• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Borderlands We aren’t the best community

    Borderlands We aren’t the best community

    We aren’t the best community

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:25 AM PST

    They finally let us skip cut scenes, I see post after post bitching about how we should be able to skip dialogue too. Please be quiet. We won a huge round, don't be a jerk too.

    We pissed and moaned that the Halloween event went on forever and the final reward was trash, so: the Valentines Day event is limited and easy to accomplish with 2 legendary rewards. And yet, so many posts about how "it's over too quickly", or how it was "too easy".

    In BL2, loot ninjas were the worst, so we got an entire way around those chumps.

    We demanded more guns, they provided. We demanded more legendary items, they provided. We demand a LOT, and they provide pretty decently.

    It's always something: Boss battles are too easy. Boss battles have some mechanic we don't like. God forbid, some legendary items aren't OP right out of the box. Drop rates aren't good enough. Annointments are too OP/not OP enough (love this sub). Item got nerfed? Pitchforks!!!!! "M4 is unplayable/the only thing I'll play" (a favorite of mine). It just goes on and on and on forever.

    All I'm saying, is that for a game that has no micro transactions, maybe we're pissing and moaning A LOT.

    submitted by /u/cl4ppiestTr4p
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    My attempt at Moze's watch.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Custom made Moze watch face for my Samsung Galaxy Watch.

    Moze watch

    submitted by /u/EvilKrieger
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    Borderlands 3.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:47 PM PST

    Hi all, I've just completed borderlands 3 split screen with my wife. We have played every borderlands game together and loved them (even the presequel) but this was not an enjoyable experience. My wife is currently raging at how bad the writing was with the ending and I'm indifferent. I feel like it was an imposter borderlands game. Writing was poor, humour was mild and the repetition of getting the key to open the vault 4x was weak. What are your thoughts? Have I missed something?

    submitted by /u/DigiCurse
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    Borderlands Live Action Movie being made / Eli Roth to direct!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:53 PM PST

    Geek Tyrant - Borderlands Feature Film Being Made :)


    Thoughts from fellow Borderlands Geeks?

    Who would your dream cast be for the borderlands crew and who would voice Claptrap?

    submitted by /u/victoriangothic
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    Gearbox is playing 4D Chess with BL3

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Last weekend finished the pre sequel with my wife split screen on the PS4. Finally opened BL3 and popped it in. Quite literally unplayable split screen. End result? Borrowed a second PS4 from a friend with a newborn and got a second copy of the game. They doubled their sales through poor programming!

    submitted by /u/razialx
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    Team Build Idea: Axton Commando Squad

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:08 PM PST

    Blue Determined Tactician

    =Stat Boots:

    • Up to 58% faster team shield recharge rate
    • Up to 37% shorter team shield recharge delay

    =Skill Boosts:

    • +6 "Preparation"
    • +5 "Battlefront"

    =Suggested Skills

    =Suggested Gear:

    Blue Heavy Gunner

    =Stat Boosts:

    • Up to 34% faster team fire rate

    =Skill Boosts:

    • +6 "Metal Storm"
    • +5 "Steady"

    =Suggested Skills

    =Suggested Gear:

    Purple Expert Grenadier

    =Stat Boosts:

    • Up to +51% Grenade Damage
    • Up to +34% explosive damage resistance

    =Skill Boosts:

    • +5 "Steady"
    • +4 "Impact"
    • +4 "Grenadier"

    =Suggested Skills

    =Suggested Gear:

    Purple Juiced Veteran

    =Skill Boosts:

    • +5 "Pressure"
    • +4 "Steady"
    • +4 "Last Ditch Effort"

    =Suggested Skills

    =Suggested Gear:

    submitted by /u/Mr_Fire_N_Forget
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    Concise Menus

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:54 PM PST

    I feel like this has already been brought up, but there should be an option to have a more BL 1-2 style menu/inventory. Personally, I think there's way too much load time on console BL3 on start up when opening your inventory. It seems rather unnecessary for there to be a constantly rendered and animated model of your character in the inventory and an entirely separate animated character model in the skill menu. Additionally, the equip and compare options shouldn't be mapped to the same button, just in my opinion. I know it's kinda nitpicky, but it just seems more intuitive to me.

    tl;dr, give menu animations a toggle switch to reduce lag in inventory

    submitted by /u/nick2921
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    Biggest problem being a Zane main.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:04 PM PST

    I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally ran off the edge or into a death hole in a boss fight because I'm moving too fast and now paying attention to where I'm moving while shooting. I've had to restart solo takedowns many many times because of this.

    submitted by /u/DJNotNice19
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    Axton Build Idea: Death Specialist

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Goal Of The Build

    This is an attempt to make the "Specialist" class mod much more powerful and effective than it might otherwise seem.

    SMGs are pretty powerful in their own right, but the Specialist mod (to my understanding) is often looked over due to its somewhat lackluster buffs (increased accuracy with SMGs, which are usually already decently accurate; faster reload speed, which is already easily covered by the unmodded skills; increased non-elemental damage, which is usually looked past due to the other options and enemy resistances; and/or a health buff + status duration reduction), and the many other powerful mods.

    Skill Build:

    This build first focuses on increasing the raw damage of all the guns Axton uses, namely the non-elemental guns, as well as giving him some health and durability.

    Utilizing the below options (Rough Rider & Emperor especially), his SMGs end up becoming extremely powerful weapons of destruction, without making him too fragile. To show:

    • 11/5 "Duty Calls": +55% Non-Elemental Gun Damage, +33% Non-Elemental Gun Firing Rate
    • 5/5 Impact: +20% Gun Damage
    • 5/5 Crisis Management: +35% Gun Damage while shield is down
    • 5/5 Battlefront: +30% Gun Damage when Sentry is deployed
    • 5/5 Onslaught: +30% Gun Damage for 3 seconds on kill
    • Total Gun Damage Range w/ Non-Elemental Guns: +110% to +170%

    This is a massive amount of damage to have available at all times, especially with the suggested weapons below. Sure, the buff is slightly lower than what you'd get from boosting "Battlefront", and it could still be slightly buffed via Ranger if some skills were moved around (though I think that'd be a waste). Combine this with the fire rate boost of "Duty Calls" and the damage boost is actually made even greater due to what is effectively a DPS increase.

    Then there are "Forbearance" and "Healthy", which work with the Rough Rider to keep Axton healthy without a shield (so he can always take advantage of "Crisis Management" at all times), with Forbearance specifically almost nullifying the threats of Slag, Corrosive DoT & Incendiary DoT (especially with the Rough Rider reducing the damage they deal with its built-in damage resistance).

    Finally, the sentries are buffed close to their max capability, allowing them to serve as both distractions and as slaggers, without requiring the player to always carry a back-up slag weapon.

    Support Items

    =Class Mode: Blue Military Specialist

    • First Buff: Up to around +35% SMG accuracy
    • Second Buff: +6 to "Duty Calls"
    • Third Buff: +5 to "Forbearance"

    =Shield: Rough Rider

    • The boosted health and damage resistance are, as is typically the case, a massive benefit. For Axton, it allows him to skip the 'Willing", "Quick Charge", and "Preparation" skills (as well as, partially, "Pressure"), while also allowing him to benefit more from "Crisis Management", "Healthy" & "Forbearance" (and arguably "Grit").

    =Relic Options:

    • Dahl Allegiance Relic: Specifically for the reduced burst delay and reduced recoil. The best relic imo if going with the Emperor SMG, but would be good with any Dahl SMG.
    • Resistance Relic: Non-Elemental/Incendiary/Corrosive/Explosive should be damages you want reduced, in that order. Slag and Shock are not as important, since you aren't relying on a shield and already are resisting damage (plus, slag resistance doesn't reduce the damage increase you suffer while slagged).
    • Captain Blade's Otto Idol: Regaining health on every kill, while using the Rough Rider, is a major boon. The shorter FFYL can hurt, though you should rarely be going into FFYL in the first place.
    • Blood of the Seraphs: A simple boost to max health and health regen. Having any sort of reliable recovery is something you need as a Rough Rider.

    =Grenade: Explosive, Slag or Shock Fuster Cluck

    • The main purpose of this wouldn't be to kill enemies but to soften them up, either with raw damage, by slagging them, or by at least stripping their shields. A fastball could work as well, but that doesn't work as well against groups, so pick wisely.

    Main Weapon Suggestions:

    =Idea 1: Non-Elemental Emperor

    • Get it with a Dahl gun stock for the 7-round burst. Every extra bullet counts
    • Make sure to use the Dahl Allegiance relic to make the burst more bearable and reliable. You'll want it so you can easily take advantage of the gun's higher-than-normal SMG damage output before any skills are involved, let alone after the +110% damage you get from just the constant skills alone.

    =Idea 2: Non-Elemental Bitch: This is a powerful weapon by any metric. Give it to Axton, with all his damage buffs, and it just becomes a monster.

    =Idea 3: Non-Elemental Bone Shredder: This weapon benefits the most from the accuracy boost granted by the "Specialist" class mod, as well as any other accuracy bonuses you can incorporate. While it'll still be a bit inaccurate, it'll be better than now, and will be able to maintain some range for longer. Plus, the three bullets-per-shot can massively increase your damage output as well.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Fire_N_Forget
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    has menu lag been fixed? specifically on ps4

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:23 PM PST

    I played through the game when it first came out and the menu lag was terrible. haven't touched the game since but want to do another playthrough only if the menu lag has been fixed as it was the most annoying thing in the game for me.

    submitted by /u/35_degrees
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    As someone who played the living hell out of BL2(OP8 all characters, min max builds), is this game as deep in terms of replayability as BL2 was?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Also how healthy is the player base of the game?

    submitted by /u/comb0s
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    Pre shadowing

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:56 AM PST

    What if the cult of the vault was actually the children of the vault and after the events of bl2 they came out of hiding

    submitted by /u/The_velvetpenguin13
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    Level 38 Gunzerker question

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Should I get no kill like overkill or keep firing first?

    submitted by /u/HisokaMIW
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    Can someone join me with the Circle of Slaughter missions?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:22 PM PST

    My psn is MoistMagician94 Doing Slaughterstar 3000 to begin with and then doing the others, figured it would be easier to do it alongside others.

    submitted by /u/SilentOne1994
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    Not receiving guardian tokens!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:54 PM PST

    So I decided to power level another character and joined my wife's M3 game on coopetition and the first group of enemies we faced I went from level 6-8.5 just fine in like 30 seconds.

    My guardian rank bar also jumped levels a few times but I received no tokens!

    My rank said 20 and I know I was at like 17-18, so what gives?

    I said fuck that and put my normal character back in after that.

    submitted by /u/ZombieSiayer84
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    Help needed please

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:42 PM PST

    So I've beaten the game on normal and true vault hunter mode I did the Maliwan take down in a friends game but all of a sudden I can't do it on mine and I picked up the mission aswell and it is still popping up on my screen saying travel to midnights cairn

    submitted by /u/the-confused-gamer
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    Takedown on Maliwan mission not working

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Whenever I travel to the midnights cairn the mission pointer is on the drop pod and I can't get through the door the levers are locked??? I picked up the mission from sanctuary I even have the season pass etc

    submitted by /u/the-confused-gamer
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    Make True Vault Hunter Mode like True Takedown Mode

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:56 PM PST

    It's known that Normal mode and TVHM lack differences in Borderlands 3. And there is even less of a reason to play TVHM now that Mayhem mode and slaughter shaft enemies scale with the player allowing them to get to level 50+ without TVHM unlike previous games. Recently Maliwan Takedown got "True Takedown Mode" which scales it to 4 player mode difficulty. TVHM should also scale the game to 4 player difficulty. This would help make a difference between the modes especially for solo players.

    submitted by /u/The__Anon
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    Suggestions for a 100% playthrough

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I recently embarked in a 100% playthrough with Zer0, since I wanted to get back into the game and to get the few achievements I'm missing. I'm now at level 50, farmed for a slag ruby and a couple of decent Lyudas. Am I missing something before starting UVHM?

    Also, since I wanna do all side quests in UVHM, I was wondering what's better between doing them as I progress with the main story or powerlevel first and do the secondary missions once I hit level 80 or even at op 10. With the first approach I would probably find myself constantly underleveled and in need to regear. On the other hand the other option seems less interesting story-wise.

    What would you guys do?

    submitted by /u/Meriph
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    A new style of let's play, best moments highlights, but also get the important story elements:) sub if you enjoy :)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST

    Title says it all, I'm really proud of my content so far :) I hope you enjoy :) https://youtu.be/cJ6JXAsQAK0

    submitted by /u/Strandyt
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    Claim broken hearts rewards

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:57 AM PST

    Can i still claim the rewards after the event end? I can only see the halloween event (not active)...so can I no longer access the broken hearts event rewards? That's kinda frustrating.

    submitted by /u/kamishiblacktooth
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    Tilting right on Xbox one

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Not trying to complain but I think a hot fix is needed to fix this right side tilt on Xbox one. It tends to get annoying.

    submitted by /u/scoobs2dope
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    Loot seems a little diminished

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:23 AM PST

    So before the 2 major loot events ( Red chest and broken hearts ) i feel like the RNG as far as enemy drops go were much better and has declined in quality after. For example BEFORE either event i could make a run through Lectra city ( my fav location ) and walk out with at least a dozed new legendary and purple guns that had great rolls. After the events i can make multiple runs and i might find 3 legendary and 1 purple everything else is white or green. I'm still on TVHM at M4 and why am i getting more white and green drops then i did playing on NVHM. There are more Badasses but the loot isn't no where near as good as it was pre events. Again im only talking about enemy drops like those from annointed or hardened Badasses.

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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