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    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    Borderlands One thing the pre sequel did better then any other borderlands game

    Borderlands One thing the pre sequel did better then any other borderlands game

    One thing the pre sequel did better then any other borderlands game

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    They actually made the dialogue tailored to who your playing as. Not just from the players side but the NPC's as well. People insult you as claptrap, Janey will flirt with you if you're Athena, jack will flirt with Nisha, and Wilhelm just kinda exists in his world of not giving a shit.

    Where bl3 is just kinda... Same thing every time with the characters being the only alteration.

    Sure bltps wasn't the best in the series by any means, but you gotta give credit where credits due.

    submitted by /u/Nexus_Neo
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    What's the point of TVHM if I'm already level 47?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    So I just finished my first playthrough, doing all the side quests along the way, and I felt like I was pretty overleveled in the last couple main missions. I heard that enemy levels scale in both TVHM and mayhem mode, so is there a reason to play through all of TVHM to level up rather than just set it to mayhem and hit the level cap?

    submitted by /u/xhantari
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    Exposition dump after exposition dump

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I'm a long time borderland veteran and just bought the game today since it's now on steam, i know this game always had talking at the start of a mission but of my first 2 hours of gameplay 15 minutes was cutscenes and 40 minutes was waiting for npc to finish dialogue or following npc to open door or get to destination. Does it get better or not, i may be mildly amused the first time around but while playing the game on higher difficulties or with another character i may see this become really annoying.

    submitted by /u/Grappa91
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    I actually like the presequal

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    I see a fair amount of posts on here either saying "I know it's unpopular and not everyone will agree but TPS did this well" or I see outright "PrEsEqUaL BaD" posts and I'd just like to raise my hand and say that all around TPS was actually pretty damn good.

    submitted by /u/Reecehw108
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    Hella newbish questions

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Alright, so I'm not SUPER new to the borderlands games (I tried BL2 but I didn't play enough to get good so I stopped), but my brain recently decided to get super into them (I'm assuming because if the new game drop).

    Can anyone tell me wtf this blue thing I keep dropping and picking back up is? I feel like it's shield related, but nothing on google so I have to ask the stupid questions here aha. It's driving me insane XD

    submitted by /u/HannahJoXo
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    [Help] Is it just me or is this game poorly optimized?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    My specs:

    AMD Ryzen 9 3900 X 12-Core (24 CPUs ~3.8 GHZ) 16 Gigs DDR4 Ram RTX 2070 Super

    All drivers up to date, windows up to date. Graphics set to medium.

    Game still chugs between 40 and 50 and can't maintain a steady 60 fps.

    On the flipside I can play the new DOOM on all high settings and it never dips below 60 even during intense combat.

    Am I doing something wrong here or is this game just badly optimized for PC?

    submitted by /u/HouseOfDegenerates
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    Guardian Rank XP

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    How much XP is needed per Guardian Rank level? I've looked everywhere online for this but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere.

    It seems it's the same amount of XP every level, but I can't find out how much XP that is.

    submitted by /u/Ryyyyyannnnn
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    So what's the deal with sanctuary 2?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    They were talking a lot about this big mystery of sanctuary 2 (seeing as the rocket is 3 and the one in bl2 is 1) but is it even mentioned in borderlands 3 let alone explored?

    Seems like a lot of story stuff can go around there but I haven't seen anything regarding it.

    submitted by /u/Nexus_Neo
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    Slaughter star 3000 is buggy still after almost half a year.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    I'm on the last round and wave and consistently with no fail, one enemy gets trapped outside the map or somewhere I can kill them. This time it was where the red chest is barred off. I couldn't even melee them to death.

    How has this not been fixed already!!! It's extremely frustrating to get through everything and the last enemy is invincible!!!

    Please fix this ASAP.

    submitted by /u/Vixmor3
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    Annointed Effect For Zane

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I recently picked up a Craps for Zane, and it had an effect I was wondering about. It's the effect where when SNTL is out, 100% of damage is added as Cryo damage. Is it doubling my damage in the form of Cryo, or is it only the damage that SNTL does that's added? If someone could tell me I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

    submitted by /u/MumbDuece
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    Alright, enough is enough...

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I am SICK and TIRED of getting nuked by teammates from the cheap ass shield Maliwan bastards. Fuck sake! Teammate using a Brainstormer?! FUCKIN MELTED from the other side of the battlefield. Chain-Zane Redistributor?! FUCKIN DEAD. Wtf. Get rid of that bullshit. Matter of fact, whoever is actually using the load out/weapon combo should be insta-killed and put into spectate mode. Aight, little over exaggeration on the last part, but damn that shit is infuriating.

    submitted by /u/get_LEVERAGE
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    Ascension bluff locked door?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    What's up with the red eridian door in ascension bluff? Is that area reserved for some future update? I haven't been able to find any info on how to open it, only that you can get in there via car but it seems to be empty right now

    submitted by /u/otrack
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    Poll: Would you guys rather have DLC characters or Expand on the existing vault hunters?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    In an interview with Paul Sage, he said that Gearbox and the team working on Borderlands 3 are not planning on having DLC characters because the data shows that people will play the new character for a little bit and then go back to their original character. Many fans didn't like this idea, but this doesn't mean that it won't happen.

    I would like to hear what you all think about this idea, I have made a poll and I will be posting the results in the next 12 - 18 hours.

    Link to the poll: https://forms.gle/aBVXQLwojVvudWqHA

    submitted by /u/PapaHew24
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    A supposed video of Tales From The Borderlands - Redux has leaked

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Problems with March 19 Hotfix?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Playing on PC, my wife and I would go hours on hours with no problems for weeks. Since the 3.19 HF though I'm lucky to go 10 minutes without a crash to desktop or an occasional bluescreen. Anyone else having these problems? Everything's up to date and BL3 is literally the only thing that's changed.

    submitted by /u/Zhayton
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    My Krakatoa has +300% weapon damage passively and I don't know why.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Been trying to look it up for ages but can't find anything. Basically, when I got it around level 20 it just had the 2.7 weapon zoom, but somewhere down the line it gained the 300% weapon damage and shreds pretty much anything.

    Can anyone explain how this happened?

    The full name of the gun is Abundent Stark Krakatoa

    submitted by /u/BigHatGwyn
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    Looking for people to play some borderlands with

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Uh, that title is kind of an understatement. I want to play through all Borderlands games with every DLC, excluding Borderlands 1 as I'm already halfway through it. I recently transferred to PC and one of the first things I bought was the borderlands bundle, and I've been told that the games are much more fun with other people. Big ask, but I am enjoying Borderlands 1 so far, and even if you can't play through an entire game, just having some people to play with sometimes would be appreciated.

    Oh, and I am not lonely, just that only a few of my friends have PCs and of the people that do, no one has Borderlands.

    I swear

    Edit: Excluding the DLC from Borderlands 3, but I doubt that we'll be there and I still can't afford the season pass

    submitted by /u/AFatVegan
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    GPU under full load in lobby !

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    I don't understand what developers think these days, but the lobby should just consume a bit more power than in idle.

    My 1080ti consumes between 230 - 270 watt in the lobby, why in gods name does this have to be?

    Maybe I want to go to the toilette or eat something and leave the game in lobby. Its just a big waste of energy and money.

    Please Game-Devs, think green, be wise and help keep our electricty bills low

    submitted by /u/uLmi84
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    "Initialization error, please insure the game files have not been corrupted or moved" Anyone know a fix?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    None of the files were moved, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, varified the cache, deleted the save that it crashed on and replaced it with a backup, and lastly upon trying to launch it from the exe file, I got a big wall of text saying "Failed to find package core for async preloading" along with a bunch of filename not founds

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I can't play the game at all now and have no idea how to fix it.

    submitted by /u/Nexus_Neo
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    Best gear for the borderlands 1 characters?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    Hey so I'm currently trying to put together a sort of Ultimate build for each of the characters now that I beat the game with them all twice.

    That being said, I'm using willow tree to make them all modded with all skills and proficiencys etc maxed along with the gear calculator to make the best weapons in the best possible configuration I can.

    However I can't put together the best weapons and shields. I mean I can but I don't know what works best with who.

    Therefore I'm wondering what the community would say are the best weapons and shields for Roland, lilith, brick and mordicai. One weapon of each type with its part configuration (minus eridian cause who really uses those. Least I don't) and a shield for each.

    I would include class mods and granade mods but gear calculator doesn't make those so idk.

    submitted by /u/Nexus_Neo
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    [BL3] Can I make a chosen weapon skin automatically apply when I pick stuff up or do I always have to manually select the skin I want for each individual gun?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I think it would be cool if every gun I touch magically turned all rainbow-ey and I figured maybe there's a way to do it.

    submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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    Borderlands 3 wont load saves? Ps4

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    So when I load my game, I keep being reverted to my level 28 Moze before the carnivoria. And its pissing me off. Is it because I don't have the memory or is it something Gearbox end? Should I start over or what the fuck? I'm literally fuming right now.

    submitted by /u/Rain169
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    Anyone else have Borderlands 3 break your XBox One X?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    The back story, I always had probelms with Borderlands 3 not wanting run. I use a disc. I'd have to restart several times before the game would run. It would run, until recently.

    My xbox just got stuck on the green loading screen. Then the black one or it wouldn't even display anything. I went on YouTube and found out how to factory reset just using the buttons. It refused to work for a while but eventually it ran. My Xbox was back up and running, until i ran Borderlands 3 again.

    The game started fine but then I kept getting a message saying the Xbox couldn't save. Then the Xbox machine gunned and i couldn't do anything. I Powered off and the XBox went back into cycle of not being able to boot.

    I did the factory reset again, haven't ran Borderlands and the Xbox has been fine. Is this a thing?

    submitted by /u/Devil00713
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