• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Borderlands So anyone else hoping that after the Farming Frenzy is over Rare Spawns are no longer rare?

    Borderlands So anyone else hoping that after the Farming Frenzy is over Rare Spawns are no longer rare?

    So anyone else hoping that after the Farming Frenzy is over Rare Spawns are no longer rare?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Seriously, on release we weren't ecstatic about no real dedicated drops, so they changed it so there is but they never actually drop. Now we have the farming frenzy, where dedicated drops occur more often and rare spawns actually spawn.

    My biggest dang issue is not being able to farm ANY rare spawns because they just never show up. I have ONE friend who I play with, and he only plays when I play, so once this event is over I'm not going to be able to get the rare spawns anymore unless I force my friend to go do shit, and I don't wanna do that because that's just not fun.

    I'm in the belief that rare spawns are bull, why make enemies that only truly spawn when your friends kill them? One could make the argument that it encourages more online/cooperative interactivity, but at the same time we can't even farm enemies with friends without disbanding our whole party.

    Anyways sorry that's my rant, I really hate rare spawn enemies.

    submitted by /u/GammaAnomaly
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    Anointments are too strong and take the place of the power of legendaries

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Obviously opinion here but I feel anointments have almost stolen the spotlight of the power of legendary gear. What's the point of having a super cool legendary for my build but it's useless because I didn't get the real star of the show, the "add a butt ton of damage that really just masks the fact that this weapon isn't that great" anointments.

    I was fairly excited for having multiple weapon parts that affect the weapon because that meant variety! No longer just "matching grip this and that" but now I could get all sorts of fast reload low damage variety in the way my gun performs but anointments have almost replaced the matching grip issue for me. I'm no longer farming a better version of this gun, I'm farming a better version of this anointment.

    I think that anoints and COM and relic stats are cool as they really allow for min maxing but they're simply too strong to not feel restricting without them. I'm not using the Scoville because it's a great gun for my build, I'm using the plus 700000% explosive damage anoint that happens to go well with the Scoville

    submitted by /u/Ewvan
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    New Raid Idea

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:30 PM PST

    My cousin and I were talking about how we want another raid and he mentioned the idea of having some kind of legendary hunt with Hammerlock in Eden 6. It could be one of the native denizens of Eden 6 protecting a temple and inside could be a huge Legendary Monster. They could even make it a little more interesting and add some puzzles or traps while traversing they temple.

    My thought is there has to be some kind of monster in the huge planet of Eden 6. It would be so BADASS.


    submitted by /u/AndyThePenguin
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    So my friend and I somehow glitched the Slaughterhouse 3000?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:38 PM PST

    We were doing the quest, everything as normal. Got to round 4/5 and wave 5 but both ended up dying to Red Rain.

    We went back in to start the 5th round again from wave one. Everything was going normal until out of no where, Mr. Torgue started screaming at us and it said a new round was starting even though there were a ton of enemies remaining from the first round.

    After killing off a bunch of enemies, again, same thing. It would just start the next wave even though the current wave was barely over half way to completion. This kept happening until it just started wave 5/5 when Blue and Red spawned along with a map still filled with previous round enemies.

    The moment that Blue spawned, Torgue started screaming at us about the completion of the slaughterhouse. The quest just popped up saying to turn in while Blue/Red spawned with all the enemies. We turned it in, got the quest completion and the rewards.

    We ended up accepting the quest again because it wouldn't let us back into the arena, so we finished off Blue and Red, but the look either fell through the ground or laid in the platform under where Red Rain sits.

    It was very weird. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this in any other part or in a similar way or maybe this is just how it is? No idea.

    submitted by /u/AlecB2107
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    New here

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:11 PM PST

    Just wondering if their are any kind enough people here to help me out with money? I'm trying to max out all my sdu's and its proving tiresome and tedious

    submitted by /u/GR33NXHAZ3_710
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    Handsome Jackpot DLC

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:50 PM PST

    Hey guys, was wondering if anyone else has this problem. Started a new character and was planning on doing the DLC at level 13 but figured I may as well get the fourth weapon slot so I could close to fully experience it. Yet when I started the main mission, all the enemies are still scaled to a level 13 character not to a level 23. I also didn't start the accept DLC quest until I was level 23. Just wondering if I did something wrong and if there's a way to fix it! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MCMogck
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    When to do expansions

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    So, since the expansions don't level sync past max-level of each playthrough, when is it recommended to do them? Should I save them all for last (before starting the next playthrough) or just whenever I feel like?

    submitted by /u/t3hmuffnman9000
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    Handsome Collection, which to play first?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:56 PM PST

    Of the two games in the Handsome Collection, should I play the Pre Sequel or 2? I'm talking about story, and I haven't played 1.

    submitted by /u/DocoBean
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    Looking For Full Party To Play Through BL2, No mic and Fresh Characters

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST

    I'm here throwing out sating I want to form a full Party to playthrough with the entire game. Nothing special. I just want to experience the full Party treatment.

    I'm hoping to complete the base game, DLC, and the majority of side quests. I'm also open to what character I can play. I'd even be open to do an entire party of only Kriege or Salvador.

    I have no mic, and neither do you require one. Just don't be rude or toxic.

    If you have Discord we can start a group chat and talk that way if need be.

    My PSN is C3MEO643, feel free to bring some friends along.

    submitted by /u/MrMortyRickSummer
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    Question: Any cool gear I should grind for?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:30 PM PST

    One of the main appeals of Borderlands 2 for me was knowing what guns I liked and where to get them, I don't know this about BL3 (Which is part of the reason I haven't even beaten the main story lmao). I'm currently on the Jakobs place, so I was curious if there is any cool gear I could farm for in NVHM that would be cool to use.

    submitted by /u/jameshatesmlp
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    Is BL3 ready?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm a pretty casual gamer and have had a lot of fun doing BL2 solo on pc. I generally buy about one game per year. The point is, I don't get a ton of time to play and so I tend to wait until the games have been around a while before I buy them. I figure "new to me" is about as good as "new new", plus I don't have to spend so much on the titles or the graphics card.

    Anyway, how's the state of BL3? I was pretty excited that it was coming out since I've played BL2 more than even Skyrim, but I see a lot of people complaining about bugs. I'd probably buy it on PS4 since I see it cheap there and I wouldn't have to worry about if my old PC can handle it.

    Thanks in advance for any opinions!

    submitted by /u/totallyshould
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    I accidentally deleted my progress in handsome jackpot dlc ;(

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:43 PM PST

    I was trying to play the maliwan takedown co-op, which auto reverted me back to Normal mode. Somehow my finger slipped after switching back to THVM and I reset the missions. :(

    This sucks. :(

    submitted by /u/Vannysh
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    One Pump Chump?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:41 AM PST

    So, I'm, starting my second playthrough (TVHM) with Zane, and Im trying to get the One Pump Chump Legendary Shotgun. However I've killed one punch at least 30 times and have never gotten it, is there something i'm doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/AllenHeidt
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    Can you do circle of slaughters while going theough your playthrough on the story?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Im going through my zanes tvhm and i cant find the entrance to the cistern of slaughter

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Please Give Host 1 Random Modifier Option

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:29 PM PST

    As much as I love Mayhem mode and the modifiers, it's starting to get a bit annoying when matchmaking.. I understand there's no point in playing with stronger enemies when you don't need to or want to, but sometimes people like to play against the most challenging enemy in a 4 player lobby. 1 way to solve this problem is giving the host the option to roll the top or bottom modifier only once and of course it would be random. I think doing something like this would help sustain lobby's more on mayhem mode. The only reason I thought of this was because it took me half an hour to get into a 4 player lobby, the host kept quitting and I'm assuming it was because of the modifiers.

    submitted by /u/TimmyJToday
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    I’m getting Borderlands 1 GOTY on Steam, and it comes with the enhanced edition. Which one should I play?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Title pretty much explains it all, just though I'd see if the community had a preference.

    I've heard the enhanced version adds some nice stuff like a minimap, but I've also heard that it's got a crappy inventory menu and a lot of bugs.

    So overall, what's the better version to play?

    (Also should probably note I've never played a Borderlands game before)

    submitted by /u/Darth-Luigi
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    Question: Amara’s mindfulness skill

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Do you guys have any suggestion for a weapon that can damage myself to get mindfullness stacks? (To move around faster in game) like a rapid firing torgue weapon or something else? Im using torgue shotgun but it's stacks the skill to slow

    submitted by /u/BLUEAR0
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    Good weapons for amara?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:20 AM PST

    On a Driver build. I have a shock cutsman( working on getting an annointed one) and the rest of my gear is good to go but right now my main weapons are a vanilla maggie a crader with shock on ase and a hellfire with 75 % proc chance.

    Its ok but I feel like I could be doing more damage to annointed in particular. Ive tried a projectile recursion( shock/rad) but it doesnt seem like a good fit

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Variantr
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    Am I a poser lol?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:00 PM PST

    So I have only played the 2nd borderlands I've beat it like 7 times with Maya and Zero. I have never played the 1st...but I'm planning on going to game stop and buying a used one. The thing is tho I like amped up borderlands 3 on my social media I was excited for it the announcement made me tear up BUT I don't have an xbox1 still use my 360, I'll probs play 3 in like 2 years or something.

    submitted by /u/mrs_halloween
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    Corrupted save.bak file

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Hey guys, recently started Borderlands 2, so played as usual last night and the game lagged badly so I closed it. Then steam went from the play to install button which usually means it needs to verify/update files. After doing so when I logged back in my entire game was wiped. When i try and find my chara it says the file is corrupted. Tried to find previous game version but its not available, also tried to get the steam cloud file but it doesn't work. Contacted 2k (hopefully they reply) Is my progress totally lost? Any help would be appreciated. (on Pc)

    submitted by /u/lilyholicphilia
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    How does Luck and Mayhem Mode affect annointments from dedicated drops?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Question: I've heard that the odds of you getting a dedicated legendary (for example Loaded Dice from Agonizer 9000) is the same regardless of Luck and Mayhem Mode; what changes is the odds of you getting annointments for those legendaries.

    Is this true?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Pgreeni
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    Play with me

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

    My steam name is Mattistripping. I'm looking for someone to play Borderlands 2 with. I'm currently working on 2 characters. One is a level 8 , the other is 52. Therez very few people online these days. I play often. So please add me and lets have some fun. Thanks

    submitted by /u/SpiritualWizard
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