• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 11, 2020

    Borderlands I feel like 3 extra levels gives us all the downsidea of increasing the level with none of the benefit.

    Borderlands I feel like 3 extra levels gives us all the downsidea of increasing the level with none of the benefit.

    I feel like 3 extra levels gives us all the downsidea of increasing the level with none of the benefit.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:28 AM PST

    So GBX just announced that they will be raising the level cap to level 53, which will give us 3 whole new skill points.

    The skill points are nice, but I feel that 3 is not enough to make existing builds that much more powerful, or to enable any new combos.

    With the current level scaling, 3 levels means roughly a 30% increase in gear stats, which is huge. Most items will have to be refarmed... For 3 skill points?

    I am missing something or does anyone else feels like this is just a gear reset?

    Let's just hope that we don't get a slow drip feed of levels in the future. Getting 3 new levels every few months will get real old, real fast.

    [edit] of course I mangled the title by typing on mobile. Sadly I can't change it now.

    submitted by /u/CptCap
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    Unpopular Opinion; The Leveling Process is more fun than the End Game content.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:57 PM PST

    So I have always seen people really love and say the game gets better at the end game, I can not disagree more. Being maxed level and constantly grinding bosses for legendary gear just so you are able to grind the same bosses a little bit faster is not fun. You start to ignore almost all gear that isn't orange colored. You then only play a very small portion of the content which is just for getting more legendary gear that will be outdated when level cap is raised. The fun part for me is playing through the game, leveling up and constantly tinkering with different builds as I get new points. Exploring the worlds and shifting through all rarity of loot to see if its good or not. Doing quests and enjoying their humor and story. Being extremely hyped for any legendary that drops. The feel good feeling as you reach a new level and then you get to place that point into a new skill.

    I know a lot of people like the end game, but to me it feels like instead of the game opening up, it just becomes limited to 10% of content the game has to offer. I know I'm in the minority here but the grinding is not fun or well done loop here, something like Monster Hunter does the boss grinding loop 10x better.

    EDIT: Holy shit, how did this manage to get on the from page?

    submitted by /u/PapaOogie
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    Borderlands 3 - Community Update

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:11 AM PST

    The Broken Hearts event is only from Feb 13 to Feb 20th

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Halloween stayed forever and a day, and you couldnt turn it off.

    Now it's only a week, and you can toggle it.

    I'm on vacation out of state, so I wont get to play.

    IMO Gearbox swung way too far in correcting after the Halloween complaints. How are adults supposed to play the even in just a week with jobs and obligations, anyway?

    submitted by /u/enleft
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    Shift Code for Golden Key!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:07 AM PST


    submitted by /u/kingsolomon333
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    With the new level cap coming, please make quest items farmable!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:39 AM PST

    (Posted into BL3 community too)

    Title. We will be getting 3 more levels with an upcoming event making the new level cap 53, and making our old gear probably close to useless on high mayhem levels. Quest items are my main concern as all other items can already be farmed pretty easily. Items such as the Bekah, Scoville, Embers purge, and all other once off items should have a system introduced to farm them. (Perhaps something like, getting 500-1000 kills with that item equipped will get you another one sent in the mail?)

    These items were already a pain to farm on your own, even with save scumming and back ups. I think a system that perhaps added a way to farm these weapons or added them to the loot pool once you've e earned it, would be welcome. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/IneffableMuffin
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    Petition for Mods to make a mega-thread about the level increase.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:52 PM PST

    Like ok, we get it guys literally everyone thinks that only getting 3 levels is bad, the front page is like 80% "3 levels means we have to refarm gear" posts. you're not saying anything that hasent already been said.

    submitted by /u/UndeadPhysco
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    hopes and dreams for the upcoming borderlands show

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 04:11 AM PST

    tell me what you want them to announce in the borderlands show later today

    personally i want

    mayhem 2.0

    new dlc announcement

    new event plus changes to how events will work for the future

    more base game content, like more non unique purples, and so on

    perhaps the next raid, or just a raidboss

    proving grounds for the dlcs, ( i was dissapointed to not have proving grounds for the hyperion army and ONLY the bots, no nothing just bots)


    mayhem 2.0 got mentioned but not much

    new dlc reveal is in two weeks

    new event is kinda lame <.< and since loot will be underlvld soon not even worth to play ...

    nothing rly for base game like that varkid thing or the door.

    we get more raids but nothing in the close future 1-2 months as far as we know

    submitted by /u/Irarius
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    Dont even bother giving me 3 levels.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:16 AM PST

    Give me 11 levels or don't give me anything. I'm not re grinding legendaries all over again for 3 levels every 5 months. That's not how you did it in the past and ppl still play part 2.

    If it is only gonna be 3 levels, I'm done with this game for at least a year and who knows if I get back into the game after that.

    Dont ruin a good thing gearbox.

    submitted by /u/SZutich9
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    The +3 level cap increase does not seem great.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    I would have much rather them gone with their previous route of increasing the levels by 5-10. Now all us hardcore, endgame players are going to have to Re-Grind everything, for a mere 3 extra levels? On top of a another possible level cap increase with the next DLC or event?

    I'm really just confused by this and if anybody could shed some light as to why they chose to take the cap increase this direction, I'd greatly appreciate it

    submitted by /u/Dethproof814
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    I think that this new patch will fit the theme of Valentine's Day very nicely...

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Because of the heartbreak that I will feel when I have to trash all my items that I've farmed for weeks on end just to get those items but 3 levels higher.

    submitted by /u/RatsPoutine
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    Broken Hearts new Legendaries

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Glitching Queen just posted a video with her early access to the broken hearts event. The new legendary Jakobs sniping rifle doesn't look that interesting, but the SMG..

    A Maliwan SMG that fires a beam of its element that chains to all nearby enemies continuously. This thing is going to make crowd clearing with the Recursion obsolete. They also stated all level cap increases will only come with free events, not DLC

    submitted by /u/Sudden_Nomad
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    I didn't want a cap increase yet, but if we have to have one...only 3 levels?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:23 AM PST

    I know there are a lot of impatient Vault Hunters out there that have been screaming for a level cap ever since they hit 50.

    Those of us NOT new to Borderlands all knew it would come but didn't think two things; that it would be here this early, and ONLY 3 LEVELS?!

    Listen, I'm not downplaying the cap, but I am downplaying only 3 levels. We still won't have a 2nd capstone, it doesn't really allow for any new builds, and all of that shiny new gear you JUST GOT from the recent event will be rendered essentially useless; unless you just don't want to farm higher level gear. But let's be real, you're going to want your current loadout at max level. Sidenote; WHY INCREASE THE LEVELS FOLLOWING AN EVENT DESIGNED TO GIVE US MORE GEAR?! That was pretty fucking shitty planning to me, or a devious tactic to keep us playing. Either way, that's bullshit, but if it was at least 5, it wouldn't be.

    With how bloated the world drop pool is, all the different parts that can be on a gun, re-gearing for only 3 levels does not seem worth it. I only have about a dozen pieces of gear that I actually got from dedicated drops, and that wasn't until this most recent event. Everything else was a world drop.

    If re-gearing is going to be even a little bit worth it, world drop rates need to go down, and dedicated rates, up, even more than the most recent change. It's still going to take hours upon hours, and at least it will be more tolerable.

    Enemy bosses should be like Fabricator in DLC 1; 100% drop rate for it's dedicated drop. It still took me hours upon hours looking for the right ION Cannons with 100% drop rate. It would be the same for these enemy spawns. Imagine getting a Cutsman after every go at Borman? Or one of the Calls from Tyreen? You're still looking for the right anointment, mag size, DPS, etc. No one just wants a vanilla legendary anymore, and that's what makes re-gearing for ONLY 3 LEVELS more tedious than it has to be.

    I feel everything else that needed to be addressed, was addressed. But this increase felt forced, and feels like a desperate measure to keep people playing; and there are way more things that I would rather see right now instead of a paltry 3 levels. Keep in mind, this cap increase is NOT NEW CONTENT. If we were able to get a 2nd capstone, I could make an argument that it's new content. However, that's not the case.

    This cap increase feels like a ploy to placate those impatient Vault Hunters that have been babyraging since 2 weeks after launch. It's just enough to satisfy them without them thinking about everything I've outlined here. People tunnel-vision level cap so much that it just astounds me. This cap could have waited.

    TL;DR - 3 levels is not enough of a cap increase, if we have to have one. Re-gearing for ONLY 3 levels will more tedious than it should be.

    submitted by /u/BrassMan87
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    [Bl3] Did they reduce the outline of the enemies in this game?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Comparing this to BL2 it seems the enemies are less visible. Dark Ratch in dark areas and light coloured enemies behind white cover.

    It might just be enemies take more cover now but the contrast is definitely much worse than the previous games

    submitted by /u/delitomatoes
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    Expecting Gearbox to Allow Your Gear to Level With You is Stupid.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:14 PM PST

    This is a looter-shooter, farming endless enemies and sifting through drop after drop after drop after drop in search of sweet loot is the primary mechanic of the game, why on earth would Gearbox subvert that entirely by allowing players to find an item at any level and then spend Eridium, cash, or some other resource to level the gear along with the player? What sense does that make?

    Well, in a game where Gearbox buggered the snot out of the drop rates and the drop mechanisms and where niche items are required to make a core action skill mechanic play the way it is described and viable across the various situations within the game (I'm looking at you Stagecoach and Fl4k's Fade Away), it actually makes perfect sense...sort of.

    I don't think we can expect or would even want our gear to level with us endlessly, that takes the point of the game away. However, outside of obscenely high drop rates and specific enemy drops for just about everything, there really needs to be some form of scaling gear as a bridge between the level we obtain it and when we can reasonably expect to have a chance at finding a suitable upgrade. So why not something like this?

    1. Eridium can be spent to upgrade the stats of a gun by a fixed percent per level.

    2. This fixed percent is slightly lower than what would occur as a natural drop. In other words, if a level 50 Psychosmasher does 100 damage and a level 51 does 10% more damage and scales to 110, then an upgraded level 50 would increase by 7% and do 107. There's a lot of incentive to upgrade rather than toss a godroll with perfect stats.

    3. Gear can only be upgraded a limited number of times, I think 3 might be a good start. So a naturally dropped level 53 Psychosmasher at level 53 would be doing 133 damage (assuming a 10% increase per level for our example's sake), a thrice upgraded level 50 would be doing 123 (7% increase per level, rounded up). Maybe the percentage isn't quite right, but for most of the gear where the stats matter, 70% of an upgrade is still better than 0%.

    This allows the player to have some sense of progression while still maintaining their current build without running into roadblocks due to the way that the drop rates work. Remember, anointments exacerbate this because not only do you want a good prefix and the proper element on your gear, you also want the right anointment for your build or class. This also doesn't break the core game mechanic of being a looter shooter. Upgrading a weapon in this case is a bridge rather than a replacement. This wouldn't completely resolve the issue with Terror gear or gear that can no longer be obtained due to an event, perhaps those items can receive a larger boost?

    I don't know, just a thought I had while lamenting how long I bet it will take me to get that perfect level 53 Stagecoach for my Fl4k. :)

    submitted by /u/NovesetteReddit
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    Am running the dawhveed build "Pestilence Wizard". I have the gear needed for the build. What other guns not discussed in video would work for swaps out of my bag?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:20 PM PST

    I'm used to running r4kk or gamma. This build is def different. What other guns should I put in the bag for swaps?

    submitted by /u/Nantuko12
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    The Brighter side of the Love Letter.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Everyone seems to be raging about the lvl cap increase but for me the skippable cutscenes is going to draw me BACK INTO the game.

    I've been slacking on my playtime lately and have been avoiding TVM on Moze or even starting an Amara playthrough because those dang cutscenes and with the like 5 hours of them gone (don't quote me on that number) I am definitely going to be coming back and running through the game a bunch more times. All that time saved is a big plus and can now be spent farming those God rolls.

    submitted by /u/DoeBoy051
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    Opening bets: What’s this event going to break on Thursday?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:40 PM PST

    My money is on guardian perks again. They've already shown that that is unstable code for them, and now they're going to test the ability to turn some of them off.

    -Drops not scaling to level ups (loot stuck at 50).

    -"Opt out" of event option not working.

    -Changes to FFYL radius create some kind of rezzing bug that players can abuse.

    -Performance "enhancements" cause performance problems (see previous inventory UI fix).

    -Skippable cutscenes dont work/cause stuck NPC states if skipped.

    -Mayhem 2.0... Im actually afraid to speculate.

    And bets on anything I missed?

    submitted by /u/Sudden_Nomad
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    Splitscreen Online Issues??

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    I have always played splitscreen with my girlfriend and now all of a sudden it requires her to have a ps plus subscription. It has never done this before. Does anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it??

    submitted by /u/freddyflint123
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    Split-screen still terrible on Xbox One S... is online co-op significantly better?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST

    I got BL3 when the super deluxe was on sale, and my girlfriend actually enjoys it a lot (she's newish to gaming). However, the split-screen issues have made it unplayable, and seem to have actually gotten worse after the last patch sometime in December.

    Since we've already put money and time into it, I'm considering buying a second copy while on sale. I have a spare Xbox because I travel a ton, if we played online instead, will the experience be better? Hoping to get feedback before spending any more money. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/gamegirlpocket
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    New Gun Concept - The Tempest

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:30 AM PST

    The Tempest is a Shotgun produced by Maliwan that would come in only Shock. The Tempests gimmick is that it would shoot 5 lasers for the price of 3 bullets. The bullets shortly split into 3 mini-lasers each, costing no ammo, making the projectile count go up to 20, however these mini-lasers are not as accurate as their parent-lasers. Its stats are shown below for a normal version.

    The Tempest - LVL 50

    Damage: 289x5

    Accuracy: 64%

    Handling: 72%

    Reload Time: 3.8 seconds

    Fire Rate: 0.8 bullets per second

    Magazine Size: 18

    • The Deadly Storm Rises.

    +78% weapon damage

    -42% weapon accuracy

    1.5x Weapon Zoom

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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    Gosh darn it

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Just finished killing Troy and after the cutscene I fell through the map. Wonderful. Naturally lost all of the loot (a legendary included).

    submitted by /u/iAdrianzza
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