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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    Borderlands I’m pretty much a mediocre player and don’t really do meta builds, but bottomless mags Moze with the new ion laser from THJP is the most fun I have had with this game

    Borderlands I’m pretty much a mediocre player and don’t really do meta builds, but bottomless mags Moze with the new ion laser from THJP is the most fun I have had with this game

    I’m pretty much a mediocre player and don’t really do meta builds, but bottomless mags Moze with the new ion laser from THJP is the most fun I have had with this game

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:15 AM PST

    I have it with cryo/incendiary and while I mostly only play mayhem 1, it absolutely melts most enemies and I can shoot it forever while building up corrosive DoT with Moze's new class mod. Idk how well any of this would perform at higher difficulties but I'm having so much fun.

    submitted by /u/casedawgz
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    This hurts to write, but this game pisses me off so hard.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    I can't believe in 2020 a triple a title crashes in the middle of gameplay. I can try and kill scraptrap and a solid 75% of the time the game hard kills my Xbox 1 x. I mean god dammit gearbox get your shit together and fix your fucking game. I love the borderlands franchise, but until they fix this shit I'm out Update-runs better on resolution than performance.

    submitted by /u/doomlite
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    Why are there so many trash "Unique" weapons posing as Legendaries?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Every single Borderlands game (Tales doesn't count) has had their fair share of crappy legendaries but at least it was in a reasonable moderation to a degree. Yet for some reason several mediocre legendaries, sub par "Uniques" and even some really crappy "Pearlescents" have managed to get into the game and gunk up the legendary drop table.

    For every somewhat decent gun return we see like 2-3 guns that make you go "Why the f**k did they not only return you but kept you the same to remind us why we didn't want you!?"

    The Butcher comes back but had a numbers increase only to get nerfed twice but it was a fairly good gun but then the damn "unforgiven" a Jakobs pistol with a slow fire rate and the "Tunguska" make the cut -_-

    Legendaries also have degraded in the quality of their unique factor. It was usually a situation where a legendary had several unique pieces that made it stand out either in terms of function or performance compared to the blue rarity uniques in both 2 and the pre-sequel which simply had 1 unique permanence tweak and maybe a numbers boost.

    Case in point the "Sand Hawk" from Borderlands 2 had a unique delivery system on fire and a higher than average damage for a Dahl Smg that was all! Fast forward to now and we have Legendaries that are basically Unique weapons that we should be getting from quest. The "Woodblocker" is a "Legendary" Hyperion sniper rifle. Guess what its unique traits are. It has permanent burst fire like a Dahl sniper. It doesn't even have a second mode of fire to make its self stand out either it is simply a Burst fire sniper that happens to be from Hyperion.

    Why not just return wanted "Unique" and "Legendary" weapons like what was done with the Maggie. I wanna see the "Sand Hawk", "Pimpernel" and "Lady Fist" again. Hell where is my "Unkempt Harold" at!? There's so much useless gunk in the drop table that I barely feel anything when I see that gold star pop up on my map since there's a high chance of it being useless.

    submitted by /u/Jaegamer
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    Infinite grenade Zane

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:49 AM PST

    I feel as if I'm the only one, who actually has fun with Zane, most posts I've seen everyone complains about how under powered Zane feels. I think he's one of the most fun vault hunters I've played as(I've been playing since borderlands released) I've always played as the siren but decided that I'd make a change this borderlands and have had the most fun playing as Zane single ability clone grenade build of my own, and spec'd into the third tree end game I never run out off grenades and always chancing weird grenade mods. Is it just me? I'd love to hear from the community. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Wolve_Saint
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    Anyone advice on how to get "rare spawn" killing side missions to appear?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I've seen around the internet that there are randomly appearing side missions to kill rare spawns like Rakkman or Wick and Warty. Anyone know how any things you need to do to get them to appear or are they completely random? I've seen various people saying that you need a friend to kill them, any truth to this? I would love to have a better chance at some of their legendary gear to round out my collection.

    submitted by /u/archarugen
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    Spoilers for a Hamdsome Jackpot Side Mission

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Why does the Heart of Gold mission have me crying in the club right now?

    submitted by /u/tthebuckett
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    Best casual amara build?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:14 AM PST

    I don't really want to a abuse the mechanic where u miss ur power, i don't want to farm for loot, im lvl 46 rn and would just like a new good build, anyone know the best skills?

    submitted by /u/manman6352
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    Co-op Framerate

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:43 AM PST

    My wife and I are new Vault Hunters who started the game about 3 days ago - we are playing on a base XB1 and the lag/framerate drop on split screen is incredibly bad. At first I thought it was just that one area but it's progressively worsened. I did some research but is there any word from Gearbox on when they plan to fix this game breaking issue?

    submitted by /u/PawnOfMetal
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    [BL3] Is it possible to use the Dualshock icons on the PC?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:42 PM PST

    I'm using a dualshock controller on my PC and the game is showing me xbox controller icons. Is there a way to change to the DS icons, cant seem to find anything online?

    submitted by /u/chalkthefuckup
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    What if BL2 vault hunters had three action skill choices like the vault hunters in BL3? What would the action skills be and what skill tree would they belong in?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:36 PM PST

    For example, for Zer0's red tree, I was thinking of an ability where Zer0 leaps forward a bit and stabs an enemy (sort of like a mini execute) causing an elemental DOT. The action skill is similar to rakk attack in the way that it has three uses and one use has a cool down of maybe 13-18 seconds. The augments could maybe determine what DOT is applied or maybe makes the blade steal health or something.

    submitted by /u/nerdycosp
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    Co-op play and cars

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST

    Okay I haven't seen this issue around here, but has any one else dealt with this? My coop partner and I have had this problem almost nonstop where whoever isn't hosting online can't drive their vehicle without it stuttering, lagging, or even driving in a straight line. It has made driving as the non host practically impossible

    submitted by /u/thebronyknight
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    Should I pick Amara or Zane

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:36 PM PST

    About to finish it for a second time (I got it like three days after Christmas) first I beat it as FL4K, my favorite the second I saw them in the trailers and now I'm playing as Moze. So I just want to know who to play as for my third playthrough I'm interested in Zane's Hologram but Amara looks pretty badass with those siren arms so who should I go with?

    Edit: Forgot to mention this, playing Moze has made me feel like a powerhouse and that's another thing that makes Amara appealing to play as to me

    submitted by /u/AhegaoKaiju
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    Did Tungsteena start opening the great vault back in Pre-Sequel? | Discussion |

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:58 PM PST

    A quick reminder, Colonel Tungsteena Zarpedon was the main villain of The Pre-Sequel.

    She (along with her former Dahl Soldiers) took over Helios in order to use the Helios Central Laser to destroy Elpis (Pandoras moon) in order to stop Jack (who at the time did not go by Handsome) from reaching the vault he was looking for there.

    Now later on in the story when we are shutting down the laser, we find out Jack took the Eye of The Destroyer (Which we now know was not actually The Destroyer but just a small a part of it) and used it to drastically improve the Helios laser (tenfold i belive he said).

    What gets me intrested is, now that Elpis has been reveled as the Vault key for opening Pandora, and Tungsteena was shooting at it with a beam of concetrated Energy fueled by Eridium for ATLEAST 24hrs shouldnt that have triggered something?

    I know i Know, it wasnt planed back then that Pandora is one giant Vault and Elpis its key. But looking back that shit dont make sense.


    submitted by /u/CaesarKrest
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    Question about Moxxi in TPS (spoilers)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST

    How did she create that black hole-like thing that destroyed part of Helios? Maybe it explains it somewhere but if so I missed it.

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    What's the best way to run down Amaras skill tree?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:34 PM PST

    Starting up my first Amara and have no idea where to start

    submitted by /u/HyperMasenko
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    Axton or Maya?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:57 PM PST

    I need to wash the bl3 flavor out of my mouth. I'm on the fence between Maya and Axton for a bl2 play through. There the only two I haven't had a play through with.

    submitted by /u/FL4Kman
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    A question about mass legendary drops

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:44 PM PST

    I've been playing on mayhem 3/4 in true vault hunter mode. I get some pretty good drops and I feel pretty strong. However, when I watch some YouTube videos, the ground during their fight is absolutely littered with legendary drops and I haven't experienced anything close to that. Are they modding to get those kinds of results or is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/Str8Faced000
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    What VH should I play as for my second playthrough?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I've played as Zane since launch and still actively play as him. I love the builds all the way down to his witty comments. I'm not sure who to choose next that will fit my play style

    submitted by /u/AndyThePenguin
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    Holy crap Ion Cannon

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:12 PM PST

    One dropped and i wrote it off because I'm usually not a fan of heavy weapons. Tried it on Jack bot and fucking 2 shot him with fade.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_ANT_FARMS
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    Moze, bottomless mags, and elemental weapon anoint

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:06 PM PST

    So if anyone has tried this out please let me know if I'm off base here. But one of the less saught after annointments on guns is after action skill next 2 magazines have 50 percent more incendiary damage or some other element. I'm hoping to try this out after I'm back home, but it seems to make sense if you don't reload because you're constantly regenerating ammo then you can have that bonus until you do reload. Seems pretty solid considering how strong shield and grenade annoints are. If you've got a way to regen ammo and not reload then (a la moze) don't look over these annoints!

    submitted by /u/thepants1337
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    Has anyone else gotten the ECHO 2 grenade mod?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:32 PM PST

    Found it while I was farming M4 graveward. It looks like an echo device and is white rarity, has anyone else found it?

    submitted by /u/FL4Kman
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    Is there a way to LFG on PC?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:27 PM PST

    I'm sorry if there is an obvious and established answer to this but I just built my pc this year and don't have any friends in anything but overwatch. Is there an easy way to find people to play with? I just bought the expansion and want to start fresh with another class and play it all but I'd love some company this time around. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/masnekmabekmapssy
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