• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 13, 2020




    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST


    Today we will release an update for Borderlands 3, which will be live on all platforms today by 3:00 PM PST, that addresses multiple community requests such as skippable cutscenes, Guardian Rank toggles, a level cap increase, and kicks off the week-long Broken Hearts Day Event!

    Hotfixes are applied at the main menu. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign appear. If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to support.2k.com. Below are the notes for today's patch and hotfixes.



    Maurice, your sentient Saurian shipmate on Sanctuary III, is continuing his study of humanity's customs, and has taken an interest in our strange courting rituals. To help him understand the emotional rollercoaster that is Broken Hearts Day, you'll need to blast the floating hearts that are popping up over baddies' heads all over the galaxy. Maurice will reward you with sweet Broken Hearts Day loot for your trouble, including two level 53 weapons: Terminal Polyaimorous and Wedding Invitation!


    For the Vault Hunter who already has everything, or prefers their gameplay to be more straightforward, you can now disable the Broken Hearts Day Event in the main menu. This highly requested feature will be included for all future seasonal events as well.


    With this patch, you can now skip all cutscenes in the game, whether you've seen the cutscene before or not, during solo play or by the host of your party during multiplayer! Simply press any key during the scene and you'll be prompted to confirm the skip.


    The level cap has been increased to 53, providing everyone with 3 more skill points to aim for! We are looking forward to seeing what interesting combinations the community finds with their additional skills and will have more to talk about in the future concerning level cap increases and character growth.


    We're introducing True Takedown Mode to the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite. As of this patch, there will be a way to re-enable the original version of the Takedown scaled to 4 players. Future Takedowns will also launch with both modes enabled.

    The default setting keeps the Takedown scaled depending on how many people are in your party. To turn back on 4-player scaling, toggle the new switch to the right of the Takedown door.


    You are now able to turn off individual Guardian Ranks or the whole system! If there are any perks that aren't playing nice with your builds, you can now disable them! Furthermore, for those who want to enjoy a vanilla leveling experience, you have the ability to disable the entire system. This includes both stat bonuses and all perks.

    When the patch goes live, the Guardian Rank system will be turned off by default, giving you a great opportunity to look through your perks to see if there's anything new you want to try! Note: while the Guardian Rank system is turned off, you will not be able to gain ranks.


    With this patch, Stadia is now caught up to the other platforms! Stadia players can now access Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot, fight through Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite, and take advantage of the QOL improvements that were included in previous patches.


    Addressed multiple reported crashes

    Addressed multiple reported memory crashes

    Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when updating the position of the dueling timer during a level transition

    Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when there is no player character while spectating in the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite

    Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur when hijacking a vehicle

    Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after extended hours of play

    Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Athenas

    Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur during combat in Atlas HQ

    Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur in a multiplayer game in The Droughts

    Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when loading into a map when Campaign Matchmaking

    Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when elements react in bodies of water

    Addressed a reported freeze that could sometimes occur during garbage collection

    Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when using Iron Bear

    Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur after respawning a vehicle and then using the CAR station before the vehicle spawns

    Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when holding both the left and right arrow keys while on the Skills tab of the ECHO menu on PC

    Addressed a rare crash that could sometimes occur when quitting to desktop after another user disconnects during multiplayer on PC

    Addressed a reported crash that could sometimes occur when a host selected Quit to Portal on Stadia

    Addressed a reported memory leak on map transitions


    We are continuing to work on additional stability and performance updates for future patches.

    Implemented multiple performance optimizations

    Implemented multiple audio performance optimizations

    Addressed reported performance issues encountered when players are pushed by another user's vehicle

    Addressed a reported performance issue when fighting enemies at Lumberton Junction in Floodmoor Basin

    Addressed reported performance issues when scrolling through Guardian Rank Menu icons quickly


    Added weight to the Guardian Rank random reward selection to favor reward options with less tokens applied to them

    Addressed a reported concern that some missions were not awarding their cosmetic item rewards

    Players should now have the following mission rewards if they completed the associated missions:

    • NOG Mask - Techincal NOGout in Meridian Outskirts

    • Atlas Classic skin - Atlas, At Last

    • Gilded Rage Jakobs skin - Cold as the Grave

    • Signature Style CoV skin - The Great Vault

    • Drop It Weapon Trinket - It's Alive

    Addressed a reported concern that players could be granted starting gear that was far beyond their level

    Addressed a reported concern that a player in spectator mode would occasionally lose functionality when the Takedown host fast traveled to a different map

    Addressed a reported concern that a Second Wind would occasionally reset the Takedown mission after players had failed the mission

    Addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally respawning at the incorrect checkpoint in Meridian Outskirts

    Addressed a reported concern that the player character on the character select menu would be positioned incorrectly when a player late joins a multiplayer game on Skywell-27

    Addressed a reported concern that the weapon Tiggs Boom was spawning projectiles in the wrong location Increased the chance of Tiggs Boom to spawn a projectile

    Addressed a reported concern that Anointed Enforcer's shield would occasionally disappear and make the enemy appear vulnerable when they were not

    Addressed a reported concern that third-person healing effects could occasionally scale larger than intended

    Addressed a reported concern that players were occasionally being teleported to random places during cutscenes when standing on specific spots in a map

    Addressed a reported concern that the incorrect icon was displayed when confirming in Japanese on PlayStation 4

    Addressed a reported concern that item cards would occasionally remain present on the screen after picking up an item

    Addressed a reported concern that videos could sometimes appear corrupt on Stadia

    Addressed a reported concern where certain key inputs would not be accepted properly on Stadia

    Addressed a reported concern that the joinable status of a game on Stadia could be inaccurate

    Addressed a reported concern with incorrect key glyphs showing when returning to the Main Menu on Stadia

    Nativized previous hot fixes


    Addressed a perceived progression blocker after entering Lectra City from another map after completing the "Collect Batteries" objective of "Kill KillaVolt"

    Addressed a perceived progression blocker that occasionally occurred during the "Return toppings to Tina" objective of "Hammerlocked"

    Addressed a perceived progression blocker that could sometimes occur after leaving and re-entering the map during the "Check dead drop" objective of "Going Rogue"

    Addressed a reported concern where dialog could be repeatedly triggered if the player loaded into another map while on the objective "Take alternate path" during "Footsteps of Giants" on Desolation's Edge

    Addressed a perceived progression blocker during the "Loot Vault" objective with Typhon during "Footsteps of Giants"

    Addressed a reported concern where a player with active missions could start a session with no tracked mission if their previously tracked mission could not be tracked


    Addressed a reported concern that the "Emergency Response" perk was increasing Shield Recharge Delay, rather than decreasing it

    Addressed a reported concern that the crowd audio was sometimes coming from a separate location while chasing down Carnivora

    Added blockers to prevent players from occasionally escaping the map without dying when jumping off the edge of a cliff in Carnivora

    Addressed a reported concern that players could walk through a wall of rocks in Carnivora

    Added blockers to prevent players from escaping the map near the Apollyon Transit Station New-U in Neon Arterial

    Addressed a reported concern that the Gunner could sometimes get stuck in the second area of the Proving Grounds

    Addressed a reported concern that players could occasionally escape the Skag of Survival boss area in The Proving Grounds

    Addressed a reported concern that the Siren could escape the map while using the "Downfall" ability in Cistern of Slaughter and the Destroyer's Rift

    Addressed a reported concern that the final satellite dish would not appear for the player to destroy at certain distances during "Bad Reception" Addressed a reported concern that players were unable to break an Eridium crystal cluster in Ambermire

    Addressed a reported concern where aim assist was snapping aggressively on the center of an enemy when fighting the Blue Fire and Red Rain boss enemies during "Slaughterstar 3000"

    submitted by /u/WorkAccount2020
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    SHiFT Code

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:25 PM PST


    submitted by /u/seanspeirs_44
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    What is your favorite boss fight in the Borderlands franchise?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:14 PM PST

    After fighting Sentinel from the TPS, I'll officially say its my favorite boss fight in the Borderlands franchise.

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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    New update broke inventory system on PC

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    I cant scroll or even go through my items in my inventory and also the item information is not popping up when I highlight an item. Wtf is going o

    e: I should clarify this only happens when inside vending machines, my inventory works fine otherwise so atleast I can change my guns lol

    submitted by /u/tabben
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    PSA: The ghosts from the hearts drop the halloween event specific legendaries

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Just got a fearmonger

    submitted by /u/Dorksoulsfan
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    One crazy idea for Mayhem 2.0 - random world spawns for past & present Borderlands bosses

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:41 AM PST

    So the official in-game explanation for Mayhem Mode is that it stimulates 'alternate, more chaotic universes' for Eridians to train in. So i thought, what's more chaotic that running into the BNK3R while running around Promethea, or Badassasaurus Rex on Pandora. Hell, maybe if you're farming a boss, another one might even spawn alongside. This is obviously a huge stretch and would be no small feat to implement, but it'd be a pretty cool way to improve replayability and legendary drop chances.

    Thanks for tuning in!

    submitted by /u/chancehugs
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    PSA: You can save-scum your way into an appropriate reward for the hearts event.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    I leveled up to 53 this afternoon, and also cleared out my 100 hearts in the Cistern. For my Zane main, my Wedding Invitation was anointed for Moze. WTF? I don't even have a Moze!

    Thankfully, I saved off my character save to Online prior to redeeming the reward. I'm not a fan of save-scumming, but it's really stupid for a "I can only get this once reward" to not be anointed for your class. Reloading and rerolling until I get a decent one.

    submitted by /u/mimes_piss_me_off
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    It’s not me, is it?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:23 PM PST

    So the day has come where I've got to ask.

    Do you get kicked out of almost every matchmaking session too? Or am I just weird and am the only one using the matchmaking system and I'm the intruder?! D:

    I just want to experience Borderlands 3 already and level my Gunner up but the maze-like ship and the loneliness of not killing with other people is killing me 🤯

    submitted by /u/ChewbacasThong
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    Ghosts coming from Broken Hearts?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:00 AM PST

    I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but as I was playing a mission, an enemy with "wrong event.x" where x was a sequence of numbers I didn't catch appeared. After I killed it (no screenshots, unfortunately) some loot ghosts came out of it. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this?

    submitted by /u/BS_500
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    Cistern of Slaughter is still bugged

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Once again I got to the final round, last wave and a Rakk got stuck behind an invisible wall.

    edit: a letter

    submitted by /u/someshooter
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    how do i get rewards for the valentine's event?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:53 PM PST

    I have destroyed 100 hearts and completed the challenge but I"m not sure where the rewards go? they aren't in my mail. they aren't in my inventory

    submitted by /u/ontarioemailcenter
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    There’s a chance to get the ghosts again...

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:46 PM PST

    So I was farming hearts when there was a green heart with the name of "WrongEventError(some numbers)"when you destroy the heart a regular ghost, Badass ghost and a Loot ghost spawn. I was on Xbox. Has it happened to anyone else?Can we still get a ghast call?

    submitted by /u/RandalsInSandals
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    Broken Hearts Day Complete?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:55 PM PST

    Hello. My wife and I have unlocked all the challenge rewards for Broken Hearts Day. Is there a benefit to keeping the event activated?

    submitted by /u/MrNanny
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    so who will be grinding borderlands three valentine event

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:13 AM PST

    what items are u looking forward to in this event and why are u looking forward to those specif items

    submitted by /u/EvGNation
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    List loot is broken.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 10:10 PM PST

    Did a Cistern run. And was picking up Epic drops & selling the trash item; got kicked (with about 30-40 Legendaries on the ground), re-joined & checked my List Loot ... nothing but Blues (rare items) in the Lost Loot.

    Anyone else running into List Loot issues?

    submitted by /u/rugrlou
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    Crawmerax on PS4

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:54 PM PST

    So the online community is pretty dead on Borderlands GotY PS4 and I'm having trouble finding people who need or want to run Crawmerax. Would anyone like to team up to take down Crawmerax?

    submitted by /u/joshrockstark
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    Pay attention to the names of the hearts

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:31 PM PST

    Just had a gold heart called "looty boi". Well done GB, Well done.

    submitted by /u/Shadow__Net
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    Two questions: 1. Any way to download the soundtrack? (I’m on console) 2. What’s the advantage of tvhm over mayhem?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:24 PM PST

    Malliwan Takedown has an EGM Soundtrack I cant get out of my head and I really really want it for cruising music

    submitted by /u/SoyMurcielago
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    What do you guys think happened to Rhys and Fiona at the end of Tales From The Borderlands?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:53 PM PST

    I was hoping that the main story of Borderlands 3 would answer but it didn't. There's also that Echo Log that implies that Sasha (and maybe Fiona) are hiding for some reason.

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    Handsome sorcerers BL2

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Are they more common after the dungeon area or are the spread kinda thin throughout the castle

    submitted by /u/PatTHICC_6969
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    Borderlands 2 level scaling

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:11 PM PST

    In normal mode is it possible to get enemies to scale to my level? Because I'm wanting to farm for gear on level or do I have to wait till TVHM?

    submitted by /u/HisokaMIW
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    New weapons discussion post

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Polyaimourous - Maliwan SMG: Fires a constant laser, when it hits a target: fires over multiple beams that damage near by enemies. it can only come in fire and shock

    Personal thoughts: seems like a redistributor but in a laser format, seems to be pretty good, need to test more.

    Wedding invitation - Jakobs sniper rifle: Fire element, returns a bullet into the mag on crit and also ricochet as cryo. crits have splash damage

    Personal thoughts: after my limited testing, the weapon is extremely powerful against red health targets, and the bullet return on crit allows you to brute force the other health bars if needed. possible top tier weapon.

    submitted by /u/minnowz
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    playing starting from tvhm

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    Just to confirm, do i have to play through the entire story again to get to the mayhem levels? I already completed normal mode. I just want to start leveling again from my current level (34) and have the whole world open to me. Am i just missing a setting somewhere?

    submitted by /u/Boblawblahh
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    Does BL3 still have a lot of technical issues? (PC)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

    A group of friends and I had decided to wait for the game to come over to Steam before buying, which seemed to be the right call as BL3 had a of technical issues reported on day one. I've been watching reviews and trying to keep up with news about the game. Has the stability been improved?

    submitted by /u/UltramanRandySavage
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    Red Chest Event is over. Me sad.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:50 PM PST

    I was having such a good time farming Jack for the last week. It was boring but some of the loot was good to make it worthwhile.

    Now Jacks' chests are full of green packin devastators that are Lvl 52!!! lol damn

    Red chest event should have been after the cap increase. It seems a waste of time doing the red chest event when you cant even use a new green gun!

    Gearbox failed this time.

    I am sad to come to the conclusion that I will stop playing BL3 until all the cap increases have been initialized.

    Any of you feel the same?

    submitted by /u/lollipoped
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