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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Borderlands [FANART] Amara sketch by me

    Borderlands [FANART] Amara sketch by me

    [FANART] Amara sketch by me

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Made this back when BL3 was first announced!


    submitted by /u/Tharrek
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    I wish I could decorate my room in borderlands 3 more

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:55 AM PST

    Am I the only one who wishes for that? Only 3 decoration hooks is way to less. I hope that you can have more decorations in the future. Does anyone know if that is going to happen?

    submitted by /u/marvmellow
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    New Shift Codes!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Unlocks Three Golden Keys:



    Redeem before 10am Central, Monday March 9th.

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    All Borderlands Games Won't Launch

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:04 PM PST

    A few weeks ago when I last played bl2 and bl1 they were working fine, but today I tried to launch them and they won't launch. I haven't really found muxh online that relates to my case. However the stuff I have found hasn't done anything. I just did a fresh reinstall of bl1 and it's still broken. Any ideas of how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Gengle__
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    Rampager Orbs

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:42 PM PST

    When Maya tells you to shoot the orbs above the Rampager during its immune phases, does that actually do anything? I'm curious. As many times as I have farmed the Rampager, I have either shot as many as I possibly could, or none, and the qualitative difference seemed to be none. Does anyone know if there is any sort of reason to shoot the orbs other than to waste ammo and kill time during an immune phase?

    submitted by /u/integralofEdotdr
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    LOOTSPLOSION! - March 06, 2020

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Look at allll that gearrrrr!

    Welcome to the /r/Borderlands LOOTSPLOSION! Show us your most highly prized, your most disappointing, your hardest-won pieces of booty. Tell the tale of how it was won. Ask questions about it, if you like, or describe just how nifty it's been for you.

    (Every week we'll post a new LOOTSPLOSION! thread for that week's show-and-tell. Show us what you've got!)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    1st time Zane-r, need some assistance.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:49 AM PST

    I've played hundreds of hours on Fl4k, and when I started put there was plenty of info around, online, youtube, etc. for builds while leveling and what trees, items and anoints to look out for when leveling thru the story. It was easy and fun. So I decided to start a new character and went with Zane. Problem is, I cant find ANY good info on what works best while leveling thru my 1st playthrough,and all his trees and skills seem overwhelmingly good or just the opposite, or both at the same time. Confusing, to say the least. Can anyone just point me towards what tree or skills are in my best interest for now? I've found great endgame builds capped out, but at level 13, i feel underwhelmed playing him, lost even. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/FKbuki
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    Borderlands 2 or Destiny 2 for my wife who’s new to fps?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Pretty much title. I've been wanting my wife to diversify her gaming experience, as the only real game she plays is maplestory an mmorpg. I want her to experience something like borderlands or destiny so she can see the vast potential of other types of games.

    But long story short, which is better in terms of being beginner friendly when it comes to gameplay? Customizations aren't too much of a big deal imo, I think she just needs to have the satisfaction of being able to aim and shoot (rather slowly at first) and still be successful at missions/quests.

    Now I myself have only played borderlands, and only the first one at that. I loved it and am kind of biased at going for borderlands 2 because of it. And to my recollection, I remember thinking it's a pretty easy/smooth fps game. But I wanted to ask anyone who happens to enjoy both destiny and borderlands and see if yall have a better comparison and pros/cons list if applicable.

    Thanks a bunch in advance!

    submitted by /u/SquareCurvesStudio
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    Boxes in Quest Log?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:50 PM PST

    I have this problem in all borderlands games up to Pre Sequel where in the quest log, the numbers have boxes next to them. I am wondering if anyone knows what the problem is and how to fix it. Thanks. example : https://imgur.com/a/UXWj9iW

    submitted by /u/bongokhrusha
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    If Gearbox Devs do browse the sub reddits, Big Thanks for the buffs. Just 1 thing.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:25 AM PST

    Thanks for taking some time to address some of the under preforming gear like the lob. Soon after the sickle and storm as well. I always loved the sickles concept and now it's been buffed it's a lot of fun on groups of weaker mobs.

    Now excuse me for a moment while i get on my soapbox. Please do something with TKs Wave. For someone who was in our lives so briefly his impact ripples through the years. I feel that TK was our 1st true friend IN THE FRANCHISE. Claptrap was an assistant, Zed was a very kind local, but TK made you feel welcome, like you belonged on pandora.

    "Smells like... off-worlder. How you liking our planet, anyways?" The Wave is his 1st prototype his legacy. The only gun that carries his name. While yes it is powerful on paper it doesn't preform as such. It doesn't feel powerful when holding and shooting it. Either the shot is too scattered only allowing 1- 3 pellets to actually hit the target even while zoomed or speed of the projectile is to slow allowing the target to move out of the way easily.

    "Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. I get by just fine, alright? I'm okay." This is only MY opinion. Some tweaking i would like to see is the base damage be decreased while increasing the default number of pellets, greatly decrease the spread of the shot and increase projectile speed. Giving it a crisscross pattern much like the chomper would also be a nice change.

    "Hey thanks. I know it's rough out here, and a lot of people barely have time to help themselves, much less anybody else. Just know that your help means a whole lot." Of course this is merely a request. I understand that there are bigger fish to fry. Thanks again for working hard to fix the game, good luck on your steam release.

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    Is BL3 worth it?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:47 PM PST

    I'm thinking of buying it when on steam and I've been really enjoying my first play through of 2. I've heard people are very mixed on it but that was back at launch and I was wondering if it has either improved or it was people overreacting over this game. Thanks

    submitted by /u/SirSombieZlayer
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