• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    Borderlands 3 BL3 Keys: C35TJ-WH9Z9-X3KSC-S3KBT-J99ZB

    Borderlands 3 BL3 Keys: C35TJ-WH9Z9-X3KSC-S3KBT-J99ZB

    3 BL3 Keys: C35TJ-WH9Z9-X3KSC-S3KBT-J99ZB

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:32 AM PST

    C35TJ-WH9Z9-X3KSC-S3KBT-J99ZB - all platforms, expires 20ish hours from now (24 FEB 10A CST)

    submitted by /u/uiu125
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    Can we get a quick-change station at the start of the takedown and future takedowns please?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:30 PM PST

    Personally I play on console so loading times going back and forth is big inconvenience when testing builds.

    Other option is to have santuarary loaded as a area in every area as a fast travel. Bit of memory usage but will be a great quality of life update. (Similar how to the vaults are)

    submitted by /u/Ginger_prt
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    Viable farming locations for relics

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:13 AM PST

    So I'm looking for a specific relic. A last stand. I know tyreen is one of the best for farming the otto idol which can drop with a last stand prefix but I need it quicker as my build is crappy without a last stand so bossing takes hours sometimes. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

    UPDATE Finally got one c:

    submitted by /u/Leecarrington96
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    Has Gearbox acknowledged the selling inventory tooltip bug yet?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:50 PM PST

    I play on PC so don't know if this affects the consoles. This bug got introduced about 2 weeks ago and makes selling items very annoying. The bug is that the tooltip doesn't display when you hover the mouse over an item.

    submitted by /u/Rescorla
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    Idea for future Tannis in combat

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:00 PM PST

    Considering Tannis can Phase shift (control machines and technology), wouldn't it be in her best interest to build a mechanical combat suit (think a power armor/iron man suit) in case she needs to fight? Considering that she has the ability to phase shift technology, she's be able to work the suit with ease, plus it would fill in for her less than adequate combat experience. Considering also that she's a researcher, it could fit into her lore that she can build such a contraption.

    submitted by /u/haloman7777777
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    Atlas Grenades golden chest?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:26 PM PST

    Is is possible to get atlas Grenades from the golden chest in bl3

    submitted by /u/Jayc00b
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    Handsome Jackpot DLC glitch?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:22 PM PST

    So I was co oping on a friends game and when I went to just playing solo, my progress didn't save. So now I apparently have to start all over in order to go back and clean up some trophies, anyone else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/Wip2789
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    Borderlands movie has potential (repost from BL3 sub)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:36 PM PST

    TL;DR - retelling of the story doesn't mean that it will be retold poorly.

    My arguments:

    1) Game players are a part of the aimed at demographic, not its entirety. They want people who've never played the games, maybe never even heard of them to be drawn to the movie. Focusing on expanding existing lore will hurt the chances at wider audience.

    2) Comparing Eli Roth to Uwe Boll is like comparing a simple, homemade, fresh-out-of-the-oven mac and cheese to organic waste bin contents (looking at you, House of the Dead - thanks to you the Super Mario Bros movie is no longer the worst video game movie adaptation). Also - Cabin Fever is a fun movie.

    3) The director isn't the writer and the screenwriter they got has written on both extremes - drama (Chernobyl show) and completely absurd comedy (Scary Movie series), and as far as my opinion goes - has done great in both, which means the balance of humor and serious moments, as well as story telling in general, is in capable hands.

    4) The telltale game proved that an fps game can be turned into a click and point adventure without losing its entertainment value. At least for some of us. It's possible the movie will do the same because once again - the story will be the focus.

    5) Between a director who knows how to make a fun popcorn flick and a writer who knows how to write comedy and drama, we are looking at a very strong case of a potentially good movie. As long as they capture what makes this universe awesome - a mad max universe filled with Adams family characters.

    submitted by /u/Henchman20
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    Funny & Stupid Borderlands Content

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Hey guys! Soooo, a lot of people post their funny gaming meme videos of popular games such Rainbow and Overwatch on Youtube but I thought I'd do the same for Borderlands. I just took 10 minutes of gameplay and made it into a quick meme filled high octane video. Hope you guys enjoy! Borderlands 3 but The Story Makes Less Sense

    submitted by /u/doseofdrix
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    Ideas For A Twitch Play-through

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 06:32 PM PST

    I want to do a play through of bl 2 on twitch but i need a fun fresh and exciting idea to do. will link twitch if asked but not here to promote :)

    submitted by /u/SCHM1TTO
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    Did something happen to the Slaughter Shaft?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I decided to jump in to do some farming since the level cap raise. I use Zane with the barrier and the drone and never had an issue before, even on Mayhem 4. After multiple attempts, it seems like the barrier isn't working because I'm taking loads of damage, and its not melee or environmental. It also appears that there's a permanent modifier of 40% enemy weapon damage. I tested this by traveling and restarting the game several times and it didn't change. So, I'm just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. I couldn't make it past the first wave.

    I should also note that I played an hour prior in the dlc with no troubles.

    submitted by /u/puckbender
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    Borderlands 3 Clear Fort Sunshine glitch

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:24 PM PST

    I'm on chapter 13 and it says I have to Clear Fort Sunshine, I've killed all enemy including that dino in a crate, I've restarted twice doing the same thing and nothing has changed. How do I fix this? Is this a known bug?

    submitted by /u/ANTI4027
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    The wandering debt collector spawn location ?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:07 PM PST

    i'm currently trying to complete all achievements and one of the last ones i have is to kill the wandering debt collector. I have completed sisterly love and have tried quitting and re spawning 20+ times and have not seen him spawn in the location he is found in the quest? am i doing something wrong?

    edit: the wandering debt collect in the handsome jackpot dlc in bl3

    submitted by /u/poppunker26
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    Crossplay in Borderlands 3 ?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    has there been any updates on crossplay in Borderlands 3 ? i've wanted to play with my friends for so long but haven't had the chance yet and it would be nice to finally play with someone else lmao

    submitted by /u/poppunker26
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    Question about hunter-seeker

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:38 AM PST

    Does anyone know if the "mitosis" prefix on the hunter-seeker grenade is a m4 drop only drop?

    I've been farming geniveve for 4 days now, across all different difficulties and have only seen one drop in a chest behind graveward on m4. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/cat_bladder
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    BL3 Loot Level Mechanicsm

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I wanted to hear everyone's opinion on the much discussed subject of an end game mechanism to level our loot to current level. Would you want a mechanism and how would you do it? Personally, I would want one. While I do like farming, I dont like farming with the idea that in a few months I would have to do it all over again because of a level cap increase. Or even AGAIN after that increase. Something simple like a machine that takes eridium and scales your weapon to your current level would be much appreciated. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SaintRocker96
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    L4G [PC] [EUW GMT+1] From Borderlands 1 Enhanced to Borderlands 3 while streaming

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:29 AM PST

    Hi! I'm Liam, From Spain, me and my couple want to do a run of all the borderlands games, the idea is meeting online twice a week (saturdays and sundays morning) to play for about 3-4 hours until we finish all the games, we're not going for completionist, and, if you want to, we can agree to meet more times per week! As an extra, I'll stream on twitch all the gameplay!

    so.. yeah, that's the idea, any questions? feel free to ask! oh! and nice to meet you!

    submitted by /u/Liam_WT
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    Did drop rates get changed again?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    I'm trying to farm Borman Nates for a level 53 cutsman and I remember last time I tried doing this(right after they announced the increased drop rate was permanent) even on M3 he would drop atleast 1 legendary every time I killed him and the chest below him would normally have 3 legendaries in it. Now i'm getting only purples on M4. This definitly isn't the same as it was before.

    submitted by /u/RalphGunderson
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    Content drops (IMO)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    As most of the community is aware, borderlands 2 and all of its content was such a great game. Now before I rip into BL3s content please note that I do enjoy playing the game, a lot.

    However I'm struggling to understand why, after the headhunter packs were great, did they decide to make every holiday a timed thing? Before BL3 me and my partner went through all of BL2 as she hadn't played it before and there was hours of content. Separate little stories for each holiday made it feel loved and you could see the effort put in.

    But if anyone is late to the game and picks it up later this year they will have to wait for the holiday to roll around again just to kill floaty things next to normal enemies. My question is, what creative (and I'm using that term loosely) ass-hat saw BL2 and thought, actual content, nah, players do not want that.

    Also, why can I drop favourite items with just one click?

    submitted by /u/CompanyOfAngels
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