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    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    Borderlands Poll: Most loved Vault Hunter. I will post the results later

    Borderlands Poll: Most loved Vault Hunter. I will post the results later

    Poll: Most loved Vault Hunter. I will post the results later

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:27 AM PST

    Link: https://forms.gle/qK451Hw8eNPvcvJk8

    After I made a poll about the most loved weapon manufacturer I was also curious about which one is the most loved Vault Hunter. I separated them game by game where it is not necessary for you to vote (eg. If you did not play the game). In the end there is a big vote where all of them are combined into question.

    submitted by /u/Marco9965
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    They did a missed opportunity not having a Sax Solo emote in the Handsome Jackpot DLC

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:27 PM PST

    Seriously they have Digby Vermouth who plays his Sax and not give you one as a mission reward?

    submitted by /u/HA64e
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    Item scores aren’t worth a damn thing

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Why are item scores on guns non-consistent? For an example A flakker can have an item score of 486 but it can do better than a vanquisher at 571.

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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    How To Farm Wotan Back-to-Back on an Infinite Loop.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:34 AM PST

    Is there any bangstick style legendary Torque guns?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST

    I'm ripping through enemies rn at lvl 43 with a lvl 42 white Torque bangstick shotgun that does 1425 dmg. Only one projectile but it's pretty much one shotting enemies and I love it.

    So is there any legendary prefix to this gun?

    submitted by /u/filmorebuttz
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    Got bored and made this.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST


    I was just sitting at my desk and decided to copy down my Jack poster and this is the result. Not looking for likes just wanted to share.

    Posted this on the Borderlands 2 subreddit and thought it belonged here too.

    submitted by /u/X-Man_20052005
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    Buffs and Nerfs

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:32 PM PST

    Hi everybody!!!! I'm here to ask the basic of who and what has been buffed and nerfed, for a point of reference I stopped playin after Mozes grenades got nerfed. Thank you so much

    submitted by /u/Rock0348
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    [OC] Fan Trailer/Intro

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:35 PM PST


    While waiting for BL3 to come to steam, as a creative exercise I made a trailer/extended intro hybrid from a mix of exported game files and ingame recordings. Had a lot of fun putting it together and thought you all might enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/Sooner266
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    Borderlands 1 Crawmerax

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:46 PM PST

    I was wondering if anyone is willing to help me kill Crawmerax on BL:GOTY for xbox one. I am currently lvl 64 so the boss is lvl 68.

    submitted by /u/GoldenBunnie
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    Borderlands 1 buddies

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Hey! So I recently completed borderlands 3 and loved it and the dlc as well, and have decided to make it my mission to play and complete the others, starting with the first. I've noticed some of the trophies need co op partners, so I was hoping to find some friends here! I'm in Melbourne, usually on around 7 aest if that helps. I'm a level21 siren also. My PlayStation name is shiva_ex

    submitted by /u/spoopybard
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    I've never played Borderlands online

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:52 AM PST

    But I absolutely love BL3 and hope to really go deeper with this title. I'm currently a level 40 or 41 Moze and finished the story playthrough at level 35.

    - Pretty sure I want to play on cooperation mode if I match up with randoms, right? Seems like a no brainer but maybe im missing something.

    - Should I be starting a new game on TVHM or just keep going on my current playthrough? I saved all of the side missions so I've only done 2 so far. I have mayhem 3 on right now but not sure I'm geared up enough to handle it at the moment.

    - When you matchmake with someone, are you "forced" into doing the same things, and to go to the same places as them? What happens if I set my ship to another planet? Does the group come too?

    Basically looking for any n00b tips you might have. I'm not actually bad at the game I just don't know much about the online system.

    submitted by /u/MGengarEX
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    Confused by anointments

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Examples Why is the anointment for a different element? Does it mean if I just have it in my backpack other weapons are buffed that use that element?

    submitted by /u/someshooter
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    Is it just me or is something about Borderlands 3... off?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:22 PM PST

    I don't know guys, I've picked up BL3 recently after binging through the series and something just feels off about the newest entry in the series

    I'm fully aware it's all a matter of opinion, but I feel like the existing characters have been watered down to an extent and the new characters just aren't as interesting to go on quests with or explore the Borderlands alongside

    Also feels like the fact you can now traverse multiple planets sort of ruins the atmosphere that Pandora had set up for it starting with the original game, feels like the games have got bigger and bigger for the sake of being an open world exploration game but have sacrificed the charm and the enjoyment we used to get from exploring

    Thoughts and opinions?

    submitted by /u/RPHolt94
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    Some questions.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well. Is it me or does the transformer not heal shock damage? I'm using Moze with the transformer and storm front, don't have a and what everyone seems to say: 'you can heal yourself with your grenades.' Doesn't work for me. Neither do the heavy Maliwan electric guys, nor do the hackhounds electric stun AOE. My own electric damage, if that's what it's supposed to do, doesn't heal me either. I might be really dumb and completely misunderstood what the transformer does but it seems completely useless to me at this stage. Furthermore the rockets of the mech don't crit the Maliwan mechs when the open the chest and the red light is showing. Whereas it does seem to crit them when the rockets hit their heads. I might be seeing things though. Lastly, does it seem to anyone else that damage seems inconsistent. Where you hit one enemy once and it takes away a good chunk of their health and the next hit seems to do fuck all. That might be my build to be fair. Which bring me to my last observation, I really like the action skill of Moze the mech is fun to use and feels pretty badass, so why do all of her good, mayhem 4 crushing builds not use it? They only use it for triggering annointments. It seems such a load of horseshit. Maybe someone has a good build that does use it more, I'd love to know if you want to share. I am really enjoying the game and think it's better than Borderlands 2 in every way that matters but these things are annoying me quite a bit. Thanks for reading, have a good'un.

    submitted by /u/Lordofleisure7
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    Recent article posted about the birth of the Lyuda (previously named White Death)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:17 AM PST

    Man who birthed the Lyuda

    The name change to Lyuda is also worth looking into, awesome Female sniper story: Lady Death

    submitted by /u/DragonsAndScience
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    Missed opportunity

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:04 PM PST

    Am I the only one who found it dissapointing there wasn't a Sargent loader named pepper at lonely hart's Klub? It was a perfect setup for a Beatles reference and it feels kinda like a missed opportunity for a rare spawn enemy.

    submitted by /u/ripinchaos
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    Is it possible to beat borderlands 3 with only Grenades

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:30 PM PST

    Heya buddies so recently I've been thinking about it would be possible at all to beat the whole with only grenades. Currently it has to be possible right? Perhaps using Moze action point that regenerates grenades with splash damage it would then be possible. This idea has been in my mind since I started doing challenge runs on YouTube. What are your guys thoughts on this. Would it be possible? Yes or no.

    submitted by /u/TheUglyPugly
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    Allegiance runs

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Are allegiance runs possible in bl3 still?

    submitted by /u/Average_Idiot324
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    So...Krieg news?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Just wondering what happened, maybe some insight. Just any info about the dude, trust me I love nothing more than just to blow myself up and scream at the top of my lungs. but id also love to know about the latest news. so yeah, help?

    submitted by /u/abadiATL
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    Does Earl sell grenades?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:27 PM PST

    I know his vending machine has no chance of rolling a legendary, but I also haven't seen any grenades in it in quite a few runs, just guns and shields.

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    New Action Skills for BL2/TPS Vault Hunters.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:09 AM PST

    Seeing as how a dude did stuff for the original Vault Hunters: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/bkj9g3/giving_old_characters_multiple_action_skills_like/ I'd like to do the rest of the VHs. Axton getting a Laser Turret and a Shotgun Turret sounds pretty good to me. Maya gets a Phaseslam of her own, trapping an enemy and then crashing it to the ground. Two other ideas I had where a Pinball shot and shielding herself like Ava. For Zer0, I can see a straight line dash where you cut enemies down with your sword. Gaige could take a page from Moze's playbook and add new weapons to Deathtrap. I got no clue about Salvador and Krieg.

    submitted by /u/321RG
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    King's Call and Queen's Call

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    I'm trying to build out a Fl3k Jakobs, with all the Jacobs guns.

    Tyreen isn't dropping the King's or the Queen's call, am I doing something wrong? Or Gearbox took these guns out of the game??? If they are still in the game, how can I get them? Still from Tyreen?

    submitted by /u/Attempted_Username
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    Can the legendary redistributor smg be a world drop also?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:06 PM PST

    I get pretty lazy going through maliwan takedown after like 4+ tries lol

    submitted by /u/12_moon
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    Borderlands 3 I feel like I need to have gone to college for 8 years & be a mathematician

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST

    To understand how progression works via when going online "level boosting on slaughter content" previous quests completed changing levels higher then before, I have side quests I did not accept, having location planets yet discovered on space map Navi, bosses scaling oddly even though I'm on a normal mode, loosing all my fast travel stations on Promethea on previous 1.0 character, level boosting is ded I guess or levels don't mean anything anymore, lol sorry for the rant

    submitted by /u/Shinji-Ex
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