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    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Farming Frenzy announced

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Farming Frenzy announced

    Borderlands 3 Farming Frenzy announced

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST



    Rare Spawns and increased loot drops abound during our limited-time Borderlands 3 Farming Frenzy!

    Are you ready to get your farm on, Vault Hunter? No, not the turd farming of Typhon DeLeon's resourceful ancestry—we're talking about battling bosses and unique enemies to earn some of Borderlands 3's best loot. During a limited-time mini-event we've dubbed Farming Frenzy, you can take advantage of increased drop rates and Rare Spawns showing up more often from January 16 to January 30.

    For the next two weeks, you'll have extra incentive to farm enemies with dedicated loot drops. That includes repeatable bosses from the main story campaign, Proving Grounds and Circle of Slaughter arenas, and the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, as well as named enemies including Rare Spawns, Hammerlock Hunts, and Targets of Opportunity. All these distinct, deadly baddies will be more likely to drop Legendary items from their respective loot pools—and as an added bonus, the Anointment rate for dropped gear has also been temporarily increased!

    To help you track down your desired targets, Rare Spawn enemies will show up more often for the duration of the event. If you've been chasing after some of Borderlands 3's most sought-after Legendary drops and Anointed items, this is the time to jump in and score the loot that'll make your dream Vault Hunter build a reality.

    The Farming Frenzy mini-event will commence on all platforms via a hotfix on Thursday, January 16 at 9:00 AM PST and will conclude when another hotfix deploys on Thursday, January 30 at 8:59 AM PST. That's the same timeframe as the scaling Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite event, which will be active on PlayStation®4, Xbox One, and PC where the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite is available. To apply hotfixes, simply wait at the main menu until you see a "Hotfixes Applied" sign appear on the post behind your Vault Hunter.

    Enjoy all the new additions to your arsenal over the next two weeks as the Farming Frenzy brings a bountiful crop of impressive loot drops!

    submitted by /u/Ceiyne
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    True Vault Hunter Mode should be Adventure Mode

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:20 PM PST

    I think True Vault Hunter Mode is really holding this game back and needs an overhaul. Its a relic from game design in 2012 and negatively impacts the game in these 3 primary ways (and how overhauling it into adventure mode would fix each issue):

    1. Forcing multiple playthroughs. I mean let's be real here...does anyone actually enjoy multiple playthroughs? One or two times, sure I will humor you, but EIGHT!? If I want to do the most rewarding content at the highest level of difficulty on all 4 Vault Hunters, I have to play the entire 30+ hour campaign 8 times. Don't even get me started on resetting quests for repeatable quest rewards...it's not only not fun, it's arguably anti-fun.

    This is exacerbated by the fact that the campaign story is not very good. Hell, Borderlands 2 has an excellent story, and the prospect of completing it more than 3 times exhausts me (I don't think I have ever completed UVHM on any character for this reason). Gearbox has stated they won't add more playable characters because their data shows people stick with one. What they don't seem to realize is that's not out of a desire to only play one VH, it's an aversion to repeating their awful campaign a million times.

    Diablo 3 realized this in Reaper of Souls and released Adventure Mode to the game. Opening up the map and allowing easy access to all the bosses and all the waypoints without gating it with the Campaign. You could level up a character and start grinding gear, have access to your bank and crafting mats without ever having to touch the campaign again and it blessed the games repeatability and longevity immensely. We need this for BL3.

    1. Modal Clarity. It's not clear how Borderlands 3's True VH Mode really impacts the difficulty and rewards in a way that is meaningful and serves a clear purpose. Normal mode is obviously what you play the campaign on the first time through; cutting your teeth with your first character or a new one and experiencing the story the first time through. Check. Mayhem: when you've got a hang of the basics, you can progressively ratchet up the difficulty and reap greater loot chances and annointments as a reward. Check. True Vault Hunter Mode is just...the campaign over again (and over and over if you reset quests). It's a little more demanding with the elemental chart and a little more rewarding with drop rates (though even that is unclear). I don't really get what makes TVHM different enough in BL3 to really justify the additional 30 hours of investment in it.

    And nothing it DOES provide could not be served better by making it an adventure mode. For example. Repeatable quest rewards? Say you want to farm an Omniloader with a perfect annointment (dunno why you would, but it's the only quest reward that came to mind). Instead of resetting the quest and playing 25 hours of campaign to get through Eden 6, make it like Diablo 3's bounty system. When you load into the map, there's 5 quests per planet that you can complete and each show what reward you get for doing them. Some reward quest guns from the campaign, some random world drops, some random cosmetics etc. You can keep the more demanding element chart and other difficulty of TVHM as well. Just axe the campaign from it.

    1. Reducing gameplay variety, repeatable content, and endgame content diversity. Endgame is important in a loot game like this. The whole draw of the game is in diversity of gameplay. You don't want to discourage your players from trying new stuff be it builds, content, or characters. Some of this Borderlands does well, but TVHM is an example of how they don't seem to see the big picture. I think forcing multiple playthroughs ends up hurting endgame because you never end up feeling like you have reached the endgame.

    Adventure Mode would address all of these concerns. It would facilitate diversity of gameplay because you would load in and see all kinds of things you can chase after. Wanna farm bosses? Warp right to their waypoint and go ham? Want quest rewards. Load in and see what's available in that instance. Want to mob circles of slaughter or trials? You don't have to get through the campaign again to unlock em. Diablo 3 proved this kind of repeatable content actually keeps players longer than a half-baked new game + that TVHM is.

    Adventure Mode is the foundation of Borderlands future endgame. You can always add more content to it. New planets, enemies, quests, etc. Dlc story drops just add more areas to and content to revisit in Adventure mode.

    So that's my idea. Make TVHM a more open-ended, repeatable endgame experience akin to Diablo 3's Adventure Mode. I think it would really fix a lot of the problems that BL3 is currently facing in the short and long terms and would continue to draw players back to the game as more content becomes available.

    submitted by /u/dgrath23
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    [BL3] I was watching MiB:International last night. Throughout the movie, many of the guns used look like they were made by Hyperion. Now, I want a MiB-styled quest called something like "Guys in Dark" where we hunt and fight bizarre, unique, alien monsters posing as Pandoran humans.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:46 AM PST

    It would have unique guns that all had solid chrome skins and shot blue projectiles.

    And have a random, paranoid Pandoran that rambles about government agents, lights in the sky, and the neighbor that doesn't seem quite right.

    This needs to be a thing.

    submitted by /u/WadeEffingWilson
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    TIL that the reason why Crazy Earl always yells "Scrappy! Where are you Scrappy!" Is because we killed the poor doggo in borderlands 1

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:35 PM PST

    I cant believe after ~10 years of playing this game you could go back the Crazy Earls scrapyard and kill grown-up scrappy. Wtf gearbox?

    submitted by /u/TYNAMITE14
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    [SPOILERS] So I replayed 1-3

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:05 PM PST

    I just got done playing through Borderlands 1, 2 and 3 again and I have one word. Flanderization. Don't get me wrong, I love Borderlands. Like, I LOVE Borderlands. But you can't tell me they didn't flanderize the holy bejesus out of some of their characters. In the original borderlands Tannis was calm and confident about herself but not annoying, and in 3 she just comes off as stuck up and arrogant. Even the tone of her voice became all squeaky and near intolerable. I can't say for sure that Claptrap was in bl1 but every Claptrap in that game wasn't anywhere near as egotistical as the one in 2 and especially 3. Which brings me to the question, how did the most annoying Claptrap outlive the rest of them? Lillith became increasingly useless, eventually doing almost nothing but sacrificing herself out of nowhere in 3. I honestly would've been really interested in seeing how she fought as a regular person instead of a siren. And I know Moxxi is purposefully oversexualized, but that's all she is anymore. Again, I love Borderlands and I think Gearbox has done a great job on all of them but I felt like this needed to be addressed.

    submitted by /u/n_r16t_x
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    I think i may have Pavlov’d myself into associating Borderlands with bedtime so I can’t play BL2 or TPS without getting groggy as i go.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:07 PM PST

    Being a student who's pretty entrenched in schoolwork, I normally dont get enough time for myself after homework every night. So instead of waiting for the weekend to enjoy Pandora or Elpis, i had the great idea to play until I started feeling sleepy. This went on up until I graduated high school and i dropped the game because college stuff.

    Recently i had an urge for farming the destroyer for a Conference Call and while mobbing my way through Hero's Pass I suddenly felt very sleepy. I didn't know why, because I had just woken up on a Saturday morning with nothing but an essay due for the following Tuesday. During the week, one of my teachers described how Pavlov trained dogs to start salivating at the sound of a bell and how it also affected him as a side effect.

    I then realised what i had done to myself over the years and just started laughing once I got tired once again when I started another run of The Pre Sequel. I still love the game, but i cant help but get groggy after a few minutes of playing.

    TLDR: I don't need sleeping pills anymore.

    submitted by /u/unknowinglyderpy
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    Take Down Challenge Event From January 16th-January 30th.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Greetings Travelers!

    Last week /u/Moxsy-OG reached out to me to ask about a community event involving the Take Down scaling that Gearbox is doing. After some discussion with the mod team, we are going to allow the event to be posted. Moxsy is working with Killer Six to bring this event for everyone in the community to enjoy. I hope that everyone enjoys!!

    The Community Event We Need!

    This is the #TakedownChallenge an event and challenge I have wanted to do for a long time. This community event will run from January 16th to January 30th, the same time frame of the scaling of the takedown to the number of players. The full details of the event can be found below.

    Moxsy's YouTube Video with all of the Details

    Full Details of the Challenge:
    The Challenge is to use non meta weapons and gear to solo the Maliwan Takedown on Mayhem 4 as fast as possible. Certain Weapons and gear you cannot use are as follows:
    Banned Weapons:

    • No MIRV Tediores
    • No Everblasts
    • No Cutsman
    • No Redistributor
    • No Recursion
    • No Lucky 7
    • No ION Cannon
    • No Spiritual Driver (Amara class mod)
    • No Seeing Dead (Zane class mod)
    • No Brainstormer
    • No Hedgehog
    • No Quickie
    • No Cloning Madden Tracker Grenade (Or ANY purple tracker grenades)
    • No Maggie
    • No Low level shields (must use level 50)
    • No Lyuda
    • No Kyb's Worth
    • No Critswapping

      To submit your entry for the challenge you need to upload your response to Youtube with the Title #TakedownChallenge and the vault hunter you used and the time you completed the run in (THIS IS A MUST) The Game/recording requirements: (READ ALL)

    • You MUST show ALL guns WITH ATTACHMENTS (inspect the gun). If any of the guns are modded, your submission will be invalid.

    • You MUST show the Class Mod, grenades, artifact and shield that you use in the Takedown. If any of the items are modded, your submission will be invalid.

    • You MUST show your Mayhem 4 modifiers. If they are boosting anything in your build, your submission will be invalid.

    • You MUST show your Skill Tree. If you have any extra skill points (cheated in) your submission will be invalid.

    • You MUST show your Guardian Rank.

    • You CANNOT use any skips.

    • You may NOT cut your video. You need to leave the entire raw clip for us to see. (Necessary incase people want to switch to any modded gear mid run, do any unfair glitches etc...)

    Submission: Submit your run to this google form: https://forms.gle/6mHPrBaawrpQzcyG7

    submitted by /u/Holy_Jumper
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    Why are the Splinterlands and Carnivora underleveled?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Whenever to Return to Pandora from Eden 6 the mobs are all level 25-26 not level 33-36 like Eden 6 when you finish the story there

    submitted by /u/Nerdzilla88
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    I mean it is my favorite series...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:22 PM PST

    I don't get a bunch of time to play but when I do...


    submitted by /u/dntknwhowtoreddit
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    Borderlands 2 I've played so much of it

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:35 PM PST

    Since Bl2 release back in 2012 it has become my most played game ever since then and I've played alot of this game even more so when gaige dlc dropped, I've spent so many hours with gaige and isshe is my favourite BL character. Bl2 That's about 8yrs worth no idea how many hours or playthroughs I've done with this game as a whole, and the biggest challange was doing that white gear only playthrough from lvl 1 to op8 I almost rage quit so many times. What is your longest borderlands game?

    submitted by /u/Nerd2199
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    Farming in borderlands 3 is one of the most tedious gaming experiences

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Let me just say first that I love this game. It's beautiful, plays very well, and is extremely fun.

    However, farming for a specific item needs to change. I've been farming for a last stand Otto idol for about 10 hours game time, killing the final boss of the main story repeatedly, and have received 3 Otto idols even though it's a "dedicated drop." None of which have been the last stand variation. And that's not even acknowledging the addition bonuses at the bottom of the item.

    My suggestions include adding an online auction house of sorts, giving dedicated drops a much higher chance of dropping, or giving a chance to reroll item attributes for money.

    Obviously this is just my opinion and I'm still going to enjoy the game. It would just be nice if it wasn't as tedious to get the build you want if we're going to be forced into higher difficulty multiplayer raids where having an efficient build is entirely necessary if we want to play the rest of the game. Let me know what you guys think

    submitted by /u/Str8Faced000
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    Farming same boss without returning to the main menu.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:36 PM PST

    Is this a feature yet?

    submitted by /u/TheDashingCruz
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    Loot increase coming

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Do you like loot? Do you want MORE LOOT? We got you, boo! The #Borderlands3 Farming Frenzy kicks off tomorrow until 30 Jan with more Rare Spawns, and better drop rates from Rare Spawns and Bosses for Dedicated, Legendary and Anointed weapons!

    UPDATE. the maliwan takedown scaleibg event also starts tomorrow

    submitted by /u/Nerd2199
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    Barely any legendaries on Mayhem 3

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:53 PM PST

    I don't seem to be getting barely any legendaries on Mayhem 3 I just fought all the Promethia bosses and got nothing. What am I doing wrong or am I just super unlucky?

    submitted by /u/Dansqautch
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    Play borderlands 2 with me

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Hey guys. Noone seems to be online anymore. My steam name is Mattistripping. I'm currently on wildlife preservation mission. Normal difficulty. Please if anyone left is out there come join me

    submitted by /u/SpiritualWizard
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    [TPS] Is it just me or is (almost) every boss a pushover?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:27 PM PST

    I just finished my first play through of the pre-sequel as the doppelgänger and I just realized that I've shredded every boss and mini-boss. Zarpadon didn't even take a minuet and I was four levels under the recommended level. The only one that gave me trouble was Rk5 Raum and that was because It was flying.

    The body doubles easily distract the boss and just allow me to unload my guns onto it while they take care of the regular enemies.

    Has anyone else had this easy of a time on the first run on normal mode with almost every boss?

    submitted by /u/NeilsEvilTwin
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    Movement Jitter in Pre-Sequel

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:05 PM PST

    So my BF and I have spent way too long playing BL2, and we've finally moved onto Pre-Sequel to prepare for the BL3 Steam Release.

    The only problem (so far) is this snappy, jittery movement. Whenever I stop it shifts me slightly in one direction. It's making the game EXTREMELY annoying and difficult to play for me and it's VERY distracting.

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any weird settings to change or mods to install, cause I'm bordering on desperation to fix this.

    I have no idea what settings could be causing this (if it isn't just the game being absolute garbage), so here's all of them. Literally any advice would be appreciated.

    Game Details
    - Fullscreen Windowed
    - VSync: OFF
    - Framerate: Unlimited
    - Mute Audio: ON
    - Detect Settings: OFF
    - Resolution: 1920x1080
    - Ambient Occlusion: ON
    - Depth of Field: ON
    - Anisotropic Filtering: OFF
    - Bullet Decals: High
    - Foliage Distance: Far
    - Texture Quality: High
    - Game Detail: High
    - View Distance: High
    - Phys X: Medium
    - FXAA: On

    PC Details
    Enough. But:
    -Core i7 8700
    -NVIDIA 1080
    -16gb DDR4
    -Windows 10 64x
    -fuckin idk

    submitted by /u/CatTheKitten
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    Does the monocle need a buff? And if so, how?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:34 AM PST

    As the title suggests, I think the monocle needs a buff, no matter what mayhem you play on it always, and has always, felt like the worst option. I don't know if my game is bugged, or the weapon is, but the zoomed in Crit damage just doesn't do much damage, especially compared to its sniper rivals. I think the gimmick of the gun is fun, and fits a playstyle not really explored in this game, but it just feels worthless. I think this gun needs a flat out damage boost, or a way higher Crit bonus. I could see the problem with a flat damage boost, as it might take away from the scoping aspect of the gun, but a way higher Crit bonus wouldn't effect much. The gun does not do enough damage as it stands to validate its small magazine, and slow fire rate. Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SourSylvy
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    Have i spent too much time around phycos?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Ever since i started playing way back in September one thing i noticed pretty quickly when i spawned on pandora was 1 of the sound queues. Dun dun. Like 2 deep cello notes. Just Dun dun thats it. I didn't think about it much maybe it was just part of the background noise like a Easter egg nod to Jaws famous E ,F or F and F sharp theme song. Then i started hearing it everywhere not just on pandora. Again i thought it was just a background noise or a bug when the audio track for a map looped. Then i started playing the jackpot DLC and i swear im now hearing the same sound again only now it is distinctly louder and more noticeable. Same two notes dun dun, thats all, same exact sound. I hear it about once every 20 minutes or so. Am I losing mY miNd? Can anyone ELSE hear it?? It's GETTING LouDER. Why are you GUYs LOokINg at me LikE that? Im not crazy your crazy! StAy AwaY FrOm mE tHE ScArY FIsH SoNg!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    Borderlands 1 Xbox One Problems

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Does anyone play Borderlands GOTY on Xbox one? Ever since I installed it I have been having problems such as bosses not loading in areas, TONS of glitches & noticeable frame rate drops, certain missions missing necessary elements, etc. Is this happening to anyone else or could it just my console?

    submitted by /u/emmap432
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    Fabricator trouble

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Anyone else having troubles with the fabricator in the handsome jack dlc? Not so much as fighting him but more so when you beat him, does anyone have the problem with his head piece just launching to the moon and the loot falling off the map? I've done this farm for awhile now trying to acquire an annexed shock ion cannon but it's hard to even see what I'm getting when it all falls off the map. I have a clip of this happening and it's slightly frustrating

    Mind you, yes you can go to sanctuary to see the loot from the lost loot, but I dont want to waste my time going back and then having to run through Jack's secret all over again

    submitted by /u/xiiAtoMicZ
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    Question about annointments

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:03 PM PST

    With annointed guns, does that gun have to be the weapon in my hand to gain the benefits? I've got a really bad gun with a good annointment so just wondering how that works

    submitted by /u/L4vendeh
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    Enemies Vs Vault Hunters (Abilities)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:34 AM PST


    Am I the only person that feels some enemies in certain borderlands games have better abilities than the Vault Hunters themselves? Like borderlands 3 has the "Anointed" type enemies that can change size, teleport, throw Singularity nukes, reflect damage twice as strong, shoot lasers from their hands, element resistant and etc. My one question was why in the world didn't Amara get those Singularity nukes or a shield reflect like that?

    submitted by /u/BeyondEllisBeck
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