hunters!

    submitted by /u/Chriogenosis
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    Am I the only one that thought they screwed up the games ending by telling Rhys his mustache looked bad?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:39 AM PST

    I legit thought that I screwed up the games ending when I saw that notice saying Rhys will remember my dialogue choice and started to panic. Am I alone in this?

    submitted by /u/Possum_Soul
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