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    Thursday, January 9, 2020

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfix [01/09/2020]

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfix [01/09/2020]

    Borderlands 3 Hotfix [01/09/2020]

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:42 AM PST


    Today we will release a hotfix for Borderlands 3, which will be live on PlayStation®4, Xbox One, and PC by 3:00 PM PST. This hotfix addresses various concerns reported by the community. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign appear! If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com 1.

    Addressed a reported concern that FL4K's Furious Attack was sometimes not applying bonuses to pet damage as expected Addressed a reported concern that Rakkcelerate was sometimes not applying the cooldown modifier as stated on the skill's description Addressed a reported concern that Cheap Tip's total weapon shield capacity was sometimes not appearing in the tooltip on the item card Addressed a reported concern that The Arbalest of Discipline was sometimes spawning with just shields Anointed Enforcer

    We found an issue where Anointed Enforcer's immunity abilities would sometimes cause them to be more difficult than intended. We have lowered their health temporarily as we investigate further and find a permanent solution.

    Temporarily lowered the health on Anointed Enforcer Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite

    Thank you everyone for your patience as we work on the scaled Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite event 8. We were unable to bring it to you during New Years, but we are looking to start the event next week!

    From January 16 to January 30, you'll be able to look forward to a slightly easier Takedown as you aim to grab as much of that loot as you can! If you've wanted to experience Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite 4 but were having a hard time making progress or finding a party, this is the perfect opportunity to jump in and wreak havoc on Maliwan's most elite soldiers and robots. After January 30, we're bringing the event back up to its intended difficulty level.

    submitted by /u/WorkAccount2020
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    MOZE FAQs - A list of random information about Moze

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:51 PM PST

    For anyone Googling about Moze, I tried to compile a list of as many answers to general questions people often have.

    If you have anything to add or see a mistake let me know in the comments. I will try to update this with new information and if anything changes.


    1. Is Dead Lines or Stainless Steel Bear better for Iron Bear Duration?

    • Stainless Steel increases max fuel, and Dead Lines decreases fuel usage for weapons. Both will have nearly the same impact, with Dead Lines edging out Stainless Steel if you are constantly firing. Stainless Steel will edge out Dead Lines if you aren't firing much because the fuel is on a timer. Each skill will give about 18% to 22% more time in Iron Bear, however if you combine both you get a multiplicative synergy and gain roughly 50% duration.

    2. Scorching RPM's vs. Experimental Munitions. Which will boost Pull the Holy Pin crits more?

    • Experimental Munitions will because Scorching RPM's will give no bonus to grenade crits. Critical damage increases have no effect on Pull the Holy Pin. Experimental Munitions damage is not based on critical damage, it is merely 10% bonus fire damage applied whenever a critical hit is scored regardless of the source.

    3. Why are Forge and Redistribution not regenerating ammo?

    • You have a maximum amount of ammo you can carry, split between your magazine and your reserve. Moze's ammo regeneration skills place ammo directly into her magazine. If you pick up ammo from the ground while your magazine isn't full it will fill your reserve and soft cap your magazine size because you reached total ammo capacity. You have to reload to get your full magazine capacity back to normal.

    4. How do I regenerate Heavy Ammo quicker?

    • Forge regenerates Heavy Ammo slower than regular ammo. However, Means of Destruction can help boost Heavy Ammo regen. Also with 2 points in Redistribution and a mag size of 34 or greater, you can regenerate Heavy Ammo with crits consistently. However there are few Heavy weapons that can be boosted to 34+ mag size. The Ion Cannon and purple Vladof launchers with Micro Rockets can achieve this. You cannot have greater than 36 ammo in a Heavy magazine because the SDU is capped. However you can increase it beyond that to gain quicker regeneration (this applies to all magazine size based regen).

    5. Click Click doesn't make sense in the Bottomless Mags Tree. How are you supposed to use this skill?

    • There are several methods to utilize Click Click. The most popular being a large magazine gun that either slowly or doesn't drain ammo with constant firing. Stand beside a vending machine and fire your gun until it's as low as you can and still maintain firing it without needing to reload, then purchase ammo to prevent it regenerating. You will have a permanent damage boost as long as you don't reload. If you can't get the weapon to initially drain, try unequipping any gear with bonus mag size and putting it back on after buying ammo.

    6. Why can't I find Green Monster with +3 Click Click?

    • Currently it appears Green Monster will not drop with +2 or +3 Click Click. This is likely a bug.

    7. If I have to choose, should I go with Grizzled or Explosive Punctuation?

    • If you have the Guardian Perk Topped Off, both of these skills are very situational. All cooldown decreasing skills and gear are reduced to being almost entirely useless while Topped Off is active. As far as I know, this applies to all 4 Vault Hunters. A quick recharge rate shield is undeniably more effective at reducing cooldown significantly better than every other cooldown buff combined as long as you can avoid damage for a few seconds. If you don't have Topped Off unlocked yet: Grizzled has a higher reduction cap, while Explosive Punctuation is much more consistent. However, percent based reductions don't stack well so a single piece of gear with cooldown reduction can effectively replace Explosive Punctuation and still stack with Grizzled.

    For more information on the interaction between Moze's Cooldown Skills and Topped Off

    8. Is Thin Red Line only useful with Desperate Measures, and should I use the Deathless artifact?

    • Thin Red Line has great synergy with Desperate Measures. However putting more than 2 points in the skill can remove Health Gate, allowing you to go into FFYL in a single hit no matter how large your shield. For this reason in end game content, it's suggested to remain above 50% health to keep Health Gate. Because Vampyr heals based on missing health, the last 20% to 40% of your health bar refills much slower than the first half, creating great synergy with Thin Red Line. Putting 1 or 2 points in Thin Red Line can significantly boost lower capacity shields without much detriment. It will also give 3/3 Desperate Measures a minimum moderate boost of 20%. be aware of enemy damage-over-time attacks if your shield breaks though.
    • Furthermore, sacrificing Health Gate will make Tenacious Defense, Re-Charger shields, and Stop Gap shields not function properly. The Last Stand artifact will not work as intended, instead you will receive 5 seconds of invulnerability every 40 seconds.

    9. Why doesn't Means of Destruction work for me?

    • There appears to be a bug with Means of Destruction. On PS4 the Loaded Dice artifact is one possible cause. If you equip a different relic, you can try fully powering down your PS4 and unplugging it for 30 seconds to clear the cache.

    10. How long does the Blast Master splash boost take to activate, and will it only increase if I'm firing?

    • The 100% splash damage boost on the Blast Master class mod is entirely time based, no shooting required. It takes roughly 60 seconds to be at 100% and you can start the timer the second you load into the game or equip the mod. It is reset on the beginning of the reload animation, so if you run your mag dry and cancel the reload, it will already have been reset.

    11. How do I give Iron Bear more armor?

    • Moze's max health is directly tied to iron Bear's Armor. Any boosts to her health can significantly increase the mech's durability. Gear and skills that reserve health do not have an effect on Iron Bear's armor (Thin Red Line, Deathless Artifact, Front Loader), while gear that reduces Moze's max health will also reduce the mech's armor (Turtle shields, Loaded Dice). Increasing Moze's max health will then in turn increase Security Bear capacity as well. Utilizing the Topped Off guardian perk and the shield anointment that increases shield and health by 75% for 25 seconds, it is possible to hop out early and back in before the 25 seconds runs out to give Iron Bear a huge pool of armor. This works exceptionally well with Security Bear.

    12. I'm having trouble staying alive with Moze, is there anyway to increase her survivabilty other than Vampyr?

    • Moze has major sustain issues on her own, but certain gear can help alleviate this. Of course there's the Transformer Shock healing method. There's also the Big Boom Blaster which is great for Moze, especially true if using grenades to proc Vampyr. Another method is to use the Double Downer Shield if you have the Resilient guardian perk unlocked. The Double Downer greatly increases FFYL duration, and the Resilient perk will completely refill health and shield on second wind. This works excellent if you aren't afraid to go into FFYL.

    13. What skills increase Iron Bear's Damage?

    • Scorching RPM's, Stainless Steel Bear, Desperate Measures, Drowning in Brass, Phalanx Doctrine, Stoke the Embers, Fire in the Skag Den, Cloud of Lead, Experimental Munitions and Specialist Bear. Note that Drowning in Brass and Phalanx Doctrine currently only apply to Iron Bear's left arm, and you have to get the kills while in the mech. Specialist Bear for a single point will increase the damage of RPM, SSB, and DM by 25%.

    For further information explaining Iron Bear's damage, this is an excellent resource

    14. What skills are best to regenerate ammo with Moze?

    • Forge is great for simple ammo regen. However you may find redistribution sufficient to avoid spending so many points to reach the cap stone. If your class mod has +1 Redistribution, having +2 in the skill can increase ammo regen beyond Forge alone. It is recommended to max Pull the Holy pin and use a suitable grenade to constantly proc Redistribution with this method. Combining +2 redistribution with Forge can essentially give you unlimited ammo for as long as you can hold the trigger with most medium magazine size guns.

    15. Are Stoke the Embers and Fire in the Skag Den much different, or is one better than the other?

    • Fire in the Skag Den 5/5 does 15% of splash damage as bonus fire damage. Stoke the Embers increases all fire damage Moze deals by 30%. Both skills work well together. Stoke the Embers in general will give a larger damage boost, however if you aren't using a fire weapon it will not boost any damage. Stoke the Embers also boosts Selfless Vengeance, Cloud of Lead, and Experimental Munitions. Essentially Fire in the Skag Den adds fire damage, while Stoke the Embers increases damage from other sources (fire only). Keep in mind if you're Transformer shock healing, Fire in the Skag Den may cause problems.

    16. Why does my Atlas gun magazine size keep changing?

    • If you're switching between regular rounds and tracker rounds with an Atlas weapon and you're using Matched set to increase magazine size, when you switch back to regular rounds your magazine decreases as if you weren't using Matched Set. Likely a bug. If you're utilizing Click Click it can give you an instant damage boost, though situational it can be effective with guns that have a mag size that lasts longer than the tracker round is applied for.

    17. What grenade is the most effective for proccing redistribution and Vampyr, and where can I find it?

    • The Cloning Maddening Tracker is a purple rarity grenade that has the most explosions for any homing grenade currently in the game. Other grenades are useful as well, however the CMT will proc these skills the most with the least amount of effort. They can be dropped from any enemy, but the easiest way to obtain one is farming vending machines. Find a machine that is close to a save point (eg. Graveward), hit up the machine and look out for Atlas grenades. If you don't find it simply quit to main menu and try again.

    18. If I find a mod with +5 Cloud of Lead, won't I have unlimited Ammo?

    • No. The ammo discount effect stops at every 4th shot, only the minor fire damage on the 4th shot will increase.

    19. Why isn't Vladof Ingenuity increasing my shield capacity by the amount the skill states?

    • Vladof Ingenuity considers your base shield capacity and adds the percent on that. Bonus stats on relics and class mods do not count. The Front Loader shield also does not count. Note Thin Red Line does count toward base shield, therefore benefiting from Vladof Ingenuity.

    For more information on Moze's health/shield calculations and interactions here's an informative post

    20. What does the handling increase with Scrappy mean?

    • Increased handling is improved recoil control. Note it does not increase accuracy or hip fire spread.

    21. Is Force Feedback worth speccing into Shield of Retribution for?

    • Force Feedback is entirely overshadowed by the guardian perk Shield Reboot as it is essentially the same but without the required critical hit to kill the enemy. Even without the guardian perk unlocked the skill still under performs as damage-over-time attacks can interfere. On top of it already being difficult to do consistently, your shield will stop regenerating with any damage you take. This skill should probably be skipped in most cases even if you are already specced into Shield of Retribution.

    22. Why does my 1hp build have such a slow shield recharge?

    • This could be caused by 2 factors. The first could be if you're using a Bloodletter class mod. It significantly reduces shield rechage rate and increases shield recharge delay. Generally speccing into Vampyr will eliminate the need to rely on shield recharge in this case.
    • The second factor could be because currently the guardian perk Emergency Response is not working properly. It is supposed to increase shield recharge rate the lower your health is, but it increases it by a small amount the more health you're missing.

    23. Why is Vampyr not working? Why is Vampyr hardly working with Bloodletter?

    • If Vampyr is not working, chances are you have a Bloodletter class mod on, and that will heal shields, not health.
    • If Vampyr is hardly healing your shields while you're using a Bloodletter, this is likely because you aren't using a low hit point build. If you try to keep Health Gate (over 50% health) with a Bloodletter, you will run into issues as you only heal your shields based on missing health, not based on missing shields.

    24. If I use a class mod with +1 Some for the Road and put a point in the skill, will I get 10 seconds of unlimited ammo? If I stack Some for the Road with the gun anointment Unlimited Ammo for 5 Seconds After Exiting Iron Bear, will I get 10 seconds of unlimited ammo?

    • No, putting a second point into Some for the Road increases the time for unlimited ammo from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. The gun anointment that allows unlimited ammo on Iron Bear exit does not stack with Some for the Road.

    25. Is Unlimited Ammo for 5 Seconds After Exiting Iron Bear anointment the best anointment for Launchers?

    • This anointment cannot roll on launchers. This could be a bug since release, or it could be intentional. There are many other suitable anointments for launchers to use with Moze. 125% Bonus Splash Damage works well with Some for the Road, while 120% Bonus Splash Damage After Exiting Iron Bear is a good option if you want a longer duration with a very minor reduction in damage over the previously mentioned anointment. For maximum Damage increase while using a BLAST MASTER class mod ONLY, the +100% Gun Damage on Action Skill End anointment will give you more damage than any other anointment because Blast Master already increases splash so much. It would be wiser to increase gun damage for Blast Masters multiplicative damage boost. Adding more splash damage will result in an additive bonus.

    26. Why does exiting Iron Bear increase my shield capacity for a few seconds if I'm not using the +75% bonus shield and health anointment?

    • Moze's gun anointment 120% Bonus Splash Damage After Exiting Iron Bear for some reason temporarily increases your shield capacity significantly. Why? I don't know. Note it increases your shield by 75% and it stacks with the shield anointment that increases shield and health by 75%.

    27. What Iron Bear weapons proc Vampyr?

    • Any of Iron Bear's weapons that deal splash damage will proc Vampyr. These include Exploding Bullets, Molten Roar, Sabot Rounds, Wild Swing, and all weapons in the Demolition Woman tree.

    28. How do I speed up the recharge delay on Security Bear?

    • There is no way to decrease the delay on Security Bear. If you remember the initial charge being quicker (PC) it was changed and is now the same as on consoles (5 seconds after pressing the Action Skill button).

    29. What's the difference between artifact and class mod gun damage boosts?

    • There are 3 types of gun damage boosts on relics and class mods, and there's also splash/AoE boosts. Generic gun damage, Manufacturer specific boosts (eg. Vladof, Atlas etc) , and Gun Type boosts (eg. SMG, Assault Rifle). Generic and Manufacturer specific damage boosts are additive (Normal Hit), while Gun Type boosts (Special Multipliers) and Splash/AoE boosts (Splash) are multiplicative.

    Gun Damage = (Normal Hit x Splash x Special Multipliers x Critical Damage x Guardian Rank x Elemental Multiplier)

    • You generally want to go for multiplicative boosts when possible, in this case Gun Type and Splash boosts.

    For more information and further understanding see this post

    30. What are all the gear anointments specific for Moze?

    -Weapon Anointments

    a) When entering and exiting Iron Bear, create a nova that deals 13013 damage. (lvl50)

    b) After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 10% increased fire rate and 20% critical damage.

    c) After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 40% bonus incendiary damage.

    d) After exiting Iron Bear, gain 120% increased Splash damage for 18 seconds.

    e) While Auto Bear is active, deals 20% bonus incendiary damage.

    f) After exiting Iron Bear, the next 3 magazines will have 33% increased reload speed and 67% increased handling.

    g) After exiting Iron Bear, do not consume ammo for 5 seconds.h) While Auto Bear is active, constantly regenerate 8% of magazine size per second.

    -Grenade Anointments

    a) While Iron Bear is active, taking damage has 20% chance to spawn a grenade.

    -Shield Anointments

    a) After exiting Iron Bear, gain 75% increased shields and health for 25 seconds.

    b) After exiting Iron Bear, kills increase Iron Bear's cooldown rate by 30%.

    31. Does the splash boost from Blast Master work with Iron Bear?

    • Yes! It applies to all splash weapons Iron Bear has. Also note reloading Iron Bear's weapons does NOT restart the boost.


    Link to my original post on gbx forums which will be updated before reddit

    All FAQs were either tested by me, or found around the gearbox forums. Special thanks to everyone there that helped think up this list with me and provide information and formulas. 
    submitted by /u/AdditionalPizza
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    Does anyone else feel saving "Load Outs" would be awesome? Especially with the menu lag on console.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 03:56 AM PST

    Wanted to say I absolutely love the game. Mayhem has added a whole new level of fun to it for me and the few friends I play with.

    I typically try to swap a few pieces of gear and guns to the same few things based on whatever the current Mayhem is. Especially when it does a -50% SMG or Assault Rifle modifier.

    I'd love to see the ability to save a few builds or load outs to quickly swap out 3-4 weapons all at once. Of course it would only be the normal things you could do from inventory management, not skill points and things like that.

    I feel this would be especially valuable with the menu lag. PS4 Pro is pretty bad still. Especially when playing in a group and things continue to happen around me while in the menu.

    I feel my play style would really benefit from this as I'm trying to maximize effectiveness given the Mayhem Modifiers. Surely I can't be the only one?

    EDIT: I wanted to say too, that as someone who has less and less time to invest into the game, this would probably give me an extra 10-20 minutes every 2 hour play session I get. That would be awesome!

    EDIT 2: I would still want this even if menu lag was fixed. I don't mean this as a band aid for the lag. That should be fixed foremost.

    submitted by /u/ManBearPig2114
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    Why do peiple say Pre-Sequel has "bad writting"?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:03 PM PST

    I've seen a lot of people bring this up and it confuses me so much because I honestly consider TPS to be the best written game on the series behind only TFTB.

    I mean it, wholeheartedly: the little throw-away characters that like Gladstone, Felicity and Pickle are some of my favorite on the series. Like did you guys even play the same game as I? I am certain you all have very valid reasons to believe the writting was floppy but I am here going to make a case defending the TPS writting team and simultainaly asking for your attacks on it! I am genuinely curious of what the critiques to this game's story actually are.

    I am going to start by the main thread of the game: Handsome Jack going from Hero to CEO. I get that the game is really on the nose about this, it is actually one of the things I saw people complaining about but I don't get the fuzz. Yes I know it is way to explicit but I never felt like that wasn't on purpose, a lot of the jokes on this game come from it being a story told by Athena to save her own butt and making it seem like all the god awful stuff she did was justifiable. The "untrustworthy narrator" here is really important because we know that before TPS Jack was already torturing Angel and tricking the first vault hunters into opening the vault, we know that from the moment Athena meets him he was already a psychopath asshole. So when Brick says "You're story make Jack look like the good guy" I found it hilarious, there was not a single moment where I didn't feel like this glorification of Jack and painting him on the lights of the victim wasn't a deliberate choice from Athena not to get shot, and I think it is not only genius but also most of the issues people have with the writing become enjoyable with this interpretation.

    Also about Jack: TPS absolutely destroys his character and I find it the bravest thing the writers have ever done. Borderlands 2 has this whole "maybe he was right" thing going on and TFTB has the "Fallen king" narrative but TPS? Dude Jack is a baby here. He throws tantrums he is over confident, he sucks up to his bosses, he is just the biggest man-baby and that is the single bravest thing that has been done with the character. Because it puts his whole story in perspective! He wasn't a misunderstood hero, he was a man-child that wanted to clean Pandora for bandits cause he wanted to be powerful and seen as a hero because he felt entitled to it. It is to me incredibly funny how Athena is trying to make it seem like this man is a tragic heroic victim and simultainusly clarifying that he'a just a big toddler with strangle issues because she works for him and knows his shit, the game even makes a point of it when Moxxi explains her betrayal. Just to add, TPS doesn't only obliterate Jack as a villain but also playing Borderlands 2 after makes him even more hilarious as this failure cry baby tries to grasp into his last glimpse of power before fading into obscurity.

    The story was ok. I know people have issues with Zarpedon and think she's lazy but "miners trapped undergrown" was always a staple of borderlands villains, it even comes back with Hector in fight for sanctuary. Zarpedon has a point, she wants to stop Jack because if he opens the vault, the universe is doomed, and you have to stop her because 1. You work for Jack and 2. She wants to blow up Elpis over it. She is a threat, she makes sense, she is a tragic reminder of how fucking shitty Dahl is and she works. Exploring her ship is one of the best times I ever had with the game in it was filled with backstory of her time as a commander and her relationship with her mother, it is just really good. She is solid, she is threatening, and it is good to have a not-charismatic villain once in a while.

    Let's talk Pickle, Felicity and Gladstone and their function as Catalyzers for Jacks's character. I get people find Pickle annoying, for some reason? He is overall just Tiny Tina but a bit more spicy, instead of making him psycothic like Tina they made him street smart and that works for me. Annoyance is very subjective but he is just a kid, his function is to give quest throw some jokes and show to the CEO's that Jack is incompetent.

    Felicity is one of my favorite characters. The mission exploring her ship is one of my favorites in the game, I do not remember who she worked for (except for red belly this game has pretty forgettable bosses) but her interactions with him are hilarious. You are looking for your tragic story, here you go. I've heard people complain that the twist of she betraying you is predictable but I think that is missing the point. You are supposed to realize, your character realizes, she is very explicit about it, the joke is that Jack is too into himself to care.

    Gladstone is honestly amazing. The scientist storyline was very funny to me and Gladstone as a character I really liked. Seeing why the whole hyperion army in BD2 is an incompetent bunch of construction bots and the answer being "Jack is too proud of his idea and has tunnel vision" feels so good. Taking part of the creation of the first constructor is immensely satisfying and Gladstone's assasination as the single moment of confirmation of Jack's lack of basic human empathy is very strong.

    Little points for little stuff that I think is worth mentioning: -I found this the best iteration of Moxxi, not only because I love her as an antagonist but also seeing her outside of the bar persona finally makes her a person instead of a prop. -I was not mad about Zed's abscense, mostly because Nina fits better with the Junky Clunky "we're here for eachother" vibe that Concordia is given over the bandit hellhole that Sanctuary is. -Springs is amazing and we were missing a light-hearted early-game character, we hadn't had one since TK-Baha -RedBelly's whole quest is the single most memorable boss stage in the series and it makes up for the other forgettable bosses. -About that, even if the bosses theirselves are forgettable their stages are not and I love the game design (I'm talking world-building and narrative wise but I also love the mechanic aspect) -The side quests are fine, I enjoyed most even more than BD2's -The eridian presence throughout the game is hunting and mysterious and the payoff actually worked for me inside of the vault, how they've beeb behind Zarpedon to stop Jack from getting to the vault. (Side-note, The Watcher wipes the floor with The Destroyer and The Warrior) -Claptrap's voyage and how it goes in depth into Claptrap's psychology and the nature of the events of the main story is honestly the best written DLC on the series and people don't talk enough about it. -There little nods and gags in weapon description and menu options that I know are in every Borderlands game but they go so unappreciated. -Deadlift is funny to laugh out and beat the shit out of. -Mr.Torgue nails it in this game -The world building (The crackening, the explanation of the different bandit groups and why they settle where they settle, their history and the history of those places) is the best in the series. -Nakayama in general -Seeing the claptraps again was amazing

    I wanted to keep this for the end cause I feel it is the most important thing and it goes really unappreciated. The characters talking.

    I don't know if you know the amount of work that takes to write lines for 6 characters individually and their interactions with eachother on an up to 4 player game but if you are one of the people who ask "where did the writers put the effort in" this is it. Tbs didn't have the biggest budget, pulling this off is something abysmal and a tremendous amount of work. And it is so worth it! The interactions between the characters is so amazingly good. Athena-Willem, Athena-Claptrap, Nisha-Timothy, Timothy-Claptrap, Willem-Claptrap, Timothy-Athena they are all so fun and extensive and well developed and not only with each other but how they interact with the world too, playing as Claptrap or Timothy is the most fun I had with a Borderlands game ever and Timothy-Jack Springs-Athena and Timothy-Moxxi are the cutest things in any Borderlands ever. (I am tho, excluding Aurelia given that her character was unfinished on release and so remains today)

    I understand that for a lot of people the game is a Borderlands 2 re-hash but it is really so hard for me to see it as one. The tone is different the themes are different it is full of new people and even the characters that are reused show completely different facets of themselves, you have to be actively ignoring everything the story says to believe the game is a BD2 clone. This is a pre-apocalypse greek tragedy to Borderlands 2 post-mortem of the Borderlands 1 world.

    I know a lot of people didn't like the game for the gameplay or are more into the looting/farming aspects of the games but saying that the writing, in this specific game is terrible just sounds crazy to me. I would like to hear your reasons behind the "TPS writing is shitty" or maybe you like it and have some good things about it that I didn't mention! If the post doesn't go ignored under the radar, please all stay civil

    submitted by /u/FodiniHarry
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    No special voice lines??

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    So I hear some complaints that the players(the vault hunter) feels a bit left out in the story, for example: making comments about needing sirens on their side even though Amara clearly exists.

    One way I guess would kinda fix this is special voice lines. Not from the vault hunters obviously, but from Lilith and the other NPCs.

    kinda like how in TPS where Janey Springs and a few others would have,I'll be it very few, special dialogue depending on the vaulthunter's character (like how Jack in the prologue would flirt with Nisha, or how he would refer to Timothy/doppelganger as his "body double"), in BL3 the only thing different is the dialogue from the VHs, while the NPCs wouldn't really have anything different to say regardless of your character. I'm kinda bummed that they didn't do this seeing as it was in the previous game.

    submitted by /u/nierAutomataBest
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    The Maliwan Dash/Stealth troopers have FTL reflexes and movement speeds

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:30 AM PST

    While I was in Fade Away I tried shooting one and the mofo stands still and dodges every pellet from a x18 Torgue Shotgun Multiple Times temporarily and then proceeded to karate kick me, bringing me into Fight for My Life

    There have been times where I was shooting the Laser Sploder at another Trooper and he immediately started dodging every shot upon standing still. Thats FTL considering the Laser Sploder os a straight up laser. Now I dont think lore wise this is confirmed but game mechanics wise it is.

    If you want to go a step further, each of the Vault Hunters can potentially dodge a Dash Trooper as theyre trying to kick you. So they scale reflexes wise off of them.

    Easily one of the most badass moments Ive experienced in Borderlands 3. Theyre the more annoying but badass enemy types.

    Imagine how badass it would be if the next Vault Hunter was an Ex-Maliwan Dash/Stealth Trooper who had a skill tree dedicated to being temporarily ftl fo survivability, and then another to go invis for dps.

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Just got a refund for an upcoming DLC

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:21 AM PST

    PSN gave me a 20$ refund on my season pass because an upcoming DLC won't be available in Saudi Arabia, anyone else had this happen? And what could this DLC include that's not allowed? I know that GTA and God of War are not allowed here but I'm confused this is a first for me and Borderlands

    submitted by /u/b8z
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    Helped my friend finish Borderlands 2 today, for her first time

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    She played most of the game solo, but today we sat through the entire final act. She was a Siren, I was using a lvl42 Mechromancer to make things a bit easier. I mostly just kept off the annoying enemies from getting to her while she fought the mini bosses, bosses, and did objectives. What an experience! I could actually hear the excitement when we finally got to the final arena. Barely took a shot at the final boss, just let Deathtrap keep regenerating her shields, and keeping all the other mobs away from her. Such a refreshing feeling to hear her so excited after the ending!

    Now then, on to Tiny Tina's glorious DLC...

    submitted by /u/carloszolrak
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    Need help fixing bug in BL3

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST

    I am on the mission In the shadows of starligh at the pyre of stars near the end of the game. The game is bugged and won't let me progress anymore because in the mission I had to follow typhon, which I did. And after I did that, I was supposed to be able to place a key on a pedestal and a stone angel is supposed to come out of a pond behind it. But it won't let me place the key even thought it says that Following Typhon is complete.

    I recently saw a guide telling me joining an online session will help solve the problem but of course, I got kicked every time, would anybody be able to help me progress?

    submitted by /u/luminaxed
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    How much do you think Claptrap weighs?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 04:20 AM PST

    Taking into account his metal chassis, the fact that he's mostly hollow on the inside, and his tire, how much do you guys think Claptrap weighs? I was thinking somewhere between 8 - 55 lbs/3.6 - 25 kg (huge difference, I know) based on the fact he can't be much taller than three feet. My pal, on the other hand, thought it might be more like 13 - 20 lbs/6 - 9 kg. What do you guys think? For reference, a 2-liter bottle of soda weighs about 4.4 lbs/2 kg.

    submitted by /u/Subject4A
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    Cross play?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Has anything been said about the addition of cross play? I know randy said something about them wanting to add it as soon as play station was on board with allowing it, but PlayStation has it now for other games and nothing from borderlands.

    submitted by /u/wherethefuckismyshoe
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    I got lucky with weapon drops *Sorta Spoiler*

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Just before the Tyreen boss fight, I said goodbye to everyone for possible extra rewards, and Sir Hammerlock gave me a revolver that did 256 damage, but did about 5K damage on a critical hit, plus fire damage. Also I got a Jakobs shotgun that can do 12K damage if all 18 pellets hit the head/other critical spots.

    submitted by /u/FreShovaCado_YT
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    Best in slot for a chill M4 moze build?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Not tediore chuck throw please. Any ideas for a chill build? My moze been collecting dust sense the game came out thanks

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Tannis on Konrad's Hold

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Could you make her any more irritating? I feel like she is blabbering and taking up half the screen the entire time you are fighting there. I guess it is better than having to hear Ava say a single word.

    submitted by /u/deathfromafar17
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    Bought borderlands and have no ppl to play with

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 12:58 PM PST

    I play on ps4 and level 50 if anyone wants to play or do sum

    submitted by /u/j_osay
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    I don't like Ava but you could have guessed that huh?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:43 PM PST

    This is barely a new take on this topic but I just can't get over how much I just dislike Ava. The games been out for a while and people have already done this before but I just need to do SOMETHING y'know? It's been driving me crazy.

    Ava is a placeholder of a character. One with no unique attributes, no major story moments (aside from the end) and nothing likable or interesting written into her. My theory is that the writers simply did not know what to do. They felt the need to continue to keep the world alive aside from older characters, and have something for players to look forward too. Though in their attempt they must have not felt all to obligated to actually make a character.

    This is coming from a person who has finished them game entirely. The story. The side missions. I know the lore. All that good stuff. I know one of the writers or whatever brought up "if you played the full game you would like her" but that's simply not true. Giving her dead parents isn't going to make me feel sympathy. Who tf hasn't lost them on Pandora? In Borderlands 2 you gave me a character that at the hands of their own father had been locked up and pumped with so much eridium that she couldn't even function off of it, all so the father could Have a tool to help his plans of mass genocide and dictatorship. Yet you couldn't think of any other character plot aside from "well y'know, she's a teen with no family."

    I get that her character is barely original, and that I shouldn't expect much from the writing from Borderlands, but honestly man. I think all of her horrible qualities could have been excused if they were to have done one thing and one thing only-

    have her evolve as a character.

    A part of almost all characters is that as time goes on they evolve. They learn, teach, blah blah blah. Ava simply doesn't. Why? Because the game agreed with her. Despite the character never feeling like they weren't ever on her side, the narrative was. I could genuinely see myself liking her despite Maya and Lilith is she was simply written with base level character writing. But she wasn't. She wasn't because Ava isn't a character, Ava is a tool. A prop. They couldn't entirely leave off the series because they needed room for possibly more games. Ava is a prop for the game to quite literally pass everything off too. She got powers without working to earn them. She got Sanctuary over all the experienced vault hunters despite being proven to run on emotion instead of thought (shown by how adamant she was to rush in to fight the Calypso's who are some of the most powerful sirens in existence instead of make a plan), put people and herself in danger, depend heavily on having others save her, and showing no leadership skills whatsoever. I don't remember any other Vault Hunters showing such a practice. She's weak. She's ignorant. She inexperienced. She's selfish. She's reckless. Worst of all though, she is never corrected. Never punished. Never castrated. Nothing. She is - in her own mind - proven right. Told that she had done nothing wrong.

    That's just bad writing, and someone was actually given money to write it. Disappointing. I'm a huge fan of Borderlands and have been for a long time but she has to be the worst written character now. Even worse the Commandant Steele. I know you can do better and you all chose not you. You knew this was unoriginal and wouldn't be good, but you didn't do anything about it.

    Hachi machi... if you can't write a character look something up. Hire better writers. Just don't intentionally make bad things and expect people to accept it with open arms.

    submitted by /u/ReallyyJustForFun
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    Raging Bear Changes??

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Hello All,

    It has been a long while since i posted or asked anything but i wanted to throw this out to the community to see if anyone else has noticed a change.

    I took a week off of playing and jumped back on yesterday. I was running my Moze with a Raging Bear Build I have been having fun with the prior few weeks. Well I noticed that when I was in the new DLC on Mayhem 3 my Iron Bear was getting 2-3 shot and "Vampyr" did not seem to proc as it once did. No matter what i ended up doing Iron Bear no longer lasts and feels like he did prior patch.

    Last week I was able to run in Mayhem 4 and Farm Tyreen, Troy, or play about any content and still be able to have Iron Bear live until Auto Ejection.

    This is my build: https://bl3skills.com/gunner#502310045010042030231501000150000000000

    I am running an "Efficient Raging Bear" with +2 in Deadlines and +3 in Steel Bear

    Any Thoughts would be Appreciated

    submitted by /u/b3wild3r
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    Borderlands 2 sexual themes?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Hello, I was thinking about purchasing Borderlands 2 for my PS Vita and I noticed there is sexual themes in the game, which usually means an occasional sex joke or whatever. I was wondering if there is a lot of that in the game or a little. I'm asking someone who has played the game quite a lot. How often does something occur? Could you compare it to a TV show in terms of how much and how often it occurs? For example, does it have as much sexual themes as the Office? or Malcolm in the Middle? Is there anything else I should watch out for? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/amosmoses_2
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    Borderlands 3 Cheevo Glitch Help

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 06:30 AM PST

    So having just completed all names locations for Pandora aswell as the whole galaxy, worth 80G over 2 achievements, neither have popped. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? Any advice on how to fix this?

    Very frustrating because playing today with a friend has been a laggy mess compared to our previous playthroughs.

    submitted by /u/Chuunch
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    These games need to figure out a good deathmatch scenario.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST

    I'm a bit older so let me tell you youngings of Halo in it's prime IMO. It had a story mode also that you could play with friends but deathmatch was where it's at. That's where you proved yourself or more likely wasted time to get creamed by an 8 year old in Minnesota that somehow fucked your mother despite you living in Jersey. With these games you could get even more intricate classes and you could bring your own guns. I know it's half been done before many ways but it would especially make certain guns and annoinments more valuable and it would make it hilarious to get a 25 kill streak with a sub par gun. It'd also make the bigger maps and vehicles worth something. You youngings might not realize the chaos that was Halo 2 but it was beautiful and especially better for matchmaking like me that hates teams.

    submitted by /u/shamus4mwcrew
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    BL3 SH3000 bug?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:05 AM PST

    I have tried to complete this a few times and it seems like it happens randomly throughout the waves. Basically it just stops pumping out enemies and doesn't move to the next wave or step and also locks all the doors. You can't click the button to start next wave either.

    Everytime this has happened I have had to quit the game and start over. Very frustrating.

    submitted by /u/br00tahl
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    Have they fixed or found a way around the keybinding bugs in BL3?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    I've just started the game... actually, no. I'm still on the MAIN MENU, wanting to start the game. I'm trying to set up the keys the way I always have, for all the other Borderlands games and all my FPS games in general.

    However, when I try and bind the keys from steering to the same keys as driving, like they are at default, the game unbinds them. I tried googling for how to get around this (usually there is an ini file somewhere you can edit) but instead I see a other people having the same trouble, and worse. The activate key seems to not like being rebound (I use G, the default is E). People having trouble binding anything to T, or rebinding the reload function (I use the default R, so at least I won't have that bug).

    So has Gearbox fixed these bugs, or has the community found a work around yet? Is there an ini file I can edit to get the keys set to what I usually use?

    submitted by /u/VirtualMogbert
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    Amara Build Help

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    First post on Reddit that I can remember, so please excuse any oddities:

    As many of you probably know, Amara's ricochet witch build is one of the strongest in the game. After watching Moxsy's videos about it on YouTube, I thought I'd have a little fun with it myself. It took me hours, but eventually I got everything I needed. Or so I thought...

    That's where this plea for help and/or guidance begins. I have a projectile recursion, the spiritual driver class mod, a shield with elemental damage boost on action skill end, a grenade with the same effect, and an elemental projector artifact, yet I just don't feel the same power that I have seen on every video presenting the build in all its glory. I was hoping my fellow vault hunters could steer me in the right direction. Is this build very niche, only working on large groups of tightly packed enemies? Is my gear not up to snuff? Have I missed something?

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated :)

    Note: I lack a projectile recursion with a x2 multiplier and am currently farming for one. Just don't see how that could make the difference between mediocre and god tier

    submitted by /u/MUTIGERFAN12321
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    Favorite streamers/YouTubers

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    So there are many streamers and YouTubers out there pumping out content for the Borderlands series. I wanted to ask the community who some of their tops picks are when it comes to favorite content whether you think they're funny, knowledgeable, or just plain silly.

    submitted by /u/Robotnik1992
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