• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Borderlands Stop whining please you all knew it was coming.

    Borderlands Stop whining please you all knew it was coming.

    Stop whining please you all knew it was coming.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Bring on the down votes but i don't care because the truth hurts and you all need to STFU. Have you people never played a borderlands game? How did you not see the level cap increase coming. Im seeing WAY too many post about having to refarm gear and so what. (Yes i see post about how many levels we're getting too but thats a separate topic). In BL2 they raised the cap not once, not twice but 3 times and every time you had to go get everything back at the new cap and no one was This Bitchy about it. As highly as BL2 is held im surprised by how many "refarm complaints" there are. Im sorry you have a "god roll Maggie" but this is borderlands it has always been this way. Give that gun to Marcus and move on. This is why you don't waste 2 months farming grave ward to copy some streamers build. -[ SPOILER Alert ] this will not be the last time they raise the cap. So keep that in mind in the future. Just enjoy the chase and be thankful because now we can clear out our banks for march. $$$$

    Update: To everyone saying it's 30% increase a LvL. No it is not. It is only a increase of 9% per lvl. Even at that 27% over the course of 3 levels total isn't going to be that dramatic of a difference. ( don't believe its 9% go grab 2 companion revolvers because they have fixed stats. One at 49 and one at 50. Take the high damage subtract the low = increase. Take the increase divide it by the high value. Then multiple by 100 = % of increase.)Everyone was still using LVL 40(s) gear the 1st time they reached 50 you will be ok. You can already melt GW in under 10 secs so having to do it in 15 won't bring the world to an end.

    -To everyone complaining that you will not get a second cap stone. OMG STFU. It is not like you're never getting a second cap stone, you're just not getting it YET. So when you complain about it in the manner most of you have been all GBX hears is ("I want it I want it I want it! Now! i said now! Give me, I WANT IT NOW!") like a greedy child throwing a tantrum. You could all act like you have some god damn civility and ask gearbox nicely if we could have 4 lvls instead of just the 3 but that would require you to pull your head out of your asses for a minute.

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    The game was better than expected

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Picked up this and Outer Worlds on sale, expected a decent experience based on waht I read. However I'm having way more fun with this than any game in a long time, perhaps I just missed some dumb fun action. Speaking of, the shooting feels delightful. I also like the overall style and the story is as good as it need to be, just an excuse to shoot. I just entered the second planet but I'm pleased so far, anyone else postively suprised by this game?

    submitted by /u/Crooked_Cracker
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    The best part of this event is being able to clean out the safe.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

    I have so many items that I never use sitting in there. I finally get to throw it all away.

    submitted by /u/ThirdRamon
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    I don't know why I like the first game more than 2 and 3, despite them being objectively better games

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 01:07 PM PST

    I haven't even finished BL2 or BL3 either, which makes it even more bizarre. I mean BL2 has more Vault Hunters, more weapons, more environments, more DLC, more customization, more options, higher level cap, larger skill trees, better storyline, and basically the same gameplay but with more replay value... Why do I like the first game better?

    submitted by /u/DeafeningCha
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    You ever read the little title card for pandora before you fast travel there? It just sounds funky to me.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 01:18 PM PST

    "Time was a traveler might find a desperate kind of freedom here."

    submitted by /u/SquigglesMcJiggly
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    Is there any way to reverse import characters from GOTY Enhanced back to GOTY?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:24 PM PST

    I'm aware of the "import character" button in the enhanced version, but I was wondering if you can do it in reverse. I got near halfway through playing Roland only to realize that the original inventory system is so much better. I can't directly import without a crash. Anyone have any tips?

    submitted by /u/handyjimogg
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    Can subsequent characters have all their slots unlocked from the start after you unlock them with your first?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 08:12 PM PST

    Can't start the DLC with a new character because I only have 2 active gun slots and no ability to equip mods or artifacts. This really should be added to the game. If Gearbox wants to know why people stick to single characters it's because they want more variety with subsequent playthroughs over being forced to play the same damn 25 hour story campaign over and over and over. Let me jump into the new DLCs with a new character but don't gimp me. It really ruins replay value.

    submitted by /u/brett84c
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    Help me

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:09 PM PST

    So I just got borderlands 2 for my PS3 and I thought to get the season pass, I bought it and now I can't use any dlc. Is it because I play on disc or what

    submitted by /u/sansth33comic
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    Bl2 single player class

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:24 PM PST

    So I've played borderlands 2 before beat at least one playthrough with every character but I've never gotten a Max level character. I'm gonna be playing solo and wanna know who would be best to get to max level including OP levels. If you want to know my preference on the matter. I'm kinda thinking between krieg, Salvador, or maya. But if you guys have your preference and why please lend any tips. I've been wanting to have a Max level character but always fall off the game in UVHM cuz it feels so hard. Im currently playing Lilith in BL1 and I'm having a blast 10 more levels to Max and she will be my first max too in case that'll help you guys help me decide.

    submitted by /u/GodWillSm4ckU
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    Why cant we multi-queue for game modes?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:24 PM PST

    It sucks only being able to queue for one game mode.

    submitted by /u/WilvliW
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    Borderlands Cross platform

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Hey guys I've recently built a pc and I'm playing borderland 3. I was just wondering if I would be able to play alongside my brother who is on ps4 (co-op). And also do any of the other borderlands support co-op? (borderland 2, 1, the pre sequel) thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/MemeJudger
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    The conference call

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 06:01 PM PST

    Is it less rare for it to drop from handsome sorcerers or should I try to get it from the Warrior

    submitted by /u/PatTHICC_6969
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    Let us use Mayhem Modes w/ new characters

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST

    This is a reminder that we STILL have to beat the game again to unlock Mayhem Mode & TVHM with a new character.

    This game was supposedly made to be replayable but it includes long sections of nonskipable cutscenes and dialogue. At least allow the gameplay to have variety from the jump.

    Slogging through the same story twice is why my second character is so weak.

    submitted by /u/weirdeyedkid
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    Idea for dlc

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST

    I have an idea for a dlc it is like claptastic voyage but instead you go into balex's coding and find out geneviv has not been completely gone and you need to get her out of there and you go in and the systems defences see you as a threat and find out balex got hacked and you reprogram his defences by beating a giga mind like boss that drops a tediore legendary. And after that you destroy viruses that got activated by geniviv and activate some anti virus system but you have to then beat a glitch boss which glitches your character by making you use more ammo lose grenades and then you go to ground zero where geneviv is and fight her and the final boss fight will be geneviv but she has some code thing and creates some code destroyer (like the destroyer from bl1 but its made out of code) and after that she uses that same code and turns into some iron bear mech and after that you get loot and you can decide what happens next

    submitted by /u/game_lieutenant
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    Anyone else having a problem with Guardian perks not working again?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 03:39 PM PST

    I just created a new Moze and none of the survivor perks from previous play throughs seem to apply to this character.

    submitted by /u/fou318
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    [BL3] Best Moze Splash Damage Build?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:18 PM PST

    As of right now with the current patches, what is the exact best build and best gear for Moze's Splash Damage Build? I already have a Flakker and Ogre, so I need to figure out the best grenades, class mods, and shields.

    submitted by /u/BladeOfSmoke
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    Free Naoke

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Anyone else try to complete "Proof of Wife" quest and, after killing the Wedding Party, find there is no prompt to Free Naoke from her cage?

    Another Glitch?

    submitted by /u/15MinuteLawyer
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    Splitscreen issues fixed yet?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Haven't played since October, have they improved the performance since then?

    submitted by /u/acleverhobo
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    Rare Chest Riches cut short?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Maybe I've had terrible luck but for the past three days the loot in all chests has dropped to terrible levels. I'm playing Mayhem 4 and I'm getting non-annointed lvl 49 gear more often then anything else. It was great the first couple of days, chest filled with legendaries with a mix of both annointed and non, but now I'm not even focusing on them anymore because it's not been worth it and I've noticed boss grinding has been dropped too. The graveward has been dropping 1-2 items at best with one often being Deep Nebula.

    submitted by /u/karloss01
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