• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Borderlands With a 300 space bank, more inventory filtering options are needed.

    Borderlands With a 300 space bank, more inventory filtering options are needed.

    With a 300 space bank, more inventory filtering options are needed.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:43 PM PST

    We need to be able to filter to specific weapon classes. You can already filter so that gear is organized by type, but we need an option to just see the shotguns, just see the pistols, the sniper rifles, etc. It's getting really old having to scroll through page after page of weapons just to get to the shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers. This goes for the personal inventory too. Also does anybody filter by weapon score? I don't get it.

    submitted by /u/tearlock
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    TIL Lilith and Tannis share the same voice actress

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:44 AM PST

    Was watching a video on BL voice actors, and this revelation blew my mind! Colleen Clinkenbeard is her name.

    Bonus fun fact: The voice actor for Maya also voices Officer Jenny from the Sun & Moon season onwards.

    submitted by /u/chancehugs
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    Fix. The. Menus.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    I am furious right now. I havent experienced the mass of issues other people have, but right now i am so fucking pissed off. I have farmed and farmed and farmed for gear so I could finally attempt to kill Wotan on Mayhem 4. Ive killed him several times on TVHM but I havent even made it to him on Mayhem 4 yet.

    For the first time ever i have beaten the Valkyrie Squad and made it all the way to the vending machines right before the Wotan fight.

    I go into my inventory to switch some guns out and what am i staring at right now?.... A glitched menu where Zane is standing in the middle and I just have a totally blank menu... The world behind the menu is still moving... Zane is moving in the menu... I cant switch menus. I cant pause. I cant exit the menu. Im just stuck... I have to force close the game and start over again. It took me at least a half an hour to get here...

    Gearbox. I have been a major apologist for you guys this whole time. I dont care about bank space. I dont care if you nerf guns or skills that abuse the game. But FIX. THESE. FUCKING. MENUS.

    submitted by /u/HyperMasenko
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    There are antagonist NPC Vault Hunters.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:02 PM PST

    It took me forever to realize this but over the course of pretty much all of the the Borderlands series but aside from the Vault Hunters you play as and the former Hunters that are no longer hunting vaults or are actively helping y/c.

    The closest we ever get is the conflict between the Pre-Sequel VHs and Liliths crew but that's not the same. We've had other characters broadly seeking the vaults but have either been parts of larger organizations or no where near th skill implied to be on the same level as our characters.

    I just think it would be really cool if there were more independent Online parties after the Vaults, lone or even small groups of deadly individuals at odds with our characters and are framed as rivals and on the same level as the badasses we play as. Could explore a whole new sort of relationship between Hunters that isn't wholly cooperative.

    Edit: I noticed the mistake in the title, can't seem to fix it but it's supposed to be "arn't" not are.

    submitted by /u/Snoubalougan
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    I finally finished the Moxxi DLC...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Wow, what a fantastic DLC. Up there with Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep and Claptastic Voyage as one of my favorite Borderlands DLCs ever. Really happy we got to see Timothy again, too

    Edit: I've only done the main story, but I'll definitely be coming back for more

    submitted by /u/BroeknRecrds
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    So completed it

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:03 PM PST

    I completed the game finnally and im planning on farming tyreen and would like to know if you kill her while shes on a ledge far away she will do what the warrior did in bl2 and go to the arena thing at her last health thank you for the support and happy hunting super fans

    submitted by /u/Hitlers_step_brother
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    2 simple ideas to make Iron Bear better.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST

    1st, getting in and out of Iron Bear needs to be much, much faster. This is Borderlands, not the Last of Us, so the pacing of your abilities needs to match the pace of this game.

    2nd, we need an option to be able to just summon Iron Bear w/o ever needing to step in and out of him in the first place. His duration would be the same as if you jumped out, and you would still get the benefits of an active Iron Bear. I suggest him crashing down a short distance in front of you with a knockback effect of anyone caught in the landing zone. Make it a tier 2 skill so that people who want to utilize him just for support can get it and only put 6 pts into that skill tree.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/GunLovingLibertarian
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    I need some help with gigamind

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:40 PM PST

    I'm level 10 and I need some tips to defeat this bastard of a brain

    submitted by /u/Bepismaker9000
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    Is farming on mayhem 3 and 4 worth it, if I can kill Graveward so much quicker on m1 & m2?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:59 PM PST

    I've recently started farming Graveward on m3 rather than m2 and noticed it take almost double the time to kill him, is the lost time worth it for the loot bonus?

    submitted by /u/Pertl49
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    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:27 PM PST

    So I've been wondering for a bit if there is anywhere to go to find a group sort of like a r/summonsign for borderlands would any of you guys happen to know if there is?

    submitted by /u/pazuzu690
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    How i think BL3 could have ended

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:44 PM PST

    I know im super late that whole drama about the ending to bl3 but i wanted to beat the game a few times to collect my thoughts. And honestly, its not as long as i thought but these are the changes i would make if i could but basically i'd have tyreen die from troy sapping her life away (but not completely where her body disintegrates) in the encounter against troy and have him run away or something. This would allow lillith to regain her siren powers instead of Ava. Then ava could maybe get some kind of decent character redemtion when we kill troy as the final boss instead. Then it would feel like ava is more worthy of maya's powers and lillith's sacrifice would feel more meaningful since she didnt just, immediately get them back. But hey, im no writter so that kind of ending could be just as trash as how the current one is. I dunno. I could also be salty cause i really wanted troy to be the big bad.

    submitted by /u/TheMightyDerp64
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    Moxxi DLC

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Hey guys, new player here. I accidentally took Moxxi DLC mission that is in sanctuary, because I take every side quest I see and I didn't knew that. So my question is, does it scale with my level or I fucked up and I should do it now? It shows that quest level is 13 but I'm higher. I wanted to do it after main story.


    submitted by /u/ThisCorner
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    Is Judge Hightower's Loot Pool still Bugged?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Want some elemental conference calls. Would like to know if Hightower still has the bug where he won't drop anything before I try to farm him for hours on end. Also does it drop from only Hightower or can it also drop from the atlas sqaud with him?

    submitted by /u/nothankyounot
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    Anybody know where they can lead me to good phasezerker builds?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:21 PM PST

    I have one but i just feel like its not doing enough damage Tips?

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Legendary Artifacts

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:03 PM PST

    Who has the highest chance of dropping a legendary artifact? Is it still the game of thrones Easter egg boss?

    submitted by /u/ZombiesTryFeen
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    100% Impound Deluxe?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Does anyone know how yo get 100% in the impound deluxe. I have 96% in there with both crew challenges done and the entire map appears to have been explored. I have 99% for The Handsome Jackpot and the only area that isn't 100% is the Impound Deluxe.

    Please help.

    submitted by /u/FirelightWraith
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    Why the hate on BL3 Story?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:55 AM PST

    I just recently completed BL3. I've been a huge fan of the borderlands lore and story, and thoroughly enjoyed what BL3 brought. Although the first half didn't feel important or epic, with terribly corny jokes etc, I feel like the second half really pulled it back. The bond with typhon, the learning of Tyreen and Troy being his kin, Tyreen killing poor Typhon. I don't know if I'm just a sucker for a loveable character but I really really enjoyed the ending. The boss fight was certainly lacklustre but overall it ended well.

    so my question is, what's with all the hate on the story? I've seen "I hate her voice" or "why's Tina saying this" and stuff like that. Which I understand, but if you can't stand a voice actor, I don't see how that comes down to 2K. Think people in this sub aren't appreciative of such an immense game. I couldn't even develop space invaders let alone a story this in-depth and epic.

    Well done Gearbox and 2K, I appreciate you.

    submitted by /u/jayejg
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    Borderlands Pre-sequel Couch Co-OP load saved character

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Hey guys.

    I started playing the PreSequel. I'm far along and my friend wants to play with me for couch coop. The problem is I dont want to start over and I dont want them to be on the levels i am. Is there a way for them to load a new game but for me to us my main character in my playthrough?

    submitted by /u/Drepulizer
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    What’s the best setup for raid bosses as Krieg, for ones that can’t be bloodsploded?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST

    As far as I know you can bloodsplode vora and pete but is there a good setup for the rest?

    submitted by /u/Bobbyflayeatmypussay
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    Bl2 freezing bug

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Last night me and a friend were playing bl2 and his game was freezing on him about every 5 minutes, locking up his whole computer, only solution was a hard reset, he eventually got off.

    Today we get back on and we're doing the warrior fight and we are both now experiencing the same bug. Every 30-60 seconds one of our games freezes, we can hit ctrl+alt+delete to unfreeze it, but after 3-4 of those it gets stuck on a white screen and again I have to restart my computer entirely.

    I've tried turning some settings down, I've tried turning all settings down, nothing works, idk what's wrong

    submitted by /u/str8-l3th4l
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    at my wit's end. playing tvhm on easy and still get killed all the time

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    level 49 right now. I got through this game pretty swiftly but now on my second play through I just keep dying and dying. storywise I'm at the point where I need to infiltrate Katagawa's laser asteroid and I just can't do it, every harder enemy like badasses kills me with 4 shots max. I don't have mayhem mode activated and play on easy and it's still impossible to get through those masses of enemies. I wanted to gear up doing the side missions but even those I can't do, I just died at least twenty times in a row trying to do the Killavolt side quest. am I just THAT bad? is this the point where I have to stop playing since there's nothing achievable left to do? everyone keeps talking about how the game is too easy so I feel like shit right now, please help

    submitted by /u/12InchesOfSlave
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