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    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Borderlands Most loved weapon manufacturer

    Borderlands Most loved weapon manufacturer

    Most loved weapon manufacturer

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:14 AM PST

    So yesterday I made a survey about people's favourite and least favourite weapon manufacturers in Borderlands.

    These are the results.

    Total votes: 6163

    Favourite weapon manufacturer:

    1. Jakobs 2729 votes (44.3%)
    2. Vladof 769 votes (12.5%)
    3. Dahl 688 votes (11.2%)
    4. Torgue 634 votes (10.3%)
    5. Maliwan 522 votes (8.5%)
    6. Hyperion 371 votes (6%)
    7. Atlas 250 votes (4.1%)
    8. Tediore 159 votes (2.6%)
    9. COV 41 votes (0.7%)

    Least favourite weapon manufacturer

    1. COV 1927 votes (31.3%)
    2. Tediore 1295 votes (21%)
    3. Maliwan 938 votes (15.2%)
    4. Atlas 538 votes (8.7%)
    5. Dahl 427 votes (6.9%)
    6. Torgue 342 votes (5.5%)
    7. Hyperion 307 votes (5%)
    8. Jakobs 206 votes (3.3%)
    9. Vladof 183 votes (3%)

    Link to the survey: https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/enmska/i_was_wondering_which_is_the_most_loved_weapon/

    submitted by /u/Marco9965
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    Idea for BL3

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:50 PM PST

    I took a break from BL3 back in November after getting Amara to level 50 and starting the TVH playthrough. Overall I enjoy Borderlands 3 and I think that the moment-to-moment gameplay is the best in the franchise, except for the story.

    Borderlands I would argue never had a good story in any game, but after playing BL1 again recently I found that game to have a better pace with the story. BL3 has so much downtime that I find frustrating because I just want to play the game, not listen to the story again.

    I think the game would greatly benefit from a mode similar to Diablo 3's Adventure Mode. The main thing keeping me from continuing to play the game either in TVH mode or as a new character is that I personally do not enjoy the story, and having unskippable cutscenes keeping me from getting to the good part of the game (shooting & looting) makes me avoid playing the game at all.

    Gearbox could basically copy the idea of Adventure Mode in Diablo 3 and it would be great. Procedural missions with lots of action leading to boss battles. You could level up a character really quickly simply because you would be in a near-constant state of action. And it would be even better if you could not touch the story mode at all as a new character, I guess so long as you had completed the story one time as any character.

    Edit: just to clarify more that what I want is a mode for new or existing characters that does not touch the story but allows players to still access all areas with generated quests and boss fights. These can all be reused assets as well, no need to make new content.

    I wanted to add this because I realize that not everyone will know what exactly Diablo 3's adventure mode is.

    submitted by /u/DankeBrutus
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    MorninAfterKill done with Borderlands?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:45 PM PST

    Just saw MAKs most recent vid on his main youtube channel about being 'done' with a 'certain franchise/publisher/series', obviously a reference to Borderlands and Gearbox.

    I know he's had a few issues with Gearbox and their management of borderlands 3 but is anyone able to shed some light on what specifically pushed him over the edge?

    submitted by /u/yeahgoodyourself
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    Who is the strongest hero in BL3 without perfect items?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:57 PM PST

    I like flak but want to try someone new out! who is the strongest right now if you don't have perfect items for that particular class?

    submitted by /u/hen97
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    Did anyone think this about Tediore weapons at first?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST

    When I first played (BL2 was the first in the series I played, back in 2012), I thought the bit about them exploding like grenades when you try to reload meant the weapon was used up for good and disappeared from your inventory at first, and thus never bothered looting them as it seemed like a waste of space to loot a weapon you'd only ever shoot 12 times or something. I forget when I found out otherwise.

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    Rakk pak class mod

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:55 PM PST

    Can someone help me out I'm not sure where to farm for the class mod at?

    submitted by /u/duffman6040
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    Borderlands 3, I'm I almost finished?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:45 PM PST

    I just reached eden 6, is their alot more to the game? If someone can tell me how far I am like 50%,75%?? I have two other games in my lineup. Just powering through borderlands 3. No spoilers please.

    submitted by /u/Positive-Vybz
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    Ladies and gentlemen I have come to you today to declare my doneness with this game!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:20 PM PST

    Ladies and gentlemen like many of you I spent 7 years with BL2. I played no other game for 7 year. Skyrim? Never heard it. Call of Duty? What is that? Rainbow Six? Sounds like a pop band from Korea to me.

    Borderlands 2 was a glorious bastion of joy in an otherwise misery filled existence! But this... This.... ABOMINATION! How dare you gearbox!!! You can forget me spending one more dollar on this game! Its been out for 5 months now and what do you have to show for it!? A DLC? a raid event? Many support patches? PATHETIC!!

    By now you should have at least as many DLCs as BL2 AND MORE! Im actually considering... Considering... Playing a different game for a couple days/weeks... BLASPHEMY!!! You have done this to me! My whole life.. No... WORLD IS IN SHAMBLES!!

    I will be sitting on the floor in a dark room until something is done about this. It is simply unacceptable that this game isnt exactly what I expected it to be. You should all be ashamed of yourselves Gearbox!!!

    Also check out my new Zane build on YouTube guys this build frags if you can get the right annoints on a Malak's Bane.

    submitted by /u/HyperMasenko
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    Here is how to easily farm a lyuda (or other single guaranteed drop item) or guarantee a rare enemy spawn every time for easy farming (only works on PC)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

    So, I realized today that I could farm a good Lyuda quite easily today. As we know, when you complete all target of opportunity missions, Zero will mail you a Lyuda. Normally this can only be done once per character (not even once per play through). However if you go to the save point nearest the final target and then save quit to desktop you can copy your save and run it multiple times. The most efficient method of doing this is probably to back up all your existing saves to another folder and then delete all but the one you want to use to farm from the original folder (also keep profile.sav). Once you do this you can copy it and rename them in order (1000.sav, 1001.sav, 1003.sav, etc.). Then load up the game and farm, cycling through saves but not collecting the mailed Lyudas until the final character in the list, then just take that one to sanctuary, collect all the mailed Lyudas and throw them in the bank. Then delete these saves (again, not profile.sav) and restore your backups. If a legendary or desirable rare drops, leave it on the ground and let it go to lost loot (but pick up all non-desirable blues and purples to keep them from crowding out the stuff you want) once you get to 13 items you will need to take a character to sanctuary to clean out the lost loot and put it in the bank. This can also be done with Hammerlock's hunts, Dead Claptraps, and broadcast towers, but IMO the Lyuda is the best of the mailed items.

    This can also be used if you get a mission to kill a rare enemy, again, go to the save point near that enemy but don't kill it. Quit to desktop and do the same trick with your save files. the enemy will spawn once for every save copy you create. you can use the same lost loot trick as before to save legendaries and good rares without having to go to sanctuary every time one drops.

    Anotherfarm could be the spinning cube on Nekrotafeyo. For anyone who doesn't know, if you shoot it with every element (non-element included) until each side lights up it will drop a bunch of world drop loot, break and then go away. If you do this in M4 you should get a few random legendaries each run.

    For anyone who isn't aware, the filepath to your game saves is C:\Users\"your user"\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\SaveGames\"a random string of letters and numbers"

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    Here’s an idea for a legendary!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:09 PM PST

    An SMG or Assault rifle that that every magazine reload you get a different legendary and different elements. You could get a shredifier, or a night hawkin, or even a conference call. There's so many legendary guns it would be ridiculous.

    Like I get it's not practical, but there's already loads of impractical guns in borderlands. Mobbing with this thing would just be hilarious. All of the sudden you've got a Jericho packed into a small package for the rest of that magazine, then your off to the next gun. (The magazine size would change for the appropriate legendary)

    If this is something people could get down on we should start a petition or something for them to put this in the next dlc, or even the very last dlc so they could cover them all. What do you guys think? What manufacturer would even be good for a gun like that? I'm thinking Vladof because of all the barrels. Dahl if it where to be an SMG.

    Just a weird idea I wanted to share with you all. Hope everybody is having a good one!

    submitted by /u/-TrafficConeRescue-
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    Borderlands 2 SAVE CORRUPTED

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    So my game randomly crashed while I was running around Sanctuary. When I reopened the game, my lvl 55 Gunzerker save is GONE! The save has been corrupted! Is there anything I can do, or am I just SOL?

    submitted by /u/Artischain
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    TVHM and Weapons

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:34 PM PST

    So I just beat the normal mode and am starting TVHM soon, I'm in the lower 30 area in terms of levels but I'm concerned about gear for future playthroughs. I have a herald a couple levels below where I am and a slag Lyuda about 5-6 levels below my current level. I'm playing Sal and I'm dying so fast and I don't do any damage. I took me about 7 tries to kill Flynt in TVHM. Only reason I was able to kill him is because I had a singularity grenade that pulled him back. I spec'd down the middle tree and am now moving torwards the left tree. I'm worried if I'm doing this bad at this low of level then how am I gonna be able to the harder playthroughs.

    submitted by /u/Dehfs
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    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    Anyone know any farm areas for Double penetrating Bangstick?

    submitted by /u/G0dzillaSt0mp34
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    [BL3] Game crashes when I press A to log in

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Xbox One X - I came back from holiday and tried to play the DLC. I launch the game. Clap Trap roams back and forth. I press A to log in to get to character select screen. Screen goes black. Then I'm back to the Xbox home screen. I've tried uninstalling everything and redownloading for a fresh install. It's made no difference. Anyone else experiencing this or know a fix? Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/DestinysLostSoul
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    Moze Mayham 1 farming build?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:52 AM PST

    I am starting to farm in Mayham 1 with moze cuz for reasons even I don't understand she is the most fun to play imho. BUT, I am still farming for gear so I am looking for a good build that isn't "specific" gear dependant.

    I have been using a demolition woman build and doing okay with that but looking at the red/shield tree there is a good mix of shield tank and gundamage skills. Just wondering if there is a good, non-gear-dependant, farming build there?

    Oh and pls no videos my data is gone for the month.

    Thank You

    submitted by /u/kamishiblacktooth
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    Xbox crashes every time I try to join a friend’s game

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:20 PM PST

    I'm on Xbox One X, and whenever I try to join a friends lobby it immediately just crashes my Xbox. Anybody else have this problem or have a solution?

    submitted by /u/Moist888
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    Slag Elemental

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:05 PM PST

    I'm new(er) to this subreddit so I'm just wondering if there was a reason why it was removed? I'm assuming to make way for Cyro? Does anyone miss slag effect?

    submitted by /u/green160
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    Can i have a mayhem mode without mods.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:47 AM PST

    Like how the old OP levels were in 2. They were harder but you didn't have those annoying invincible annointed popping up all THE FUCKING TIME!!!!! I would rather stick my in a blender set to liquify then have to fight 1 more annointed Militant. - 50% normal bullet damage, -50% incendiary, -50% radiation, 10% chance enemies reflect bullets back at you........ what am i supposed to do politely ask them to leave? On more then one occasion i have save quit because 3 militants decided to spawn at once and make me their bitch. At least with the OP system i was killed because I let myself be overwhelmed or didn't have good cover. Not because the enemy is immortal and teleporting away when i shot them.

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    Phase??? Siren talk

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    This may have been asked already but so far we know that there is ment to be only 6 Sirens in the universe at any given time and that means 6 unique powers and so far we only know of 5 with each being different from eachother

    PhaseTrance - Energy fists
    PhaseLeech - Power and life drain
    PhaseLock - Holding someone in place
    PhaseShift - Instant Hacking into networked tech
    PhaseWalk - Warping

    So my question is simply what could be the 6th siren power? Feel free to give ideas in the comments of a name and what the power is.
    From what I can tell the name should always have Phase at the beginning and the second word should roll of the tongue with the second world also not sounding like it's that long

    One of my own thoughts is either PhaseVines or PhaseWall. Both end up with a wall of defence but PhaseVines makes the wall look like thorned vines to cause damage to those who come too close

    submitted by /u/Kelly_the_nimbat
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    Any strategy for killing Wotan Solo without terror anointment? (mayhem 4 Fl4k)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:59 PM PST

    I keep getting to phase 2 of Wotan, but every time he spawns a ton of enemies, and I can't damage him quickly enough to get through the phase. The swarm of penumbras and heavyweights catch up to me, and I die. Every tutorial on youtube uses terror anointments and I can't find a run without them. Anyone got any ideas?

    submitted by /u/HamTheOnly
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    Legendary drops in campaign - online multiplayer

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Hi - I'm playing through the BL3 campaign the first time with a friend of mine. I've played a bit more than him and have finished a few main storyline missions here and there that he didn't himself. I have been hosting the games.

    I've noticed that for the last two bosses - Gigamind and Traunt - I got legendary drops the first time each was killed. However, subsequent farming of Gigamind has not yielded any more legendaries for me when I tried solo.

    Also, my friend did not get a legendary drop for these "first-time" campaign kills.

    So - is the legendary drop rate higher for first time boss kills? If so, is there a way for my friend to also start getting legendary drops with these first-time kills, other than maybe by hosting instead? Does he maybe need to finish all the main storyline missions that I've completed?


    submitted by /u/etcetera999
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    The ghost bug, am i the only one? [BL3]

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    this bug has been hapening since the day i started playing borderlands 3 but recently it costed me a run of the maliwan takedown i saw it fit to share and get info about it.

    first the context: i live in a small town my internet even tought is optic fibber is not even close to reliable, i play with a firned that live in a metroplitan area of a state capital so she's the host of hour sessions, i usually disconect 4-5 times per gameplay session so this bug MAY BE related to disconection but i have my doubt's.

    it's called ghost because when this bug happens i'm in the game, i can see everything that's happening, i can move and use skills, my skills do damage and i can shoot my gun but my gun bullets don't do damage, and i sayd gun because i can't change to another gun, i have only the one i was holding when the bug happens.

    one the latest time this happened i was fighting wotan and loosing that run tilted me.

    so my question is, has anyone enountered this bug? if so is this related to poor internet conection? has acknowledge this? will they fix it?

    submitted by /u/Gilokdc
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