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    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Borderlands Claplist missions

    Borderlands Claplist missions

    Claplist missions

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I just realised that the claplist missions are what claptrap wants you to do for his secret stash in BL2.

    Collect 139,377 brown rocks - Found on Eden-6

    Defeat Ug-Thak, Lord of Skags - Lord of Skags wants you to defeat Ug-Thak, Pandora

    Pilfer lost staff of Mount Schuler - Promethea

    Defeat Destroyer of Worlds - Nekrotafeyo, you have to beat the game "Destroyer of Worlds"

    Dance, dance, baby - Final claplist mission

    So basically the VH's in BL2 are the reason why people had to wait 7 years for their problems to get solved, because you just HAD to be impatient and knock the sign down

    submitted by /u/L4vendeh
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    Got a level 50 character and no reason to play Normal mode again?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:42 PM PST

    Thanks to there being two separate game modes (Normal Mode, and True Vault Hunter Mode), and given that one is strictly better for looting and challenging gameplay if you can bear to make through the story a full second time, this leaves Normal Mode somewhat useless. But, it's not completely useless. See, what BL3 does when changing modes is just load your full character on a different mode. What that means is in Normal Mode, you can sit on Sanctuary until you need to use the bank/Marcus, then quit and change your mode to TVHM.

    Over all, with the loading screens, this is probably slower than just fast traveling to Sanctuary. But this means you can sit on TVHM farming something like Jack's Constructor or General/Captain Traunt where there's a long way to go before you get directly to the boss (unlike Graveward or Tyreen/Troy), sell any gear you don't want if there's a nearby vending, and/or change to Normal game mode to get back to Sanctuary, bank the stuff you want sell the rest and then hop right back to TVHM and keep kicking ass.

    Just thought this might be a helpful tip for BL3 players, new or old, since the bank and vending are SO convenient on Sanctuary 3.

    submitted by /u/Deathmon44
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    The new anointment buffs to FL4K's Gamma Burst is welcomed but it doesn't address the fundamental flaws with the builds.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:24 PM PST

    I was pleasantly surprised when I checked my bank and saw that I had what is certainty an above-average Gamma Burst set up. I have the Gamma Burst anointment on:

    • Brainstormer
    • x6 Dictator
    • Corrosive Scourge

    and I have a Facepuncher with extra Rakk Attack Charge, so I can take full advantage of the exploit.

    I finished off the build with:

    • Deathless Cutpurse (with shotgun damage and cooldown)
    • 50% Incendiary Transformer
    • 50% Corrosive Piss
    • Friend-Bot with +5 Yawp (75% damage boost with Horned Skag)

    More synergy than you could ask for. Great survivability. Never run about of ammo. Tons of damage thanks to the Rakk Attack Charge bug. The bug even works for activating terror! And the best part is that Gamma Bust and the charge bug ensure that you maintain your maximum damage output even when you are in FFYL.

    And yet doing the Takedown was still way more tedious and nowhere near as smooth as my other FL4K builds. Slaughter Shaft was okay but it still felt like something was missing. I've also come way too accustomed to the movement speed buffs you get from the Until You Are Dead Fade Away augment and The Fast and the Furryous passive ability.

    Pet A.I. is Still Atrocious

    There are few reasons to invest in FL4K's Master tree but Frenzy is one of them. It's just a shame that, thanks to the pet unreliability, you almost never get to take full advantage of it. Why risk hoping that your pet doesn't jerk off in the corner doing nothing when you can invest in and max out Furious Attack within seconds of firing your gun? At no time did I ever have Frenzy maxed out. We also have no ability to control what are pet does, which is a shame because they seem to like to go kamikaze during the Wotan fight.

    Pets Are Still Weak

    The other issue is that whenever Gamma Burst ends, your pets are as squishy as we have come to expect them to be. Granted, the cooldown is more than generous thanks to FL4K's kit, but there were enough times that my pet died just seconds before I went to reactivate Gamma Burst. To the uninitiated, this doubles the next cooldown of Gamma Burst. This creates a negative feedback loop that is hard to get out of once it starts. But even when things are going smoothly, spending all the points in the Master tree for no significant pet damage output is very deflating. The damage reduction FL4K gets is great, but he generally doesn't have a problem with surviving in his other builds.

    Radiation is Great but Going All-In Creates Disadvantages

    Radiation is good against everything except armor. And that's a big except. A 50% damage reduction when playing on any Mayhem mode is nothing to overlook. Here's the issue: 115% buff on a Brainstormer (arguably FL4K's best weapon), which is used against shields, is going to do way less damage than just having a Brainstormer with 100% weapon damage on action skill end (200% damage against shield on top of the 250% boost on TVHM).

    On higher difficulties, the Vault Hunters are severely punished for not matching elements properly. This makes doing the Takedown particularity tiresome. At the end of the day, 100% and 125% badass/splash damage anointments are still the best in the game and the Gamma Burst build doesn't get to use them to their full potential. And unlike our boy Zane, the 100% cryo anointment doesn't force him into a very specific build.

    You Lose Some Ability To Adapt

    Related to the above point: Even with the Rakk charge bug (which is honestly cumbersome to keep track of thanks to there not being any on-screen timers) once you activate Gamma Burst FL4K has nothing else to do. By contrast, a FL4K that has multiple guns with multiple different elemental pairings can switch to whatever is the best option in any given moment and can spam on ASE anointments thanks to Rakk Attack (and even a sub 5-second cooldown on Fade Away). What really sucks is that the Gamma Burst rift has no way to move with you. Even if you went with the Endurance augment, how often are FL4K's standing around in one spot for any length of time?

    Can the build still solo the Takedown, despite the flaws? Most certainly. The build is viable. You might even have more fun with it when playing in a multiplayer setting. The above points are, at the end of the day, pedantic nitpicking. But the real issue here is that a damage boost is just a band-aid on what remains to be a fundamentally disjointed skill tree.

    submitted by /u/_Mellex_
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    Zane seein' red players at least 1 point into Borrowed Time is worth it.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST

    I'm sure we're all doing pretty much the same setup for skill points. Varies a little but the problem I've noticed is that if you're not constantly using the Redistributor it takes a long time for you're shield and sentry skills to come back. With at least 1 point in Borrowed Time it seems to accumulate while your skills are going on. So at most a 5 second wait like it's prepped, to go. A big fucking difference especially when the barrier unfortunately goes down. I do 2 into it just for inbetweens it might make it but sometimes the barrier skill is like 3 seconds.

    submitted by /u/shamus4mwcrew
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    Why are there "Exit Only" Fast Travel Points in BL3?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:43 PM PST

    Every now and again I'll find a FTP that doesn't allow me to teleport to it and has the "Exit Only" markings from previous games. Since we can tp from any point on the map, what function do they serve? Just found one in the Handsome Heist DLC and it confounds me greatly.

    submitted by /u/TrixieButtons
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    GenIVIV Gun

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:26 PM PST

    What do you think Marcus did with GenIVIV's AI? Balex suggested that she should be in a toilet but I'm not so sure. I was thinking that he was going to put her into a gun like you could do with that one loader in bl2. I'm guessing she'll make a second appearance since you never really kill her and would be pretty cool to have a talking GenIVIV gun somewhere in the future.

    submitted by /u/DJ-DasCool
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    If the Vault Hunters are getting more skills or revamped skills, I'd love it if Amara could...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:44 PM PST

    have an option to replace Blitz with Suplex. That would be cool.

    Suplexing Graveward would be pretty awesome, but I'd totally understand if it's only possible on non-boss enemies.

    submitted by /u/toturi
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    Lore question regarding weapon trinket

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Hi all, I was glancing through the selection of weapon trinkets in BL3 and they all seem to have some direct BL or meta references, but I cannot figure out the "Hoops Dreams" trinket. Since my daughter and I are big fans of the Borderlands story and lore, we would love to know what they're a reference to. They may be nothing more then random hoops, but it seems more likely they were worn by a character, and I just cant figure it out. Anyone know? I know its a trivial question, but it is bugging me. Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/Crowlett08
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    [Spoiler] Did Lilith kill thousands preventing the Destroyer coming back?!?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:28 PM PST

    It just clicked to me since I was playing the pre-sequel. Did Lilith just kill everyone that was on Elpis? The Twins were trying to open the great vault with Elpis for sure but don't think they killed the inhabitants until proven they did.

    The people of Concordia see a weird ball of fire before being incinerated which being Lilith?

    submitted by /u/Vixmor3
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    Any tips for moving up to mayhem 4?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Level 50 flak and I've been playing mayhem 3 for a while but everytime I move up to mayhem 4 I get annihilated, has anyone got any tips? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/iBeardyman
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    BL3 Casino Quest

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Is there a way to just reset that quest line alone? I started without a friend and now we want to do it together on local but it only allows my progress, not from start

    submitted by /u/DTAltair
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    Just a few fun questions for everyone to answer if you want to and to have some fun

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Just some fun questions that we can answer, these questions are for any BL game that's been released, and not just for BL3

    1) What Weapon, Grenade, Shield or Artifact/Relic do you consider to be an absolute necessity when it comes to build, regardless of character (no class mods)?

    2) What's your moment where you realised you should have farmed for levels or better gear?

    3) Favourite Vault Hunter? Not what's the best VH but the one that you like personally because they're funny or look cool.

    4) Favourite Boss? Not solely because of how easy they are or what they drop, but how they look and what they do/say during the fight.

    5) Favourite Red Text Weapon?

    submitted by /u/DeadeyeXLR
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    Is the VIP rewards site dead or what?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Nothing new has been posted in ages, no new seasons for the weaponizer, and no new rewards. Is the gun for redeeming 8 other weapons even worth while?

    Edit: corrected weaponizer details

    submitted by /u/vancouver2pricy
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    Pearlescent’s from Uranus

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    I've been replaying bl2 again (for the hundred billionth time) and while farming Uranus for xp I got FOUR pearls from one kill. I'm sorry I don't have evidence, I understand if you don't believe it, but I want to know the chances of getting four in one kill.

    submitted by /u/Reaper8521
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    What’s the point in looking at weapon parts when they gun is on the floor? Isn’t it easier to just look at the stats?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Really trying to motivate myself to learn weapon parts, but I'm watching people like Joltzdude who just look at the gun on the floor like "ooo vladof grip, no thanks" without even looking at the stat card. Is there a benefit to knowing the parts like this, or is it purely bragging rights?

    submitted by /u/Anxious_Creature
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    A DLC about Troy and Tyreen's mom Leda would fix my main problem with the base story.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Maybe she's still alive but Tyreen sucked from her so much she's corrupted or she's dead and you find her loved ones. Doesn't matter but a DLC that gives a better reason for Troy and Tyreens motivations is that they were doing it to save their mother. Explains why they go from a loving father and upbringing to evil assholes seeking god status. Their total disregard for life because they thought they could bring it back once they got the power of The Destroyer. It would add so much depth to a disappointing arc from 2 great villians. IDK just a weird thought I had and the backstory my brain fabricated made me cry.

    submitted by /u/shamus4mwcrew
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    Best Transformer Annointment

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:13 PM PST

    So I've just finished my It's Piss farm with the "When grenade thrown" mod and now I want a better Transformer annointment. So what is the best Transformer annointment for a Zane Banjo build please?

    submitted by /u/sproaty88
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    Can anyone help me figure out why the game often stutters/pauses?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:16 AM PST

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place. Hopefully someone can help me. I am playing Borderlands 3 on my PC. I use Windows 10. I have:

    AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
    16 GB RAM

    Recently the game has been stuttering and pausing often during play. It doesn't happen non-stop, just enough to annoy me. I was ignoring it at first. Does anyone else have similar issues?

    submitted by /u/Vannysh
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    So did anybody actually see that BL3 Narrative Panel at Pax South earlier this month?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    I was hoping I could see somewhere like a. Trans script or something bc I wanna know more abt some of the new bl3 characters but I haven't found a thing. Did anybody hear anything abt what was talked abt?

    submitted by /u/medicbeer
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    Question about my specs

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Will BL3 run with these specs?

    Motherboard: MSI B450M Bazooka V2 AM4

    Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 4.1GHz Pinnacle AM4

    GPU: Sapphire Radeon RX 5700 8GB GDDR6 PULSE

    RAM: 16 GBs

    Thanks in advance, peeps!

    submitted by /u/exiiiin
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - January 24, 2020

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Moxxi's Endowment and other dedicated drops question

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:39 AM PST

    I've been using my time during the looting frenzy to try and get a Moxxi's Endowment with the 7% exp modifier (bringing the total up to 15%) from Graveward. I've heard that Mayhem modifiers and luck don't affect the odds of dedicated drops appearing during the looting frenzy, only the odds of them having annointments.

    Is this true? If so is it worth trying to farm for one with no Mayhem modifier and no Loaded Dice?

    Edit: I'm only actively farming the Moxxi's Endowment right now; I'm not after anything else at while farming, meaning anything else I find is a random bonus.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Pgreeni
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