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    Saturday, January 11, 2020

    Borderlands So boredom is a thing

    Borderlands So boredom is a thing

    So boredom is a thing

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Is there any life left in The Pre Sequel's online (PS4?)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST

    Finally getting around to playing The Pre Sequel, but imagine the online is dead by now. Does anyone still play The Pre Sequel on PS4, if so how lively is the online? Or does anyone want to start a game soon?

    submitted by /u/Ragna_Blade
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    BL3 not receiving updates for Mac players?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:05 PM PST

    So im on mac and my BL3 version is still 1.0.5 CL 2077505. I bought the season pass but cannot access the handsome jackpot dlc area in-game, although I can accept the quest. Another issue, my friend (his is on pc) and I have played the game together all the way up to the final boss fight but after the December patch was released we have not been able to connect to each other. An error that says, "Connection error, incompatible game versions" pops up. Ive contacted 2k and epic games support but although they have been in contact we haven't had much luck fixing this issue.

    Does 2k update the Mac version independently from the other versions? My friend and I would love to continue our adventures as we are long time fans of the series. Still waiting to start our New Game +.

    submitted by /u/Axelsauce
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    What are the odds?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 09:30 PM PST

    Just found the Pearlescent, Dandy Storm, in a Vase in dragonekeep, I wonder what would be the odds of this happening.

    submitted by /u/Stunning-Raisin
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    How old is Moxxi anyway?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:51 PM PST

    She looks at most in her 30s, so how are her kids 20 or so?

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    Started an alliance run on roland

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:49 PM PST

    I've been doing an S&S Munitions alliance roland PT on the remaster. It's been pretty fun and I'm loving having to search my loot to make sure I dont miss anything. I've been wondering about doing more of these runs on the other characters and games. Have you done any of these runs and what runs would you suggest?

    submitted by /u/WakeNBakeGames
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    3 of my friend and I are going through BL2, who should I play? (Melee ONLY)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    So I'm doing a melee only, we've reasoned that if I go Krieg I can use the ranged option on his action skill. I'm unsure of who I'm going to use, Zero or Krieg. Krieg, from what I can tell, has the most consistancy with his damage, as a lot of Zero's damage increase is kill skills and he doesn't really get to his crazy insane killing potential until pevel 31 when you get Many Must Fall. On the other hand, once he reaches 31, he becomes horrifyingly powerful. We plan on taking this all the way to OP5, not to OP10. Our current party consists of a Maya, a Salvador, and a Gauge. I'm the only one to not pick someone. I might do Krieg because of his tank-like abilities but we have Sal, who is the literal tank. Anyway, thanks you guys!

    submitted by /u/ultrafailure6969
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    Proper Hand-off Achievement

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:33 PM PST

    This is my last achievement in BL3 and it won't unlock. I've deleted and redownloaded the game, hard reset my Xbox, I've beaten the boss again 3 times and I just don't know what to do. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/EternalWaterfalll
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    I have farmed Heckle/Hyde 400 times today on mayhem 3

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:18 PM PST

    and he doesn't even drop whites. is he broken?? I'm losing my mind

    submitted by /u/XxShadowmirexX
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    What side quests are worth doing in TVHM?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:14 AM PST

    I'm running through mostly just the main story but are there any side missions worth doing at level 50?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_ANT_FARMS
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    I’m 100% done with the game and I still am missing 4 trophies for some reason. What do I do?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 07:52 PM PST

    Should I contact Playstation? Gearbox? I'm fucking pissed lol

    submitted by /u/stankmunkey
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    Has the last boss of DLC 1 been extremely buggy for you guys?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Several times while fighting him, I've had to restart. He either gets stuck in his shield after all the loader bots are killed, or moves around and doesn't attack while invincible.

    submitted by /u/Mr-pizzapls
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    [PS4] Looking for people to play with

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Haven't had much luck with matchmaking so I figured I would post on here. Message me if you are looking for someone new to play with or don't mind running and gunning with a stranger.

    submitted by /u/BebopBluesK
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    FL4K + Fade Away + Alchemist/Redline + Unforgiven, less damage than I expected?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:38 PM PST

    I've been trying to figure out a Mayhem 4 FL4k build that doesn't require specific anointments, and I'm experimenting with a Torgue sticky build. I shoot a bunch of sticky bombs onto an enemy's crit spot, then swap to an Unforgiven pistol so they detonate with the latter gun's massive crit bonus. My original build specced into FL4K's Hunter and Master trees, (Hunter for Megavore and Master for Barbaric Yawp + Great Horned Skag for extra damage), but I wanted to try a build using Fade Away.

    My plan was to spec into the Master tree like usual, but then go down the Stalker tree instead to unlock Unblinking Eye (and use the remaining points to get Leave No Trace and Head Count). I then wanted to use Fade Away + Guerillas In the Mist and Unblinking Eye to get free crits on any part of the enemy's body, for crit swapping with the Unforgiven. However, this plan did not work the way I intended to, with me scoring much less damage than if I directly aimed the stickies at the crit spots. I know that Fade Away critical hits aren't technically 'real' critical hits, but I thought they would still count as crits for the purpose of crit swapping.

    Has anyone else come up with a better version of this build? Can they also recommend some good sticky guns other than the Alchemist?

    submitted by /u/CptnFabulous420
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    What new skill trees do you hope we get

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Instead of getting new characters we get new skill trees so what character and what would the tree focus on. Ex moze and a skill tree that focuses on iron bear you can go more in depth if you'd like

    submitted by /u/zeldaoddesy
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    [GOTY: EE] Game stutters every time I kill an enemy.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:48 PM PST

    The game literally freezes for half a second every time an enemy dies. Doesn't matter if its by shooting, running it over with a vehicle or meleeing. Multiple kills with grenades is particularly painful since the time extends the more enemies die, freezing the game for +2 seconds. I've been playing for almost 10 hours, and at this point it's almost unbearable.

    I've seen a TON of old threads having the same issue. I tried almost all of the solutions provided and none seemed to work. Not only that, people apparently just give up and decide to finish the game with that annoying stutter. Has anyone actually managed to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Match_96
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    Why does only the first game have healing kits you can save for later?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:32 PM PST

    It always annoyed me they took this out, as they were pretty useful. I've also never got why you can't just save the syringes for later, other than just "Because the devs programmed it that way."

    submitted by /u/Bootlebat
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    Pure support Maya build?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Me and my family started a play through with my sister for the first time. Sister is going for melee krieg, moms going for elemental gaige, dads going for deathtrap based build. I'm maya and want to be mostly support. Any builds available?

    submitted by /u/FL4Kman
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    Jack loved Moxxi

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I know this might be a little obvious, but I'm gonna post it anyway. Sorry for the formatting, I am on mobile.

    In the New DLC we get to see that Handsome Jack hung images of Angel and Moxxi on his walls. While Angel is completely understandable, Moxxi seems a little off at first.

    We know that they dated, but they broke before Pre-Sequel. He must've built the casino after Pre-Sequel, since he wasn't head of Hyperion before and building a casino is expensive.

    So why would he hang an image of Moxxi? I believe that after his first (?) wife, Angel's mother, died, he managed to actually fall in love again, this time with Moxxi. And by this I mean that he actually fell in love and not only just had a thing with her.

    He left the images/ paintings on his walls, showcasing who he had loved the most, being Angel and Moxxi. I can't think of any other reason to why he would have an image of her as well.

    This means her betrayal in Pre-Sequel carries even more weight. After everything he has been through, the person he thought he could trust and learned to love tries to murder him and leaves him, just like his wife did. He is left alone, again, and it completely ruins him.

    During Borderlands 2 we find out that Jack is dating Nisha, but it is obvious, that he doesn't actually love her. He doesn't seem to care much when we kill her, since he has already lost so much that he is unaffected, as well as he isn't able to bond again.

    Moxxi completely ruined him.

    submitted by /u/dizzyblurryvision
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    Looking for 4 player group on steam

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 12:39 PM PST

    The name says it all. comment that you want to play and i'll PM you my steam name.

    submitted by /u/Sansic
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    So did they just give up on VIP rewards?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:11 PM PST

    It's been around 5 months since season 3 started and we still haven't got any info about a 4th season. They also haven't been putting any of the new update and news articles in the earn points tab.

    submitted by /u/Hahn1995
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